Save Money The cheapest way to buy the Dally News U to subscribe by the vcr The cent u 15.00 and your , ipy a delivered to your addreas each evening. Just figure out the juibII cot to you for thti dally service for twelve monthat Vi XVIII., No. n:i. BE NEXT MONTH 1 m: ir.NTiM;n as iisibi.k liiM.IM. Mllll ll!M)l.t- nox m;t hick i VKtt. May 14. The Sunday . "With both the mayor ' :n convention" all over h nominate candidates tor the . election, politics! toft- Drcumlns almost certain tfeat wilt reach IU cllsaax is of June and tin wBO K i iw even o so far BS to B polling win be on Juns) ' nation dsv June T. ;wted by hobm that Laglsls- h dissolved some time tows i next week or the weak lot STAN MORAN RETURNS TO CITY WITH BRIDEi M-'"- l:nin ljulrtl.v lii VamtHnrr Lst 1 li til -.1., ( M t;,H tXWlrltW M niii. well known local tasl " 'd prominent In baseball is reorivmg congratulations ' - ln msrriBsc nulatlv in Van- Tliursday to Miss Klva Ilts-" Murpole. The couple arrived V from the south' Ott the ' ' owning and are taking up S14 Third Avenue Weat. CRANBROOK MAN KlliFT) AS AUTO TURNED OYER e.M a tum. w.s, nel), imi-BVI, "- " instantly killed when sn auto ':'(l ufr U u .i yearn associated with a ' "Hi firm. i! '"'.Is la the Dally Mews. WIKAT II IN MAW I'AKTS Of rilAIHII.n AMI IMIOM'tXTS UOOO WINNrPBO. May 14 Improved weather conditions this spring will ac count lor an increevtd wheat acreage aesordusx to the second weasiy crop re- THIBET VISIT ''9- - Somersaulted 28 Feet When Car Struck Stump; j Two Killed. Three Hurt - i C MKKKI.AND, B.C.. May 11. Charles Alfred Hanson, 21, and i .!"il Korvthe, 111, were killed and three companions severely : mured when the car in which they were riding left the Van-i highway near Sanhills below Union Bay, striking a stump and i Mul'.inK 28 feet bryond. Th injured arc Airiu-r Hansen, whose leg in broken; Jack For-v. l,o has a bpraincri ankle and cuts and bruise. Both are in . ;iital at CumU'iian'l. William Ilamsay is cut about the head .nul is at the hospital at Comox. I the youth:-, whose ages range from 17 to 21 are all resi- : 1'ort Albi-rni. Charles Hansen was the driver. DM.n i oik m iitir million r. Ml I lt:T .MKAMIHM IS MONTH lor the month of April j., improvement i-ver prevtoua mis year, tlx total scale be-;70 bcurd feet and the grata ..r year so far to the en at v lUM board fast. . of poles bss bean sett i;mI feet being scaled makta the year no itr ul very near-lineal fee.t. PU and ties !c-n huiM by the scale" Pollowiis to the scale for . .... ajsBMot pmce 1S1.7B4 i . ft I J'; Ice ic rdi ELECTION MAY ati 41SJSO J50 sjtt 10 i 1 38.044 r a r nrn nn i M LAKufcK AKLA LOG SCALING GRAIN SEEDED part at to uanasrai svamia-ai isvsi-waya.. Msatfobs. akatcbwan and Alberta ail report seeding wall advanced land more groans! sieged Some parte of northern Oasfcatchrwan will Baft double the Barest of last year. Wheal rrdlnit Is oomplcted In some area of Manitoba and from JO to SO per cent of coarrc grains. Early wheat la snow-ins above ttvp eround. Winter rye to up and looking well. While the northern pert of the province would appreciate rain toe south-en, and central sections do not lack moisture and the land to In excellent aadiuon. Drv weather and wind has resulted in some drifting In Saskatche wan but there has been praoueauy ac damage, saw to neaosa generally although here and there wet and frost have delayed ploughing. Seeding should be cumnwara wu week In mast places. Wheat la two inches huh south of Moose Jaw Threshing last year's crop In the die- irleU which experienced had weatner in the tall u occupying many Alberta farmrrs. Between 60 sad TP per cent of the new crop la sown. The earth la in excellent condition and the weather Klves promise of quick germination. IS DESCRIBED CAPTAIN rOl.Tlll llT UU.S in tlMT TO "KOOf Of H J' IIM t'OI.. Ol Milll MIAMI Msstri Msv 14. Following the business meeUng of Parent-Teacher As- held at the ecnooi no use mi Thursday evening, Capt. J. . uoimursi gar, s very interesting r. of the British aspedltkm . mm ininri wnicn w - - w . command of Sir Ftancia 1W " um about the year relations with the UDilsiiuis "r- ,, .tm,. and to Thibeun government one of the comparative., - " ' who have ever visited .Th. Roof of the World. By means of oiscsbu "TT ' ,k reoursohlc the speaker oesenu. - ,.oT of the country and gave of the trip mw description, graphic grapntc r ,nimal and vtuCm. ZU W Hetold wit ditions mm ae bo o- earnea " gvitam of governed plaPl MJ" condition. no " He bis stay , in the country. during , br-v. dascrtoMl the -- Pliant WWPl Ut o -. idisllke of forennera. During U-ir the Brlttsbers "uBrltl gov- jernment and 1 tw u . re-twren the two nau wh(ch iUt of the trip. , to hve p they had hoped was uever alguca. PIUNCK ItUl'EJtT, B.C., MONDAY, MAY 14, 1928 TCBAACK. May 14. Ideal weather conditions prevailed on Saturday fot the Anglican WA. sale of home cook ing, candy and aprons, held In the Terrace titeatre. Following the sing ing ot the dcxology and prayer by Rev. A. W. Bob I neon, Mrs. T J. Marsh declared the sale open. Mrs. Moblnson and Mrs. Marsh re ceived the visitors during the after nocn. The home cooking tables were pret tUy decorated with fernery and spring flowers snd ware in charts ot mm Obit. Mrs. H. King snd Mrs. 81ms. wlU Mrs. Sparks as cashier. The tables went laden with enticing nous oooklag and there were many eager buyers. Attractively decorated In pink and white, the candy booth presented an inviting appearance snd was presided over by Mrs. W. H. Burnett and Mrs. A. Attree. Mis. C. R. Ollbert and Mrs. H. L Smith had charge of the apron bootl, which contained s great vartciy ol aprons. Mrs. R. Haney and Mrs W. Chapmanl were assisted in the serving of tea to the auny patrons of the tale by the Mtes Kathleen Burnett. Helen Ovetg Mabel Bishop, Mna Dover and Mar garat Oook. while Mm. Biahop. Mrs. Ross Thompson and Mrs. J. K. Cordon hsd charge of kitchen arrangementa. The proceeds of the sale were somewhat over eighty dollars. Ooversunent Telegraphs report from the Yukon that lot Jams are atlll holding at Selkirk, Isaac Creek and Coffee Creek with one between Btewarl Klver and Oglivle. Advertise In the Dally Mews. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper OPENING OF SWIMMING SEASON SALT LAKES AUS. FOR FLIERS: Scene outside New York City Hall at the reception to the gallant crew of the Bremen. The aviatoesyaf 4a taw todtae car. PHILADELPHIA MAY SECURE A HOCKEY TEAM (I.KM.IM OIT Of TIIU IU NINH MtU IB,NrHIK IN NATIONAL IKAdli: TORONTO. May 14 PissUrtS Rut Galekw of the Natl anal BoeBwy beacue said Saturday that negutteUeas Mr Uk Matter ot the Pittsburg rrancbise U Ctrvsland bad bean pracUcaUy aban doned, and PhUadelphsi was the asost probe bta sucosasor to Pittsburg la tac league. PROCEEDS OF SALE WAS EIGHTY DOLLARS liHiiKt: I'Mifi.i: xT.Mtr. smis- itl i:vi:nt rott amiliiwn t ill HI M TIIKKK Under Ideal Weather Ccndltions the Swimming Season Opened Yesterday at The Salt Lakes, Fifty People Going In swimming season opened at the Salt Lake yesterday un-, THE ... 'ip in'H vea her conditions. The day was as warm as is usually felt here in midsummer and the water is reporieo to have been quite comfortable. It is estimated that about fifty people went in. Several private boats crossed the harbor; two of the small boats of the Prince Rupert Salvage & Towing Co. were in continuous service and the Pachena made one trip. The trip also proved ideal for pleasure boating and many of the vessels from the Prince Rupert Yacht & Rowing Club were out on cruises to various points of interest in the harbor and beyond. Big Sale of Halibut Today at Fish Exchange When 353,500 lbs. Change Hands to Local Dealers . . vaa t e L.I!L..i .4 4k- flail TOTAL oi aoa,ow pounas 01 nanuui ui"iw - A ExchaiiRf this morning, eleven American vessels disposing of ice mm ,.un!a from x fir and lk to 10.9c and 7c. while Can- dians received from 7c and 4c to 8.5c and Be. Sales won- as follows: AMt lllCAN ' IIOLOINU Ot KR . Franklin. .00() pouads. Booth Pish-?rlea, B.Sc and 8c. Mars. S.S00 pounds. Ceid etorage. 10.Sc ind 7c. Marmot. 44.000 pottgaSa. Pactrie Pisber-les. Sac and Sc. PolarU. 32.000 pounds. OoM Storage. 8 7c and Sc. Sitka. 80.000 pounds. Royal Plan Co.. 8Jc and Sc. Helgeland. 15.000 pottnda, Atlln rtsh-erlea. S.Bc and 6c. Rambler, poundVi. Booth Plsh-arlee, 10.7c and 7c t4ellanoe. pounds. Pacific Stor-Bgs) Co.. 10.6c ami 7c. Tbor. 7.000 jx.unde, AtMn Plaberlea. 10.8c and 7c 10.5c and 7c Onah. ll.oou putsBsSa,. Attut planer les. loac and 7c. ' 'ftNAIIAN ' Al.n. S.OO0 puuMkt, sMttn Pa aeries. 8.6c and 5c. Cape Bei lf. 34 000 pounds, Canadtsn Plah As Cold Storage Oo., 7c and 4c. Fanny P.. 5.000 pounds. Canadian Pish Mm riAljl BMiraaM fn.. Stsbl k nat Covenant. 34 000 pounds; Malvtlie. 31.000 pounds; Caygeon. 9,000 peunds; Nuba, 8.000 pounds. AUTO PLUNGED INTO KOOTENAY MrliONAMI A IIKAI. KsTATK fM'KK ATOlt Ol" NltlKANB VH'TIM Ol' I'ATAt. m XOK SPOKANE, Wash McDonald, S7. a oi tns regiou, w May 14 tfcaaldK widely known real estate operator and leading avauoper . . w. .nnn nrf. h.,-l In which he was rldliu plungad into th Kootaiiav River ncr Bonner's Perry, Idaho. He was born In Bootl . .1, EIGHT WEReTiLLED ON LEVEL CROSSING LI rings tone. 17 0CO pounds. Canadian KKig, pa.. May 14 Oght parsons. Pwh Cold StoiRga Oo., 84c snd Sc. imcng them a father and four sons, Western Plshrr 8,000 pounds, Atlln j were killed and sevn others Injured Fisheries. 8.6c snd Sc. ner here when tram crashed Into Impereuse, T.OOO pounds. Booth Co., ! two automobiles when passing over 8.5c and 5c hr imcks at a irul cnwulng. Sea Maid. 15.000 pounds, Canadian Pish t Cold Storage Co., 8.4c and 4c ! Advertise In the Dally News. It pays! FINE RECITAL OF ORCHESTRA MKS. ItKOI KLKMIV. VOC.lLlHT. AT l.ttNT ANII OTIItIC ITEIllTINO kvk.nts at slnoav The final recital of the season of the Regimental Concert Orchestra, under the direction of Prof. H Aubrey Pryce, was well received In the West hoi tne Thea tre last night. There were some 800 parsons In attendance and the collection amounted to 8104J04. Possibly the "Barcarolle" and "Inter- meuo from CevsUasra Rustlcana" were the most popular of the orchestral num- r, though In s Monastery Oarden" rivalled them Hj Nellie LawretKW aaade an essei-:.nt impression In a Dancla violin solo ud gave "A Csadle Song" as an encore. Mrs. H. N. Br.cklesby was In good voice In "May Morning" and responded With "Nightingale" as an encore. The male quartette consisting of A. Clapperton. Morris Blott. A. J. Lancas-,er and J. A Teng met with a splendid reception. Their first number was crossing toe Bar" and the encore. "No-ucdy Knows Like Mother." The saxophone quartette "Our Directors," by Dave Bast men, Kenny Rood. Rod Morrison and Jamas Sturgeon was good, the number being repeated as sn .ucore. The program was as follows: March "Juniors" (Aachen , Overture "Light Cavalry" (Suppe). Vocal "May Morning (Dense). Mrs. H. N. Brocklesby. Violin solo "8th Air Vsrle" (Dancla). Miss Nellie Lawrence. Characteristic "Dance of the Skeletons" (Allen). Bntr-Acte "In a Monastry Garden" with vocal effect (Keteleby). March-"On Jersey Shore" I Pry or) Male quartet "Crossing the Bar." "Barcarolle." from Tales of Hoffman 1 Offenbach). "Intermesxo" CavaUerla Rustlcana lMacagnt). Saxopltone quartet "Our Directors" (Blgelowi. Oriental "Peralsn Market ( Keteleby 1 March "Land of the itapte4 (Lsurend- O ft" can). Ood Sav The King. University of British Columbia results, which are now announced, show that Miss Plors Burrltt. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. X. Durrltt. formerly ot this city, sad Bald L. McLennan, son of Mr. snd Mrs. J. C. McLennan, have graduated as bachelors of arts. Dunmall H. Hsrtnee. formerly principal of Booth Memorial School, completed his third year in Aru 1 Subscribe for the Dally News. Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457 Price Five Cnt8 PICIOUS Bryan Nominated by District of North Vancouver but No Delegates from City Present at Convention I'remier Urges Effort to Bring Harmony and Suggests no Hurry i From Imminence of Elections N' OKTH VANCOUVER, May 14. M. J. Bryan. M.L.A., was nom- i'U u.e Liotrai convention here Saturday night which was attended by 88 delegaUs from the district. The city association refused to send delegates. ! Premier Mac-Lean addressed the convention and said: "There ' is no need to hurry the choice on the score of the imminence of the j provincial election. I do not know when it will come about. Thero is pj-ji: . y oi time to neat tne aivisions wiiuen are reporteu to ew .iid i. may be thai in a couple of weeks harmony will be restored. On ti e other hand if harmony does not prevail at the end of that time it might be good policy to call an open convention." VZ : HALIBUT BOAT SAYH PATTUAO ON Ills HETt l!A HOME V ICTOBU May It. Hon. T. O Pst.ullo. luiclster of lands, returned ycateiday from Ottawa and continued through to Vic- 4 toria. When asked in regard to 4 the success of his maaion. he 4 4 Is reported to have said: "I 4 have no statement to make. Everything Is floe. varythlug Is sttvelv." 14444444444444 I I NK I'l LLKI) Ori' DI'MIAH I'UVNU IIY r.M HVJNA AND l'KDCfcEHS TO KETCHIKAN INKEIt OWN l"OWER With the use at plashe snd otbar qfulsauscit. the gllsfemaji" Usia)t rbaali went on the vweaw as ike nortli of a mitf uusn aboja) s quarter Islsn3 m PtMay morning, was suocessfully putts:! off st 8 o'clock Saaswdsy night on a high ry the Prlooe Rupert Salvage & Towing Co 's' tugbaat Pachena and. net heing badly holed with the large Mck pump sble to keep the water down, proceeded to Katchlkan for re pairs. When the 3slvsge outfit reached the of the stranding; on Saturday. the vessel was resting high and dry on her side at a list, of forty-flee degrees or so. OperatslaB to salve her were commenced without delay and were soon successful. Capt Wahlund and his crew, who MM been cam ping on the beach, went back aboard the vessel which piuosattsd north undfer her own power. The June wss in s precarious condition and. had weather not been pro-pttuous. might have easily been lost. RESCUED FROM FRASER RIVER HOY YN IIEK NAME IK MKS. IOI.KY t OKMEULY MUX. THOMAS I At EN BMOHOUSE. Msy 14. A well drcaeed woman was rescued trosn the Pras4r River Saturday by a young man whfua name has not bean ascertained The woman first told the police she was Mrs. Thomas Caren frrm Victoria but later said that was tatr name until the death of her husband, a former member of the Legislature, but her name now was Mrs. P. Poley of South Vancouver. , It Is said that Mrs. Poley will recover. RUTH AND GEHRIG BOTH HIT HOMERS SATURDAY'S GAMES NBW YORK. May 14--The Olants yielded tfe National League leadership 'to Cincinnati with Chicago and St. I Louis fourth as a ratalt of the week lend game. New Tork still heads the I American league With Philadelphia i second. Cleveland third and Bt. Louis j fourth. I Cincinnati moved to the head of the Neticikal League yesterday Sy etefsatlng the PhiUKs. while the (Hants lost their wcond stream to Chicago. Brooklyn broke a five game losing Streak by betlns Pittsburg. Boston broke a five-game wiaitlng streak of St. Louis Cardinals. On Saturday both But snd Oanrig hit homers. CAI-rtAICV HH IK UMAX KILLED. CALGARY. May 14. W. P. Moore, C N R brakemun on the Oocae Llae branch, wan killed Saturday night at iIuh -ork. A wife and two sons live 'here.