INTHEEAST i-' r. uii' i.iii ni"M i'kmi.ii r or Mini ii mm: mere in ONTARIO 'N TO Aug SO Drownings took! ' - m Ontario or the week-end iractc of all m the tale of l Chartf Hamuu. n. ae4 1? ;xvttiy. ana Mua.- Run bit it drotrnad in thi Poo Blver or&voa was drowned at Oita-' Oarnvall, Frrd Clark arvi ' were drowrxxl at Port Bruct- NUniuo at Wvilnad ' VAL. Aug. SO Mu Uvea wort a serMB i aocldc&U ovr: r- rt in the Montreal district rilled in motor accidents, twin and a child was burn"! Another death occurred from Lit 1 I II i III III 111 J 111L7 OLD MUSKETS I' ll IS IIVTlltlll IIIIIMIH HICK M I'K TKAIIIMI HAVH AT KAIXT HIT. much: I HTt. MARIE. ATM. I Two and a number of rusted old -i inuakota warr found In a cave North tsnws mines by A B ln;flor. They indicate e i 'U-n trafedy of the Jur trad- ins were found mi the mountain. 1 a type that Ibm iw north country CAR PLUNGED baalde The mur not been for Oft OVER CLIFF vsBii. B. C. Aui 30. Ijrroy a "t Harrison Mills was Instantly 1 ."'sierdRy wiien the oar in which 1 paaaenejer wcevt over the now -AKaaais mountain road and "i loo lee down the cliff to rocks l M rii tig over and over as it went. ' K llr and A. C. Mather, driver. " 'own out and, not aertoAMiy - DEATH SENTENCE ON JACKSON COMMUTED 111 AWA. Aug 30 n Oaort Sentence of death Edmund Jackaor. "" i v of Vancouver, B.C. has been """" to Uf imprlaonment. He ' '" iiav been hanged at Port Saa-' "n Alberta. Aujust 38, tor the f Mrs Nell Pendleton, near h '" iw-au. Alta . last Pebruary. Th-" '-le wife of a farmer ' f working. LOW Halwke. Lord Chanoellor of Or at Britain who aa Wa eomary r-oonaarurtcd thei arnv which wu later sent to France. STOCK QUOTATIONS on limine lrlers TimIs; on Vanruu- trf tlsp;r Courtesy of a. D Mwm Co, Ltd.) The foUowInc quoUtlons and asked: Argenta Rufna aOc., JOfte. Bsyvlrw lr.. 7Hc BC BlIveT 11 85 nil Big Mlaatmrl. tfrr.. 44'iC Cork Province c. 90c. Cotton Brit. nil. 60e.' Dunwell lc. 16c. Dutbl Wr . 1 00 Ctaorte Copper 50, MM. Oeorgla River ax., 30e. CMoonda 1 11. v. Orandvlew 38', c. 3ic. Independencr 13c, 11VC. Indian rW- 7c. KooUiey Flon-ncr aac.. BVie. L. t.. "We 1,:yc' Lake view 3c. S',c. tradamiUi. mi. M- Lucky Jlni Wc.. 3. Marmot River (xld lo'c. lMr- Mohawk sc . National Silver Itc.. UC Norarxla 1" "H Pond-Orrllle IU ! Porter Idaho Ti" 7r- Pramicr MB. oc, NV (ilr Sllveramliti I Blocan Kim: '"iir '"' Tejrmlm ' i,ir Topley Rtchflfld .W1 Torlc 3 N. W White Water W ' ' ,s Woodbine 34 c a.v Bunlock 13 40. 15 mis Dalhouale 3 3() lahyon llHc lftc. Home M.7S. Subscribe l'i etc. U:,:lv Newt. bid CONSIDERED MATT Til M UX HAVE TO OO HACK TO CAIIIMT ItHl THEIR IINAL. Ari'KOVAL MOamiBAL. Ag. 30Ulatotar Otj 'l luanrv Hcbb m a statement on the Standard Bank and Bank of Commerce1 merger, said he had Riven permission to r.r)totiat The shareholders of the two banks must now consider the pr jpjsttlan. The contract drawn docs not ccme Into -'ore until the Oovernment approves it. - Shareholders hold their meetings next month and aa full publicity was re quoted, the Oovernment should have a full crow-country opinion on the -oea-'K.n by the time the proposal reaches ROBBERY AT WESTMINSTER J i:VKM.l irn SAKE llltOKKN OPEN AMI MONKV TAKliN I ROM IT SAT-I'lttl.VV MdllT HEW WESTMINSTER. Aug. 18 The )eweUary store of Thoma. Otffocd was broken Into Saturday night and a thousand dollars worth of twenty dollar bills stolen. The man apparently secured entranoe through a hole made In the all of adjacent premises an d broke open the safe. It la believed they escaped across the boundary. Divsorwrjr of the robbery was made yesterday morning. STEAMER WAWEENA IS THOUGHT TOTAL LOSS CREW OF THIRTY LANDS rY-iX)VA. An. 20- Steamer of the Alaska Codfish Co.. of San-Pranrtaro, went aground Sunday at Tol stoi Point on St. Oeorgea Island. The injury. la apparently a total loas but Uie of SO men were landed without SOCKEYE FISHING IS CLOSED FOR SEASON Boakeye fishing closed at the end of last weak and from this time on the only ftahlAg will be for pinks, chums and oahoea.. aa far aa the riven are oonoarnedi The weekly close tune on the fikcena' la reduced to 49 hours, , . i frtaUga, w prohibited m . Prince Ru pert harbor and adjacent waters. CAPTAIN TROUP RESIGNS FROM CPJt SERVICE VICTORIA. Aug. 88. Capt.. J. W. Troup, superintendent of the B. C. Coast Steamship service of the O.P.R has resigned his position In order to look sf;r his private Interests. Keroutaos will succeed him. Capt. Advei'lM' In the Dally News It payit CLASSIFIED HABIT Boston Grill Everyone reads the Classified Ada LAItUF. CADARET Special Dinner Thursday and If you lose, advertise for It. Saturdays If you find, locate the. owner. Dancing every Saturday nl(ht from 0 to U. need, advertise for It Whatever you Dance Hall for Hire. -at PRINCE RUPERT Accomodation for Prlvae Parties (JET THE CLASSIFIED IIAI1IT. rhone 457 p. Northern ard Central British Columbians Newspaper PKINCE RUPERT, B. C:, MONDAY, AUGUST 20, 1928 Price Five Cents . , - - -H b Am, fu,i TOLMIE S NOW PREMIER MOTHER AVIATOR DISAPPEARS INTO VAST UNKNOWN r. macLean Resigns as rremier and Dr. Simon Tolmie Takes His Place as Head of the Government VICTORIA, Auir. 20. Hon. S. I). MacLean, Premier' l i r..n : l: .ir i -t iv ii i L 'llliu iuuu; iuiium ui mo, ut mv jjvtiio ut. ' f tCltOMH f'ONTI M'.NT 4 Hon. Simon Fraser Tolmie, Conservative leader, was, n"BAKS "' ""k otlay sent for by Lieutenant-Governor Iirucc on the ad- J curtis field, new yohk irr in tiitr i liii uiu in uhihi aiiu naa anuin 111 iuiiiihiij - ---- - ake the nosition vacated by MacLean. Dr. Tolmie will have a strong following in the new legis- i alure wun : memoers. jne minerals nave iwcivc ami a mr one. lorn uniuu 01 rcrnic. Dr. MacLean left immediately to 10m his family at Ircnlwood for a two wccKs holiday. - j . ...-. . . . t y iva nil iint w ft rui r.s- j continental fllirht. flying from California Hi record time for both direct tone minute. In IS hours. 68 Dr Tolmie was sworn in at 12.30 and said he would an-JAjJK VlrKlirI I.:.. i.s4 t iiuiuiiiuiiuuii umii l- ilia tumult ujiiiui i uv AlALlllLb I : ; LIKE RED MEN OF OLD: Tribal chiefs celebrating ancient treaty rights to cross international border at will. Bert Hassell and His Fellow - Flyer-Probably Lost Off Coast Greenland on Way to. Stockholm TORONTO, Aug. 20. Arctic seas that pound Greenland's icy shored have concealed the face of Bert Hasten s attempt to liy from Cochrane, Ontario to .Mount Evans, Greenland in the monoplane ftockford. Not since three o'clock, central Standard time, yesterday morning, has word come from Hassell and his companion, Parker Cramer, who left Cochrane at noon on Saturday on the second leg of their flight from Rockford, Ills, to Stockholm. The last message heard, a prearranged code letter MR" indicated that the plane was 75 miles off Cape ChtcUey. flying new Darla Strait - - r HEFS",'JIiC0L0NEL mm m Greenland but missed Mount Evans. In FROM HEART ATTACK such an event It would be days before j tne flyers oouid get word cut to the world If they were unable to get their radio to work. FOCI HORN LI CV lUM A new fog born is b-lna eilabllsh d as abort a time - poaalble. every candidate la requested to have all sucrip-tlcn stubs oompu'lj- ruled In. their money checked t correspond to the amounts shown on receipt stubs beiore coming to this office tonight We are always glad to you all the time you need and wnt, but for the accommodation of yourself and every other candidate wi wlU come In with -very available ""erlptton cluvlnu the DUBLIN. New Hampshire. Aug 20. Colonel Oeorge Harvey, former ambawa-dor to Oreat Britain, died here this afternoon from a heart attack. KILLEII IN ACCIDENT on Lucy Island aa an aid to navigation i In that neighborhood. It Is expected t I SEATTLE. Aug. 10 David Klngalry. i be ready for operation about September I Portland police officer, and Ix.uu Fir I. It Is being Installed adjacent to thellpl. U. S. Immigration Inspector of Port ItghtlKJune and is operated by an oil land, was fatally Injured when tlio.i engine. I auto overturned nouth of Seattle Biggest Vote Period of News' Subscription Campaign Ends Tonight What You Do liy 9 O'clock Tonight Determines In a Large Measure, Ultimate Success With the big first period offer ending forever promptly at 9 o'clock tonight, (Monday, August 20), it is only natural to expect that -each and every candidate will call at this office between now and 9 o'clock tonight to turn in every possible subscription. The present big vote offer will positively end at 9 o'clock tonight and will never be repeated, extended or duplicated ri any time during the campaign. , No candidate will ie, permitted. to enter The Daily News office after 9 o'clock tonight fdr. the , purpose of turning, in. subscriptions on the present olg vat' offerafoutia&tn U closing" Hours1 of the big vote Hrst per-effice'at that aie bewaitedn-nd "to)l offttVo make the request that, you thtlr aubsertptiork eradttrdi om the .big have your Himiw fn aueh shape that i totes of the first iwrlod. To avo1 oon- ! the CUnpalgn Manager will br able u fusion and to make each candidate check It quickly and Issue your receipt watt to ace the campaign. Manager tor . You will appreciate this of olhcrk they will appreciate It of you. ANY subscriptions MAILED In ANY poftofflce which are postmarked not later than 12 o'clock (midnight) Monday nlofc. iimiat On will Mllltit nn thp nr.. ' 360 PASSENGERS , LOST. tSUjKIMi i BAJtriA ctestrTW dw- too laaseagsrs sM foor men- bers of the crew were drowned PrWay In the sinking of the cos- tal steamer. Mlra Fiores, at the mouth of the Maultn river in South Chi!:. HON. I.MON FRASER TOLMIE SBBx RBBBBBBaBB IbBBBBBBTjVbVH BtBSBBBBBBBBgfffffsf PREMIER Ol IIRITIMI COLl MHIA STEAMER PROBABLY LOST OFF COAST OF COMMISSION TO INQUIRE INTO PILOTAGE MATTERS sent big vote offer even though they do A court of Inquiry is being held UiU rot reach this office before Tuesday or i uftrmooii in connecllon with the do-even later. I'ortntlon of Charles Sinclair who ro-If you ever Intend doing anything jcently escaped from Juneau JaU where BIO for yourself in this campaign YOU i he had been imprisoned for Infraction lioulcl OO IT NOW. "f lu- Vols', an A, t. LORDHALDANE LUliD YESTERDAY X.H REOICIJA.MkEK imtTIMII ARM1 HI T KEXIKEH OUIM1 TO OI'POSI-TIU.V OUIIMJ WAR ME.MRER lD'Jit CABINET UAH I.OVER OF lIRMAJi .SCHOLARSHIP AMI THIS JOM AU.1IAMT HIM AS STATK-IMAN OX) AN. Scotland. Aug. 19-VlsoDtxnt Hald&ne. equally famous a prttaaanfaer and stalavuan. former war minister. d.ed yesterday after a tang Illness He i was 73 years of age. i Carl Haldane Is credited with the re-organisation ol the British armf between the years of 1905 and 1614 thus permitting Britain to seed a strong expeditionary foroe to Franee wttbin a few days after the Oreat War began. H&idane'a early love far German scholarship told against him altar war commenced and. despite tua record in creating a new army, be was excluded from the coalition ministry. A viscounty closed the career of Haldane In polities although he entered the 'labor government of Ramsay Macdsnald, . as Lor Chancellor. i FISHING STOPS ON THE FRASER MEN WILL NOT ACCEPT OFFER OF OPERATORS A NO IN MEANTIME HO ATM IIILE ANOTHER MEET-IXO TIESIIAV NEW WESTMINSTER. Aug. 19 Salmon fishing ceased on the Fraser River tins morning and the boats continue die until a settlement of the dispute between fishermen and Cahners concern-tng prices paid the former by the can-nera The meeting called yesterday to conunue discussion of the dispute lailed matetiallw. The stoppage comes In the middle of the sock eye season. Cannery operators Informed the men they could not make as immediate decision in regard to their demands. Another meeting will be held at Vancouver tomorrow night In an effort to reacH an agreement. Tiie men are asking at least 75c. a (Lsh instead of 66c aa at present for vrkeye and a proportionate Increase for other varittles. TWENTY HOMES WERE BURNED I IKE THKEATENEII POWDER HOl'SE AT RON AMI. WAMIINOTON. HIT i MINERS STOPPED IT ELLENSBURO. WASH.. Aug. 19 Twenty homes and several business .buudlngs were destroyed In Ronald, a mining town 33 miles north of here Saturday night. The Maze was checked by more than two thousand miners and rrsMenta when about a ouarter of a MEXICO IN A STORM 5TJ2SLSTtr SSm" j. For a time the fire threatened to PANAMA CITY, Aug. 19 Reports re- .weep Into the neighboring town of ceivod that the steamer Wlldam S. Mc- Rlyn. Kennedy wsa lost with 14 man during a storm off the California coast gained credence when the motoranlp Santos arrived yesterday, reporting loslnp second officer haaooo, washed overboard dur- j Ing a heavy s" off the Oajlfomla eeuat. j The MoKanney is Ave days overdwe at ; Balboa en route from San Pedrbv to: New York. i MANY MINERS REACH QUEBEC QUEBEC. Aug 19 Seeking relief frou-unemployment :n the Old Country and i with, facas turned cheerfully toward the harvest fields of Western Canada. 9 000 British .miners -passed through here over the week-end. Many of the roan will probably become permanent eltlrens of VAHOOUVEK. Aug 20--Mr Justice the Dominion. ' Morrison lws bean appointed Royal Com-1 mlssloner t inquire Into pilotage mat- tern in British Columbia, according to. Ottawa advices. , ANOTHER GIRL SWAM ENGLISH CHANNEL DOVER, Aug 19. -Miss Sawke swam the English channel from Cape Oris Nea. France, to Dover, completing the feat early yeaterday afternoon. She was Ir. 'he water IB hours, U mlaut, j .4