I A Handsome Combination The specially designed tone chamber of the Coniole Grand Speaker gives ainasing emphai to Philco's lifr like quality of tone. Shown herewith Philco Table Mode) cabinet in COLOR. A popular combination - am at a price adio Broadcasting and Reception ittm the Single Dial of this ?eu Marconi Batteryless Receiver - - at our Store, TO-DAY - ' has die tot!, the nalism of the original rendition. It has r' the "amenee" of ti artist fulldeep mellow color ful. ft has the finast selectivity. This is truly the peak of achievement in Marconi Radio Engineer' tng eifmplmBd tri performance and in appearance. Cone in for a demonstration today. floss, Cowan & Latta, Ltd., - Prince Rupert, R. C. Realism In Radio Stewart - Warner ES!e!S SOONER OR LATER you'Jl want it, thie latest Stewart-Warner super-selective M. Model 801 B, with astonishing aw features and re-flnements that mean new heights of radio enjoyment. ir!210.7.- .Complete EASY TERMS J. Lome MacLarenr Limited New Radio Discovery COME in. Let us tune in the new Philco for you. A new thrill in radio performance aw ts yw' JNeutdyj,Plu-piuia' radio ditcovery -gives tone, se-lect.vity and distance which is new to radio. Call and hear. 8 yaw Mini In Color ! Vivid color I Radio cabinets to match the decorations in your home I Your choice of five colors. Free Home Trial Yes, well deliver the Philco for you to try In your own home ftttt No charge-no obligation. Use it. Let your family and friends hear it. Then deckle. If not delighted, we will take .the Philco back. Easy Payments If satisfied only a small down payment. Balance in easy monthly poymtnls you'll never even missl Trade-in Offer A Ubtral tradt-in allowance .for' your old set. Come in and see wnat it is worth in trade. RAD 10 Come In tomorrow. See and hear the Philco. Get our offer. No obligation. BAKRIE'S HOME FURNISHINGS Srd Ave. & 1st St. iMione 123 PRESENT WEE M ELECTIONS - - 'PROGRAMS FOR C.N.R. RADIO ON THE AIR CURRENT WEEK t The week s broadcast over C.N. . , R. stations this tftoek includes the, A- I-Gr Stat on Inke Arrunie- -'inan lor Jieur following . rrosjrum ---r- Tdijight Vancouver CNRV, 9 p.m.! Fanchon Imd Marco from Strand Theatre. 10 Concert Trio. Addresses;- fl. Melodrama "When Vengeance Calls"; .Q , Concert Trio.. -Eflmonton CN&E 10.80 Studio program Sunday evening next the violinist Peter Meremblum will broadcast over K.TR, KGA ' .1 T-TV 4,1 L 1 . 1 r . uu iwh nourH wun ureal Musicians" at seven o'clock. At Jv the same evening Moran and Mock of "Three Black Crows" Jfeme. JrtilL-itiye aa ... accowrt of their experience in a colored de-' WIRELESS WONDER Broadcasting now takes such a prominent plaee in our home Wall "ft. Tonight Officials of the American iUDlO WITH HIM a Bnerv, who i Tonight Kluction Return., KFI, KPO. I musical orggrrlrotions and indiv- fQ Kro idtial artwte on the Pacific Coast, moat-which are: The Lioos Sundav Vancouver. CNRV. d TVUartaWe, famoes recording .ar- Concert,. Calvin Wintei and Capi-I'88: The American Salon Or-toHnrMi Winnin.fr Siinrii Mn.i. ohojlra. Vic Meyer, in person and cale. bis original recording orchestra,' RADIO PROGRAM FOR I NEXT SUNDAY NIGHT 10.00 p.m., KFI, KPO. 11.00 p.m, KPO Wednesday, 7.30 p.m., Yellow Cab Gayetics, Wednesday CNRV Winnipeg iHing SomVW announce KPO, KFI. 0.30 dinner program, Fort Garry j"3 'eciai arrangements have 880 p.m... Cheer With Isuan, Hotel. CNRV Vancouver, 10 to n j been lde whereby listeners wiUjKHQ, KOMO, KGW, KGO, KPO. Harmony Son and Pianist.. hear the latest election returns KFI. Thursday Calgary, CNRC. 9.00 lnm " lrt8 of th United a0o pm Long-ine Correct Organ Recital- Kok -Church. Vaiicouver-r-CNRT 10 to 11 The This broadcast will begin at six JJohemian singers and inatru- P-m" A 8Pedal ix h"r Program mis. Kcgioa CNRR, 8 p.m. lhaa arranged the moat elab-Feature nrom-am frnm studio : I orate aid extensive musical pre- Capltolians frem Capitol Theatre. ent?,," ever .attwnPted pci- Friday Vancouver CNRV, 7.30 " wsbsi siauww. Children's hour; 8.15 Period for si asm iioiisim ox rapia rre musical acts featuring the heat HMme, KHQ, KOMO. K(iW, KGO, PO. 9.00 p.m "Juck and Ethyl, The Motor Mates," KHQ, KOMO. KGW, KGO. KJtO. KW 9.30 p.m., Grand Opera, KGW, KGO, KFI. J0,v0 iMB-The TrocadenHia, Thursday COO p.m., Sieberling Tranacon tinentai Pnvram, KHQ, KOMO, XGW, KGO, JCttl. 7J0 p.m., Standard Symphony popular tiuiiB, sdlonns, and com-'Hour, KHQ. KOMO, KGW, KGO. eaians m prominence. , pi The entire six hour program has been arranged in detail. A feature of this arrangement ia that each individual act and musical number is abbreviated to permit of the latent election flashes. A corps of clerks have been engaged and especially trained to audit returns. t!" maki"f it possible for tbese stations to give immediate highlights on how the else-ten ia going hy sections. This program will be given la taahment ef tae American forces 1 the northwest by stations KJR, overseas.' KGA and KEX members! of tkm A Jl.C'.Cbain. 8.80 p.m., Memory Lane, KGW. KGO. 9.00 pan., Longines Correct Time, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KGO, KPO 9.30 pjn., Maxwell House Pro-fram, KHQ, KOMO, KGW. KGO. :cpo, KFI. The Tracaderans, The Friday "The Rest Iluy in Canada" Mohawk - American Radio LOOK AT THH8B PRICES Then Compare Appearance and Performance Model, ( r. m.. - m.l t. 111. nfck-il. i. aix i uue lame, uiuuinc wiin vuuua 8l"0(H Six Tube Connote, electric with tube Eight Tube Table, electic with tuWs ,m")0( Eight Tube Console, electric with tubes . Bight TubcConsole De Luxe with tubes -. Amiounoing The Prices of the New Models of Rogers Batteryless Radio Ktlll Three Years Ahead of Competition Table Models Model 480, Table Model. Complete with tu In - Mod el 40. Table Mwlel. Complete wilth tule.- Gonsol.s Mftddl 400, IHi Oojwole. Complete in every tk-u. Cone stwaker Inrttt in Model 400. Lowboy Console. Hullt In expunnr iMHti epswkar QOfl n.m. Lonsrinew Correot whose radio pr m j t- trim trriMn KfiW KOO. him a host ol ' : i nwinisraiii x i lira iws ....... .KPO have a promincn ! vt. v..i. vuo night's uresentu'i I WATV SI., flt ' , UJ u ,, ivnvtn vr.w KfiaV i"sr ,,n waaua " - 10.00 The . .lS.iplm" Kn.d 0"H KHQ. HOMO: KFI 10.W t M.00: KNJ. 'Pwr,KI KOMO, KGW, KGO. ! COO p.m., Wrigley TranatonUn- ental Progsam, KHQ, KOMO.: now KGW, KGO, KFI. KGO 11.00 to 1B.0O. 7.00 Trocsflerans, i life that many people are ant to "laVfttg rthe role of t)kiahama 8.00 n.m r.nrl Tn..iu..i. ... in imtto unui Ull VttHk fintithers, Smi: ih: -, ' " " - tnn v-,vm .... A at MfAJMirh m regard tt as praetteatry the begin- ri in Kmarsount' nrodoction of KHQ. KOMO. KfiW ning and the end of modern "5eglrars of Life." lias an eiaht- KFI radio deretdprneTH. ' whereas, of tbVlru1jrhetriirne . radio dio j1a m course, rt is ony one or a host hfs mountain retreat in BM p.m.. JIalf Hour with Max QW, KGO, KPO. KFI. ff-W at Silver J)olin arH Ohas. H, Gabriel Jr. 0.00 iiOm. Lemrfne CrrH! ' tm irun vr.lt vrv Vftn KOO. of wireless wonders. Lle. .. KHQ. KHO. KCO KGO. KFI KFI WHERE RADIO WAS U8EI) EX TENSIVELV KGO, KPO, KFI. w.hrrs Zenpelin on her famous flight to V. S. and home to crmanv used radio throiichont Fv,ry move of the huge ' - wnB happening and the passen- gern and crew on the vessel kept ' 'i i v-n-ht P'-mta bv the same mean. In Ihe pieture arbottom loft in the Utclien, in the center the luxurious salon nnd at bottom right Is one of the comfortable staterooms. I Saturday Time, KHQ. KOMO, KGW, . ftPfl The arrival of a band of gypsies in the little town of Uoahen Center is the slender plot thread on which "Memory Lane" Hour, broadcast Uweugh the NBC system from 8JfJ to .0 o'clock Thursday night is hung. Twenty years, ago small boy summoned all their courage to go to the outskirts of 'the tewii "le see-j : the Kyi anravan, jfor there were : w I ways jrWIny cirtumting .ethw i jLaugWin. tenur. v. toTd4tote song-: un. 1 1 . . p,m.. Uokjr Strfte Hour. Z" , ! liiMiii iriuw sssmia. p. r rw i KGW- Portland MTOO. $2K 273a Rote, Cowan & Latta, Ltl Prince Rupert MOST POPI I.AR IWEH 9.00 p.m Golden Legends. KHQ Radio is the mcr ,KOMO, KGW, KGO. iveaUon of tod. L i .0.00 p.m.. Tiie Big Show. KHQ. its seta are bein; f KGW. KGO; KOMO yO.OO to I'.OO, IrHjr than moUir - KPO 10.:i0 to 12.IK). MEMORY LANE ON THE RADIO Morris Dahhiu, ler operator. ar from the intcn afternoon'H train A II f.'f A. warn ms nrii i u mm iui i NO HATTERIES 03 EL1M1NAT01B In answer- U mand, Canadian Company now RAID0LA 51 .about iyjf1lwilln liltKAwya. a Iwutiful ( or o:-' Th.4amJttsi-:pjHe Itosa mbv stgMrert Jfwm n pearance was s'tfll fresh at that-nrl attractive h i time. The women oi Goshen Ceu-. Loudaiwaker v.::- -ter were curiouH about the gyp- cabinet. Nothing c niw' ability to tell fortune and xernis arrangci) the men, althoinsli auaaiicious af jut your dealers these nomads, were not averse to looking over the horses at the grimy encampment in search of swap bargains. Just 'how the ar-1 .rival of the gypsies gave "Mrs., f i'lis JhnitherH," lender of Goshen' Center's society folk, an idea for iiitf'i tainnieiit will lie told in song niirl lialoeiie F.W.CHANDIEK ;jik mil ' rhofie Red 92 d Greui) t.' U PARKIN & STIART Hilly Fage, the ten-year old lad Electrical Shop If You Would Ham Tim Oimlilv Hint u p..rf,.(. iu..r wild Minimum fere nee; Selectivity with Choice of Program Clarity that is Realism Itself AN INSTRUMENT that will win your appreciation t" J admiration of your friends. Then you will have VICTOR RADIO Hear VICTOR of the famous trademark McRAE BROS. LTD.