PA OR TWO WedneMdiiy, .1. TFir: DAILY NfiXI Why pay for the dust In bulk tea? "SALA9A" Js pure, fresh tea of choice quality all the dist SEES POSSIBLE removed by vacuum process. Brown Label Quality, 40c per -lb. Orange Pekoe Blend, 43c per RESCUE PRIESTS ALASKAN TRADE1 -lb. Ask your grocer for this brand. Rescue Party Went Ashore From Railway to Slewart is Viewed READERS Destroyer Whaler in IMotorhoat and With Some Favor Alia. at Leth-hride, DISTRICT The Daily News PRINCE KUl'KRT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daijy News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor. Transient DUplay AilvertisiiiK, per inch, per insertion ...... $1,40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion, per line 25 Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line Contract Rates on Application Member of Audit Kureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION of the world. Tin- product) ear s ,,; her manufacturing inhume-, tier r.r t progres capita wealth, have aut d m;i i .1 ;r ;a ns to a fine point and take another ej-ack at t ht that they nrght have been wro:.g. ,ml made them gasp for breatii. Yes, Canada has sold herself to th one ining remains i anada .n.iiiii will have to take a half d.i olf Miiivtinie Now is the time for Heat and serve with hot milk Protects the family's health Cuts the cost of breakfast MADE AT NIAGARA FALLS .2 .15 Wednesday, Jan. 25, 1928 SPEECH SAYS LITTLE If the Legislature at Victoria develops no more than is mentioned in the speech from the throne, a summary of which was published yesterday, it might as well not have assembled. But it is certain that things will develop there. It has become a h bit of late not to let the members into the confidence of the government until the appointed time. Ilbwwer, it Js'not thought that there will be great happenings, thft yearitlter in the Dominion or Provincial Houses. ' A let-up in the amount of legislation passed might be a good thing for the country. KH.IIT OK FREE SPEECH The fact that tluy atv in Ihc K" "'I'mtu'iit service docs not seem to stand in the way of Ami-i ii r expressing themselves. They like to say startling tilings and possibly that accounts tor Admiral Plunkett making a sugiV;i.'i o1 war between t inted States and Britain. While many people iiave tue i ij.rht of saying things, to say them is not alvas wise. 1 . t . I all -ay more than we should. A;1 any rate the admiral has a tempest in a teapot and it may have an influence on future action of governments. SELLING Ol'RSEI VES TO OI USELVES i Duripg the last lew y, ai t anaiia h ;s sold herself to the rest na'ural resources, her - and her increased per sharpen their pencils to figures, with the idea to find u comparison which rest of the world. Now. but old to Canada. Cluess Canada ime and and sell herself to thai fortunate class of piMpie known ,,s i'anadiau. When the rest "!' the W'.iin ki)"ws g.iod 'hi tigs about us that we do not know about oursehe-. i i.- lime we - arted to check up. Not for the purpose oi buas'ii,!., i.m .i-i.-i so thai we may be satisfied, or. better Mil, that we mav iv:';ij.i i rm being dissatisfied. The following facts are aigniik'Ui: ..i wi .i it should it.ean to he a Canadian : Greater wealth per capita than any inii vuuulry in the world. Greatest grain growers in the world and growing to only one sixth of the possibilities. Foreign trade four times greater in proportion than that of our iieiKuuur to tne Houtn. Second largest fisheries in the world. Third largest gold deposits on earth. Leading the nations of the world in trade increase since 1918, Per capita wealth increased from $1100 to $2406 during the last three years. Greatest increase in national prosperity on earth during the past 17 yar. And. taking it over a period of 25 years, manufactured product have increased from two hundred and forty million to thirteen hundred and eleven million. Forest products have nearly quadrupled, and general foreign " . .. ,s .... .. , . u ..... . . u.,.. cink;'vnv- ipirijviis; - fc . Anil, nest or all, more than 70 jer cent of all Canadians own their own homes another world's record. Here is the most interesting fact connected with the story-it ha been done without fuss or feathers without working our beads off without becoming hysterical to the point of sacrificing our last drop of blood in pursuit ot the almighty dollar. With the preceding facts and figures in hand, It does not require, much of an analyst to determine that the average Canadian in every walk of life has earned more and saved more, with less effort, than any other man on earth. Consequently, he must have enjoyed life better had more honest-to-goodness fun while he was doing it. . So let them continue to say: "You can't hurry a Canadian." Who wants to hurry when circumstances permit you to get there more quickly by the other method',' PROTEST IS MADE Demand for Chinese HrHsh' ' jept Ends in Man Jlflng , . Handed Ovef Details of Mother exploit by a British warship In Chinese watera are told In the full story of how the de.stroyer Seraph rescued a party of Roman Cth-Q(lc aifu and priests from Swaboe, raw gwatow, according to reports in English papers. A Chinese Christian convert from Swabue arrived at Hong Kong on Box-lag Day and reported to the Roman Oathellc Bishop Valtorta that three priests and seven nuns were ba'.ng held prisoners by Communists at swabiw sad that a Chine? priest was under sentence of death and bad been swatting execution oil Christmas morning. The priests pare two Italians ana Father P. Wong, a Chinese British subject born in Hong Kong. The other captives were three Italian sisters and four Chinese nuns. All were arrested by Communists In Dscember for preaching ChrtstlanlH' and were paraded through the streets. The European priests and the nuns were held prisoner while the Chinese Here taken to an hotel waioh the Communists had confiscated. At firet the captors ordered the Chinese nuns to be led to the common prison, hut the priest protested, whereupon the nfcDnen nuns were allowed to Join the Italia. rather Wong was chained by hU Bead -nd tmt and kept with the otfeer prisoners in s tuthy gaol from waieh prisoners was led eat daily t eceou-tion. On the walls of the prison hung the Meeutloanrs swords Mid ptetoia. The mission building, the convent, ant the orphsnage wees oomptetsry sacked and otoeed dawn. - SKUAI II TO Till; ItiXTK As soon a Bishop Valtorti received ;!i !., irt latp nr. Uonday evening be culled : 11 the u ivomar and asked bis U.-.M' am The biilup put in :oU-h with S:r teginsiicl 1 yr a nit i Cjnmun.l.-i - -Ciiic! of tl riuuii S'rf'ion. who mi-iiiedl.itcl j ordered t'Ur tics' rover Berapli Li .np.,.f i: lei'. ,' Tin S.-r iph .-.l; .im.-il Horn Die hm b. r nt miclnih, . cirrymc ,:i b -a ti Bis'.i j Valt irl.i who liatl vol-un'c.Mid :t act as interpreter, und a C'li:iic- priest u kikcI Father mi Till' Seraph arrived at Sw.ihuc a" dav n on T'.iccliiy and i: re- -ue ;iariy led by di'cp fi.'in ; p.llrc ,dc: R II off in i motor !" 20(1 s.ddR'P ttani.. a!i W'ti'ii Sr. well, pu and u v ( At rc --en on !ic -nor" :i.ill d to t h. n,.i ,1 , not to land flight p :il' r'.i told tin-there wn. no roaMjii to tx' 111. it they .-Imply akcd fi lender of Fathi ol t he ot hci ni t I1C shoji a 'Aa.t (T -t' W. v-i anil -i .11 ir half w. 't'-'.vd tha' afraid hiu'I the ..n-' lie release t'llu: kii"e-iu.'i ; oi; in tie repjy unties were "fady :.. -uriend. : the European cap- ''vs.-. 'ha- ,nce Father Wong was 'hi ni'st he mut be dealt with under Chinese law. A second note was then delivered to the Chinese, saying that the Seraph had come specially for Father Wong, who was a British .tibjt. His immediate release was demanded, anr Commander Wllmot-aitwell fixed a time limit or the reply. Half an hour later a written reply arrlvid sying that since rathe-Wong wm a British subject he would be handed over. The reply contained a haughty protest that the Seraph had no business in Chinese waters without permission and a threat that ir the visit wm repeated the Chinese would fire on the warship. TIIK CAfTIVKH I'KKl.ll Som sftw all tlx eaftlvea wet IWJstt. 9H JtotlW . i Mix fouad lings from the convent The bead estcutioner acoom panned the party to iw wmrwip, mm wpos nanas witn Father Wong before hie departure. While the nefaMetlons were proceed ing the Seraph "Was cleared to guard against any possible attack from the shore, and landing parties got ready. The rescued party said they believed that the Communists feared an attack by the Canton government's anti-Bed troops, snd thst they therefore seised 1 the missionaries as hostages. and would have put them to death In the event of an attack. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert Mrs Florence White of Vancouver has been appointed official visitor tar the Canadian Red Cross at No. 4. Can adian Oeneral Hospital, Baslngaton. England. The first meeting of the new police commission took place this afternoon with Mayor McClyraont and Comrols-sinner 9. D Mscdonald ahd ' Oeorw Hill m attendance. The annuel repon of Chief w H. Vlokera showed that liif sum of SS.801 in fines hsd collected during the year 1B1T. bem A deputation from the rndepenoent Boat Owners' Association waited upon Miiyor McClymont this afternoon ask-inii that, as n means to prevent bal' shortage, eltlier the city or government make use of Pearl Harbor n-ur Port Simpson for the storage f Uerrln, alive. .UfTJ0RIpQJj, Jan. eat Is sncV'n here. In Lethbrldsi all I LIKE many a 1 the thrrmnneicr 2! 25.--Much lnter- tbe preppeed Peace vRivtr railway. Wtb 4 Pacific dSast outlet as this has long bet;n a dream of Lethbridge business interest.. The LelhUridge Herald spess-lng editorially says: "Lethbrldge Is hardly likely to start a boom on the strength Of the charter now being sought at Ottawa; for a railway running from Lettrbrldge through Edmonton to iht Peace River and Aorth westerly to Stewart, B.C. At one time the application for suoh a charter might nave g:ven real estate a fillip, but people are aoeaewltat more conservative today so far as real estnte values are een. cerned. "But ttiere Is one factor in connection with Mm proposed road which might make it desirable from the standpoint of U.S. investors. Stewart. B.C., er ths Portland Canal is fUet across the canal from Alaska. The only present means of transpcrtatlop between Alaska and United States which owns that territory u by means of ships plying between the US west coast and Alaska. Now Alaska is rich In minerals, coal sud also In pulp wood, especially pulp wood. The United States is lacing a famine In pulp wood trade over the proposed Lethbrl4ge- I I Stewart railway would therefore offer cad a very considerable tragic :.! '".'re is no doubt that the grain Alberta points to Stewart considerable factor In tad nay. Especially would a-r if the Orient market t cie.lops because Stewart . : .,.- to Japan than Is aid ii 'ly mentions these a- a; Indication of what i. mi application for the i. rta, Peace River and ; .' .iv Aa we sal ::! think It i o-tate alu it- " or:.lne?e the Herald Man in the Moon 1 fii ITS better to be careful for at the Jr PT"U interest, stated K. A. Watch I five ' minutes than dead all the rest of your life, declared Pat. IF some of us were alive for only uve minutes it might make life living. The difficulty la that i dead and do not know enough to hire ' an undertaker. Prince Rupert person finds It difficult to 1 ' U' i j PAIN in BLADDER fromslly Cased SANTA L nllOy Bs sur to f the Oinulat Look for ins ord "MIDV Sold by I1 druttutt The Daily News Who do not subscribe for the paper but who purchase occasional copies, will find it advantageous to remit $.1.00 and have every copy mailed to their address for the next year. All the News of the North, coast and country, from our special correspondents, as well as world events will keep you well posted at minimum cost. Send the postal order today while you still think of it! saake up Its mind these days. so far a (be territory south of the 4th PJJIKCB Bupert Is a little slow psraliel is concerned. Naturally Alas-! Darby hats $n not yet eoostoared "the kan pulp wood will be exploited to I thing" here, .eaaept let aa ex-yor. mate up for the deficiency to scene , estent r.t leest. j OXCf ta wanMB are ssld to have HsiiKiti oiTKH ritAUK' ioxn senetble doiblng, but lu all off These and other 'developments la the : now-latarior of Alsaka make real eoniiec, -aeas between Onitsd states proper and V W ware aot f or tae danger of caus-Alstka of paramount importanos. The stoat? in the price of 'pork. I 4lskaa flsaeries in themselves oSer ! Nad Hoc bf killed, aracb tnriSe for such a railway lute, j " "Wow from the Alaskan boundary St "BAT Pir a-1s a sad pity-Stewart to the Twin Cities of Minns-' bo know all about raising spoils and at. Paul by rail would beUdrea are usually denied any to less than teur days much more rapid trans' t than by the present boat routes fuan Nome to Scuttle and thence overland to the twin cities Alaska-US. j I HAVE seen girls even la Prince Kaptrt who made me almost wish the old custom of drowning girl babies had been continued BLATCHFORD ON COAL BUNKERS Bays targe One Will be Huilt at Vancouver in Near Future BfMONTON, Jan 8V Lttrae bunkers for the storing of csal will no doubt be built st Vancouver within the next ford. Hi", for Bast Mataatoa. on his return from the coast c4ty He was very optimistic over the Pacific market for Alberta caal and torsces steady de velopment, all of which will be vastly Unproved by the providing of adequate bunker facilities. The shipping business at Vancouver is growing rapidly, some IS grain ships waiting tor export cargoes when be Utt for Kdraonton. said Mr. Blstch-ford. Beeeat purchases of three big sblps by the Dollar Une also showed worth tbe development of the shipping bust- are 1 nets on tbe north Pacific. Tbe mineral boom la also being felt in British Columbia, such districts as tewsrt snd others ahowtise lot nf - THI fool is the person who knows It ! t vlty. Inteeest was also growing in the JUST a ulterior or the province and K was ei- . , , I pteted that there would he heavy eapan- few if us are foolish enough . to enjoy our work. I like scribbling, ... ni.t-wfoM . I tloii between tbe Brttktb and Oriental WO parson soqalrtd wisdom from books or universities or schools. Ws-tlcm comes from living snd csn be ac-ulred In no other way. But some people never live.' I CANT marry him. mother. He's an atheist, and doesnt believe there's a hell " "Marry him. my dear, sad between us we'll convince him that he's wrong." TWO old Scotchmen who hadn't met since they were boys at home were re newing acquaintance a tfiey sat on the porch of the summer hotel. One had last an eye and was very sensitive about it Finally the other, seeming to notice it for the first time said, "Wbaur's yer itner e'e. wndy" Olancing at his companions shiny pate, Sandy ret .rted, "Hoot, monl It's nwa' looking fcr yer hair." FIRST prl.e for typographical errors should be awarded a nameless prtater rescued from obseurHy in "Adventures in Editing." a book compiled by Charles Hansnn Towne. The printer was setting up a page In a book of poems by Ilia Wheeler WUcoi. She had written as her first lire. "My s.-.ui 1 a lighthouse keeper," A carelt-sr printer divided the words differently, and the poetess and her edmlrers nearly fainted when they saw a poen) which begs "at ,eoui is a lldbt nuiw-kec).r.', ..1 urun uotepany. of watch he u presi- dent, and the harbor board. He expects to leave about February 1 to attend the pending session of tbe House of Cora- mmiir nwrf w, VntMi gelme will he rrdured (o tSc per gallen. lislrn ()sr(. 30 NOTICE. Re-Oertlfleste oi Title No. 30S4 1 to .Lots five it) snd sis ). Block nineteen list, Bectlon sis (6). Re-Certificate of Title Mo. 3001 1 to LoU seventeen ill) and eighteen (It). Block twenty-six (Ml. Section six (fl). Re-Oertlflcate of Title No. s0fl I to Lot aiaeteea roai 1 (19). in 1 . noH ten ' 11 1 hm. uen seven 1 Re-pmuicate of 7). Title No. 1417 I to LoU forvy-tbrre (4S) forty. four (41) and forty-five t. Bi ICOB (27), Section v v tt. tt.t II it). mnce Rupert Ui - 094 LAND ACT twentv -seven City oi Whereas proof ot loss if the above Vll ,,L ,luf "V?" ' the name "L1"- J,h0?1' n fi m thu offlee, notice is hereby siren that 1 8h". tbe aspirauou of one month from tbe date of the first publication hereof. Issue a provincial Certificate of TUjj in Ikau rf ich of the said lost arrfcfleates uttless in the meantime yo objeetlon as to any be made to me m writing. DAIWat the Und Registry office Prince Rupert. B.C., thlTVd Jsnuary; H. F. MacLKOD. g!rtrar ofTitles. NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APPLY TO Charlotte Itlasds 11 rws, nuiiuE trial Hniwt t t. . of Vancouver. B.C.. inii;. T it' packer. Intends to apply foTs htmi ol the following deecrllands:--. Commencing at a post planted at northeast crtier aboiitl.Odtf feet westerly from miners' . Huston Irtlst; thence westerly 90 hsi; ttKUce southerly about lii chains-thence or."erly 90 chiir.ivTsiS??' herly ab ut 13 chains, and eont.min. 34 acrt-s. more or less. ROBERT M. CTJRRIE, Applicant. I 1 COATS Oea ranee (HEATER HAR(i.INS THAN EVER DRESSFS HATS Hosiery and Lingerie Canadian National Steamships Co. Limile " 't seasessawsassws,WssawsweaaBe w Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AM) SHIPYARD Uperntinic (J.TJ. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Pot Hn-ilnetrs. MaWilnhitB. Hoilermskem, Illarksmitlis. I'littrra inakera, Founders. Wowlworkerh, Etc. BI.KCTIUC AND aCKTYI.ENB WHI.DIM. Our plant Is tqulpped to handle all Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 Canadian National Hlie Largcft ?&ilway Sylcm in Amend STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Ballings from l-HIXCE III PERT for V tM oi VKIt. VICTOHIt, ' and intermediate polnu, each I'MIDIY son . m for SI i:vKT and ANVOX. e.7h HMs&mm, W,""."rtnVT.,.,, "N 1-MW.rr.t i'.tHf:ai:it trains h-ut ... ...... Bach MOM. IV. UKIIMWIMV at' .nd sin I1KAY 11 JO a m I AOCNCV All, OVKAS STKtMSIIir LINKS. nit V.l.l,'.'2.n. also for r!l ihinmuTi ' .Money Orders, rorelrn hMi ete- your neit lui luui iirit Bin iimstti - CITY TICKET fllTICK. tik 1l U r... tlJNf 'B RUJ I.UT PUrlOf I JANUARY Clearance SALE Special Bargain Tables 25c 50c 95c imUSSBR AT COST PJUCH Hnrtrnln In all Lines H, S. Wallace Co., Ltd. ' n.ii Phone & 9 ai 3rd Ave. (ind I u"