rcldd to bat a the wicket was wet .iter the rain. But the pitch became treacherous and the aide as retired fot 00 run. Hi opponent then ran up i boon or lav tor two wicsew. Ot CunoBvlUe. the Belfast Amateur Irish Senior Football League team have not sanctioned the proposal of the Irish League that the prtts of subscriber tickets be ineress:d from 4MB to W, The late Osorge Orrhran captained aifumvlUe in 1009 and 1930 wblle Jauk The Daily News who captains the taaan in town alto played for them m 1011. P. Proud foot TnanagsT of the Clapton Orient football club has been wisgitridtri rfor sis months far ailagtd IrregutariUes Ouy Jackson, the Derbyshire captain. I in rnanagement u was said mat Be naa put his opponents to when he won the tots and tnoy scored 821 runs before tnev were dismissed. tried to pre-arrange toe result of cer tain matches. ud one or tne local ssnnis assw iam T I. Calthroue Of Warwickshire won weest mere wss oonaioereote unemn in the toss and put Glamorgan Into bat a challenge between one of the young which tnoy did all day. and scored 418 lady tenuis stars of toe city and a male runs for the loss of only 0 wiahats. I opponent The tody won and the stoke 'ol 01 changed hands. The ladles usually A comparison of the cricket perform- get the money anyway. DISTRICT READERS Who do not subscribe for the paper but who purchase occasional copies, will find it advantageous to remit 93-QP. and, have every copy mailed to their address for the next yqar. All the News of the North, coast and country, from our specjal correspondents, as .well as world events will kee.pp you, well posted at minimum cost. .Send the. postal order today while you still think of itl ii i PAGE FIVE nduy, August 20, 1928, THE DAILY NEWS HOSIERY Only in f, CorLxelii iilk Hosiery do you find such exquisite beauty combined with extraordinary wear and perfect fit. Ml sizes and nhudeH of thin -uptrior hosiery alwayB in stock. "The Nobby" Roofing and Specialities Mineral Surfaced Hoofing Mineral Surfaced Shingles Itoll Hoofing Ruilding Papers and Felts Ever jet Elastic I'aint Plastic Elastigum , Shingle Stains reosote Oils Marine Seam Pitch. Distributors Albert & McCaffery Limited Phones 116 and 117 City Meat Market Sclvlg Bros. Third Ave. Phone 705 KJOT F1SK UtONSAKR ' tie sorter norsk ost Norske flskekonserver Norske miKkerkavringer orske hveteskonrokker Norske rugskonrokker Norske knekkebrod orske f lalbrod Mutter O.8.V. 1st ky. varer. BIIHge prlser. llurtlg onibringelse GIANTS REACH LEAGUE LEAD Al'TKK TOILSOME ASCENT TllKV AT AT LAST KKACir AMJX IX NATIONAL Vi;i',iti.v : ' DEFEAT CARDINALS Ijirry llonlon i:pt,miiKllile (or Final Win t New V;rk ISiimHiuII Tram NEW YORK, Ag. 19- -The CHant completed a long and toilsome ascent to the jNatlonnl summit yesterday when they 'defeated the Cardinals In the thin: straight game. Larry Benton pitched the cruclul game, hurling lite 20th victory ol the year. He m touched for nine hit but he met' every emergency. The Giants made 11 their ran in the fourth Inning when they pierced Will n Cherdel defence for three hits, er's choice and a sacrifice fly. tteid- Cincinnati took poaeeaslon of fourth place by beating Boston. The Yankee split double-header with Cleveland. Five Washington pitcher failed to top the savage Tiger. Following are the week-end boons: Saturday's (lame NATIONAL New York 3. St. Lout 2. Brooklyn 4: Chicago 11. Boston 10; Cincinnati 6. Philadelphia 0-11; Pittsburg 9-8. AMERICAN Cleveland 6; New York 6. Chicago 1; Beaton 3. Bt. Louis 2-8: Philadelphia 3 4. Dertoit 1; Washingtan 3. COAST San Prarjohwo 3; Angeles 4. Btcremeaip 8; tSeaitle 5. Oakland I; Portland 1. Hollywood : Mission 2. Sunday's (lame NATION 11. Boston 3: Cinelnnatti 4. Brooklyn 2; Chicago 3. Mew York 3: at. Lout 2. AMLIHCAN Cleveland 8-2: New York 1-10. Detroit 0; Washing ton 6. Only gssnee. COAST Sacramento 8-4: Seattle 8-3. Hollywood 4-4: Mission 1-1. Oakland 4-0: Portland 1-3. San Francisco 10-0: Bo Angeles 8-1. ROVERS BE 4T R ANGERS IN LACROSSE GAME SATURDAY EVENING Th Hover are now in the lead In toe lacrosse league In their game against the Bangers Saturday they overcame DOUBLES WINNERS IN INTER-ZONE TENNIS MEET: Uen-neKaey and Scott, American -players, who won from Italy in the inter-zone finals for the DaviB Cup in Paris unoss f Hotmes and SutellSe the Eng lish batting ace show that from 1919 1927. Holmes completed 442 inning .'cored 44 hundreds, made a total of 19.907 runs at an average of 44a run per Innings. For the same time out- cltfle completed 408 innings, eoortng 48 reparate bundled, for a tstal of 19,414 runs with an average of 47.48 runs per innings. Fred Oaby. England's great hurdler Is to retire at the and of toe present rac ing season. Oaby was known as a Jum per a dosen years ago and it was amy after the war that he took up hurdling He has won the Bngluh -Amateur Athletic Association Championship for sigh hurdles five times, and on each ooca- akni bettered hie previous tune. He was beaten by g. M. Atkinson the South African at Uus year's sports. Around The World With Sport Fans (Uy The Tramp) "Dixie Dean" the holder of the League record for scoring goals in three goal lead in the final period and OIie amnion has refused an offer from X-RAY MACHINE FOR TERRACE CITIZKNH DECIDE TO MAKE TllOlf OKllI CANVASS OF DISTINCT TO SKCUIIF. FI NDS TKBRACsf, Aug. 1C--A meeting of the directors of the Terrace hospital association was held on Wednesday evening, the meeting being called to further arrangements for the proposed drive tor funds to buy aa X-Ray unit tor local use. epassutstrw were present from the Women's IswUtute. Native Bon l&ebekabs. Canadian Legion. Canadian Legion Auxiliary, and Board of Trade Rev. Win. Allen, president of the Asso ciation was In the h.r . A letter was road from the WoTk- r.ian't Compensation Board. In reply to n request made to that body lor a oo- MUJon toward the proposed X-By ttatlng that It was beyond their Jurisdiction to make such grants. They eom-mended the dlreetssw upon the wisdom of the derision to purchase the X-Hay .iid suKgextod thst substantial dona ;ions might be obtained from operators won out by a score of five goals to four. !tne )aew vork OlanU team to play In of Industrial enierpn. in tlie aliirict. The Rangers could not st-rp Joe Olllii j New York. He was offered over S100 per I In dtocunlng the ueceatlty of having who played wonderful lacrosse. wh"week but Dean prefer to tay in Bag-Inn X-Ray machine Dr Bnimmltt uilrt fcharats Woods was effecttvely cheeked 1 4 line mceilng that out of fourteen ac hy Marshall, who for the first tune thlsj indents cute requiring X-Ray trekUuent season failed to score The scores were s follows: Rnver J. QllUs 3 B. Unger. 1: B. Bremner 1. Rangers B. Morrison 3: R QUlls 1. SPORT CHAT The resrranelSBllty depending on a csptata of a avtawsl seam when he wins the toss and ha to decide whether he . aculd bat or tMd net been strikingly iinstratvd In amgllh cricket recently. J W H. T. Douglas, the Esvas captain I Wilson .i i. , k h.. (ln the pnt few month, twelve could 'orpted term offered by the New York !'" nad tnert beon X-B elHtie By having to go to Want Football Team are D. McMullai l.-.-w . . . .w-k t w r;Uer Haxelton or Place Rupert, uiore ; limn 111 iviiiBbiviiMu uiuj-mw., . .. nL,,,.. f turin anil j k narrtn- ' " ton formerly of Liverpool, to get 080 per week. KlcMullan 1 ra tnucn unnecesearj suneruig 4, be endurJ. He assured them that j here was no danger of toss in operation for basing his charges on allowances made by the Workman's Compensation Board In each Instance. In the right and one-half mouth the X-Ray lohsurgea would have amountan to two Ihundred and five doDats and toe sl- KW in,..nMa iMn hv tMm Bend an eon.. idaranlv tower than the usual fw chsrged In X-Ray work. The chairman expressed the Idea that bt public were in sympathy With the project and that there should not be any great difficulty In collecting the remaining Ave hundred and fifty dnflate ;eosaaary to buy. install and equip the machine. Be said conditions ner very favorable for the using of chine. The Victor isptssatrtsttve here had assured the (hot ttere was an abundanoe of dctMe jawer. ar Urummitt ha had eonaftdatmat eajxs- lence in the diaKiuiattig of X-flay aims ind P. De Ktry iinmmwr understood tiie developing cr tne plates. He told they wcr working for the good of the v-orklng masse snd he) felt they would Live than- rapport rt proparty approa- rhed. Lasseniiut of esmcnse. ot pain, o: time away from home and of time od ' work were all factors which were ap- neellna nroofs ol the advlsabtltty of wnlng an X-Ray nvaonme in Terrace. A committee of there was appointed by the chairman to (arrange th details of dividing the v.r.iey Into dwOr.cU. and the allotment of each djatrfcA to tin several oanvasuer also to pro vide sud srrtptton Uttx und data in connection with the objeci to tamed rrom Installation of nn X-Bay unit, tor use of the canvn ers and tafortnatle tor smhsorlbers Mrs. A. 0. Head, Mrs. A. Thompson. hikI Dev. A. W. Itofetn- son were iuml the preside1 laser trv slso being ex-OSUOtO OB t Uftttstoiuee. P'svfadaoi sJsdkiwitiii . - an early meeting IffhMMllue. a drive for tWnda ICeatoC on Wedtstuy toeaing i. V txilthurst stawsM tss) list 'gtoun oils (Inmitlo'i ol Otis' un of 4he idradtW- 1rs und u numii-r of other HUbstanttal r-uxuintii inivr already been promised, COLCMUIA. A OKKAT lCl.llDIJ) The extension of 060 squsi: mllei made to Jiuper national park. Alberta, In 1937. bMtii:ii the Columbia itxeftetd mltluii natli'iial park boundaries. Thls Klant ioeflki oik- hunlred and twewty-Ave miles In extent, which Is the mother of more tluui n score ot geactem. ts urrounded hy h imlnxy of Riant peaks ami repiewnt'- Mn' very cltmnx t:f tiie sienio mil iiipHK fealure of tlin fin l'. Its. HELP FAVORITE . CANDIDATE NOW Readers who have promised a candidate their subscription, shouM endeavor to keep their promise and pay the candidate for the subscription as quickly as possible. The Daily News' campaign is being conducted on a decreasing vote schedule and the sooner a subscription is turned in to this office the more votes it will count for the candidate. The subscription, Mr. Reader, costs you the same amount of money regardless when you pay it, and it means the same to The Daily News, regardless of when it is received at this office BUT, the sooner it is turned in the more votes it will count your favorite candidate towards winning one of the bjg prizes. Look ovqr the big prje list shown below then don't let the lack of your subscription, stand between a candidate a and one of the very biggest of the ' prizes. -r- 4 LATEST 1928 MODEL Pontiac 2-Door Sedan Purchased from WALKER & ROSS Prince Rupert, B. C. Prince Rupert Rotail Price $1,200 ONE $500.00 AND TWO $100.00 CASH PRIZES LATEST 1928 MODEL Tudor Sedan Ford Tudor Sedan Purchased from S. E. PARKER LTD. Prince Rupert, B. C. Prince Rupert Retail Price $860 10 PER CENT CASH COMMISSION TO ALL ACTIVE N0N PRIZE WINNERS Nomination Wank In The Trince Hupert Daily News "Everybody Winh" Campaign. Good for 5,000 Votes I hereby enter and txui 6,000 votes for Mia, Mr. or Mrs ai a candidate in The Tijlnee Rupert Dally Hews "Krerjrbedj Wins PrimDWtfwitlon. , t Address . . , Phase!' Note9.nJ,pne nomination blank wilj be ctedlted to each candidate V!tf: ! Nominated. , , ,A hu ' VOTES posfllveiy cannot be transferred from one candidate to another, liule 8 says in part: "Votes are not transfers b I e . Candidates can-not withdraw in favor of another candidate-Should a candidate withdraw from the rare, his or her votes will be cancelled." Some . candidates have not known Of the "nave rule, to whlffa there will absolutely be no exceptions. For Full information, call on, Telephone or yrite , CAMPAIGN MANAGER The Prince Rupert Daily News PHONE 531 Campaign office open evenings until 8 o'clock PHONE 531 9,