, :i ,:irch Ui, af)2x ,gg3jtswawawwawawaawawJwi- " - ".-TB2X" T FRIENDLY cushions, fashioned with the comfort of an easy chair, invite relaxation as your McLaughlin-Buick sweeps smoothly along. Comfort that invites Relaxation In the designing of McLaughlin-Bulck for 1928, riding tue and comfort have been given unusual consideration. Lovejoy Shock absorbers on all four wheels absorb and cushion every road-shock and rebound. Rubber Engine Mountings prevent vibration from r racking the csr-bidy. Extra deep, resilient seat cushions, beautifully upholstered, are specially shaped and tailored to fit, like an easy chair. The lower body-lines have been attained without any sacrifice of headroom. And in finish and appointments, McLaughlin-Buick establishes a standard of luxury which vies with your drawing-room or club. The CM AC. Deferred Piyment Pltn offers many tdvtntie$ to buyer of McLaugbJin-Buick cars. McLAUG -BUICK 1'lione 615. iDtPirifi 1 ros., st-lllS-C KA1KN (.ARAGB (Dave Haw) Third Ave, I'rlnre llupert. B.C. 4 Vhn ftxur AutomoUU -rt PttUlutbKn-Dafclc VStl Bw&l Them Spring : Millinery Graceful lines and strikingly attractive styles found only in better made hats. Greater style satisfaction at a price that is l ight is a prominent feature of our stock. Jabour B Ltd. 3rd A'volWc &m 7tli SI. Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Service Sailings from Prince Rupert T" krtihlkan. Ursngell. Jnneaii, and rsagway March ftt tunrouver, Victoria ami Motile M" 'V I'KINTfiMH KOVAI. .. ... r Illiterate. T4it llella llelU. reu" " AI,H m" niniiMI Itlver ami Vajiremer mhj I rly. I PJ. - Am all Mramthtp Line. InfwmelkMi 'rmn VT. V. t)HCll.l. Heiiersl ..,. i '.run of nil Streel ami nl A re he. WSw Huper!. at. I none si LOOK at YOUR CLOTHES VVt'DVhVRi VKV. DORS : ;. . , Our aprlnjr stock of Illfgh Gradr M.mV Wear is nBw&ere. "'ilr. of jJriion'H nneliiillf &,09 -PriiiK Huit.,,-tailo!etlfoyo'ur rfH'isWttrFrMkVfore-ni"t Clothes builders "Society Unnid." fllipv Thnl Imnulse 1) It Today THOR JOHNSON flvevtiss in "The Daily News" i " Capt. W. Bussey. well known owner and skipper of the local halibut boat Atll. purchased the Oeorge H. Munro house st the corner of Eighth Avenue vsz DAtfcY nzwa Waterfront Whiffs T , ut Si,,n,Hn l'annlnK Season-Oolachans Ilunninjr at Hsiiety Hay-More Spring Salmon landed Accidents to llnlibut Fleet Preparation are now well under way ajruin for another. ....... cmiiuiiK season ,n i-rfnce Itupert diiitrict. Neither the ci ot lish which ii"vail.'(l lat year not the tm.ri. trinnt ,.J ami st-uiig oinn m ' shortly take up residence therein. iduterence. with the COAL Prices DOWN Pembina IVerlww Dgif $12.00 Pembina Wnshcd Nut $11.25 Albcrtn Sootlcss Krk $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Thene Coals are under covet and delivered dry. HydeTransfer AN I) COAI. CO. 119 Set'uhd Avenue ! Bob's con tens ure The wood flew ihiiif. inn. u."'"i before Bob bad time to fluck. tstitt-The Prince Rupert halibut fishing pUlnlng ,notber casualty, fleet has suffered some minor accidents during the past few weeks. I 0,,t frei.hter Salvor, coot. W. W The brand hew boat Southend. Capt Rlu. WM ln rt ,t tn ml-dto oT tlM! ! Anton Moan, which shortly before lesv- erk from Vancouver with a caffo M mg had an aocldenui explosion on ro,, , shlnKiM for Albert Me- board which resulting in two tuwnbeis caOcry. of the crew gotng to hospital, developed , guroy treuDie on ner maiaen trip ana j.ck Cook has been aawotated twesOil returned to Prince Rupert on Thursdsy foT tkr mtereattnt ror repairs iter eaten or o.uw pounoa poatnvnc, of erMt buoyancy wsnch wws sold to tat Atim nsnene. mat lQOkl something like a targe Inner afternoon. tube but serves very well as rawbetvt The Ringleader. Capt. Merrill Sollows, n nn mnated or deflated at ewta "traes a roca mown ine roas. am re- ,nd beaidea as a hoot Which Oka be turned to pott on Wednesday night ready oamed. it cm bo turned upaide under BW wwn power to ae taaeu out u:wn ,urt used as a bed or titled with of the water at the MeLean ways for witer ,lld llwd u , bath tub. It examination ana repairs a aman eaten .weljha fifteen pountls M1. inflatwl. of 400 pounds waa sold privately. ,pport half a ton on the water crippled iu a broken propeuer.a w. rjawaon of Maaelton Is distributor the larger boat Signal. Capt. Paddy Ivarson. waa drifting offshore on the west coast of Qrahara Island when she Spring-Hat Demers Costumes :: Latest Frocks lion measures that an- Mng imposed by the KovCrnment to toK iu ishinK ho.tii to damten the hopefulness of the operators and it will he lew ol th.- many canninir plants on this coast within a few hum red miles of Prince Itupert that are not once more in operation,. While Home of the canneries may start earlier It will, as usual, be around the month of June before the large majority Ret Into actual ))iuilon. Meantime I the pack up to yean and nuke : preparatory work- I will very shortly be In full swing, crews are .rrlvlng on the ground and the ne- , VT ' . . " T! eei.ry orgjntzatlon for the seMon U " m, ana e.nK commence gvery eorth "T" "J"1? bent In face or d.mcume. to hrr;,:J:riT ' ' " " " records of prerloui . H more dUaatmiu mi l, mmM m v.. "1" ' Hrwlf atioru Market and utorage condition are aald to be favorable. The oolachan run al Flaherv Ba hiic the nat.v.' ,if ihe Nittu Ulr r.i..M their aiiiJU..: h v-t. comiucnced :ius week. Wi) !, the Indians are In tl custom of ,,: jiik by large store of l.od from the luscious "candle fhh." ftcmc quantity k are brought down to Prince Rupert m boats and a amall n mount U exported eUenhtTe On Thurstasjr four amall bbatload err land ed baft. The natlm net the fuh under the ice. un oamitlon calling for considerable ingenuity. V. Suga. Cow Bay boat builder, cota-pleted two trolling boats for Prince Rupert owners at the end of this weak. arrived here from the Oreat Lakes, has been named "Bayfield." It Is thirty-three feci long and Is powered with a 8 h.p hev duty Basthope engine. The other boat, named "Vivid" and owned by Charlie Strachan. former cwnei of the Viola, la also thirty-three leet lonij and la equipped with an It hp medium duty Palmer engine of latest type. The week has been marked with considerable Increase In the amount of spring salmon being landed at Prince Rupert from the trailers. On aucces-'slvs days, landings of some one thou repair.. Boat recently on the Ward Ways for hull work have Included the tugboat Pachenn. halibut boat. H. and R . Capo Spencer. Kalen and Molly B., and trol-len 3tar and Viola. Dr. W T. Kergln expects to run trlaU th! week-end with bis big power crulaer Full Moon which has been at dry dock for vbe past few weeks having a new Btearns engine lnatatMQ. The mart vessel promise to act more like a comet or a atreak of lightning than an old rellabli) full moon with the -new machi!.eiy. Kit AN riKTII HIT. Frank Water houae motarshlp freighter One boat, for J. A. Kendall, recently .. . " . in., is v uc nt pun irua vuvouvw this '.vcek-esd with a cargo of canatry suppllae for the Skeena River. The veaarl will load out with fish meal from tre plant at t.ie Rupert Marine Products at Tacks Inlet mid with Terrace K.ttcnwood logs from the dry dock. B.C. Towage A Lighterage Co a dieael tug Salvage Princess la in dry dock for ar.t.ual overhaul which will Include a thorough going over or her enftaa. On S -- - ih. - --- l.fi i.. a 4.w nUK J ..IV . KVI . I . IVI 1 .1 srenrlcnd of eaaftery scrap Mm tor the foundry at the smelter town, returning to port on Wednesday night. sand pounds were reported, a drop In. g,, wt , a M)IKl price, which started at about 38c jthe , bR 8wKk? wu not ths caUK m j per pound to the llshermen. ensuing. tttvtitxtl bHct optic WMch Boa) H""' wnvrwi srau Thoma. of Prln,, Rum n Boat HoSSM Warke Channel with the spnnga being ,,, thl, ,, also caught tn some quantities around The ,T, p.uHn,, Ahythlni? but that! rori Bimpaon. trw fct of matter tn,t tlMt many a slip between the r up and lip. also between Use woodpile the kitidnag box Bob was i reeking kindling for the purpose of pre- narine his simple evening meal when ' 'll ih. ,he ue aM and fMl s - alnnl stout Mfc mT W haH f" fatal result to ti) of the eon tri ranee for British Columbia and Alberta. The new halibut boat Dtg4 H.. Capt ktaureilua HalktsUd. MtSt during the !4htter nt Cow Bay. Jasttatt hr RksJBWi Mitch or T.oos pounds oa moay. nnn liwVt TitWMiM Oammon A Watt's tig setneboat Bertha O . Capt. Ales Ohman. made a trip this week to Ketchikan with a cargo of 3S tons of herring. Bob Banna went along as supercargo and has some Interesting Impressions to relate of the atf ead Colds Richmond's for S0Q pounds while the high bid for Canadian flan waa 21. 1c and Sc paid the Oafe Swain. Capt. Hed Pierce, for a fare tat 780 pounds. There war a number fit jktda during tha week of, o ja,A,kjgtL 0Micm dlan fish. In volume of landings at Prince Rupert, the present eeaoon Is still al tw- U.g the way to 1887. Total landings up w jaewicvay bmbsi si .ahvoev pounds as compared with 3.868400 pounds at a similar date in 1837. American landings northern metropolis All the pre-i- to date have totalled .,478,300 pounds dent's horses and all the president j M com ds red with 3.343.100 oounda last i - - men could not prevent Bob from ma k-; year and Canadian landings Ing a landln uul Inklnn the village by 768.500 as against 616,300. relieved with vapors Snuff a little Vicks well up the nose or melt in a spoon or cup of hot water and inhale. Medicated vapors reach the air passages direct. For other cold troubies rub Vicks on throat and chest. W'VAPOR UB 0rT tNilUONJni US3 YtMtr HATI'MIAY TO HIIIUY INTM'SIVE I .nullum lur ih.- week totalled 687,- 800 pounds uiu up of 133.800 pounds Canadian and 804 .060 pounds American. I Boats landing catches during the week have been aa follows: j Canadian- Ingred II . 4.000: Toodle i 3.600; Bingo. 3.000: Beto. 9.000; Atll. .3.000; Sea Maid, 8.008: Viking 1 , 10 -.000; Ternen. 6.600; Helen. 1,600; Cay-geon, 1,600: Emblem I.. 16,000; Marguerite, 3.000; Margallce, 400; Aiken, 7.000: M. M. Christopher, 6.090; Morrla II. 8,000; Eric Roy. 6,000: Inea H. 'b.000: Oslo. 18,000: XI.A.B., 1,300; Sel-'ma. 7,000: N. and 8.. S.000; Nuba. 1. 000; Fanny F , 3.000; P. Doreen. 3.000: 'Southend, 6.000; Ringleader, 400; Ilelge H.. 7.0OO. j American -III OUI, 10,000; Majestic. 81.000; 8entlnel, 18,000; Auguata. 13.000. ; Teddy J. 10.000; Eagle. 36,000; t- fenM, 19.000; Ivanhoe, 18.000: Tahocna, 1 10,000; Jack. 1,000: Rainier. 86,000; At-,laa 36,000; Lenore, 8.600; Eureka. 6,000; Atlantic 30.000: Liberty. 36.000; Cool-'idge. 33.000, Visitor. 3.800: Explorer. 33.000: Resolute, ao.,000: Slrus, 11.000: Urania, 18,000; Don Q. 6.000; Albatross. 36.000; Western. 33.000; Vansee 33.000: OJoa. 0,000; Reform. H.OOO; Wireless, 1700. of Continues until Easter Louvr DEMAND e Ladies Hats, Coats, Djesses Owing to the great success of our Clock Sale on Friday and the vdry many buyers who thronged our store that morning, we have decided to put our whole stock of LADIES' HATS, COATS AND DRESSES ON SALE fight up until Easter. Every article in the store will be offered for sale at a reduction of 25 per cent on the regular selling price. The regular prices of the Louvre have always Ik en reasonable and at this Sale Price it means that every article sold is an absolute bargain. For instance, the sale price of Jersey Sport Dresses which come in navy, brown, fawn, peach, green, etc., will be only $5.95. Tweed Coats, sizes from 16 to 40, from $9.75 up. A new lot of Georgette Dresses, twenty-five in all, have just come in and they will go on sale, too. They are In all sizes and colors and the sale price will be $12.95. Ladies' Navy Blue Coats, moleskin trimmed and silk lined, will go for $27.50. These are only specimen prices of the many articles which will all be offered at similar reductions. If you arc in doubt as to what you requite for Eastertide we invita your inspection of our stock to make your own choice Richmond s Bob made food time and there's not much worth telling about anything kt did not gtver tan onoe-ovee. It not such a bad burg at that, he says. After a week of exceptionally high puces owing to Baater demand, the Prince Itupert halibut market took an lextrcme reaction yesterday when bids sunk to aa low aa 0c and Sc tor American flab and 8c and 4c for Canadian The peak price of the weak was fi le land 9e paid the American boat Visitor Third- Avenue. Louvre "Rupert Brand" A'vV Kippers THir DAINTIEST HHKARFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage C , tii Prince Huperl. R.C For Best Results in all your baking use obm Hnr.fl J. A Flour rOSlTIVK XI0NBY HACK GUARANTKK IN KVRItY SACK