FAGE FOUtt LADIES' DRESSES, Third Avenue REDS Transfer Fifteen years' experience in FUUN1TURE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND GKAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So is our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SEItVICE Day Phone: 204. Night Phone: Ited 317. DRY : BIRCH JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load $3..p0 Double Load $f.50 Large Sack 50c COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pmblnn Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Sootleas Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal HydeTransler AND COAL CO. Phone, 5fS0 13 Second Ave. milk Ilk I ren!i Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone G57t poundt made up as follows: AMKItU AN Sitka. 46.000 lba. to Cold Btorage at 10-30 and 6, Senator, 8aj0B Iks to Cold Storage at M40 M1 . - North. 41.000 to Booth fWtaiea at 10.40 Md S. , Columbia 80.000 to Atlin PHhertea at 10.44 and 5. Poraria. 86.000 to Royal Flan Co. at 10.80 and a. Q)oa. 7,000 to FMtnc Flabertca at 12JBJ and 7. Hilda, 7JD00 4 Royal Flab Oo. at 13JD0 and 7. Eastern Point, tjm to Cold storage at 13.00 and 7. Thar. 6.000 to Booth Fisheries at 18 .80 and T. CANADIAN' Aiken. 11.000 to CoM Storage at 11J0 and 8. Oape Spencer. 9JDO0 to Atlln Fisheries at 1120 Md 6. nioglesder. 800 to Cold Storage at 11 Uurlneac. 7.000 to Oold Storge UJO and 6 ALICE M BOARD OF TRADE ELECTS OFFICERS ALICE ARM. Aug. 80 The Board of Trade has had successful year. LaAt week It held Its annual meeting hear ing reoprta and electing ftffloeni as follows: Hon President, the Honorable Minister of Mine?, Hon. Vior-President. M r K. rpin. M L A.: Prtakfent, O. Erlnd-viw-Pres''Jent. M. Petersen. 8e?- tnry, A D Torke. SADDLE MINE HASTINGS ARM TIIAMWAV TO Hi: CflMPLKTIIll IN ., I!ffrT,,SIXTY DAYH AND WOKK CONTIM lNi The Bllvei Crest Mining Oo. wlio lor thf uajt IwosBgrniiW. hiivs been drvelop- Ing the Saddle propcity on llasungs Arm with such uiiusu! succth:. are pro-rtedliiK rapidly with the conntrurtion of Uie aerial tramway :iml a.-e iilw pun. Ing development work at the mlin'. hs the Alloe Arm Herslcl It Ik ext-lod that the trnmwu'' will be In operation la abuol sixty dny- Tins work is ui cname of A. Knox lormerly ctmstrucuon superintendent for tlie Orunby Co. At the mln. nine miner" are nt work drifting on the ore veiu on which s shaft was sunk last year. This drift wur coinmencod at a point W outh from tlw Kliaft and will givi- a dep'li on the ore of 200 It. btlow ths vsln outcrop. The vein is well defined, being Sfec fcetween walU. and 1 well mlneral&eu with galena and zinc sulphides The showings tn the tunnel look v:r good and the ore will be followed for distance of 900 feet, which will then be under the shaft sunk last year. A raise will then be driven to the surface, and the blocking out of ore commenced. The future of the Saddle look very promising. POULTRY RANCH IS ESTABLISHED nr. ihndkkn iuki imi'oktkk I5Y TEKK.trE MAN K ftVHIS OF INil STltV TERRACE, Aug. 18 Anouier shipment tit la,vins nulleta aurivad on Wl- Ooottdge. 2&f00 to Pacific Fisheries at for Murdo SmlUL local ra-Kber. 10.60 SDd 5. Inn hlar-fcumUh Kpim Th' cfimnlolra t... Laniigg. 15.000 to Cold Slorajre at tt.60 i order for Ave hundrxl chickens which aTd 7. Smith travp t.himtffh Pmfiyinr l'.Tjr Kennebec, 700 to Pacific Fiaborlea at j .., lhe rjieity ol . C The fowl are 1.90 and 7c. Bureka. B.000 to Atlln Piabertea at 13.10 and 7. Umehak. T700 to Boath Flafeeric at, 12.G0 and 7. WoodTOW. 1000 to Atlln Flanedea t 12.00 and 7. leghonic and are from a strain of heavy layers. Mr. Smith baa effected mo-aern WFll-Ughtad chicken house. MO feet by SO feet, which la equipped wit aa modern conveniences for the bandUug of the btHkt. The ream is of tne Bterprlat will be followed with keoti tutttast by the local ranchers and cltlsena generally. NOSE DIVE STUNTS LOCAL SPEED BOAT HARBOR YESTERDAY Doug Priastll had a busy time yes terdsy afternoon when he tried out hi new 4tModboat u the harbor. Speeding Klang la good style he made quite an Impression on the babttues of the water trout itad when In trying to turn sharp!;, he bent hbi rudder end nosedived thnv times he gave n tntereating per! , mi ance that was fully appreciated. Returning to the floats part of the rudder was removed and the spec, trials continued. Apart from noce-dtv-uig again and shipping eonaiderabW quantities of water there was little of excitement and Doug, t-x hi latest acquisition back to the floats safely n FUNERAL YESTERDAY OF FLORENCE PIERCE Krrvk- Mas Held at S. A. CHeAal Uf Jkt iMTIrtotlng The funeral ut the late Florence Pierce. dar of Mr and MM. H. V Pierce ol Mar ' Place took plaoe yea-trday afterni, h. st 2 SO the Salvation rmy being charge ct the services. Srrvlce was re'.d st the cltedal with 'CnRkgn Joyce presiding Hymns sung I weTe "Safe In the Arms of Jesus." ! "Around the Ihr ne of Ood in Heaven" ; ::nd "Ahsde With "The Hyrr.n '. "I've Herd of a Savloui's Love' a fsv- crite of Flonasce's was sung as a hs by Mrs Joyce. The SsJvatisn Army Dead March "Promoted to Glory" was played by tn-siitn Joyce at the clnee of the service. There was a very Urge attendanoe at the funeral service as well as at the memorial service held In the cltedal In 're evening TrH sr-"t number of wreaths sent were rvlden-e of the plaoe Fljrencf had In the tart :1 hrr aumert us friend-!. FLOWERS TO COM! Pallbearers wrc tlw following meu - Vers A the Girl Life Saving Ovarda. Gdltb Leek. Annie Smith. Audrey Cook. rntf Kellle Ourvlch. The floral tributes which wese carried by nembsre of the Sunbeam Bn-de. were from Mehei. Father and jnlry The Salvatkn Army. The SUB f the Imp-rial OH Company. Hdwaru Cane. Mrs. R. Peterson and Mr. Reed-:ug. Resale. Pat, Sonny and Mlmilc ",'igxlns. Mrs. Rations. Mr. and Mrs T ;.trlyle Mld fatJuly. Mr. end Mrs Our-:. h and family. Mr end Mra. J Mn-allem. Mr. and Mrs. t. Mastlr arl t-1. Wt'ltnra Hayner. Rnroy and Mri ;jilUif.on. lOodarwue). Mr. and M-j Cleorge Whlta. Mr. nd Mrs. Slanle, 'rrrlth. Mr Elite Moayuou. (orece iw-pital. Wlnulpegl. Mies Mabel Almot Mr. and Mrs. 3. T. Cook and family flsaes Cdlth Lest, and Helen Simru r and Mr. Irneet Va'.entlhe and la- !lv. Mr and Mrs J. Preece. DnUj lth Mr .ind Mm J. M. OoUleon and -m!!v. Hcrry and Tommy Smith. Mrs VK-g.ns Mr nrtd Mrs. P. Roma. W. !llcy Qitherine Cadwalld?r. Olgs Pe' .'.io Uly lladland. Jessie and Minerva itranri Vnrknrieh family. Annie and Hmirh mmi Mr. end Mm. ' Smith i.ihr-"e tor the XJallv v A ;.!.T.!" BEAT' CESTK AT V. N I K TIIK KA''K: Krnntz, the Winner of Tnur de 1- rum:. . u ihnMv .ndurani!.' birydn come::), rongruiulu!.. L!tlu , tvhn . am.' in .second. 11 m By Gebrge'Mfo,, BRINGING UP FATHER --. . . : tit "' f .. - i t YOU MAKE MEblCK- JUT TTING HUT UP-UiTUKJTO ME" IF YOU ! Y&e.MUM-TH COUNT IvfrtfAT? LingtheTailor AOOMD LIKE ABUM-WKYAflEMT WERE A, cJtNTtEM'XM VOU'O BE DE POuOMA'O 1 J fcuui i i Is "YOU OUT TRVlrJQ TO MEET THE- AT .TOUR cioB MOW CHATTiMQ Phone C49 COUNT- DE POLOM'STO-EVtm WITH &OMU.OFTHE QEMTU6MEW I I JiGGo- f ? THECOUM-- i If n. .1 HEU6 VJoJl-OCAi TO ME,eVT FT Price List vol) - rr1 , .like thi is worth keep-ltjfcajiiinl! Lfeiltes? or Gehtlemen'R Suits team pressed QverroatB 75r Trousers ilT? Skirts ST Boys' Snite SO? SUITS, Dry Cteaned and stestn pressed $2.00 Overcoats $2.00 T rollers 7"5J Skirts 75? Doys' Suits $1.00 Also Ladles' Fancy work at reasonable rates We call for and deliver to all parts of the city. Our Special Low Price on New Suits Made-to-measure still Continues Coats, Millinery and Lingerie Richmond's Louvre , 1 ry 1 ' V..'. f ..ecc 1 IK" 'I'-jr HERE COM E 1 t DOGtsl"TOlD ME Wj:$ 3 HE DID- BUT i " II, ca-t 6r a Uyou started WroG (SmemT t0?RE O iM ow?- heoIdwT L SWnou y FOUND OUT WDRDTOME 1CA&EYI5 0UH6 Tf ,2 RiGHT- MlW W TAV VERY LOMC ) OOME ADVICE HWHOlBOK-AbUtSmAX HONJEYMOON-ITOLD KN101H.0 HICHTJ fr-jW ON MS HOMEYMOOnJ V ,MWffffip ' "V ;H' MUCH HALIBUT -SOLD TODAY AT FISH EXCHANGE There ni a lare amount of fish aold today oo exchange mc total America: j ind Canadian amounting to 820,000 W anted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. ,3 2c peraword in advance. No Advertisement taken for leu than 50c WANTED RIOH School girl wants room and board In return fcr services Write Maw Ste-ina Phinime, Rorth Pacific Cannery 198 3CHOOLOIRL want work for board, room and aamall wages. CaU or wtite Mra. T. J. Davidson. Inverness. RjC. TXCAVATIWO Wanted. Rot or kind. By day or by contract. X. sang. AGENTS WANTED ay A REAL live man to take over the tale of our products, supplying hundresU of satisfied customers in Prince Rupert and district Real opportunity fcr good man Par further Information apply The J R. Watklns Oompaay. 878 Hornby St, Vancouver R.C. tt FOH SALE rlVI-ioam bouse and large double ear ner on 8th Avenue W. Could rent at aom Price 81.100. Cash etOO. balance per moatta. A RJUL 8AP rHX TWO BRST bOTS on ATUN AV- RHTJIS far flaw and loos lion. tflOO.OO. EAST TERMS. THBO. COLLAR! UUtTBO OLD KEWSPAPBf MAT BE TJSEO IN stead of buUdtng paper or to lay be aeatb carpets oa tbe Door. Oet special price on large quantities Dally News. FOR SALS LAUNCH OWEN, POUR Horsepower Bastttepe engine, all complete and In good running con dttlon. Apply Pullaa. Dally News, tf HOUSE, alt rooms and bath, full alacd baseateni. for sale or rent. Fully mo dern; wired for electric range. 886.00 888 Sixth Avenue last. U FIRST-CLASS Household Puralture sals Phone 446. lor tf BICTCLC for Sale. 18. Apply 790 Seventh Avenue W. ' 198 FOB KENT A OOOD chance for a housewife who takes louweis. 8 room house on Second Avenue for rent. Qaod location Phne 848 or 180. leo POR RUNT Modern cottage, two bed rooms Convenient to Dry Dock aud Seal Cove. Apply Miss Durran, Seventh Avenue Bast. ISO OR RENT. CLAPPJRTON flQUBE. Ninth Avenue Bast Rent reasonable Apply City Treasurar, City Hall. tf OP. RENT -PIANOS. PLAYER-PIANOS. Phonographs and Sewing Machine. -Ws I Iter's Music Store. tt POR RENT tfajtartaujD -poIir roomed apartment trThirfh. "R'ater paid. Phone 847 . tf POR RENT - POOR ROOM APART-ment. hot water heated Apply Smith tt Mallett. Ltd. tf POR R4EMT Furnished housekeeping rooms by the dsy.week. or month. Phone Red 807 FOR RENT. -orients. Apply tf FURNISHED APART- MtiSHHllnm Orocerv MoriRRN Houhp for rout. l:li Filth Av-i'iiiii Vlvl Phone lt'l T.I) tf FOUND IrotlNU Dunch of k'V on Hixt.h Avi I nUe Eaat Apply Ouily New Office DANCING , Nr,h " -. Tburaday MISS MVIANHY CAMI1UHX J t, Mint I. Queen Tearher f ('tawlrel iMnHng August 27 k Operatic. Toe Dancing, OrecUn. Rus-; Hep tier lo slan. Kgyptlan. etc. i rimt oiiUi Also Phyaloal Culture P. O. 1Ui 4L I'lHmr mark 811 SALVAGE AND TOWING Prince Kupert Salvage & Towing: Co. Ltd. i HAH lltltOAINS IN' fJAH IIOATh Agents lor Basthope Rnglnea. OooUdft PropHlera. auU Tuilube OO Ihmts of all description for Charter Salt takes Ferr) service week days oa the hours 1 p.m till 8 pa. Buadayi and Holidays, II am.. Mil 8 pin. Phone MM I'or Vanroiit AUCTIONBBItS. I'KiNrr: kiiii:rt Ai;rriN mart IVderal ltlMk Puralture of D ka4' boaght, sftld or ejcabaBged. Cratlag d packing (ten. Goods sold on Cammtostan G. J. DAWES. Auctioneer. rtlsek !! CIiIKOTILACTIC UK. R. C EYOLrflON Chlro praetor 833 Third Avenue. August 23 w. 1' September 6 Alter AISMka Weditenclsy- a ! Aug 27 -ei i'l. Aug 31 Pnnf. I'rntn Alafcka Mondsye I'r;: Aug Xi m P' AUB. 88es Pt Telephme for sppolntmrnt now to Blue i cut nui4u. . nu.b rTioays Acute and Ohroalc Dkmders sueces' fully treated. EoUbttsbed 1934. HJKNiTUKK AND ItANGES Pawcett Rangeg. Sunmoos' Dedc and BedeUag endudtog the Ostermoor JJav- -rsas. Din lags Room Suites, OcAToam Suite. Chesterfield Suite, Window Blinds. Linoleum and Linoleum Hugs W sell .at very reasonable prkes so It will pay you to give us a call. Watch our Window. A. MACKFVlf:, furniture, riione 73 STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS Monday- -es. Prince Oeorg . Tuesday- -as Oatala Thursday- -a. Prince Charles Friday--, prlnoaw Royal ... sttrtlay s Oartfep t Saturday s. Prlnoe Rupert ''Aug. 89 a. Prince John Jn Aug. 23 as. Prince Lotuw pa. "Aug. 8-a. IOess-'OMrVTrvWe pjn. Itoin Vsnitiiivrr Sunday--ss Oaiala 4 pin MAIL SCHEDUli lor the Bast Maadaia W-uk -closet . ... Mondays. W-n: mall flue . Tu Vanevnter Wundays Monday TueaO" y Wednesdays Thumiaya Saturdayt Saturday Saturday . from Vanrouvrr Sunday Wadnesdti Saturday CPU Aug io i lr Aii)o and Srtt.days . Mondays Fridays Prom Aaya nl "' TttSMiay Tauraday Saturdays Tn N'ess Itltrr Point- Frktay I mm s KUer Puin Saturdays T tlk Points Aug io ta n re Urtk rln edtsseay Rattirdsys .... Th Nwlli queen Monday . . . 4pn.Ynm North turrn S pjn I Thurtidaya . 4 piB. I'or Month tjuern ' PW Aug IS. U fcV' 1 am 6 pjn. lYwu Reirtli quern Aug 82 Sept l.llTTPt X oraham e Atlln a . lit Ave 4 nth si I'.th v. A Pulton Monday as. Prince Charles 1180 un eth Ave ft Thorn p WerineiKlav ' m. Ft. Oeorg 10:80 am nth Ave. tt Bherhr Prlrtny m Cumh .A ap Ulth Ave. Conriid Prldsv a. PatrVtltU&rt lfLIOlaOl. eth. iH St Havn ( U rVlrty-J JRSifcl CgLAve Hayx ' Aug.i s rrince jonn iuii. ou n ...... Aug. 27-m. Princess Louise .. a.m. t Bth Ave A) Oreen Ht Aug. s Princess Oliarlotte . . . . am. j 8th Ave. A Mrilrtcl. I'or Port NlmpMin and Naas River Iprov. Oovt. Bulldm Sunday -ss Catala B pm. Pro,. Oovt Whnrf Friday--m Garden jn. OT.P Wharf from Port Hlinpwn and Nans Itlvrr O.T.P. BtaMon Tuesday as. Catala 11.30 a.m. - " Saturday ea Oardena 0 a.m. and Ave. s ana o. tor Anyox find Utewart Sunday --as Catala 8 p m Monday- as Prince Charles . . 4 p.m. Frldays. Prince Rupert 4 p.m. I'rom Anyo and Hlewnrt Tuesday Catala Iir30 a.m Thursday-- Prince Charles 10.30 a.m. Saturday Prince Rupert . . B p.m. lor Norlli Queen Charlottes Monday- Pnni; Cliaru . . 4 p.m. 8rd Ave. It Fulton 8t 3rd Ave, tt 8th St Sunday One coii ' ' p.m collection. CNR. TRAINS for the KnHt Dally Mept S"'"1 rroin Hie I'.ntI - Dally Mcept Tus' t It 1 !: V f f t LmH '1- 1 1 T ill I (Of 91(1 m ii ) 26 t' ii 5 Id ID' II 10 1'