PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY NEWS Support the Home Theatre and Westholme Theatre MONDAY AND DIG DOUULE I'KOGRAM Continuous Show from 7 to 11 p.m. TOM MIX in "The Outlaws of Red River" WITH MAHJORIE DAW At 7.30 1. 31. Lois Wilson in "Coney Island" at 8.50 pm. WITH EUGENE STRONG AND OTHERS. "THE COLLEGIANS" in "SLIDING HOME" "RACING BLOOD" A new serial feature with Alberta Vaughan and others. Number 1, "JESSIE'S JAMES FOX NEWS 35c and 10c WHAT IS IT that keeps you always looking well and smartly dressed? OUIl SERVICE PHONE 619 to have your clothes pressed. We call for and deliver to all parts'' of the city. For that Suit He have fine Fall and Winter Suitings and Overcoatings on hand. Come In today and let us take your measure. Cutting, workmanship, style, - all guaranteed. Lest materials and reasonable prices. Ling, the Tailor Phone 619 RFD'S Transfer Fifteen years' experience In FUKNITUKE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMKNT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So is our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day i'hone: 201. Nitsht I'hone: Red 317. Dr. Alexander PHONE 575 IlLSNKK IILOCK DENTIST MINING STOCKS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE We are prepared to take orders on the Vancouver Stock Exchange Our ten years experience on the floor of the IJrussels Stock Exchange 'fa at your service. Prompt dealing with any orders large or small. Representing Nanson Roth-well & Co. Ltd., Vancouver, 13. f . Morning and afternoon dosing prices daily. Theo Collart Ltd. Capitol Theatre Huildlng Phone Illue 42 P.O. box CO keep your Money in the city. TUESDAY 7 I'.M. Big Offers ! We have just received 75 cases of Raisins. This is the time to purchase for your XMAS Cakes and Puddings. Raisins, Seedless, 7 lbs. for Raisins, Puffed, 7 pkg for I)."r Currants, Fancy clean, 6 lbs for IK5? Datos, Fancy Hallowi, 10 lbs for IKJC Prunes, good site, 7 lbs. for ." Prunes, Del Monte, 3 pkgs for y.? Mixed Peel, Orange and Lemon, 3 lbs. for 05f Table Figs, 4 lbs. for. . O.V Shelled Walnuts, fresh stock per lb I Of and "e Shelled Almonds, fresh stock per lb; 0."p Got your requirements early frojn fresh choice stock at Mussallem Grocery CO. LTD. Phones 18 and 81 417-423 5th East 8 MINING Stoc ks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board daily. We can give instant service in buying and selling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also have facilities for accepting Wheat order on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston CoM 617 2nd Avenue Prince 'Rupert, H.C. COAL Your choice EDSON CASSIDY WELLINGTON TELKWA Also liulkley Hay and Grain. Agent for Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. COUNTY COURT IN SESSION Four Civil Cases and Four Appeals on November Docket Cases Are Set I I County Court was In regular I monthly session yesterday morning before Judge F. McB. Young. l Four civil cases are on the No-jvember list and four appeals from : lower courts. Cases are as follows; j , J. L. Christie vs B. C. Butchers and Grocers, $129.55, gQods sold and delivered, "Patmore & Fulton for plaintiff, Williams Man 'son & Gonzales for defendant, to be fixed. i Charles Carlson vs. CharWe Hansen, $200, damages to casta- . Williams, Manson & Gonzales for plaintiff, Patmore & Fulton for defendant, November 20. Annette Scott vs. A. Richmond,! 1 $530, dispute over fur coat, set j ! over until January, Williams. Manson & Gonzales, for plaintiff, Patmore & Fulton for defendant. Pickering et al (Dumont-Emer , son lien claimants, vs J. C. Gav-igan, $1,000, dispute as to ownership of proceeds, Patmore & Fulton and W. E. Fisher for lien claimants, Williams, Manson & Gontales for defendant, Nov. 22.. I Appeals Rex vs. Andrew Westerlund, ap-jpeal against conviction and fine jof $300 and three months' im-; pi taonment by Indian Agent Ed. i Hyde of Hazelton, for supplying liquor to Indians, to be fixed. I Rex vs. Charles Lundstrom, ap- :cal against conviction and fine of $300, or three months' imprisonment, imposed by Stipendiary Magistrate Scarlett of Stewart for j liquor selling, to be fixed. 1 Rex vs Ole Skog, appeals against two convictions under fisheries regulations by H. Pattison, Massett justice of the peace, November 19, Williams, Manson & Gonzales are acting for all defendants. SPECIAL ARMISTICE SERVICE NEXT WEEK AM Denominations Will Join In Observance of Tenth Anniversary of War's Cessation Except for making preparation for a special Armistice Day service next Sunday in the West-holme Theatre in which representatives of all denominations will participate, business at the regular monthly meeting yesterday, of the Prince Rupert Ministerial Association was of a routine nature. Rev. J. It. Frizell, president, occupied the chair and pastors present included Rev. A. Wilson, secretary, Rev. T. II. McAllister, Rev. J. H. Hanson and Rev. W. F. Price. A special meeting of the Association wil be called to name a jnew president if Rev. J. R. Friz-, ell. who Is going away, should leave the city before the next regular monthly meeting. TRAPPERS Get every cent your FURS H are worth. Ship them or bring them to BOYD YOUNG Port Simpson, B. C. Coal! Nanalmo-Wellington Screened Lump. Nanalmo-Wellington Screened Nut. Nanalmo-Wellington Mine-Run. Beacon Hard Sootless Lump. Beacon Hard Sootless Egg. ' Telkwa Lump. Of the above there is ONE that is particularly suited to your heating equipment. We shall be glad to adviso you Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 f TO-NIGHT HER GREAT LEAP YEAR PICTURE MARION DAVIES IN THE T atsy COMEDY AND NEWS Jack dc Jausscrand and his Rupert Capitolians First Show 7 p.m. 50-15 Wednesday and Thurs day Music Lovers' Nigh t ' apd Emu Jaimings in First Show 7 p.m. 50-loc PRINCIPALS IN RECENT WRECK KNOWN HERE Cnpt. V. Forth of Seapool Was Here Last Winter, Capl. W. Iloyce was Pilot Capt. V. Forth, master of one of the grain ship which called here last winter was In command of the Ilritish freighter Seapool which recently stranded at Cape Reale on the west coast of Vancouver Island while bound from Victoria to Port Albemi. The vessel sustained . intensive dam-t ge and an investigation has been called by the wreck Commission into the circu mat nces of the stranding. Capt. William Boyce, well known here, who wa pHot in charge of the Seapool at the time, claims that the wrccRT was caused (by a buoy being out of position. mis is tientetl ujvuai. nariy Hilton of the l&Mhouiw Under Estevan. T. G. McManamoB, well known section foreman at Telegraph Point, is away on a six months' leave of absence tfod'te-at present in Wlnnine anitand in work ;in connection with th maintenance of way cmplrtyeps' union. FORMER LOCAL GIRL ! DISTINGUISHES SELF IN NOTEBOOK MAKING Miss Margaret Mellier, daughter of W. II. Mellier, formerly photographer for MeHae Uros., has. been distinguishing herself in! jCalifornia. In the San Jose Mer- cury her picture appears with the, 'following inscription: I Margaret Mellier, 13-year-old Santa Cruz girl, has been awarded fifth prize In a nation-wide contest for the best notebooks on current events. The contest was conducted by Loose-leaf Current Topics. Miss Mellier's notebook contained clippings, pictures, cartoons and drawings, and was virtually a modern day history for the state and nation. Thousands of notebooks were submitted in the contest from all prts of the United States, representing the best schools from every state in the union. MISSIONARY MEETING OF FIRESIDE CLUB IS HELD LAST EVENING The monthly missionary meat-j ing of the Fireside Club of First, Baptist Church was held last ' night, a large number being pres-j lent. Miss Agnes Dawson, presi-l dent of the Club, occupied the, chair and the address of tbe eve- nlng was given by Mrs. John H. Hansen. Special musical numbers included vocal solos by Miss Bessie Derry, accompanied by Miss Catherine Musaalem, and ducts by Miss Megan and Enyd, Morris. Miss Aleita McKinley accompanied the group singing. Mrs. J. I). Thurber and Mrs. W. S. Hammond were hostesses for the evening and had charge of the serving of delicious refreshments.! MOTHER OF SIX CHILDREN .BENEFITED Read how Lydia E. Pink- j ham's Vegetable Com- I pound Helped Her j Montreal, Que. -"I was very wk and untble to do my work. I could not sweep my house without sitting down 1 three or four times and could not I digest even water. For three yoars I ' could not get any relief and I was discouraged u I am the mother of six children. I read in the papers of tbe results obtained with Lydia E. Pink- i ham's Vegetable Compound and resolved to take it. The first bottle gave me more strength. I took thne bottles i and now I am very well and do aH my ! o!k without fatigue. I also jave it to one of my daughters who was very wank and I recommend it to all women. I will reply' to all women who write me." Dame Lauzok, 579 Sicord St., Montreal, Quebec. mmmsszsssmsE i Who do nol subscribe Tor tbe paper occasional copies, will find it advantageous have every copy mailed to their address for spc well posted at Send the Our Big Tuesday, November G, Still in "BUY IT HERE" at an extraordinary saving Splendid Values in every Department DEMAND "Rupert Brand" K TIIK DAINTIEST HltKAKr AST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & I'rinre or The Daily News AH the; News of the North, coast andcountryfrqm q LTiarcbrrespbnllenfb'as wclPas brid events will Keep y" minimum cost. postal order today while li Progress ippers Cold Storage Co., Lid. Itupert. Il.C eader but who purchase to remit $3.00 and the next year. our you still think of it! i