Our Cleaning Prices On nd finer if .!r,iipn'i ana iireeseu 7i"c v - Slli!. ,.;ni'(l and MsjH L S! I " - (na; '"Hi v"1 Z, i-.t. :l"'f ,,,,-. Ahite $1,00 -teamed and wl "'V (,,, r it- i leaned and pres- l $!. A ,,1 1 1 ,:. JS-.OO ,-t 50c $1.00 JKf 7.1c l2M ' ".'its ittf L aundry (T21) Ltd. (hone 118 00 1'inicf Rupert of New Chevrolet r Chassis jsom.oo Truck Chassis $800.00 f: - $soK.oo f: 1 1. livery $808.00 $808.00 $0.11.00 $0:11.00 $10:10.00 10:10.00 Luidau $1080.00 ' imT and Hear standard e,uip-all Pas,en(er u hpp Standard "ti Imperial Hnd "iily. On other " iKi extra. inv and Tube, II -JIUI I K a X 'JIIU Phone 52 Trappers! ' - tting enough for It not, cone to lust now we want "'i ten, ermine, t"xe. of all kinds. '" larire orders from ' ii - is in the Eimt. ' imiot fill them we "ui. V pay top 1 'rythlBr ' ' f a large lt, '"I I ahall eall It' mombef. If you ii '' deal Mil to Goldbloom The Tappers' Friend." "f' nnd Avenue rl It t.HEAT CLOSING out SALE of ! ,1 I '0T"IN. AND FURNISH- INtiS Htlll on Montreal Importers Thi-J ' Miller. Pronrictor STEVENS GIVES LONDON SPEECH Objects to "Equality f (( Uut Welcomes Exchange of Ambassadors With US. tOWDON, National ttoD of the ttfrlgn and tJblltulal Af- isira nun-committee. Hon. H H Btevens. member for Vancouver and minister of trade and commerce In Mr. MeiKhen Koverntnent, took for his subject "Empire Foreign Policy at viewed by . Canadian." In the course of a brilliant eftd closely-reasoned ad- i drew, lie dlscuSsed the various lmpll-catlons ariMng'ut of the conclusion of the im imperial conference, and in particular cited Mr. Baldwin, utter-, nee. on the needs and necessities of closer inter-lmperlal communication In foreign affair. By a curious stroke ol anticipation.1 Mr Stevens seized upon and denounced ' he vrry pnrase. "equality of ststus." which his leader. R. B Bennett, was almost at the tame hour challenging on the iioor of the House at Ottawa. ; Mr !". was at his happier In stressini; the Importance of Canada as an interpreter of British opinion to the I'mtcd Slate, and claimed that Canada understood the psychology of the American far better than did Orsat Britain. He cited the Abakan Bound- sry and the Belirinv flea disputes ss 1 cccaicn when, had Canada been given j power to act In her own behalf, she! miKM have concluded more equitable! LONDON, February 28. Admitting that the wealth of- the settlements it was for that reason country in at present ill-distributed, the remedy for thin, it is urged, that lie the sneaker, welcomed the an. I t n.,l.ti u,nn.at.;n i. ............u .,..i.,. pulntment of t Washington, .1) IN II the to Appiicsnt. quality is alu)aijs the same in .ne near tuture 8lr gimon. E. D. BUnon (Vfoe- lu conclusion, amonf other qttes-; chairman ) . E H. OUptn. H D. Heoder- : Ui Stevens touched on the right . son. Fhitlp Kerr. J. M. Keynes, the late f British Columbia to restrict the 1m- c. F. O. M,.'iternuu. Ramsay Mulr. H. migration or unentsls and Asiatics.,!.. Natlian. B. 8. Bowntree. and explsined how vital the matter. In addition to the members of this wa to the destinies of the white rsce ' executive coiitmtttee s number of em-on the Panfic coast The Asetit-den- pjoyers. trsde unlonUtv and Industrial erai lor British Columbia, r. A SRent sn'oiiK I'lieral, those W A. present. McAdsm. J C Brady has been sppolnted to the cummlttee on standlnx orders and Mani i mill Fisheries at Otuwa. NOTICE. TAKE NOTICE tbst an appllcstlon will be made to the Parliament of Can-nils st the next session thereof tor sn act. l For the iiusorpswatloa of a company to be xiuivtii as The Alberts. Peace River snd Psrifir Hallway Company, or such other name as may be given, to con-struct snd operate s railway as follows: isi Commencing st a point at or near tlie City ( lthbrldfe; thence In a Westerly direction to a point at cr near the Town of MeLeod; thence Westerly snd Northerly in s direction Senerally parallel to the Calvary and li-Leid Branch of the Canadian Pact-fir Raiiwsy to s point at or near the Clt) of Calitary. thence Northerly and i West of irte Calgary ana samoBvoa railway to a point at or near Lacombe: thence Northerly 'jo a point at or near the City of Edmonton, ibi From a point at or near the City of Edmonton by the most feasible route to snd a lung the right bank of the Slmonette River to s crosslnf of the Smoky River near iU junction i with the Wspltl River st or near Bessnson to the Town of O rands Prairie in the Province of Alberts; thenr South Westerly through the Monk-man Pass to a point at or near I Alecs lake on the Canadian National Railway to tlie Province of British Columbia. id I From a point at or near Orande Prairie in a N..rth Westerly direction j to a point at or near Pouce Coupe I snd from a point st or near Pouce Coupe in a North Westerly direction to a point at or near Hudson's Hope on the Prsie River; thence in s general South Westerly and Westerly di-,tn .h Ni.rth Westerlv bv the most fessible route throtuih the Pine Pass to a point st or near me iu" i of Stewart in the Province of Brltlsn Colmnbls at the head of Portland ! id I roin a point at or near Hudson's Hup cross ret I resce ai"' i" - - ' eral Easterly direction to a pom' st 1 nr nai whitelaw: thence in s Nor- t i,.,i Hirertlon to a UDlnt at or near I t.'r,iiinii and thence Northerly and Westerly to the right bank of the t u-w DiiHsr at or neai iw m "w.. .iih tha Nor i hern boundary of Provlnne of Albertn 1 The said railway being declared be for the general Viieflt of Caiiada. 2 To authorlae the said Company to cn.tnict wharves, docks and '''.n.f vessels and to coMect to own and operate chKme on telegraph and te jephone mes-,es to file upon snd of the public ' ."quire water Sow sites and gener-ite1 electric aiidother etK-ry and to dw-p-se of the surplus from snd collect T'Srl- the said W J ...... .-if, in resDect of the said ,.ne ol railway to an smounti not exceeding Forty Thousand mile for the prairie sections, Dollars per ini not exceeding Sixty-five Thousand ?J.0(r Dollar Mr' the mountain "'rssTRti at the City of Edmo-ton, In thelnc. ol Albirta. this ;h d.y 01 J",ls?gnedl (Sg j"lraWART CLARK. On behalf of the Applicants, c-o Ewlng. Barvle A Bury. Barristers. SoMcltorsete Offices: Bank of Toronto Bldg., Edmonton, Alberta. Canada. -fiOVEHXMBXTLlQUOR ACT ,,m mm noi UK or '!os that were studied various parts of the wide field covered by the inquiry during the last eighteen months. At the outset It la declared that In spite of the great advances which have been made under the system of private enterprise existing institutions fall far short of satisfying the teats of Justice and efficiency. They fall partly because of the economic difficulties which have followed toe war. but also, and perhaps von in larger measure, because of defects of long standing In the industrial system Points from the report, with the chief oi 24th DEPARTMENT OF l'UHLIC WORKS IIKI.I.A f'OOl.. LOCK-IT SEALED TsWIMMS. endorsed for Loek.un Bella Ouols." will Applicant. "Tender celved by (he Minister of Public Works up to 11 o'clock noon of Monday, the lttth day of March. IMS, for the erection and completion of a standard Lockup building at Bella Cools In the Mac-kensle Electoral District. B.C. Plan, nan, s specification, permeation, contract, contract, and ana form.'. lurai tender may toe aeen on and after Uk th day of February. IBM. and further Informal formation obtained at the Department of Public Works. Parliament Buildings, and at the of floss of the Ooeemment Agents. Vancouver and Prince Rupert, and the office of the Public Works Department Bella Cools Copies of plans, specifications, etc.. ran be obtained from the Department on payment of a deposit of Tan Dollars iStfioOi which will be refunded on return of the plans, etc.. in good condition. The lowest or any tender not necessarily screpted. s' 1 PiffiorijErlglneer. Department of Public Works Engineer. Parliament Vlctorls. Buildings. DC NOTICE. Re-Certlficste Of Title No. JOS4 I to Lots five (6i and six (Si. Block nineteen !). Section six (Bk Re-Certificate of Title No 59011 to L.?ta seventeen (17) and eighteen 1181. Block twanty-lx (iM). Section six (Si. Re-Certificate of Title No. SMU I to Lot nineteen (19). Block ten (10). Section seven (7i. He-Certlflcate of Title No. W7 I to Lots forty-three (4SI. forty-four iU) and forty-five (sol. Block twenty-seven (27). Section eight (8). City of Prince Rupert, imp MS. Whereas proof of Was of the above Certificates of Title Issued in the name of Ira E. Manon. has been filed In this office, notice Is hereby given that I shell, st the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof. Issue a provisional Certificate of Title in lieu of each of the Mid tost Certificate, unless In the meantime vslld objection as to any be made to me '"oATBD'at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert, B.C.. this Ird Jsmiray. II F. MscLKOD. gg J Registrar of Titles. 'GOVFJtNMENT MQU0R ACT" NOTICE or .tiTi.ic.tTiov iOKniniit I.K'HNMK " II notice is hereby riven that on the 13th ath (lay (lay of of March Msrcn n next, the undersigned Notice is nerruj '':'lh, 16th day of Msrch "n und-.rsiunfd .Control Intwtoa'to apply Intends to spply to t he Liquor rjoard for a ' stoaro tor a ..i,...,- known got.r to? caption J he pre- intaes rtnnert s D C - . this ninrn ,.i Pr ice Riiperv, premises kn ItJ to IU bit IMUUl UUIIUI TlcenM 1 cense In respect of Uic hslnir nart of the building nown ss Port Clements Hotel, situated at Port Clements, u.c. upon tne isnas dsscrlbed ns Lot No 5. Block 44. Sub-dl vision of l,ot 748. Queen Charlotte I-IsikI District Mud No 1078. Prince Ilu-oert Land Remtrntlon D'trlct, In the Province of British Columbia, for the s'lle nf beer bv the arlaw or by the open i bottle lor consumption on the premises j DATED this div of February. 13th ds'v of Fh" - nAVI . UllVDONE LOIINK TINtil.KY. Liberal Industrial Inquiry in England Issues Lengthy Report and Makes Number of Suggestions Wealth of Country at Preent Not Well Distributed and Rroadeninjr of Ownership SuKKexted: Would Reduce Outlay of War Departments r j " MWI. Oil J UUL MJUIW U1VillBUIJ SISIU A 1 1 U III 1 VI .oaaimn ugnsuor pun for the broadening of ownership are suggested in the report particularly in view of , , iK...i ,.... -j, "In.. wth imuu-wi.i ...Mu, ju.i uauv FVUv delicate and difficult questions ss . the di.en.ion by the city of Chicsi?o The committee also UggtB the saving of f40,000,()i0 (approx- of the waters of Lake superior, and 'mat'.v $2(M).0OO,0u0) or- the war departments but in other depart- hr m Lawrence waterway scheme, meflts the amount of practicable economy is not large. whirh would oome up for direct nego j Among members of the committee are W. T. Lay ton (chair- nation ariwcen Canada and the U S A. I man). Uoyd Oeorge. Herbert 8amul.v recotnmendstlons arw set out bsiow: i 11(1 tie DEVeXOPMKVT Industrial revival may require a mi-TatMi of labor frosa the threatened as i port Industries. We need a pragnam of national velopment. aided by capital normally de voted to foretam lheavtmeni. which bv Psullne. ; and flnsnclal experu hsva been at work , nrovidin emnlorassnt would at tba ai d the secretary u the office of the on the various commltttas whloh have , iame tlme mimrm tna demand for com- i modules by the wertUnc population. I It is a fallacy tp assume that the na tional wealth Is more truly increased if the fruits of British savings embodied In British labor are' used to embellish the city of Rio dejanelro than if they re employed to deeholuh the slums of South. London or Is) build motor-roads through the Mldlanda. A speclsl effort is needed to secure internationally the removal of all trade barriers.. , . OIKItllU MMl IVIIl isTllV Individualism vegaus; Soclallwn is now largely an obsolete issue. As it is, private enterprise has heen replaced by public concerns in a fffld of activity represented by a capital of no leas than u.Mw.ooo.ooe The lmmedtate problem Is to overhaul the running of existing public concerns, to make them lively and efficient This should be done by the transfer of public undertakings to specialised bodies. In regard to which the public authorities concerned should act in tka rapacity of shareholders, and by the adoption of more practical methods of recruitment for their staff. COMPANY UtllXTM Over the rest of the field of large-scale production which Is in the bands jl ordinary joint-stock companies, the control of shareholders has become largely nominal, especially where there Is diffused ownership. A sense of greater public responsibility needs to be created by reform of the Compsuy Acts, whloh would impose greater publicity, and by measures toi cuaurlng greater' efficiency In the directorates. "We do not hope t protect the born gull from the born crook." but dnutlc proposals for putgloHy of, accounts wouio neip souna nsnnoxxs a investment. ' 5. "It is hardly an eacgeratlon to say that half the basilar; of aueotaatul Investment tsjday Mi Indus trlsl shares consists la gating bold. 4a one way or another, of private, inXamation not available to the general body of shareholders or investors. "The honest tfltiMetwr spends hist time in getting heid'di true informs-1 tlon to which Me Is ads entitled, and the less honest Rt spreading false infor-1 ma tlon. for whieh. ttJtdor the cover of . geiifral ttarkoeas. he can obtain credence." "Directorships are the 'pocket boroughs' of the present day . We should like to see s provision for the compulsory retirement of itireeUirs at 7i . . Many of the hundred directors still left on not be aocused of having either the l leisure or qualifications for tackling the I ptoblems of a railway." The right Una of evolution Is that ( y. having in addition to tke board of directors of public companies a council of supervision, the directors being the i executive body snd the supervisory counlll the watc!:i: ,:s and ultimate au thority over appointments (including 1 KM WW rsr -i e throats RubViclcs on throat and chest. Relieves two ways at once-absorbed, inhaled. V A PORun H. S. Wallace Co. Lt of natloual defence." IMll NTItl.tl. O-l'l.!tATl0N A complete system of Industrial cooperation is outlined. Starting In the workshop. It is proposed that ia) wery concern employing more than fifty persons s works council mual be set up by law which will keep In continual review the whole work of the factory, dlscusslnii all questions of hours, conditions of employment, etc. The management will be required to make a clear ststement to this body s regular Intervals, of the firm's financial position and prospects Proposals are put forward which are designed to secure the worker against srhltrary dismissal I'tor n.i..i. j. whole the exletlu the four big tallwny companies can- ' ' iud .a. ,,Mni inUpaMl defined. Bnoottragemeat and guidance are tn be given by a ministry of industry (which will absorb the present ministry of labor). With, the ministry will be associated s council of industry with twenty-tour impracticable, every properly constituted neKo'latlng body should be empowered, under proper safKiiard, to fix a legally enforceable minimum applicable to Its own industry Workers should also share In the prosperity of llielr mdusirv No universal scheme el prnfit-Miariiig Is to be created by Is, hut rcrt.nn types of lsr.-e-sosle concerns should be required 1 1 'dopt acliemes i lie public should be protected against Friday; and Saturday HOSIERY AND GLOVES Ladles' Pure Wool Cashmere Hose and Silk and Wool, in Grey, Fawna, Black, etc. Per pair !)." Pure Silk II one in Black, Brown, White,' lireyn, etc. 2 pairs for 1)5? Lisle Hose in Blnck, Brown and White. 4 pairs for 115 f Boys' Heavy Rib Wool Turn-top Hose Penman make, 8 to 10. Per pair . . l)." Boys' Hercules Hose. 3 pairs for Ur? Children's Cotton Hose in Black, Brown and White, 5VT to 9VZ. 4 pairs for .... Ladies' Chamoisette Gloves. Fancy cuff, in Sand, Grey, etc. Per pair IWf DRESS GOODS All Woof Serftes in Navy, Green, Saxe, Brown, etc. Value tp $1.75, per yard D.'f All Wool Tweeds in Blue. Brown and Grey Plaids. Value to $1.66, jier yard . . 5t LADIES' CORSETS Indies' Corsets. Several clearinK lines. Gossard and other makes. Per pair 1I."C Indies' Brassieres made In Brocaded Coutil. All sizes. 2 for li."r SILK KNIT SCARVES Silk Knit Scarves in pleasing stripes. Each D5f STAMPED GOODS A great assortment of varied articles. Each .V HOUSEHOLD STAPLES Hemstitched Pillow Slips, 42 inch. Fine heavy quality. Per pair Table Oilcloth, 46 'inches, in White or Colors. 2 yards for l)5r Holler Towelling Linen or Turkish. 5 yards for U'tt 90 inch Unbleached Sheeting. Heavy qual- -ity, for Sheeta or Bedspreads, yard Dftf - White Flannelette, 27 inch, in a nice soft quality. 5 yards for !)5 Towels, Brown and White Turkish. 2 pairs for urt Straw Mats, 27 by 54. 2 for !rf " DRAPERY SECTION Roman Stripe Drapery Tapestry. Regular to $1.75, for per yard 05c Cretonnes and Art Sateens. Value to 50c a yard. 3 yards for !)." COTTON DRESS GOODS Japanese Crepes In a good range of eolors. 5 yards for !)5f Ginghams in a nice range of Plaids and Stripes. .14 inches. 4 yarits . , . .i , .i)5 Unbleached Cotton. Good heavy quality, 36 inches. 4 yards for 1)5? Krinkle Colored Crepes in plain and figured designs. 3 yards for l)5r Colored Voiles in Pink, Blue, Peach, Sand, etc. 2 yards for ; 1)5 LAMBS' AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR Iiadles Winter Weftht Combinations in Sleeveless Style and a few with long sleeves , H5f? Women's Bloomers, Winter Weight, in Mauve, Cream, Pink, Buff. etc. Per pair !? Children's Combinations in Long Sleeve, Ankle Length, White or Natural. Per pair , 05f Uiiet.' Rayon Silk Vesta, Bloeiaer and Up-lift, in a beautiful assortment of (hades. Per garment 1)5? Women's Flannelette Gowns, extra values in these eosy garments. Each 05? 95. i COATS - $12.50 4 Only. Coats to lie cleared nt S12-"0 These are excellent quality values to $40.00 and must be cleared. GREAT Phone 9 Vis those of directors). I Seml-Diouopollstlc undertakings should : be registered as "public corporations," with speclsl responsibilities as to pub- llclty. and should be required to lntrc- j duce profit-sharing or owneratalp-ahar-1 Ing schemes. Safeguards against monopolies are' proposed, but trading associations should be entitled, under carefully defined conditions, to make common rules compul-1 sory on s small minority. Ef'OMIMir (IfAHlAI. HT.tlT An economic general staff should be set up. which would be expected to look shead snd take a national rather than j i departmental view, to make a eon-' tmuous survey of economic irablssjsa It would wurkv in cinctap .wtMM standing committee 'of the cabinet, 1 which would be an economic "committee 1 VALUES IN SEASONABLE IWIi'IHIi ItfM iWH MERCHANDISE 3rd Avenue and Fulton 95c F. an ad ian National Ofo Largcfl Kailzoay Syficm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from rniMT. RiTiutT for VANrnrvr.it. vtrroKU. muttlt, and Intermediate points, esrb rilimV. too ajn. ror KTKW.WtT and AN VOX. each WHINKKn AY. 10.00 pJB. For NORTH and NOI Til qi TEN I IIAUI.OTTE ISLANDS. Fortnightly. PASSENC1EK TUAINH LEAVE PKINTE KIUT.KT Bsh MONDAV. tVEIlNRKPAY and SATI I1I1AY st 11 JS am for rRINCE OIOKOE. EIlMONTftN. AVINMI'Ml. all points gas tern Canada. United Stale , . AOENCY AU. nCCAN STEVMMIir LISKet. fa Oanaaiitn .VailMat 'EtaVesa Inr Money Q fyygj CITY TICKET OrriCK. IS TIIIHD tVR.. fltlNtr RDfr.KT. rbsss n City Meat Market (SELVIG HROS.) 3rd Avenue Phone 70S MEAT. FISH. VKGETARLES and ALL KINDS OP "NOHWKGIAN PRODUCB" at tew prices, and imrnediate delivery Observe! All articles are of superior quality and absolutely fresh. arbitrary stoppages In the essential public services. NATIONAL lL ELOI'MENT A great scheme of national reconstruction la advocated under a co-ordinating committee of the Privy Council to be called the Committee of National Development. The public amras undertaken would include a comprehensive program of roitd construction (the present road system being entirely insufficient for the requirements even of present-day traffic I. the development of garden cities, alum clearance on a large scsle. and the development and improvement of docks, harbors, canals, and electricity supply. To facilitate these undertakings a Board of National Investment sbouM be set up in whose hands would be pooler! the various funds accruing to the different departments of state (continued on page COAL Prices DOWN . . PemltlnaPeerleeM.Err(l2.00 Peoblna Wrushed Nuls UJ5 Alberts &otfei Ex $12.00 Alberta Lump $1100 These Coals are under cover and delivered dry. HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue