The Daily Ntws PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIi DAILY EDITION S71N.W. Published Every Afteinoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION KATES City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 For leaser period, paid in advance, per month 50 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period $3.00 Or four months for $1.00 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per year .... $6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year $7.5i Advertising and Circulation Telephone 93 Editor and Reporter Telephone - 66 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Monday, August 20, 1923. EXTRAORDINARY EXPERIMENT The experiment of the British Empire is as extraordinary one. Attention is drawn to this by Kamsay Macdonald, the Labor leader, and forjner Premier of Great Britain, who points out that the -Empire is founded on new models, borrowing its principles and institutions from no other previous community. And iiamsay Macdonald adds that the British Commonwealth that ia being built up is fraught with good for the whole world. There we are. We are one of the most important factors in this British Community and it remains for us to decide what we are going to do with it. Each section has a hand in it formation and in deciding what kind of a community it shall be In Prince Rupert there are a great many people who are not of British origin. They have thrown in their lot here. They find themselves in a community that is British, actuated with British ideals and guided by British principles. They are a part of this wonderful new democratic community known as the British Empire, arrowinc. expanding, yet each year the separate units feeling themselves more ire to express themselves as distinct units. This isa great experiment, as Macdonald says, "and H remains for toe individuals to so carry on that the best possible results will be obtained for themselves and for the rest of the commonwealth. HELPLESS AND FRIENDLESS It is pointed' out by a Labor member in Scotland that many people who migrate to Canada find themselves in the winter season helpless and friendless in an ungenerous land. It seems often as if the statement were true. And yt how . can it be otherwise. The only way to cultivate self-reliance is by feeling that the future of the individiuU depends en his unaided efforts. It may be a cruel method of developing citteeufeip and yet we find tfeat itis the most effective. What Make failures in Canada is tjbe seqtBag ef resrdttanee's here to those who learn to expect them and iatztt to taV care of themselves. To feel oneself wholly cut off from euaide kb ia the only method of treating same of us who need just teea) tnlafiitg. The people of Canada are more frhtttir afoat people, especially the people who live in the famine eeaaiiHtfties of the prairie country. Hat even there they have ae lise far a person who ia always looking for ooteJde help. They have no use for the dole systta which tends to take away a person's self- reliance. British people coming to Canada moat accept her as she is and adapt themselves to her ways. If they do not like it they can always remain at home and we think the Government ia foolish to spend so much money in trying to induce people to come here. Let them come by all means and extend the glad hand but let them do as others have done, pay their way and ask permission to enter. Then they will appreciate better the privilege of citizenship. News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Highland Group Showing up well New Camp at Esperanza Ore In from Chikamin Glacier to Stewart The Highland gronp, situated on McGrath Mountain in, Alice Arm camp and being develojied by the owner, R. Ingraham, is showing sign of developing into an imporant property. A tunnel is being drifted n the ore body and in in a diKtinie of twenty feet which given depth on the ore of aluo twenty tpot. The ore body has an average width of !14 feet und is plainly traceable on the surface for long distance. It in zinc-lead ore if u Vi irh character. Mining engineers and others who have examined the property are of the opinion that the prospects for developing a considerable tonnage are At Ho me or Away For breakfast, lunch or supper on hot days especially' with fruits cool milk or cream. Healthful ! TRlSCUlTAHcalth Wafer of Whole Wheat, .MADE AT N1ACAPA FALLS VISITORS WELCOME Col. A. 8. MeCuUough of Vancouver managing director al the Revenue Mi'.:-ng Co.. recently visaed the Independence mine at Stewar: and expressed .fmsclf as well satisfied with what he iii. and with iuture possibilities. A new of sixteen men la now employes' jt the Independence under the foreman -vhlp of Jchn Swans mi and the development work consists of diamond drulirg jnd open cutting. O. B. Bush, bead ef the Bush Consolidated Co., announces that bis company has drifted ninety feet on a lart north -south vein that has a width A forty feet. So far the -vein In the drift b, badly crushed but solid ground should be reached within thirty-five f l where an east-west vein Intersects the zne being drllted on. Surface ore at this , jlnt carries good value Some of the most spectacular ore. .'ram the standpoint of values ever f-rougb Into Stvart cast last week rora the Chirrs iaf gtacJar. on tfce AJ-Mka stte of the bw. rnnnlag llMte per ton in PM sad sjhnr. tlx said .on tent being W earns. Hie ore Is juartj! gangne, nixed with green stained rock heavily isspneasts with native silver wish which tbe goM is aaa-trrntly aOsfad Tat urupaitg it 3wkd ? Tkonrtxm & Lemon of H4r and la an yi at Until bj of' Texas Creek. So far tbe oe has not bee.i cund la piare but is in taw Saras of noat working est from under the gli der with no indication of now far it has cosm. The owners are waking ef forts ta locate tbe source of this spectacularly rich see. new vein wee recently discovered on the United Empire mine back of Stewart, of wMeh WlHlam Dam M managing director and open cutting was immediately commenced. The vein bat. been open cut fourteen feet and Is itM in ore the cutting having been commenced at the footwall. A tunnel bar been faced and driven six feet in tht No. 1 vein on the property for tbe purpose of drifting oa tbe ore which la ex--xwed on the surface for 650 feet, high grade far tbe greater part. A trail has been rat. to connect this tunnel with tbe tunnel driven by the previous bonders which was put in vo ;o strike No. 2 vein. Everything Is in readiness to drive twenty feet In thi tunnel during tbe rainy weather when -pen cutting becomes difficult. Cutting indicates that this vein dips at the same ingle as all other veins en tbe properly uul If this n so. twenty fast should tap tbe vein. Tbe management la well atlaned with results on the United Em- rtre Man in the Moon We get our game of tennis Bin baseball it is off, We play lacrosse, but sad to say. We get no chance at golf. One advantage of growing old la that nstttaate agma cease to worry. Jake says they and It difficult to gat -aousjB eld dusters in bis home. lie ays it takes at least three etd gowns new tegeSber ta make one. Look at the bright aide of everything bat which la ttte taigfet aide ea a rainy SuntfayT It'a bad luck to keep a dollar bill lr your pocket. Never be content wlQ less Jtaa See. Yon might have .to give e 'P- Some people overdo this being agree-aslta. They act all tbe ttane as if they' were fwjuttng ssr Office and, t mates ?ne uneesy. Tbe latest Scottish story is afout a rtfl from Aberdeen named MUlloent When she came to Canada she eaUed herself Millie anc saved tbe cent. If. you are not satiafied with your lot build an it and rent toe house sod get back at humanity Curing a cold or raising a family it any Try it. Ten Years Ago In Prince'Kupert .tueuft !, mis The capture of Hoye, eorjsldercd the keystone to tbe German defences in Picardy. is announced, and the advance .if the Allied forces continues. The Olty Cornell discussed the matter of waterfront for the city and the filling In' of Cow Bay when a letter was read from the Independent Fishermen and Boat Owners' Association. No action was taken pending the return to the city of Hon T. D. Pattullo. An official government advertisement advises that August 34 is the last date ) PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS Mood .v. A in. If you doubt the merit of "SALADA" Tea Let us prove it Write "SALADA", Toronto get free 19-cup packet test for yourself. "SALADA" Is sold in four grades Black, Green or Mixed varieties 80c to $1.05 per pound. "SALADS" TEA good. Work eatendJng the tunnel is tiding vigorously prosecuted. The ground Mope at an angle of about forty-live Cegtees so that ooualderable depth 01, iic ore can be obtained at minimum :t. The new camp at tbe Bapeiafnw. 'mi?e at Alice Arm it rloW- complelea.- ' emprises two w atJpOntteT1uiitaj i.d provide acoomcdaLion lor ten mn i-ith all the latest conveniences. Ttai-tfring at the mine has been unOer-.aken recently aud Lhe compressor plant expected to arrive shcrlly. With tht-nataUanon ol the latter, mining operation wUI be eonsMarably expedited. -nniid B.c." CeTt Just Try g One , : Can mm Tier change from other brands -toaBficificaJJilk is U44 by a Vancouver tafl- in a lengthy leiler. We-fike Ah excerpt: . " ;irf(fie dtiy 1 noticed In a lajrjr -downtown store a number nf people buying Pacific Milk in preference fcn ither brands. I was to intrigued 1 pur- ting SMS) fast a day. few tins right Si)e thenJy M on to say how ranch mne pleased she was wilhMtijldality. PACIFIC MILK rnrtorlex at Abbnfford and l-adner. B.C. "Build U.C." upon which paj (i.m in be granted to tboae wao aie or who have .ailed to report ui-. u.illtary authori ties. Tbe ffalaer and the Austrian Emperor the,, creation of a Kingdom ef tbey met recanuy. Tbe eta Khyex MUl at Skeena City torn bean taaan over by tbe National rase Mina fctd and will soon be cut Tbe dssth at Duncan Vancouver Is land ef Dev. Jhn Field la announced. It was only last May that Mr. Field re tired from tbe nctlve ministry at Haiti-ton where he :'nd labored for thirty- two years. CHURCH ORGAN TO BE MODERENIZED SOON AT THE UNITED CHURCH The Organ, fur.d Committee of tbe United Church met on Saturday evening at the home of idles Way. when in addition to Hav. a Wilaea who preaidao, there were present Mis Way. Mrs. W. J. Kirkpatrick. secretary. F. Ytekars and J. 8 Wilson. It was decided to purchase an electric blower for the organ and arrangements were also discussed for having electrical connections being made and for having tbe organ tuned and put in repair. It is hped to have tbe installation ooapietsd arjy next month in good time for tbe winter work of tbe church. There la a considerable balance to tbe credit of trie fund, both tbe Ladles' Aid and tbe T'jung People's Society having made handsome eontrtbutions. INTERIOR PROSPECTS EXCELLENT JUST NOW Ray Warlock. lepresentaUve of F. O. Dawson Ltd.. who returned from tbe Interior last evening says crops took weil la tbe Interior and cutting barley Is about to begin Interest m mining seems to be increasing. It was reported that there was another good strike at the Duthle I MOWNStlSbTt tMwy "jj"" We sell the WORLD'S GREATEST TIRE AFTER Itt Introduction a Ilttl 1. over a year sCo, today's Good year All-Weather Tread Balloon was quickly recognized as the World'a Greatest Tire. Greatest because of itt AH-Weather Tread specially designed for baPoon tires. Greatest because It (a built with SIII'F.KTWICT rVirds cords which stretch 61 more than ordinary eoras -are lest easily injureu road shocks and last longer us for a price on jour size. KA1EN GAKAPE Prince Rupert, H.C. Buying at home means service at home hv At Departmental Service is provided by the people for the people. Mine on Hudson Bay Mountain and ex-! oeitot results are being obtained at' Topley-BiobfteM. mei:k at tiikathk "Tbe Student Prince." Aesop'a Film KaMes. Uetro-Ooldwyn Neaa. KEN MAYNARD AND EOU INEORMATiOK KEGAl.Uji.Nfc British (Columbia jmes s Monday and TurMtay 4 Ken Ma.ynard la The Upland BJder." Comedy. "Listen State." Paramount New. - Wednesday and Thurodiiy- Bather Ralston in "Something 4 Always Happens." Cometfy. "Half Sack Hannah." Pa the Review. t iTldav and Saturday t TARZAN TONIGHT i "Tbe Upland Rider." tbe atory of orte. with all tbe ingredients of a fast moving and bard riding melodrama , acksd with mere thrills than are uau ally found in five pietoree, la tbe ad snce advertlMtneat of Ken Uajmard' latest western feature here tonight. This picture is an ortclnMl atcrv In Manen Jackson, and features Tarxen fee wonder horse, of Ken's wbo ba been seen with Ken m atl of bla ore Moos wetteraa. Tensan Is possibly oni 01 the beat known equine players on t!u 'creen and la actually receiving fan mall of his own. te tueto a Oearee tbs Charles B. Bogera, the pc4ier of tbe nen Msynard features for Pin National aM Kea, deetded that tbe public would bt gtvea a picture ta which Taraan bad -vote than bla usual share of fllm foot age- The atoqr la tgpieaay saodent to atop ana aetus witb two rlvej bone ranebr .n tbe west. SPOOKS GALORE IN "SOMETHING ALWAYS HAPPENS" PICTURE Per the third time In rapid auccee sum, Esther Ralston, the blonde pars mount star, and Nell Hamilton, rjomil screen Juvenile, are again teamed f provide an entertatarng story for th. public. This time they are the leadm. pair ta an unusual sattrte. melodrama tlr larce mystery-comedy. "Somethit Always Happens," tht picture which wi. show here Wednesday and Thursday Miss Ralston and Hamilton cae' In a new setting, a bsosted house, m habited with character with much mori bedy than ghosts are ereditsa with They spend a thrilling night in mad terror, with pjety ef laughs for auditaee and find Itttte ume for otaachsg throughout the picture. THE STUDENT PRINCE tbe re- BEAUTIFUL LOVE STORY Tender and Human tip Aflalr T lie K'eii llrre At Tbe Week-Kinl In a massive ftllrnln&atton of tbe eel wrated old romanre of Heidelbeiv am, the prltee who sought bapotness there mon iHortvno and Norms Bbeari" const here Friday and Bastard Th. atettwe Is ealtad -The Student Prince and. la fee latest tupw-piediwtloa tr oome from Metro-Oeldwyn-Mayer itu- Brnat LtrblUcb, tti diraete. hu in.. ted tais meet beautiful of love atorw.. la a ttader and romantic fashion. It is Just s simple plot of a boy and girl, an un nappy prince and bla patblc sweetheart, a tnaM in tht village inn. but they love with a devotion that Is imi than royal tradition, greater than lu wis oeoause atcjrty la what " and because youth was made for CPU steamer Princess Alloe. Cai.tain Tom Cliff, arrived In port Saturday uf iernion ut t and left attain at l :iu tm Vancouver, Victoria and Bssttlt apply to Department of Mines Victoria, B.C. 1US7 Hepgrjt nojv available special IUlllclirw, Annua! : oovk i c, i? i r r- i iirinwiiiiii s-iki r .... S3 a ft m b Bsaf7' M m w waji a-aiial M BU M W TXjBfsss wjbsw bsbj rnaa ga.. K R R aU C B Nl a-. SB MBy Ha k J M V Mn 9 I ILT N IT-i K a Pi Q a H Tb I S II JLsVL.VA JsV&UJUj Lady AnHistant that five you 1 pearnnre and L the contour ' . Dr. Mapire Over Ormea 1'h'trti "CATERPILLAR" Tractors BIQGEK THAN THE WEATIIElt! A Sire for Bvery Vhc A Hundred Ums for Kvery 2 T0& TWENTY, THIRTY, SIXTY IIEJTTHU OU1CKBII -mi . U'LI ; Literature an! Pricea en Sequel Sole Distributors ftw It C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT W, LIMITED Nnrthrrn faHrie I rrtglil lliilldlnt SIM Mai lull Hlrret v.Morvi:it. 11. t . Ilr.i iMrii I: 1 r. an ad ian National Qjc Largcfl Kailway Sylcm in Aviena STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVK E Sailings from miN't'E KLTKItT for VAnroitVCR. VHT;'H -' MOMIAYH, Till IISIIAVS, 4.09 p.m . H.TI;KIAV, t "' For ANYOX and HTEWART. MOMIAVH. HUl.YM. ' Ftw MASHIITT INLET, MOMIAYH. 4.00 p.m. For HOIJTII CjlTT.N CrilAKMlTTE INLANDS. PortalhtJ' for h K.HI WAY, tVEIIMUSIIAYH. 4 00 pJ rAHHFAOnt TltAtNM I.IUVE PltlXCB KITEBT JIAII.Y EXCEPT KUMIAY at 11J0 a.m. fr PKICE OEOB.' I HIVNiri O, all points listrrn Canada, VnUn Mate. SORNCY AIX OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES FREE VOTING COUPON Good for 25 Votes Irt the Daily News "Everybody Wins' aft t t i r-t s tirnnu i'rir.e i.nmpnicn. I heretiy cost 26 FItEE VOTES i Miss, Mr. or Mrs Address This coupon, NEATLY ("LUTED OUT, nam of the candidate filled in, und mailed or d-l i " Cnniiaijin Department of the Prince Uupert Duil count as 25 FItEE VOTER It does not oust 1 cast these coupons for your favorite candidate, m ' not restricted In any sense in votiuK them. (" can and send them in they all count. Do not roll or fold; deliver in flat package. NOTE This coupon must be voted on or b ' AujriiHt 29. 1028. TtV