tur(Jr, August 4, 1923. Convert Your Attic Into An Attractive Exctra Room at tow Cost With GYPKOC Bend for handsome, free book, "Walla That Reflect Good It gives valuable information on Qyproc and iudgment." iterior decoration CANADA OYPSUM AND ALADA8TINE LIMITED, VANCOUVER, KC Succtuors to lirilih C olumbia Gypwm Compowy, Llmittd in "EMPIRE" Specials ! twi win. Min z. mrjti va,j w tJBC For Sale Dy Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Specials ! Vacuum Iijttlcs 50c Hair Clippers 75c Modess . 50c, 8 for Face Powder 25c A fresh shipment PAGE & SIIAWS CHOCOLATES Just in Orntes IM. Tfic Pioneer Drtu?tuilx THIRD AVE. f SIXTH ST. TLLEPltONtS 8?,200 MILEAGE IS BUILT in' i f.ery part of Dominion ivy Service Tires. Ribbed I vv urtu nor. Is designed to i I j : rt i : wf,-ir and side- : tiHiv1" . i tire-wall where i..'iif in co iUft with curb ir ru'. Ue h.vw added to our staff of i r.iinc-il me -ha. lies and are now in IkI'it position to rive motorist- prompt and efficient f-vit e. Set- U For New and Used Cora S. E. PARKER, LIMITED FREE VOTING COUPON Good for 100 Votes In the Dally News "Everybody Win" Grand Prize lpal-n 1 hereby cat 100 l'UKK VOTES to th eredit of Miss, Mr. or Mrs. Artdn-ss 1'hi. vvati v rtiPl'h'li Ol'T. name and address f the candidate filled in, and maiWd .r delivered lo wo am.aiKn Department of the Prim- Itupert Daily New, will i"" as loo FREE VOTES. It dcM-s not cost anytnine io st thPe coupons for your fnvc. it. . ai-.didato, nd you are not restricted in any sense In voting them. Get all you ' in iind send them in they all count. " not roll or fold: deliver in flat package. 'TE This couuon must be voted on or before 8 pro. A Igusl 8, 1028. SPECIAL VALUE -8W,Ynhi. hlaqk i)uciresss;ATW wisn Make, 3G inches wide, pr yard .... $1.75 F raser gc rayne Universal Tradinit Co. Boy Lancaster, Vancouver. BETTER Blalx ird Wa Absolute dependability is aviation's first law and that is why I use dependable Champion Spark Plugs. Champion U the better park plug because it hai an ezdutlve silU manite insulator pe clally treated to withstand the much higher temperature of the modern hlgh-compref lon engine. Alio a new patented solid copper, gasket-teahtu (remains 1 absolutely (jai-tight under high compression. Special analyil electrodeswhich assure a fixed tpark-sap under all driving conditions. m CHAMPION SpartCPlugs Window, Ontario A CANADIAN-MADE PRODUCT Father Godfrey. OMJ . arrived in the city from Terrace on yeaterday alter noon's train. For the fourth offence on a charge of drunkenness. Hedlejr Rowntree was sen tenced to three months' imprisonment THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Local and Personaly 4 a Tul Phone 4, Dig 4 Taxi. Dentwt Dr. J. It. O'jass Phone 686 Tonight, something new. The world's most ..SB18 riff .zing motion picture. Smlthers on official duties. and wayporta. Metro 182 William Crulkshank and son are this evening on the Prince for a holiday trip to Vancouver. Mrs. M. F. Lord, who has been visiting at North Pacific Cannery, will sail 07 the Princess Charlotte this afternoon lor Vancouver. Inspector W.'V. E. Splller, provincial police, returned to the city on yester day afternoon's tram from a trip to Tbos. Low, engineer of the Skeena River Highway locating party at Phelan, arrived lit the city on yesterday afternoon's train for a brief visit in town. E. T. Kenny of Terrace arrived In the city from Terrace on yesterday after. noon's train and wltl sail tonight by the Prince George for a business trip to Vancouver. ' Now then folks I What about that double load of box cuttings? The kiddies like to handle it. Can you beat It at 9M per load? Hyde tranalerj Phone 680. tf C.P.R. steamer Princess Royal. Oapt. 8. K. Gray, arrived In port at 10 o'clock leet. night from the south, sailing at midnight on tver return to Vancouver Miss E M. Bade wlU Mil Monday at ternoon on the Print Rupert for Van- who has been aetlnK i couver In company with her niece. Miss aa relief C. N. R. operator at Topley station and more rcoently at McBride, returned to the city on yesterday after noon, train afterjan absence of two months in the Interior. M. Barle of Toronto, who has been vis iting with her here. Xf S. Oiegg, assistant district forester. returned to the city an yesterday after' boon's tram after having spent the peat two weeks in the Burns Lake dis trict on official dlUes. without option of fin by Magistrate Mc- j T. C. Wilding of tbe CUR. general Clymont in city police court yesterday superintendent's office has returned afternoon. He will be taken in a few from a trip to Winnipeg, accompanied days to Okalla to serve his time. William Foster. C. foreman at Kndako, by Mrs. Wilding and son. Malcolm, who have been spending several months vis N. R locomotive ltiug in England, and Mrs. Foster' and dauxbLer arrived In the city from Joseph Wlgmund wu oned ! at the interior on yeaterday afternoon's ueea Charlotte City by Stipendiary train. Rext Monday they will make the Magistrate J. L. Barge recently for round trip to Stewart. An rax and Mas- saulting a man. A second charge of as aett Inlet on the Prince Charles as a vaulting a woman was dismissed The holiday, caae waa handled by Provincial OootU ble Andrea Oraat of Matsett rises i m n sailing from here lor the; south on the Pru.ceah Royal last night Mrs F. B. Holland, formerly of tM included L. O. McXet and F. Hlwn- city. a here from Victoria to pay a hoi ! tx tham for Alert Bay. and U O Arthur local friends. She will iani vtr Poole for v.iuwuver On the mum south on Monday with ber 'priTioeM Chrhitt thli afternoon Mr daughter. HUa Kathleen Holland. RJJ. and Mr R. A will ml for l"'y superintendent of the Powell River Annoying Bladder Weakness of Old Age stately Keltrved by SANTAL M1DY Hll H n nragM Hospital, way. who is making a trip to Skag. Melvln O'Brten. chief engineer In British Columbia for tbe American Smelting At Refining Oo.. arrived from Van-rouvcr or. the Prince Oeorge yeaterday and proceeded by traUi to New Haeel-ton. He will pay a vlalt of Inspection to the Mohawk property which the company has taken over. "CATERPILLAR" Tractors 1MGGER THAN THE WEATHER! A Sin? for Every Use A Hundred Uses for Every Size i TON, TWENTY THIRTY, SIXTY ;, QUICKER CHEAPER Literature and Prices on Request Sole Distributor for B. C. MORRISON TRACTOR EQUIPMENT CO., LIMITED Northern Pai lffr Freight lltilldlng tail HUtlnn Street VANCoi VKit. a r. i llranrh (irrirei lllHT4ll lllmk NIXNON, II.C. CURE DEFECTIVE VISION. DEFECTIVE HEARING, CATARRH und other organic troubles by natural methods. Dr. G. 0. McKAY, D.C. Wallace Block. UNION STEAMSHIPS MbIIIhm from rrlnrt ItunerL l or VAM'orvEU. vn iouia, Hwanson luy, iiutrdale, TursUsv, S lin. Open Evenings LIMITED Alert llay, etc l'r VAM'Ot'Vnt, VU'KiHl.t. Iiutrdale, Alrrl liar, etc., Saturday, 7 a.m. lor PORT HIMiNON anil K Kit tit I OISTS. Iriday! IV ALICE IIM. AN VOX. STinVAIH, IVAI.KB ISL.4N1), TOKT SIMPSON, Mundii. H p.m. v IU l;id Airnue. W. M. SMITH, Agent. Prlnre Rupert, B.C. Tliin;li iii'krt M.ld in Vktiirlu nii.l Seattle, and baMafc rhrrked iliriiuxli tu il-klliullur SaBSBSBWSBWaCTWSIBBn:KUHHBai I Jewellery Prices Shot-to-Pieces! During this fast forceful selling event, we are making every endeavor to move this stock as quickly as possible Aside from these giveaway prices we offer another special. SMOKER'S ARTICLES Pipes, Cigarette Cases, Tobacco Pouches; Ath Trays, Pocket Lighters. Also Leather Go6ds, Military Brushes and Toilet Sets. Going at 33 1-3 percent off 2-PIECE JARDINERES Regular $1.75, made of brass with copper drip pan. Ornamental engraving, shaded colors. Only a few left. Each O.lf St. Andrew's Society Picnic August 12. . This afternoon' train, due frdm the fast at 3S0 was reported thla moraine io be on time. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Beattie sailed by the Cardena this morning for a holiday trip to Vancouver. Miss Mary Astorl and Miss Keida HU- ditch left on this morning's train for holiday trip to Hanelton. Dunean McKettzie of the dry wUl aall tonight by the Prince Georaje en a holiday trip to Vancouver Mr. 8. V. Ardefh and eon arrived in the city from Terrace on yeaterday afternoon's train for a brief vlait in town. CJJt. steamer Princess Charlotte. Cspt. C. C. Salntey. arrived tn port at o'clock tHis afternoon from Stag way and will aall at 330 for Vancouver and rietort. R. F. MeNangbton. CX3. district pas senger agent returned to tbe city tale afternoon from Jasper Park whence he accompanied the Sierra Club of Califor nia tour party. Frank Prudhomm. aon of Aid. A. J. Prudhomme, baa arrived in the city from Ottawa and will probably locate here to assist ble fatter with the Savoy Hotel business. Mary Beth Evana, dangkter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Erase, wtoo left here a year ago and are now located at OOlaary baa sueteMfuny pssssi b sereator muaie eaatna. Paaaengers ssUlng this morning- on tbe Cardena for Vancouver included O. Mark ham, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Deattte. Mr. and Mrs. R J. Anderson. E. T. Ken-ney. James Smith and Oeorge McAfee. R. Eaton Pbyfe of Hartford. Connecti cut, who baa been spending the past couple of weeks In the city on business m connection, with his Vocal property holdings, wUl aall this avenlng on th Prince George for Vancouver enroute east. Pete Lin Hater, formerly a tailor in Victoria and now president of the Oeorge Copper seine at Stewart which baa been taken over by the Consolida ted company, waa a passenger aboard the Prince Oeorge yeaterday bound for Stewart. Gordon OUlUaod. assistant purser of the sMamar Prince Oeorge. returned to town on the Sierra Club of California's tpeelal train this afternoon, having gone as far aa snutbere to meet tbe large tourist group which will proceed south i his steamer tonight. Mr. and May. H. S. Southam of Otta wa are passengers aboard the Prlnoeas Charlotte this afternoon returning south alter having made tbe round trip to Skagway. They will shortly proceed from Vancouver for a visit to Jasper Park. Mr. Bout ham la a member of tbe ell known family which owna several large Canadian newapapers including tbe Vancouver Province. Church Notices I'MTKO CIII KCII Rev. A. WUaon, DA., Pastor. Miss E. Elliott. Oeaeoneaa. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Evening service at 1:30. 8ubsct "The Wearweu Religion.' ST. AMIIlKM-S CATIIIJUlAL, (Church of England) Hector Archdeacon O. A. Rla. Serrloes at 11 a.m. and at 7 0 pjn Sacrament of the Lord's Supper first Sunday of the month at 11 in.: t hird ' 6unday of the month at 8 am. Baptl-, ama by arrangement. 1 CIIUISTIAN HCIKNfK MK'INTY Service every Sunday morning tn the Ilaya Bloek. 241 Beccnd Avenue. Subject on Sunday "Spirit." Testimony meeting on Wednesday evening o'clock. at e I'ltKMlVTI KI AN' fill IU II Minister Rev. J. R. Frlnaell, B. A.. LL.B. Evening aorshlp st 7 30. Preacher. P. H. Llnaey 8ubject: ' Mrchln Orclem of the Church." There will 1 no morning ervlce or Sunday b--lr -'i $1 IJRING THIS.COUPON Kr :V GOOD FjOR This coupon good for $1 i with any watch purchased ANOTHER SAVING TO YOU JOHN BULGER 3rd Jewellery Release Avenue Prince Rupert DEMAND GLASS WATER SETS PitCjhferandix glasses of nfw gtyleBeauti- 40tcMTOifg design iold retmarlFsl $3.00 To clear now at per set $1.."0 WONDER BARGAIN 50c Table 50c Articles from every corner of the store. Ivory jewellery, silver novelties, gift goods and leather goods. Values to $3.00 and more. Buy now at 50c "Rupert Brand" AMI VHIAT r VfN. wiit Ripp is l SIMMS IUUIII im ers 1IIE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian pish & Cold Storage Co L'd Prince Kuperl. B.C. GOOD FOR 10,000 EXTRA VOTES First Subscription Coupon Accompanied by the nomination blank and your first sub-' acription, this coupon will start yon in the race for tbe magnificent Daily News .rifts with the grand total of more than 25,000 votes. This coupon may be ased only once and is valid only when accompanied by a subscription remittance. Name of Subscriber Candidate's Name Amount Enclosed , This coupon will count 10,000 extra votes when returned to the Campaign Manager at the campaign office of the Prince Rupert Daily News, together with tbe first subscription you obtain. It must be accompanied by the cash, and the subscription must be for a period of one year or longer. The 10,000 free votes are IN ADDITION to the number given on the subscription as per the regular vote schedule. Canadian National Q7j Largcft ailway Syflcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailing from riilNTE KlTrfiRT for VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. SEATTLE. .MOMIAYH. Til I It. Hl AYS. 4.00 p.m... SATl ill) AYS, 6.00 pm. For AN VOX and STEWART. MONDAYS, IKIDAY8, 4.00 pjn. For MAMM3TT INLET, MONDAYS. 4 00 pa. For SOUTH (Jl LtN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Fortnightly. For SKAOUAY. WEDNESDAYS. 4.00 pm. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE KLTERT DAILY EXCEPT M'NUAY at 11.30 a.m. for PRINCE GEOIU1E. EDMONTON. WINNIPEG, all points Eatern Canada, V'nlted States. AOr.NCY 41.1. OCrtS iTKAMailll' LINES. riTV tickrt orricE. szs third r. pnisrr Ri prRT et rnna za City Meat Market . (SELVIG BROS.) 3rd Atcnue Phone 7G5 MEAT. FISH, VEGETABLES and ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN PRODUCE" at low prices, and immediate delivery Observe! All articles are of superior quality and absolutely fresh. HEALTH FOLLOWS CmKTIC(MKCTS ncsfuic on sruu rvutNi$rrJof wrotiownNotwiei tint L. Phone Green 211 or Black 22 W. C. ASPINALL CHIROPRACTOR 6 and 7 Exchange Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. I