:l:iy. April 17, 102S prices at Prince Rupert of the New Chevrolet , I Litfht Delivery Chassis $fl:M.OO 1-1 y2 Ton Truck Chassis $800.00 Kojuhter $808.00 Knadnter Delivery $808100 TomiiiK $808.00 nupc $o:n.oo "M(h $:n.oo Sedan $ HMO.OO Cabriolet $10:10.00 Imperial Landau $1080.00 Front Bumper and Rear Hiimperettes standard equipment on all Passenger Models. Disc Wheels Standard equipment on Imperial and Cabriolet only. On other models $.'10.00 extra. Snare Tire and Tube, si'.t 00 extra. Kaien Garage Phone 52 RICHMOND'S Louvre 1 -AMOUR FOH VALUE in Ladies' Coats Hats and Dresses H S. WALLACE CO, LTD. MEIfCUKY I' I'LL FA91I10NHD SILK HOSE M't'nn and Service Weifrhts Hunmctal, Black, Armos-re. Nude, Kvenjflow, Mer-ida. Flesh, etc. i" rom $1.75 to $2.50 The Hose for Satisfaction H.S.WalIaceCo.Ltd. Phone 9. 3rd Ave. & Fulton. NOBLE FIVE IMS .Miller, Court & Co. sponsored and placed before the f uliiir sueh well known properties us Cork Province at ". Whitewater at 25c, Pend "reille at 25c. and now they offer NOBLE FIVE MINES I I'D. at 30c a share. Over three quarters of a million dollars has been spent on development, power plant and mill. This is a proven property. Subscription taken by S.D Johnston Go.Ltd. 017 2nd Avenue Agents for Miller, Court & Co. Ltd. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing", and Distributing- Team or Motor Service. Coal Sund and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furnituiw Moviiiic. CHRISTIANS INSZECM ARE BAITED a... AulTATOKH l.NVAHE AXIt IKY Til HTA.MI'Efi ( i TAKINfl PAUT How a Chines Christian congrega- tljn carried on unruffled while antt- jrUtlan iiurrut.tera paatdl Inflaai-( matory piacaards around the room- and j tcre up hymn sheet is the story told! in a letter from a Canadian mission- ary who la at work fn the interior pro- vince of Szechwan. near the borders of Tibet. The playing of an orphanage hand and the singing of Christian hymns by hundred of children at the jtrvlc are believed to have stirred up j th? agitators. The following la an eyewitness' ac- c:nint of the Incident at Taellustlns. Sffhwan, whare the Chinese church folk iu rude interrupters. Rev. W. J Mart l-1 "I started when I waa 8, and at 12. mere, of London. Ontario, secretary-, In the old Burwood SBttck company in' trwurer of the West China Mission ;OiEaha. I had my UBS real chance to I Tht UrilUd Church, writes: jdem..nMratc to iasetf arid ths world i "Mr. B.'ll and 1 arrived jn the 24th. that the stage cii perhaps my voia-nd fcund that tiw Olrls' Middle School !tlcn. But at 17 :rrw too old for kid had Just clo'jd their entertainment parts and was still too young fori without mterruptljiii The Woman' Juveniles, so I did character work. And I School had als , had theirs, although from that work In Saa Diego I entered i?r:ain anU-Chrlatian deroenotrators the motion picture nr-'- ' had pounded on the street gate. They "Even so, I haronrad sort -' side-line Veiled out, "D:wn with Christianity." ambitions. I might have become a ind "Down with the running doga of magician or maybe a prize fighter, for Imperialism," but could not get In. both of those games held their fasctn-In view of the possibility of a dls- atlon. About the time I waa able to lurbance at the public Chrtatmaa service grasp what matfc was. I used to prac-in the chureh, the lecal leaders took tlce it. Legerdermaln was my pet. the precaution to notify the military j aeadquarten and received assurances ! that they wsuld send men. If needed, me service began earlier than usual n the hDF of avoiding disturbance Ircm ouuiue. such as. occurred last Mr Chen, classic teacher la- the boya",bers of that time Jo? Oans. Battling rho-jl aU were on the platform The .Nelson. Abe Attell and other leading trearher gave a brief but thoughtful luminaries of the squared circle. Chrif unai' rermon. Interspersed were r.ngs by the different schools, boys nd girls, and a band select It n by the rnhsnage boys. It looked as If the program was gain,; through without hitch. I TKOI HUE MAKhK FILTKU IK "Into the audience, however, then bad been gradually filtering a number of agitators. At first they said nothing, but in the midst of Mr Chen s addrvsa. a number of young fellows came In wtlh long streamers of paper which they proceeded to pasteup at the QSCK or ine on urea, naving eoverea wte;ine people economically ana culturally, baet Wall, they came toward the front i it was the same wish the announce- and put up more on the brick pillars, j menu they had put up. caHIng on every- -They finally started in with paste 1 0ne to "destroy Christianity" f. jt and Inflammatory notloes on the , "The praaidmg chairman. Dr. Kuh, wall behind the platform where we were .nd Mr. Chen stood where" they were TUOVLXCIAL ELECTIONS ACT" IIHAI. HHsTMt'T KOTIO la hereby given that I shall. jb Mttsdav. the 21t day of May. 1922. a the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at the Court -house. Prince Ru-fert. hold a sitting of the Court ot lervlsioa for the purpose of revising the I tat of voter for the said electoral district, and of hearing and determining uay and all obje.-tlons to th: re tern ion of any name on the said llt. or to the registration as a voter ol any applicant fir registration: and lor the other set forth in the "Provincial EurposM lert lasts Act." Dated at Prlnre Rupert, B.C.. this .'.th din of Anrll. 1828. IUHJ1BTKAK ur vvians. II Prince Rupert Electoral Dletrtot. MINERAL ACT (Form P.) CERTIFICATE Ol' IMPROVEMENTS NOTIl'M Princess Pat. L-.)t 4SSS: Pilot. Lot 4887 HAT., tot M8. Observer. Lot 4882. alinanl CUisaa. situate In the Atlln Mia TnwHBtViSioh lMHr.trlr. ..What located: On Munro Mountain about four m'las from the town or All in. TAKS NOTICB that we. James stoks and C. n Frtser, Pre Miner's Certlllcate 'No. 8W80-90O61. intend, sixty days from the date hereof, ti apply to the Mining naannier for a Certificate of Improve- , mrnts. for the purpose of obtaining a i Crown Qraat oi ine awrse ciaim. .i further take notice that actios, under section 8ft must be commenced before the Issue of such Certlficatt of Improvements. . Dated this 5th day of March, t a. p. 1 928 If MeN. rRASBR, ..-ent. IN PK0BATH IV THE StTIIEMrTrOl'IIT OPJIHITISlI tOU'MMA In the Matter of the Administration In theM!nr of the Bstate of Benedict Steffan Johnson. Deceased", Intestate TAKS NOTICE that by order of His Honor P. McB Yc m. the 22nd day of Mar 1M8. I was appointed admlnlt-f5to?ol the estate Johnson, deceased, and m claims saslnst tlie said esinte are h.by reoutrVd to furnish j-rne pro-nerle verified to me on or before tae Tf and all par-tM Mth day April. toP.ho 1928. IndVbted .'S to psv the amount of their tndeotea:-ne., to me fortth. y?&TT, Official Administrator. pjrlm-eJWpert, JIC NOTICE IM Tl MVITKR of an application for the"l52T of VFrovlslonal 1'" Title for liOt rtWn 1 191. 2AHirMtl . V Vii ;ssjv v. - - 'r Z, ''The' first bub- &VhereoTa of Title to the abov land in in'": case of Title l ' ,,'I28th l0DOT 110. and is ntimbered J iji p.,. I WTT",... i u.-S j j,,,. WHAT 1 MIGHT HAVE BEEN As Told tuf Harold C. Jturr Hy HAHOLI) LLOY1) I "Boyhood ainUlt.ons usuuliy arc a rag-Qui dn.ira and nightmare mostly i nightmares Electrical entrlnefrs In I their early teem Invariably become i newtparier reporters or hardware mer- jChants. It fulls u the lit ol few! yonjreters sventualiy to blossom into the line of endeuvor that attracted them In their youth, . "Strangely. I always had one real ambition. I wanted a carter on the stage. Thl. thought apparently was Inborn. I often have heard my mother say It was nurtured by her. She wanted to become, an actress, and did play In amateur theatricals. But her folks were very religious and never would consent to her going on the pro fee- atonal stage. Maybe she did Instill this lonalne In mv heart. j "When I reached the age where by selling newspapers and magazines I could pick up a few odd pennies. I used to slip off to hunt stories where they sold tricks of any description. I would 3f cveryming went oeauiuuiiy them and after Id mastered their -.nrum-as. buy lajlt bejj rang for me as a pugilist, for a lime Intricacies entertain the neighborhood . "Mr. Slao, who waa to lead In I kids with magical performances. My -Not In the least heartbroken. I sub-.qrayr Mr. Lin, the preacher; Pastor dad said I was pretty good at It. too -ouentlv devote all mv time' tn tits U. chairman of the dlstrlrt: Mr. Oer Id 3 Bell Jf Torsnto. and myself: Dr. Fuh. of ihe mission h.spltii. who waa it charge of the whole rervtce, and also out men you know wnat fathers are. theatre, when I wasnt conducting newspaper routes. I've tried my hand "Like every youngster of 14 I had my ,t about everything around a play-sport Idols These were piomlnen? house assistant nroo bov usher, candv "I was a very rugged youngster, and to let off steam I had to be dolns something. S3 I turned to boxing. sitting. No opposition waa offered and Mr. Chen kept on with his addreaa un til one of tike leading demonstratot Jumped on the platform and delivered a long Urade agalnat the Claurak. Christianity and Imperialism, claiming, as these people always do. that Onrlsti- snlty U taught to drug the people and i thus enable foreign nations to consr in end dominate the country and exploit and let this young cnap rant away. Me jas followed by others. Their mtn- tion was, evidently, to break up the gathering. But the Mg congregation of there might be a taroerul attempt to boys ami girls and older people looked rek Up the service, and the prospect quietly ati aa if it were an amwals , stampede with all those hundreds entertainment and eoutd not be drawn 0f children was rather appalling, out. j 'P.r a while it looked as If It might "For fear that these agitators, foOe. wUr lf we foreigners withdrew, as would attempt something more draa- j our preaence was perhaps mom lrrtta-tle. word waa sent over to the Oeneral ; tlng than that of the Chinese Chris-and In a few minutes dosen or so j ,, 0ur leader asked us to stay soldiers, armed, quietly filed In and took j where we were, and so we did to the seats near the float. Thotr officer, whan ; TOd Our people showed a splendid be deemed euoufh takklag had been ,pirU thrjughout. Kven when one agi-fone. advised that the meeting be dls- tt)tor. more daring than the others, missed". He stated that be and his picked up some hymn sheets on the man had come not to aupport either . pigtform and tore them up, the chair- one or the other aide, but to the peace and now. aa both aMee had ... service 1 1 vl It I " ' it industry . ' i Concrete Mixers Wcttlaufcr Improved nrixert will hatp you to meet cow petition and reduce the cost of munag concrete, mortar or platter. liar are a- few points of superiority : 1. All sttel construction. 2. Shape of dram gives faster mix. Quicker discharge. Lata trictfon. Deum a4atmal less speed than olhsr raeaaafig leagar the. 7 5. Ring oHing sytatr i of lul Uon oi main beartnes. 6. Fair banks-Morse nglnei and Motors provide power. 7. New automatic safety control t. 8. Efficient service maintained. IPWft e mot ifmition. One CANADIAN Itiirbanks 'Morse COMHANYvClss4SM jsMM';-Salt-tw-Mais.i a4KMiaMMesiMni I S IIAUOIII I.LOYII "! longed to le able to take rabbits out of hut." My career in this game, however, was short-lived. It was all right as long a I stayed in the gymnasium. But I waxed ambitious and thought I could win In one of the Colorado state amateur championship tournaments. "We were living in Denvsf then, and unknown to my pepl: I entered in the flyweight class I'd worked my waJr up to the semi-finals when my mother heard about it. There were; not going to be any caullflowered Lloyds In our family, if she could pre- '; yent it. I may add. she did, and toe! butcher. electrician s helper. Well, just about everything that was to be jdone.M Tomorrow Ethel Barrymore Copyright by Public Ledger. had an opportunity of proclaiming their belte:s, it was time to close the j ncering. HAMJ IK)OMKiY AT iXOSR "A.ter same furiner efforts of the denuustrator ta get the audience to , fellow them" tn vantsta yalli. the cmur man. Dr. Puh, called on all to rise and ;-iose with the Uixology. The singing of our bDys and Rlrls was most hearty and clearly showed the agitators what uttie effect all their grandiloquent j pee:hea had made. They were mantHaa j, nettled, but were persuaded to leave. AI( tne audience:fllel gutetly out. -it WM certainly i great marvel to me how quiet and unruffled those Itttl totas of girls remained despite all .ne rumpus. My own fear was that man, though on the brink of retaliating, aa he afterwards told ua, decided It was more Chrtstisn to bar patient wtth the fellow "After the service, the orphanage boys marched out and trselr band played aa usual. There was ni appfance of be- u, K in the least frightened. ; "Is Chrlstlsiiltv firmly plaated in thla city of TVellutalnx? I have no doubt about It " SECOND POWER UNIT AT DOCK Tl HE I'l.ACKII IN OI'EKATION TO nn.iuvi: intH fMitit vtAirx IHTIMAVIJH The following naasjalal stateraenu coveting the opeidamm of two city utUHMa for the montfa of March were presented to the city oftuacll last night by A . Little, siiperintandent at utilities: TEl.KI'HONV.S-Esantated Revenue M.888.BS Expenditure V 2.447.38 Surplus 1.209 47 Ei.r.cTitir i.loiif Betmtnted revenue 1t.710fl3 Expenditure 11.114 82 Surplua- ..' 1.8 aaju ews j1 nUfmlanles)4 alioV, ' eatltmttes' for the yea iBM.'Al' :anltolpnt.d a -ur plus frcot the tele-' 'phone' department ot Ofo.soB on' a tot.il estksUited revenue of4 StSteOO and a surplus of 115,000 on eleowie ligius j from total revenue cf 1125.000. Capital 'expenditure on telephones, it was -iluiiatPd. wOttlO" be HtOOO- and on the: electric Irgert ayetem- 48.f)rs, j The capital expentfrture of the elec-1 trie light department will lacluox the pwtttng into operaHtn of a second ' Imacntre at the dry dock now that the i therg ae well1 s the' plant at 8hawitaaVaMte-' ser ltaded lttt SI ST-: ON S T, 1 Sgm I m iMI Mm m OR a London tradition and is thoroughly rectified to obtain perfect purity and sparkling clearness. Sterling John CoIIi'm X Twothirds cocktaaV glass Slermig London Dry Cm. juice of one lemon, pace of ice, one tcaspoonful sugar, bottle cold soda. , ' 1 ' ) 3 LONDON 30 PAOTf FttB : Thia advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government 1 of British Columbia Lu.Tl that tendwrs be called sor three 833 , k.v.a. 18.000 volt transformers sa well. ae other equipment that wUl be need - 1 ed In placing tne second dry dock unit in operation. GIRL STOWAWAYS ON UNITED STATES SHIPS, I rut Ashore In rhwMa and Formal -qulry n-1 to be made regarding it. WASH I NO TON, DC, April 17. ! Spotting to the recommendation. been ordered A' ""T t l h a Court of inquiry have the result of the discovery of four, girl ' originally propcaad ta pave through stowaways on board vessel, ot the" "h to Fourth Avenue but. on South Atlantic Heet. Kaval authorities account of the heavy grade. It waa decided that It would sulBlce to declared last night that they were in- go " to be lane. The work was formed only four girls were fouud. but 7 a report from Key Wast said that four ternary In view of heavy traftte and" girls who were landed there and at toe prwent dilapidated condltftm ot St. Petersburg. Florida, told of another tb '"wet. U4 hslna nut off ths dMtaoeer BUI-' " -, could recall but one other stowaway - ,H W. . 1 .1-1 .lull 1 completed a journey on board the bat - Ueahlo Ar Irons from New York to Panama, In 1921. Twelve enlisted menj recelrad prison sentences s a result of that episode. j Secretary Wilbur declared last night that courts of Inquiry have been or- ddrsd in the po'ts where the vessels put the girl, ashore Subscribe for the Daily News. j The Least Excitement ; Made Her Heart Palpitate and Flutter j Mrs. Ambrose Orwr, Elfinburg, Oat, qulPPd as a aaltery for mild cur-writeet "I suffered for some time rug herring. It has a capacity In this with a bad heart which seemed to be inspect for 25 barrels a day with dry coat rolled by mj nerves. The least little excitement would eause it to flut ter and palpitate, and at ties I would hare real bad ipelh Iffersd in Jhit way for some tatogSut. one day, advertised, so de- iflSflSnaseTaxemV ruled to try them. I had only taken a I few boxes when I noticed that I felt better, ae I con tinued taking- them and in a short time mj heart felt entirely different.' Pries 60e, a box tt aU drnjjfisU sad dealers, or mailed direct on reeeiii of price by The T. Ullburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Oat L I quality Gin possessing the tiavor, asK tor sterling London distilled by experts according Sterling.Gin tRickfy (X One tump ice m tumbler, juice of one lemon or lime. Sterling London Dry Cm, FiO up with sodi water. Mu well snd ww white feting 'i DEV HALF BLOCK ON GREEN ! QT'BPFT TA RF PAVFl) Oltlfibl' 11 DLIniDUj J Cltv Osnnrll Oerides on Work Near Hospital EuMmatrst to Tost j ts.iiw A recommendation from the Board ol Works that Clreen Sret from FLfih Avenue to the lane to the rear of the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital be macadamized at an estimated cost of S3.299 was accepted by the city council Hast night. WILL FREEZE HERRING ABOARJMOTORSHIP lOW .ANE SAHJS FOR" NOIITIIKHN ALASKA TO HALT. CI HE AND I'HwtOS 8KATTLC. April 17. The first Alaska I equipped for frewaiiig fish, tin motorshjp Dnnna Lane, of the Utopian Fisheries. Is en route for Prince WlUlan Sound. Owen explained that 50 tons of herring, for use by halibut fishermen as 'bait, will be froaan aboard the vessel dally. The Donna Lane wlH operate In the- Prince William Sound, Cook Inlet and Kodlak Island districts. Herring, will be prepared In block, of 50 pounds .each. The motor-ship has apace for 2.000.- I0G0 pounds of frozen herring, and also .Horage for 7.500 barrels of mild cured herring exclusive of cold stcrage apace HOTEL AHHIVALS. ' Prlnea Rniert H. W Chambers and T. R. Wilson Invermss: J. P. Strang, Sunayelde-Mr. and Mrs, P. Prcnehoc. Petersburg Alaska . D. Purvis, Vaneeuver. C. I. Ime- son, N. A. Mllott. Oao. Walker. B. C aJhnson, Vancouver; W. I. Walker, Naas Harbor; Walter K Steed. Premler BC Walter LongwlU returned to the city on the Catftla this morning after having spent a couple of days In' Stewart en buetneee. NT G -:- G I most pleasing ffl Dry. ( It is to the best to. Gl N eilin Out Our whele stock must be disposed of quickly COME EARLY AND OET VOUIl HIIAIIE OF TUB IUR0A1NS Montreal Importers Thiil Avenue J. II. Miller, Preprletor City Meat Market (SELVIC. imos.) Third Ae. Phane 7C5 KJOT FISK GKONSAKEIt (.JmTOST N0KKBL0ST FETMYSOST PHLMULA GAMSIRLOST , FISKBI10LLEH i FLATBUOD I SIULTEK OS. V. t 1st kl. varer. Ililllffe prlser. Hurtlff ombrlngelse. PAIN in BLADDER Prompt It Eased by SA.NTAL MIDY He ure In get the (Jeniillie Look far the word ".MID X"