iAG FOUR REDS Transfer Fifteen years' experience In FURNITUItE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So ia our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night Phone: Red 317. LADIES' DRESSES, Goats, Millinery and Lingerie Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue Roofing and Specialities Mineral Surfaced Roofing Mineral Surfaced Shingles Roll Roofing Building Papers and Felts Everjct Elastic Paint Plastic Elastigum Shingle Stains Creosote Oils Marine Seam Pitch. Distributors Albert &McCaffery Limited Phones 11G and 117 MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our, stock-list board daily. We can Rive instant service in buying and selling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also li&ve facilities for accepting Wheat orders on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co Ltd. Vancouver. S. D. Johns ton Colt cl. G17 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, H.C. DRY : BIRCH JACKPINE AND CEDAR Singl4oad . . ,-,$3.5u JoublB ijMHi $6,$Pi Large Sack 60c COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Sootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also till other classes of coal HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. Phone C80 13a Second Ave. GREAT FIELD GOLF PLAYERS IIRITIMI, CANADIAN ANU UNITED' STITES CIIA.MI'IONS WILL I'KO- j 1IAHLY CO.Ml'ETH AT I TORONTO TORONTO. July 19, Oolf In Canada reaobea Hi greatet';Vttehl on July 26-28 at the Resedal Oolf Club here, when the Canadian open title, will be contested by one of Che finest fields that ever struggled for cevfetod honor. Preparation are betng made to handle the largest gallertss in the history of the sport in Canada and the course Itself haa been put in fine shape. Par la 73. ' 34 each way, and the length of the eouise la 6,764 yard. Tommy Armour, former United State open obamjMon. wUl be here to defend the Canadian open title. Waiter Hagen, Brltlah Open champion, Johnny FferreU. new United Statea Open kto.' Oene Saracen, second to Hagen in the Brtttoh ohsmplonaMp and MacdoaaH Smith, fqrmer United States Open trUeholder, wUl probably be among the ilnvadera to oppose the best of the Canadian golfers. Hagen- -"The Ha.'g" haa won every -t-en title In the world except the Canadian and he la determined to annex the Canadian title before long. He has made repeated attempts since is far back as 1912. when he first started on his great golfing career. Parrel! and Saracen have likewise failed far In repeated efforts to win the Canadian , title. ! CITY TENNIS Curl Brn4 lot K. IV. Marrntrttr anil In Men's Slnglr Heml-flnals Carl Bmnd defeated E. W. Maran- iette -9, 6-1 In the semi-final of tfce men's eMpte In tTe etty tennis char" played Around The World With Sport Fans (liy The Tranip Tb Olympic games open on Tfcuts- daj nt. Canada U wall reMsentad there and food reports of tint etiTHlf are expected. An independent organisation to gov. eminent sports is Is being mooted In cfosae match between colleges in the United States recently, says the King ston WbJv-Standard. What does it all V anted For Sale For Rent tJf TasiiTRYocJi Food thai Corrects LonsiLpauon DELIGHTFULLY DIFFERENT CEREAL Entire grains of wheat, choice bran and Ingeniously ground flax make Dlnu-Mlte the one cerv.il retaining all the strength bu!!dn; properties and essential vUimlrws in their natural f:rm. A unique process makes Dina-Mit: extremely delicious with natural, healthy laxative proj-erllis. DINA-JMITI Ihe Akw Heallfr Food mean? Many people will remember the days when woman want to see lacrosse played, and loyally supported the national game, and mcst of us know that their deserting the game. . v. i.1 to the mugh play which became -o notsrlaus in it. eauaed ita almost i'.al disappearance in .this country. It is a beautiful game whan properly 9 arktah can ba aMy rot- pionshlp tournament last evening and. iaacd, easily understood, and enjoyable turned the right to meet Poll Howard to aea. The women thawed this to M m the final today, tf woalhtr permits, true. An they now KIM to put It t is planned to play oil flnaU tonight back Into the leading peadtlon whlsh at the C. R. courts. tetongs tc It among tfea games played itn Canaoa? There art precious few things that woman caixaot do. if txtey make up their minds to m them: tfcef revival of lacmsee Is not beyond tbtaa; nnd the sight of crowds going to see them play 'might wall for the shim make men do their share In restoring lacrosse to its lost In the 'days .When Ned Hanlan was cawing the name ac Toronto ting 'round the world by means of his adult tag exploits bis homecomings were memorable occasions, aaf s the Toronto lOlobe. Lou Schotae got a most hearty Alberta. Some of the anortarnen ara welcome upon his reMrn tram wra- dissatisfied with the amateur union. ning the Diamond Su!ls. Tom Long It seems. imt, a pKtnresque athlete, brought the Boaton Marathon Trophy to this city, IS EVERYONE EVEUY home should have a copy of this folder. It is FREE. The information it contains is so often needed in home and business, that every housewife and business man or woman should send for a copy right away. Fill in the form below and send for your copy NOW! ;(.7yfNCOUVER DAILY PROVINGE - - . YIUTUllY ByUrtllHv VAWUUUVISIVIl.i tlept. a A. I. Ploasp n-nl me your FIIKB t(Mte "Oaatlfled' Advertising tixiilainvil." NAME ... J AtlDHBSS (Please Print Name Plainly) Are you a "Province" auUcrlber 1 (Answer here please) anill of tether tndlvtduala and teams have heard j condition as a result of travel. Yes-the ring of Toronto's aheeta, but It terday they made a eteanap at Mon- would seem aa tnaugh the nneat. most trcal. Over 10.0G0 people attended a hH hearty receptions of all will be to "Young Joe Wright, winner of the II " THE 1MILY tfEWS DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lest than 50c iwANTED TO RENT BY TtiE EErjTQB "htjntfc. autonnuile In good running ctfnaitloils ABPlV Dally News Offloa. i HiiJ, WANTED WANTED BOY TO WORK IN STORE for half. Hay. Apply Montreal EXOAVATlN'O WANTED ROCK Oil any kind, by day or by contrast Rosftng. WANTED VOU NO MAN TO TJStVB ear. Must know the city wall. ValenM tin Dairy. JIM TOR SALE FOR SALE FIRST CLASS ROOlltWM house; twenty-six rooms fully ins nlshed and in good conditio. Its'-ceUent ODoortunlty for a woubltt. I Apply t. McClymont. tt OLD NEWSPAPERS MAY BE USED tN-, ! (tead OX building paper or to lay bi heays ItCTpets on the floor. (Nt rpetsWl . prifca on hute truantlBM. Dally Newt FOR SALE LAUNCH OWEN. FOBH Ilompafwer Easthope engine. ail liMIllllll and in Koort running tfon-dttloft. Apply Ptillrn. Daily Nvara. tf PJANO FOR 8ALK -RECENTLY TUNSD Ate; eldafcoard buffet. . PtoMM itt. lOR RENT rX)R RENT FURN18HHD In new honi.r bonrd If Phone Own 528 o: call Avft''jW OR .RENTflANOS. PLAYER-PIANOS, ttijftfMMMil and Sewing Maohines. WasWayiluslc Store. tf jPOR nBfJT. FUHNISHBD roomed apartment with hath. Bald. Pfeoae 647 FOUR Wita'r tr' FOR -HENTPl- POOR ROOM APART meat, hot water heated. Apply Smith Mallett. Ltd. tl FOR RENT. FURNISHED APART-mtnts. Apply Musaallaa Grocery. FOR RENT. FURNISHED ROOMS; also acaaU suite. Phone Oreen 090. Europe with him. and the Argonaut Olympic eight, who will return with the party. Argonauts were principal pblnts winners at the CMdMUfc&ienley. and the valiant Dons, slrngglmg under trtmentkas hsndtcana. were second. It ' U ' alMnrant fft tHa.1 ti im The New Westminster Salmon BelHes and was accorded a hUarteus weleome.i Jv, , . , .... - 4. Liuruuii mn in uivuiuiu lscaaaae team ia not making as aod The Orada add Orah fcs mey teamF rtilne-Joa Wrla-ht or Jack m could he wisher. At M- j beat the world at U Olpnpte 0uest In UtJainglas.Vrlght and Quest monton they made none too good a ) and were acouimea oy tne entBUstastrei d0ulea and the elaht in the suvwina sna si lonaw m i wwwtw,. nuu .tw mmu beaten. Possibly they were out SPORT CHAT Dfcvaaond Sculls the other day: Jack a Quest, bis Argo clubmete and seml-; Things have been booming finalist: Mr. ad Mrs. Joseph Wrfeht, . Chicago aggregattens parenta of the cbampsuo, who are In for both In the Mg bese ball league and both the Cubs and White Bos have been cutting quite a swathe. The Cuba now find theeaselvce In second plaee live games behind the reading St. louts OardiMle and ahead of the alipplht New York Olanta who are even being menaced for third place by the Cincinnati Reds. In the Amer ican League, the White Sac. torgifg ahead under new management, are in fourth place, and while aUll quit a dlatanee from the QO mark. If they keep up their pace of late, may aooi be crawling toward the top. Mean' time, New York Yankees sttu maintain a long lead in the )tmtor orgaiitnaHiwi and U to only the ultra-hope n w can still envlskm the pennant dlwhhWI out jbt their eentrot. jap "One of Aha refreshing features of the I impending quarrel bstween Oafaw Tun ( liey and Thoaaas Heeney Is the Utter I absent of the usual acanctatiua aor and rumor, write Andy Lyus In the I Vancouver Sun. It would appear that this Lout Ik t oba fought on Its mertta, such as they are. In the Heeney camp :i:e no yeomen, bootleggers, ractasteea or guerilla snipers of the order of the double cross. If you call at this camp I Mr. Johti MeTHmer t England vrlR lark pleasantly to you for a few mom enta, then lead you determinedly In the dlreetaan of the tea table. What fighting Is to be. it Is now established. will be done In the ring. That is aa it should be. For owce we seem to nave a heavyweight title bout but In the immediate offing with no last minute ru- Imora sUrrlng the, customers into near frenay. Yau will recall, no doubt, that when the treat John L, met Charlie MlteheH he ia reported, to have observed as they were squaring away: "Be a gentleman II on can. Charlie, you hlankae, hjancibjapk." Mr. Tunney a 1191 .ViatUat .?rt Miaru. TKitter does'nir nieeSeyT ThJ pt UmhrMiee Kara been. ompaitlviy jsptShing, fwcatfrreO polite. LUNCHEON FOR SIR FIENRY THORNTON Sir. Henry Thornton la expected to ar rive here tomorrow morning and he will ba entertained at luncheon by the Board of Trade at live Oommodorp at 1 o'clock A general Invitation is belnn Klvci; I., m.v cltlaena or visitors to attend. LakiHtw Lake. TTrraee. B.C Articles Lost and Found, &c SALVAGE AND TOWING Prince Hubert SalvAge & Towing Co. Ltd. has nxwiuss in has imiats EmaU fe and Typewriter for Bale Agents for Easthope Engines, OoolWge r-rofwUers, and Tuhfc Oil Vtoa'ta f all description for Charier Wit lake IVrry. Minna U SUM MR R HHSQKTS, isAKBl.SE HOTSPUINRS LODGE NOW OI'KN tAiuinsT noT!ritixns in canada Liu vtet) Trout Fishing n Lhkefae Lnke now open COOII ACCOMMODATION! l Olt I ISltlMl I'AKTIUS BRUCE JOHNSTONE. Manager. AUCTION SALE Auction Sate wlU ba held on Ttrars- - , , day July M on the fsmlsai at S3 BEDROOM i Bteoaa Avenue at 30 p. rUtlaim House and Lot. 6S3 Btgtrth : double barrelled shotguns. U gange. I MachlBtoU' Toola. i Anvils. m RENl'" - CLAPPEHTON IKjUBE Qraniophone. Ninth Afthf Bast. Rent iwasottotoM 1 AM mtaot-naneous artteies must be Apply Treasurer. City ). tf , sold. 00. J. DAWES. Aoetloneer AUCTIONEERS, USED CARS FOR SALE 173 I'RINCK UITRKT AITTlON MART fileral lllnek PMrnitnre of ail kinds couht )ici or exehangeo Crating and packing done. Ooodt aald on Commission G. J. DAWES, AurHoneer. IMark ti Ford Ton Troak, panel body .. IIMM fTd Ton Truck. Chassis only. .starter type IIM.OO Ford Roadster delivery. IMS. good condition ! I7a.no Oakland Sedan. 1KB. tour wheal brakes, baleon tires MtO.OO Two Ton Traffic Truck, new tires O0.00 Terms ean be arrand on above can KAIEN OAKAGR Phone s3 FURNITURE AND RANGES Fawcett Ranges Simmons' Beds and Bedding tncludtng the Ostatnwoi Mat tress. Olnlngs Boom Suites. Bedroom Suites. CheatSTfMd Suites. Window Blinds. Unottum and Linoleum Rugs. We sail at vary reasonable prtoaa so it will pay yau to give ua a call. Watch our Windows. A. MAfKKNZli:. lUrnllnre. CHI HQl'RACTIC I)B. R. E. EYOM'SON Chlroprurtor 623 Third Avenue. Telephone tar appointment now to Blue 85. Reside; e phone Black Sat. Acute and Ch.wite Disorders iuoeees fully Ueated BaUMlahed 1B94 RESTAURANTS OOOII EATH CM K Mrs, Unger. Proprietress Third Avenue, iieU O.W.V.A. Ooed itatne Ooo aed Meals and Home Baked Bread Special Clilrkm Dinner Every Sundj) 'Etflilng from 8.30. HOUSES, FOR RENT BEALE IIOCBB NXAB OATOOUC Church at tao.00; S15 Sixth Avenue West st Ms.oo. "'nth Avenue. 6 rooms, 116.00 and another 110.90 These are an modern. 344 811th Ave nue West for sale. F. W. IIAKT LAND ACT NOl'ICH OF INTKMICN TO APPLY I.EAXH l.nnnn LAND u.i.iii Dated May a, oz8. i . . i TO In Prince Iiupert Land eoardUig Dls trtct and situate adjacent to Alllforu Bay. Moreaby Island, Skidegate Inlet, Queen charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICK that Pacific Mills Limited, of Vancouver. B.C., oochpatlon Pulp and Paper Manufacturers, Intends to apply lor a lease oi irte louowing ae scrie lands: oea id Oonunenclna at a ioat Dlanted on the high water mark of an Island; tnenue following the high Water mat- around tne istana to pwni m commencemeni and contalnlrw D.U acre, more or leas PACIHO MILLS. LIMITED, Applicant. Donald Wilbur HotJadon, Agent for PaeirH) Mills, Limited. rwtert May " lBW IiAND ACT t:m . NOTICIl OF IVTENTIOV TO APPLY TO i i;am; i.ami In Prince Huwrt Land Recording hu t.-lct and situate adjsent to Allirard nay. Moresov island, Skkiefate Inlet Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Pacific Mills Limited, of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Pulp and Paper Manufacturers, Intends to appiy tor a lease oi me roiiowtng ae- Bcrioea isnus Commencing at a post planted on the hlah water mar ira or following the his high an ni UWnd; thence wat water mark around the Island to point of commenoementi and containing one acre, -nore or leyis. PACIFin MILL? . LIMITED. Applicant. Domilrt Wilbur Hodsdon. Ai'Iil for Pnrlfli- MIIIn, Limited. Lady AMHitilnnt For .WVIIX and MTKIVAHT. MON For MAHhlSTT 1M.KT. MOND.WH, For 8OHTII lVr.V.S CIIAItl.OTTK For' KKAOiv.w, i:iim:mi.vn. Bluyrir'rn tiiiiiu G. irii in j, e iLTernai vuesiiont-. ttWhat will it be to-day -happily'solved If you own a St. Charles Recipe Book and a supply of St. Charles Milk I Dor;?. of tested recipes for delicious creamed soups and sauces, breads, fish dishes, salads, cakes, pastries andtempting desserts to choose from. Whatever recipe you select will delight the c-v ire family, being made with St. Charles Milk, pare, doubly-rich, nourishing. , THE BORDEN CO. LIMITED, VANCOUVER fJuM mnd in; fm, St. CAsrlss Book willy $S tfttd rscpes. ADDRESS. 648 DEMAND "Rupert Brand pers miK DAINTIBST BKBAKPAST FOOD. Smoked Daily by Ganadia.n Fish & Cold Storage C'. L' Belter' I'rlnce Hupert. B.C. PLATES that jrive you a n M';unncc hiiiI lcni the contour ot tin Dr. laguire Over Ormcs F. AN AD IAN STEAMSHIP AND aaiiinirs from ritiNn-; itrrciiT f r MONDAYS, TltlltSDAYs, 4.00 Phor NATIONAi TRAIN SKRVK1 VANCOl'VKH. VIOTOUIA ).m . MATl ltllAVM. 0 imi IIAYM, HMDAYS. 4.011 I 4 uo pm. I M. amis, Fortnightly. oo pm. I1AILV IIXCKI'T HIIMIAY nt 1140 a.m. for Ml INCH oi.bitdi:. KWV UINMH.O, nil oliils lintrVn Ciinaila, tluiim hliilra. ACIENOV Ll. OCEAN STEAMHIIIP I.INRH, MTV TICKF.T OHirr, 6M Tlllllll AIR. PKINCR HIU'KKT. Phn