.Mitay, May M, 192S BAltT Tfifi?Q : BOOTH SCHOOL Racking Headaches? CINCINNATI IS turning BEAT BORDEN Kidneyjroubles? Quickly relieved by IN FIRST PLACE lOXB CiOAf, TO NOTIIIXfl "Fruit-a-tives" IX J! NOU Shoes (IN KATHtllAV ! (11 ATrj'MST TWO U.iy.H &y VVKEK- K.VK TO rillC WIO ( t H ANII ltVt children, from . . . mtf i ',y. from .... $1.6.1 Mi-n. $i.:r Tl . ; ure real' bargain i. i s. We have a!ao a arrant Inii'ijt of Men s Suits in Navy Blue Serge, made inm (.'onuine imported Enr- i -h materials by the best :akf.i. from . . . 820.00 up I. n - and Boys' Pants from $1.0.1 ; v and Girla' Blazers, I' com $1.71 up I ; li s' Silk and Wool .u atcrs at prices 33 per cent lew. Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. It. Miller, Proprietor Why Buy Cake? ' in Vancouver when you i v a better qaaHty cake ' v per cent cheaper in your own cfty and ! .laily. I ' M :ind Dark Fruit Cake, lb -IOf ' In i r and Citron Cake, !l ,10f ''mind (lake, .with mixed fruit Ii IOC I unrh Cake at U.lf " Cake at Uof '''. to make your own ' prosperoan by encour- the workmen of your 'U n. iir uixkIm are all made in ur Bakery and the (u.tlity is unsurpawed Electric Bakery If,, ,1 vp. Telephone M7 City Meat Market Selvljr Ilros. Tf,i-d Ave. phone 765 1; (( J 'HONSAKK ' -orter noik out ' '-ki fikekonerver ' " -e ukkefkavrlnecr ' i ke hvetetUnrokkcr ; "r ke ruRskonraUer '-k.. knekkebrod ;'-ke flntbrod '"utter o.s.v. ' ' y. varer. IlllllKe nrUer. iiuritK onihringeUe NayySoits and Ensemble Suits emers HOoyi School footbsRTeam won on Via t urday over Bcrden in the Junior Foot-balt League by the narrowest margin, one goal to nil. Borden played clever football right from tn start. Kanaya and Kattti-jama in the wlnss carried nlav Booih territory but Smith had little dlfBcuiry to clean, Seaner ,t back topped Olokena. Walters centred well Colliaon cleared Ma lines and Buwn. lch. Olckena and Walters Indulged In a oo pawing bout. Font Dickens shot ow ptaher and Vaechev were atrong defender and Wilson wa ate In coal. Wlrwham r.i .-.n and Oiiker had a lone tn tn. .... Juat wide. Wllaon saved again. Pyle kicked clear. Then Borden broke away "Ul v.ieoai waa stopped and Wllaon aaved twice The game well fought out though Booth preening more. HK.L . . . . . lections Act 5th dsy of then were iiu me nin in their favor In the second half. Borden had i stood .nance w mane their llrat win. Wing oe clever run but Wllaon cleared. Borden attacked. Smith lor Borden waa clever. Booth well but ahot weakly and Borden de fence were leaving few opening. la , break-away Nakamoto hit the crow bar and Booth had a very narrow a h. won iiw an equally narrow eacape let Booth off But the latter were piwaalng more .rontlnuottaty. Fyle sujppea a dangerous raw. Vaccher topped, Walters Kanaya and Naka mow were nearly through. Rardlc and Vaccher ahowed neat football. Nekton waa eafe for Booth. And then with every proapect of the game endlne In a draw Walters broke through and Booth were a goal up. Nakamoto had another attempt at putting Borden on the aeore sheet but juat missed It waa easily Borden's beat per-fcrmanee and with a little more luck they would have won. The teams follow: Borden Wllaon. Pyle and ruber; Smith. Vaccher. Hardle: Kateuyama. Pong. Nakamoto. Cbenoaki end Kanaya. Boom- Ted Smith. Colllaon and Nel-Bon; Coluaat, Ollker and Croat: Walters. Dickens. Suaaantcb. Wood and Wing-ham Jack Campbell referred and W. John ston and Irvine were on the line TERRACE GOLF CLUB TO ELECT OFFICERS MEETING TOMORROW TERRACE. May 14 Officers for the year will be elected at a meeting of the Terrace Ooif Club called for to morrow evening. A flock of over seventy sheep belong ing to W. J Ooodwln of KJtsumkalum are keeping the grata on the course well crapped "PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT I'lllMK lll'I'EKT ll.M'TOKAI, lilMtllll'T NOTICB la hereby liven that I on Monday, the aist day of MayM9'J8, :i the hour of 10 o'clock In the fore- toon, at the Court-house, Prlnoe Ru pert, bold a sitting of the Court of tevmon ssr tne puipus ex renasnf he list of votan for the said electoral district, snd of hearing and determining any sua aii onjecuons to toe retention it any name on the said Hat, or to the registration a a voter of any applicant for ret nitration; and for the other urposss set ionu in toe rrovincuu Dated st Price Rupert. B.C.. this A April, ram rtEOlBTHAM VUTBKB. tta Prions Jpupert electoral Die trio. T.. IVN'l) ACT In Prince Rupert Land Recording D land gUd situate on Moresby Island adjacent to Alllford Bay Skldegate Inlet Oueen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICK that Pacific Mills Limited of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation pulp mid paper manufacturers, intenos to spplv for a lease of the following described lands. Commencing at a post planted at the 8 W corner of 8 T.L. 634TP: thence 73 dearoa? 10 J,?lV iinn ft theitoe North 33 degreee jo minutes West """"'.'S ttaVi ninrth 11 dearees 30 minutes Bast iAstroiiomlci 800 ft : theaoe North 3 Jzll ojMi i Astronomic 3400 ft. ?h?nT North 80 degrees 6wt (Astrono-mtel 860 ft. more or less, to n 'nter-..h the hiuh wster mark of TnifV,rH nv- thence following the said A"'f0.iay.Vrinit.herly to the point "J" -1 ,iC save siid except one iinVaimna'one acre more or less riasfc Mi..... ujjjaa t By Parker Samuel Bonney. Dated April Iglgg J61 ' , (Form F.) CKKTlVlCATnoFlMrnOVWIENTS . 7m. wiot. Lot 4S47: IMncess Pat. w yLn. Lot 48W. M.A.P., Lot 430"; situate in the Atlln i M- Mineral uiaim-. oistrlct. Where ' . Iln miles from "1 wr.fw" . James Stokes TAKE 2JI5? Certificate ivmi Miner's and C. R !I25r'15S1i r iisty doys from thj, the rlie dtte hereof, hereof, to w sp " 1 nf i-nrnw. Improve- Recorder for s Oerti obummg t menu, for tin w ,.ulm. Crown Orant of hat action. And further take i'1'V commenced under sectlrm "'" .',.,, certificate 'of " before the issue of lmprovemf"," ,M,r i. . n i'2ft MRS. R. TESSIER St. Jean tie Matha, P.Q . "I was very weak, angered from a bad case of kidney trouble and severe headache. I waa treated for a long time, but became discouraged, so decided to fry. Fruitativea." Soon I noticed a relief, and alter six months my health completely returned." Airs. Romulus Tesaier. "Fruitativea" works with nature to restore healthful action to kidneys, liver, stomach and bowels. It la made only of the intensified juices of ripe, fresh fruit and tonka which drive out poisons, purify the blood, cleanse and tone up the whole system. Start your system working correctly with ''Frulratives." 2Sc and 50c a box. Around The World With Sport Fans (lly The Tramp) Prom a picnic pastime softbaU has grown in a few years to be almost a major sport In Ontario. Parka are be ing used for playing the game and where not suitable are converted. Everywhere the countryside seems almost softball eraay. Oempsey and tu wtfa are to play in the autumn In "The Big Fight" at the Broadway Theatre, New York The show is scheduled to open In Septem ber. e Judge Lnndia of Chicago who was re cently vlaltlng In eastern Canaga. urged the provision of playgrounds for child ren where they might play gamea. He said: I do not ask you to tear down your downtown bualneas blocks to take the property and make play grounds. But I aak you to resolve that now, from this time on, we wnl have places around the town for this pur pass. Ton ean get today far dolls what fh ten "years from now will eoat thousands. And If it lan't done today you will have to face the problem tan years from now. It has to be done." In Kngland at girls' preparatory schools and m women's athletic clubs and In California lacrosse la played ex tensively by the fair sex. The Canadian colony at Lot Angles introduced Use game, and there la now a women'a league m that section of the Golden State. A late number of The Sphere (London) can-tea a picture of lively melee In a women li game under which the following signi ficant, in Canada, caption "A violent fsanlnlne sport; an Incident during a lacrosse match at Backenhatr In which the North defeated the Beat by IS goals to 3. In Canada lac; Is a popular sport among men SPORT CHAT the main event, a eta three- minute round bout between Oeorga Bard and Ned Byrne, an attractive diah of boxing wiu be served to the fa at the tournament to be held this Thursday evening under the auspti of the Orand Terminal Football Club. Other items on the card win be fellows: Se-Mtadujeyfleojg Howe vs. Srnle fotfr rbOriotr OTie-K Ol" INTKNTIOV TO APPLY TO PrrenT ' I RAii: LAM BundYoid quartette. Oeorge Yorke vs. Nick Qurvlch, three rounds. Eddie Smith vs. Rudolph Nelson. three rounds. Tod Moriuui vs. Waldo Antonalll three rounds. H. O. Perry has donated eleven medals for the members of the football team winning the Perry Challenge Cup this year. The cup la at present In the possession of the McBrlde team. and should It be won by McBrlde this year will become their property. There are three Prince Oeorge teams this sea son from which It is expected a team will be selected to meet McBrlde In the cup series. ' IDEAL CONDITIONS AT RIFLE RANGES WHERE WEEKLY SHOOT JS HELP Ideal weather conditions prevailed at the rifle range yesterday when shoot ing waa carried on under the Northern aC. Regiment. M. M. Lamb won the spoon and will be handicapped In fu- ture contests. Follow! it? are the scores: 200 800 600 Ttl. M. M. Lamb so 34 A. Wylle 27 38 R. Wilson 30 W. Brass m J. Waitt 37 C. MoKeown 86 ri'on 27 Bubicrlb for the Dally Ntwi. 30 04 31 00 2860 3188 37 64 27-83 77-81 UW ' ")l.l OX M'0 - (8peclal to Dally News) NEW TORK, May 1 - Cincinnati R ds replaced New York Oianta at the j head of the National League . over the ' week-end wttb a JWMundlng thud and I i are now entrenched at the top wHb ' a margin at awe-asd-a-half games. To-! day see- Ohlraga Cubs and St. Louis (Cardinals preawntg the Olaato n for I seoond pisre with Pttuburg Pirates and Brooktjrn Bofetns net bopsieaaly behind. I j The adV wen on both Saturday and ! Sunday swetr the PbUlies who are far down In the aaUac and the Oianta lent both their games to the Chisago Out. The itew Tort Yankees taproved ' tlieir bold-asi the American League au-1 premacy by Inflicting two defeats on i the Detroit Tigers. Philadelphia Athla-j ! tics lost twice to Cleveland Indians who 1 , have nearly wrested -eond place from ' them. Washington Senators came Into I the limelight again by winning both week-end games from the cellar dwelling Chicago White Sox. The week-end scows were as follows: SATIllllW KCOKtft National League Boston 3. St. Louis 5. Brooklyn 4. Pittsburg 5. New York a. Chicago 4. Philadelphia 1, Cincinnati 3. Ameriean League Detroit 7. Near York 8 Cleveland 3. Philadelphia 1. St. Louis 2. Boston IS. Chllcago 0. Washington 6. ('t league San Francisco 1-3, Oakland 3-4. Seattle 5. Hollywodo 3. Portland . Missions a. I Los Angeles 4, Sacramento 2. i M MIAV-MOKHX American Ieazte Detroit X New York 7. j Washington 10. Chllcago 3 FhUadelhpla 0, Cleveland 3. ; National league j New York i. Chicago 8 , Philadelphia 4, ClnetnnaU II. Pttuburg s. Brooklyn S Boston 6. St. Louis 6 Csstvt LragHe Seattle 0-7. Hollywood 7-5 Los Angeles S-S. Sacramento 1-7 San Francisco 3-8. Oakland 4-11. Portland 3-1. Mlaaloin 3-3. Oi0cnnaaL , , New York .. Chicago St. Louis .. Pittsburg . . Brooklyn ... Boston Philadelphia i.i:aoik tahlem Nlltta ImM 'w i . . a L. 13 13 13 . New York IS 6 Philadelphia It 7 Cleveland ,8 10 St. Louis .,.,14 15 Washington il 13 Detroit If 18 Boston 15 Chicago .S 30 ,i Ten Years Ago t In. Prince Rupart MAY II. lli. aw I JMI J73 .880 .481' J78 aoe: .783! M0 449 ' .483 .438 .387 . 373 a The present world ' scarcity of fuel. it la said, should provide an excellent opportunity for the development of Mortheiu British Columbia's coal fields. trg south, says thathe expect to have tw plant in op.rauh early in Jnm. Negotiation ate now under way be-1 tween American m wrest and the gov ernment for the leasing of the local dry dock for the purpose of building skips. Man in the Moon Any man with a rensonablc amount of persistence nt:l nblllty can make tncney The cl i tit ulty Is to upei.d It bcly. The wipe man i.- lie who. while mak- fit of your copy of aily News every night by having it delivered to your address by carrier t 00 paid in advance will bring it to you every night for a year keep Yourself Well Posted about world news, district news, all the doings of Prince Rupert, your own town, and by no means the least, get the NEWS OF THE STORES their prices and their bargains by reading regularly THE DAILY NEWS out of life every day as it The fishing season will be open for trout pret'y soon snd then I know a few people who will be happy. II a young couple could live on there would be no need for new-lyweds to work. There was s a oe snuniuons ixjaru gaa purcnaseo 'to the beach a the entire output of the new sawmill been suffering at Seal , Cove for the coming several 'alace. montoa. g. r. Duby. tna manatar, who ratarned this morning from a business ing provision for the future takes Joy i local young lady went week ago and ah has with sunstroke The modern girl, I read. Is allowed too much latitude In her dree. Still. It compensates for lack of longitude. WHIST DRIVE HELD SATURDAY EVENING BY ENGLISH ORDER A successful whist drive under the susploes of the Royal Society of St. Oeorge was held Saturday evening st the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Nor-liiiKUm. U28 Hay Core Avenue. There w..:v five tables and the prize winners were Ui dies' first . Mrs C J. Norrlng-trn iudl'V .vi-ciiM MImi Phyllis Way! tl, n's pri. F J Fuller, men's second, W O Vlfter Strength for spring days 1 111 MliITL -r. A illFUV AT1 will give it.bu need it after the heavy foods of Winter the crisp, crunchy thoroughly baked shreds of wholewheat TJUSCUIT- a crisp, crunchy wafer Jlude lv The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd; IT WILL PAY YOU! Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK served at midnight. Another similar event will be bald an the evening of May 39 at the a. rami Of AND SHIPYARD Operating ti.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floalini; Dry I)rk Ennlneers, Machinist. Uoilermakera, HlacksmithH, Pattern makers. Founders Woodworker. Etc EI.ECTIUC AND ACKTVLENE WELDINfi. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMEItCIAl. WOKX. PHONES 43 and 385 Dainty reirvRhsoeou were Mr c Brewerton, 980 Btewnth Aw.1 .East. Union steamer Catala. Cap. E. A-I Dickson, arrived in port at 0:48 last ji'venlnK from the south and sailed at M pin. for An vol. Stewart and other jiHidthern points. Passengers aboard the Catala included J. H. PUUbury.tMr and Mm e. MevMi mi W. u. Siacb for ' Prince Irdpert; A Jobnlc. Mlas Sulann land. Wist Abrsmsori, H Bogg,njif, J Vincent for Anyos: H. Sparrow. H. Beeaon. R. II. Sargent, 8. Hammond, W. Turner. O O ttouth. J. Knlpple. D. B. Sutherland, K. Currle, Ed. Jung. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Newlanda. J. A Bray and H. P. Gibson, for Stewart; A. Ouids. H. 8. Bidden and A. Magulre, for Alice Arm: J. Morrison, for Wales Island: C. Christian, for Tucks Inlet; R. II. Keynerllng. for Arrandule. W. II. Tobey, CR. dlvlsloiial superintendent, returned to the city on yes-terdsy afternoon's train from a trip ovpr the line hr far a Jnsper Jrk gtt ofDcinl duties. Radio Radio The Radlola 17 will give you the best reception. Price complete 3381.50 Cannot be sold for less Special SIX rOKTKAIT roTALS of yourself for 31.00 Winnipeg and Vancouver Prion. F. W. c HANDLER Pliotogniplirr Sixth Street. Phone Red Ot LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributlno;. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furnltum Moving.