CLASSIFIED HABIT Ec-yone reads the Clwwiried Ads. If you lose, advertise tor It. It ytu find, locate the owner. Whatever you need, advertise for It (JET CLASSIFIED HABIT. V III. No. 182 AMSA CANNERYMEH WERE DROWNED IN ALASKA MIKAN. Aug 4 H Llenea. mi of the Watrrtall Cannery vk.m Packing Corporation and Utraeu. an employee, both of vrr drowned when the akIS ti i hey were working on trap ntirned In Santa Crua Bay " i mIhj- The body of Unas was HOME IS DONATED FOR BISHOP OF KOOTENAY 'Hinon. Aug. 4-Mrs. C. L. Waln--1Ui resident of the Odd- luinii-ipaltty, who leave shortly in England, haa donate her v,ine with seven acre to be the ni residence of the Blahop of STEMMING RECORD OF DUCHESS OF BEDFORD s I'liKAL. Kwf Tli Ducheaa Of !! new CP.R. liner establiah 'iiMitliuitir steaming record of ' hours. Which linearly a full " f. 1 "an the previous rcaord. ROYALS' DEFEATEDT ' CALGARY ALL-STARS ' A 1 ( 'AHY . Aug. 4 The Wcalmlnster ' ""fasted Calgary All-Stars In an ' 'i,n : lootbaU game here last night, being three to two. N 11 Kteamw Prince Oeorge, Oapt. ' l-k -aon. I rtue to return at 8 this evsnutk from An vox and ,uit Had will sail about 8:80 for Or-'1: Poll RlVBi u(i Vancouver. before the final. r. 1 lon ehaflapionahlp for that year. (10VEK.VMKNT UKTIt Ml-CH TIIE IltUB- Mil O. WILL EMTATK 000 pounds. Canadian Flan it Oold Star-age Oo.. 9 6c and 6c. Margalloe. 7,000 pounds, l"cinc riaa- erles, 04c. and tc. Cape Bpenoer. 1600 pounds, and Brte Boy, B.000 pouitds. Booth Flaberles, .6c. and Go. Oape 8ar. 7.000 pduaeVt, Boyal nan Co., 9,8c and 8c. CANADIAN YACHTS TO RACE AT JIARBLEHEAD BOSTON. MASS.. Aug 4 Canadian yachtsmen wall come to Massachuatto tntt month to. match their afcUl against the New Bnglandem at Marblehead. ItwOl be the fourth meeting oi in rtoyaf Canadian Yacht Club with mem-bert1 o0 the Ea club the IntemaUopir oontesu were started in ftBM. TfieVfistatchea stand S to 1 In tavorW American In'92jjhe Marblehead delegation to TOrMtoV Beaded bv t.-nane. Arf.m. who wax r. KunH-d a one of the I moat skilful skippn Statea. waa deUnU'-'i Thiiian Wade. mm ArraagMMnta for the sports and at- in tne leoo metre relay te Canadian tractions program during Exhibition' teanj headed by Wilson of Montreal On- IMSt wefe practically oom- lahed aeooud to America but qualified for pMo M mnklf meeting of Fair Board the filiate tomorrow. i mtfii wtUl president M p. Vie- In the scwUlng match Joe Wright of Oafftry, occupying the chair. Canada was defeated by SUaka. toe The formal opening wlU take place on I Hungarian, but tll got another chane Tuesday evening. September 11. at 7 LONDON. Aug. 4 aUr George Thursday and may alternoons and Wins the tobacco magnate, who parade is being arranged. to take atace recently, left an estate OT T uumign cuy iirsh in oonneeneo wnn SM.0OQ.0eO. tfce hulk of which 4- j tho opening of tbe rodeo, he beoiieathod to his children I ,On Friday and Saturday afternooaa The Oosemnaant gets about ISO.- n footoall games between Oaean Farte Ooo.OOO in tasea. and Prince Bupert for tbe enampMnaMp 4 of Northern British Columbia will be ; played Negotiation are being opened through ! the United Btatea consul with a view L7ICLT I AWniMfC TftTlHV rljll L 111 U IP! UO lUUnl lt having an American warship vlsK the TOTAL 185,500 POUNDS l'p to He. and Ge. Paid fr American Halibut and fi.Kr. and Cr. for Canadian Halibut sales at the Flab B change 10:. and oc Fish it Oold Storace Oo.. 10 7c. and 6c OJoa, SJOO pounds Canadian Fish A Oold Storage Co.. 11c. and 0c. C'ANAIHAN Takla. M.000 pounds, Atiln Flahaerts S.c. and Sc. Aiken. 6.000 pounds, PaoJAe Flsbarlea, B.6e and 8c. Bone Spit, 11.000 pounds, Attla Flah- srtea. 9.6c and 6c W. T., 10,000 pound, and Tramp, 11,- harbor during Fair Weak GIANTS CLIMB TOWARD LEAD this marning totalled lfthMO pounds, i - reoelved from : .ir.itir.N KA( i: I NCll.N(ii:i UEsi'LT 9 Ac and Sc. to lie. and Sc. for os.Soo pound while nine Oanndian boata ware paid from-SlH. and sc. to Site, and to. tor 1IT.BO0 rxMinds Arrivals and were as follows: AM Ell I PAN Ventura. 2700 rnaiMia. Canadian ffah A Oold Btorate Oa, c and Sc. Uttqra. SO.O80 pounds. AUtn FWhertas. Ot' VliHTKUHAVM OAMt NBW YORK. Aug. 4 A feature of the National League Is the steady climb or the (slants lately rated as fourth and now menacing the leader, the St. Lou I Cardinals. Chicago moved tats third place. Tbs Amariaan League race was unchanged as a result of yesterday's games. Taborna. 11.000 ponada. Canadian xb Yankees and Philadelphia alternately win r Isn on the same day leaving the respective positions tn status quo.' NATIONAL St. umis, : Dostas l. Chicago, a; BrooUyn 1. CtDctaMU. New York. .7 Pittsburgh, 14: Pitneetnfcta. 6. AEUlJIAN Doston, 3; Oktaa0. 1. WaAlngton. 9; Dotfoit. 3. radatphia. ; Clevelajvd, 8. New York. alfc.L. Louis, 8. t'OANT Oakland. 0: Daatamenttt t. Los Angeiea, t; San Franoiaoo. 8. SriatUe. I; narUansl. S. Missions, IWlrweed. 3. NATIONAL LKAOrE at. Louis Wew York Oiaotnnati Chicago . Ptttsbug Brooklyn Boston . . W. 6S 80 59 60 60 34 L. 36 40 43 44 48 Jmun TRINCE RUPERT, B. C, SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 1928 MACDONALD IAatuIaw tn auttitfv In thm Iomn' Km nFbwi Am n rirti ri at.!. a- 1 As attractions in the BshiBttton Building on Wateeaday and Thursday nights the Board has deatded to ecgage a Seattle acrobatic team oanalatteg of a 4- father ant two young aona, ttte yaungesU 4. beiag kjan live yeaaa C ag. and Rutti , sat MflDBf, ataa smd -woman tewrOj 4 , aingaia and danoera. i , i The stiwpadr will be held on tbe " L s ni. 1 1 1 Philadelphia 68 37 ' " S4. Louis 84 63 Chicago 48 87 Cleveland 48 87 Was9Bton 47 89 Dertott 44 88 Boston 38 64 ret. .644 J&19 .878 .877 All .304 .358 M'i:uW.iN Llltori; i-n- i New York "T3''h'" 'S3-' m .641 .803 .483 .437 .443 .431 J73 Oeorge McAfee, manager of the Big tho united Bay Lumber Co.. sailed this morning ouimiili'il by by the Oarrlena on a business trip to cnta. who have .negotiations under way yeara for tbe letting of all space In the block, report the following tenanu already deaattely signed up: onofNn h.ook Dry Oooda and Novelty Shop (Urs. Dowtner.i Thor Johnson, men's furnishings. Mtsa Barbeau. milllrer. fKKTONII ILOOU) Metes PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper UVLd Open Split Develops in American Athletic In on at Amsterdam in Which Charges Made by Official ' AMSTEHDAH Aog. 4. An open split (jeveloficd amoong American amateur athletic union officials here, developments of which have been brewing and which reached its height last night when Frederick W. Rupien, following his virtual removal as field official; charged his disbarment was due to the efforts of Murray Hulburt, national president Murray also charges that Hulbert antagonized Canadian officials who were seeding to file a sprint protest- This pro-tost of P. J. Mulqueen referred to one of the 100 metre heats in which George Hester of Canada, misled by chalk lines at 80 metre, stopped before he had reached the full distance. Hulbert asserts he offered to make Mulqueen's protest but the latter became abusive and charged "prejudice" and working against C&nadians. MOVING INTO 'POLICE OFFICER BESNER BLOCK SHOT HIMSELF TENANTS AMtLMftY MONTI MKMIU-ll OF NOUTHtUN FATKOL OF " V WP-. a-WWB M stM tVMWU AVZ , . . . . ...... It f t l W U lit VTtV1 tfltt.. lengtha. ' Iwimimm which will take plaee otxl Paaeo Trjota of Finland with a victory I AoropoUa HU1 OrouncK or weather not in the )lln throw anathe ueo metre , permitting that, in the Uaoae Hall. run haa practically clinch the Decath I .MET WITH ACCIDENT. With the tiuiisinsatann of the build- OTTAWA. Aug. 4. A wlreleaa message lng practicaUy onlte. tenanu are tTata p Maekenele in charge ot the new g""'rg to as into the hand- northern patrol of the Boethle. as-pome new Besner Blaelc at tbe corner X nmincei that Constable A. B. Stefiitn of Third Arrant and Third Street. Last DannaM Harbor post accidentally shot night the oisaeflUI iltamtnattan ( htaneeU deed on August 28. 1827. while the bulMtag was turned on for the ftrst WtnrMng HU parents reeMe neat AHn- Kme. proTteg tttj iTtorr 1 ri f' Brtttsh Columbia. . , . rag much fivonamftmt. T abot 3tryettr tiW Sid U. M. Stephens Co. Ltd.. the ag- naa oeru wivn voe Ki-ju- ior seven , . TOLMIE SPEAKS AT CONSERVATIVE PARTY TO COLONEL C. W. PECK VICTORIA. Aug. 4. One of tbe first Wtlllejns. Manran & Oonaatea. barrie- things to do Is to ascertain where the tee. Dr. H, L. Alexander, dentist. TIIIIUI ILOOU J. J. A. A. West, West, physician physician and and sur country Is in a financial way. Hon. Dr. Tolmle aald. at a reception given by Sidney Conservatives last night to Col- DR. sur- otel Peck A survey will be made. ( geon. The prospective premier declared that Oeorge Rorle. chartered aooouatant. 'n his opinion something could be done ' These tenants wUl all be In by the to Improve the condition among farm- end of the present month. er Labor Objects to Bringing Ten Thousand British Miners to Work in the Harvest Fields of Canada OTTAWA, Aug. 4. Objection to the proposal by which 10,000 Brit ish workers would be brought to Canada for the harvest was expressed last night in a motion passed at a meeting of the allied trades and labor council. The motion waa urged by Tom Moore, president of the Canadian Trades and Labor Congress, who set forth that the council deemed the move inadvisable both from the standpoint Of the migrants, who the standpoiut of tbe municipalities in which they would find them- themselves stranded tv Mr. Moore said be tfaought everyone i reaHeed the lmporunce of getting In the harvest but It wan likely enough that men would be forthoomlng from within the country. THROWN FROM LOAD LUMBERAND KILLED ISO MILE HOUSE Aug. S.-Oerald Hey-worth. cattleman, and sawmUl operator died In the hoapiiitJ today. lie was found unconscious yesterday on the road near Wllliami Uk- where he had been thrown when the team he was driving ran away and upset a load of lumber. ELECTRICAL STORM IN .13 PL PROVINCE OF ONTARIO TORONTO. Aug 4 A girl was kUled and four people injured in the severest electrical storm of the season, Much property 1 damaged and crop are beaten down. TODAY' WHEAT 1'KICKS FIRST WHEAT BEING CUT SASKATOON, Aujr. 4. The Saskatchewan wheat harvest ha begun with the firt binder operating near Stalwart. Farmer Klenk expects 25 bushels to the acre. HARVEST HELP PROPOSAL IS UNDER DISCUSSION LONDON, Aug, 4 The proposed arrangement t,efid lO.qQO, njiiners to assist tn tl Canadian harvest is atlll under consideration The previous announcement that arrangement bad tren concluded wa erroneous a the result of misinterpretation of a cable despatch DKATII TOLL IS TEN ST. CATHERINES. ONT . Aug. 4 The VANCOUVER. Aug. 4 The price of death of Alex Stevens, a riveter increa- wheat at the local exchange today wa.ed the death toll in the lock teste dl- Ciotrrt nt II-J4',. istfi :c, Ten ,.J?XteN, Aug, 4 Peter Vere- giav (he Mffltwteor ' leader, is resting easily, here following ad auto accident In Which he was severely shaken. Tbe oar In which he was riding, left the road five miles from here, rolled down the bank turning over 20 time. SPEEDY TRIAL FOR CHINESE CHARGED OPIUM SMUGGLING NANAIMO. Aug 4 Chlng Ming King. charged with Importing opium valued at 1140.000, waa granted a speedy trial tv judge Barker on Friday to come up August 33. Ball was set at 120,000 In not a than two securities. TIMBER FIRE ON VANCOUVER ISLAND VANCOUVER. Aug. 4 The chief for- it was said, would not find sufficient winter employment, and f rom ' NooJ' i'e Today on vancou vrr Eu-hang (Courtesy of 8. D. Johnson Oc Ltd.) The folk) whig queMMon were bid and asked: Argmta Rufu. 304c 35. Bayview. 7e.. 7Hc. B. C. Silver. 110. 6133. Big Missouri. 60HC. lc. Cork Provtne, iOe, ilc. Ootton BeM, nil. BOo. Dunweil, IS.. 18e. Duthle. HO. 11.04. OexMfje Copper. 84.60. $4.71. Oeorgta River, 3IHc 34c. Olaaiar, 31 M.. 36He. Ooloonda. 11.11. 11.15. Orandvlew. SOc.. 39VC Irtdependenre, 18c.. 18Vc. Indian, Sc.. nil. KootAty njrencc. 19c I9kc L. & L TOe. llVi. Lakevkvw, nil, 4c. ' Ltkf Jtm. 11.. 31 H. , - 4. Msirjiwt M'etai. Ic. lie. . . . ' Marmot River Oold. .. 10, . NktsMHit BUver. lVa-c.. 16V,. PeOdlOrellle. 813 78. HSiO. Porter Idaho, 79c. B3c. Premier. 83.47. 1349. Ruth Hpe, 8Ss 9c . Stiver Oresl llUjC. Uc Silverado, 78c., 88c. Topley Richfield, 60c.. 61c. Tone. nU, 63.80 White Water. 43 36. 63.30. Woodbine. 36V 27c oc , it. . Boston Grill LARGE CABARET 8peclal Dinners Thursday and Saturdays 'Dancing every Mai urday night from D to 1Z. Dance Hall for Hire. Accomodation Tor Privae Parties Phone 457 Price Five Cents VIEWS CANADIANS CONTINUE TO LOOM LARGE OL YMPIC GAMES Canadians Continue to Make Very Good Showing in Olympic Games by Winning Relays, Men's and Girls' MSTEUDAM, Aug. 4. The Canadian team headed by Percy . am won the first heat of the 400 metre relay in wind and driv-taiii. Ag in the 100 metre classic, Williams just defeated Jack ion, the Ilritish NeRro, to the tape In the final spurt which gave i .mudians the victory. !d States and France also won their preliminary heats. h girls' relay the Canadian team broke the world's record, hr first heat in 49 2-6 seconds, while the Americans equalled . "fit with 49 4-5 seconds- The Canadians were Fanny Roseofeld, S Ethel Smith, Florence Beit and Myrtle JUDGE MAULSON IS DISMISSED VIM' mtlMr:M IHtOMillT AUAINHT MANITOBA JIHTHK MMtE lVKHTI(lATi:ii ' mva Aug. 4. The dismissal of M Maulaon of the northern iiixtrtrt of Manitoba la announo-vuiiR an Investigation Into .-.niudtng saw than a do n ' was aaM he presided on tke mdrr ta lninrrf HqUT. It! ... : thut he patronised the bot- -., hud appeals pending before rit charges included the paas-'thieea cheeks and consorting i- restaurant keepers LABOR LEADER IS AT QUEBEC ) lIUIviY MACDONALD. I'OKMEK 1111 Ot BRITAIN. UEACIHiM Will WITH DAIOIITLKH y i.k Aug. 4 -Bight Hon. J. Bam-v. n.M.nid. fanner labor Prvenler at n arrived here with w tribal. Joan and Sbyila and i. civic waieoroe. I Oook, all of Toronto. PROGRAM FOR FAIR IS SET HOARD UEf'IDIX ON M'KCIAL ENTER-TAINMHNT IKATtllKS IIEMDEH MTAMI'tDE ANI M'OKT EVENTS Former British Labor Premier Discusses Few Problems of Old Land Sees Conservative Party Due for Hard Blow But Admits. They Are Well Organized and have Newspapers With Them. QUEBEC, Aug. 4. Interviewed here last night Right Hon. J. Ramsay Macdonald said , the recent agreement reached between railway employers and employees in Britain did not constitute a reduction in wages in reality because the employees had accepted the former wages, getting permanent instead of irregular work. Commenting on the election, Mr. Macdonald said the Conservatives was due for a hard blow The Government had done nothing toward utilizing tbe natural resources and attemptingg a teal solution .of the unemployment problem except within the last few morrtha. Liberals e thought would t make no headway and labor waa under a handicap. Conservatives were organized for a strong campaign and had the newspapers behind them. Ccmmenttng on immigration to this country, Mr. Uacdanald said the Cana- Ldlan principle of selective Immigration waa a good one but he thoiight the Canadian sieve somewhat small mesh. PETEK YEKKOIN IS VICTIM AlTOMOniLE ACCJItKNr. AT M'.LSON RECOGNITION OF WILLIAMS VANCOrVEIl CITIZENS CONSIIIERINO WHAT STEPS TO TAKE TO SHOW API'KECIATION VANCOUVER. Aug. 4 A meeting last :lght of 299 representative citizens appointed a committee to consider what aecegftlUan would be given to Percy Wtniama, the tocal athlete, who had so Mrtlfigu!hed rAnAir'Tr-!? wtnftlhg at -4b Olympiad ,st Amsterdam. Bug- testione were made that a trust fund it established, that a stadium be bultt in his honor, or that a statue be Some warned against anything being done vhich would endasget his amateur status JUDGE FORIN HAS RETIRED VANCOUVER. Aug. 4. Judge J. A. Forin of tbe county court bench tn the district of Kootenay since 1800 with residence In Nelton baa retired and will make his home in Vancouver. W. A. Ntabet of Craabrpok succeeds him. HEENEY HAD BEEN ENGAGED FOR MONTHS SPRINn VAlJJrV N V Alia A It ester report Ore at the head of Nlm- j now develops that Heeney who waa mar-Man Lake amidst a ane atand of tlm- j hj yesterday had been engaged to Miss ber. In the Wood and English property. Dunn, who Is 34 years of age, for several A logging crew Is fighting tbe names. STOCK QUOTATIONS months. He met her shortly after coming to America and has visited her home several time during hi training for the last bout. Heeney wUl take aia bride of yesterday back to New Zealand when he gses to visit his mother ahortly. and then returning to America. MUNICIPAL AIRPORT FORMED AT VANCOUVER OTTAWA, Aug 4 The dty of Van-ewurer has given permission and a license has been Issued by the department f National Defense for a municipal airport there. THOUSANDS DROWNED RIVER OVERFLOWED SHANGHAI. Aug. 4 It I reported from Tainan that a thousand persons were drowned In flood caT the Tawen River which overflowed, .fV the result of heavy rams. -"'"v" HANOVER, Aug. 4. Far the second time an attempt to- laUMti a racket car failed when ttis Rak III wa derailed when the rocket ear efptded the wrong way. The ear was wrejked and nobody hurt. I'HEMICK ON TOl'll OTTAWA. Aug 4--Premier Mac ken -ne Kiiik left last night on a western tour.