PAGE F0U3 -iV iUM. ii-ayv. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus HERE COMES IBS'JWT. jK9 EsdcOOD MQRNIN' ESlf . f iAtD GOOD IjoOJ'T AWNOY - ffl SfljjSSy , BijjiHb' TS easmig THAT OLD Sf I vJWf If MR-QtOWEU.- frf?f o a$ MORMIN' j I'VE QOT TO GET " ?W'S3P5Hj MAO fcSSgmP V " GROOCH-HE&O LrnT I H W IrlOW ARE. YOU u tflJ CjOMETHINJG FO 1 . ANY TWif at 17 Vancouver, fnces Most Modern Dryclcaning Planl In City ,V Thone 118 Pioneer Laundry Ltd. Third Ave. and McBride Street OUR GREAT CLOSING out SALE of MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS is still on Montreal Importers Third A venae J. IL Miller. Proprietor Ve GivV0uRcoAui5pica:ep) We pass our coal over u screen four times larger than any other coal screen in town. We are therefore putting out the cleanest and best prepared coal. We make it a paint to get coal for you that will give the most heat with the least waste. Let us have your order for delivery now. Albert & McCaf fery Limited Phone 116 and 117 Tra ppers ! Are you getting enough for your fur? If not, come to Goldbloom. Just now we wait mink, marten, ermine, coyote, wolf, ftaea of all kiodt, and lynx. We have large orders from manufacturers in the East, and if we eannot fill them we lose our bonus. We pay top prices for everything. If you have a large lot. wire me and I shall eall personally. Remember, if you want a square deal mil to Goldbloom The Trappers' Friend Second Avenue COAL Prices DOWN , Pembina Peerless Egg 112.00 Pembina WasfieS S'uts $iT.2! Allnrrta Sootlewt Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 These Coals are under cover and delivered dry. HydeTransler AND COAL CO. 139 Second Avenue '"" f-Wi.Swvk ,hu r HURDLE RACERS NOT NUMEROUS! Only One Since the War Has Been Seen in Action That Wan Really Great Really great hurdlers come only sel-.on says a writer in the Ixiiidon Tlmw, There tins. In general opinion, been :nly one grent hurdler since the War namely. Treapaaacr. a big. lion-hearted horn who wan an smaxlngly fluent Jumper. I always wish that someone bad been able to measure some of jumps that he did at Sandown. oiiucr he winning post. I feel convinced that the distances which he cleared would have bees astounding At the same tune he neve wasted a moment, for he landed In his stride and was at once sway again at full speed. Wrack, the greatest horse before him, was much mailer and lacked his devastating tride. but he was even qulcke: ovei the hurdles. I do not think that any one ever saw him Jump. He seemed i go up to the obstacles and before one could concentrate on his jumping he was over and starting again on the flat. Powell, the Cambridge hurdler, was muoh the same. He waa up and over before one could really se Mm. Zeno. who won 'the Imperial Cup last spring, reminded me much of Wrack but I doubt whether he waa In th-samc ciaas as Lord Rocr'oery's versatile little, bone. The next two moijti.a nay ao whether e have a real successor to two u"i hurcUfiB a. the net'. A -id compact Wrack and hte impressive, loog-atridlng Trespasser WARNING GIVEN HOUND RACERS Deputation to the Government Ask-s hor Change in Present Law in England LONDON. Jan. 38. ft la understood that the Home gwcreUry. SI' William JoynsovHlcka. was speaking with the full approval of the cabintt when be tfcamv. Cough Relieved by First Dose Like s flash EacVly"! Mixture penetrates and clears th threat and chest. TaJ immediate reflef b due to the unique nature of "Buckley's". If quite different from ordinary cough jrruvs. Ona oue slops cosaslst -sad there art 40 dose in a 75-eent bottle I Every drcsriat sells " liuek It)'" under a positive guar mm antee. Jt a tottis today. W. K. EstKler. United, 1U Malta St Tsrents 1 107 on ine inr srae or the course or uvei JisP MIXTURE 3TB the las hurdle, coming up the hill to j Act! like a fiath-u tingle sin proves It ruary of testing the feeling or the House of Commons in rextio. to the general question. Th;y would expect 'e Government to say that thin waa -t a party issue and that they would -e guided by the Judgme.u of the louse. It was an abominable thing 'ir : auands of children's Sunday dinners vc:re dependent on the result of a dog .'ce on Friday night. Whatever might c the consequences be lntertdsd to take s Ktand to remove temptation which A-as likely to Imvc demoralizing results 8lr William Joynson -tacks replied: The whole matter wlU have to be considered by his Majesty's Government n the moral and material Interests of .be community as a whole, and I think t would be wen that those who are investing In this farm of sport should realise that She sfevelopaaem has been so sudden arat so- extekaiTe that fay Government must devote very aeribws attention to it. and I accordingly feci it my duty to give at least this warning hint to those who may be investing their money in new undertakings The whole matter will be oaawudered most - .refully both ' by my colleague in the Cabinet and by myself, sad I need hardly ssy that if and when you bring as matter before ttis Hfrane of Con-tawma. as soon as ever" jim lake in February. I shall be prepared to niak a. fuller statement wilt) Vegard to the policy of the Oovernmesii.- Greyhound pramosers Jlave expteased bbelr agreement with obt Views of the Heme Secretary on the 4VI, of juvenUe Uttered word of warning to lnviton tlkilr betting, and asserted willingness '" """"" t" : to co-ooerate with the authorities in to a deputation at the House of Corn ells. The deputation, which desired to Im press upon him certain dangers arising out of the new sport, was Introduced dealing with It TERRIER RACING by J. H. Thomas. U P . and it consisted rwttlnv an l-nrl.llr , 1. of two aaeaabtrs of each of the Dolltlcal vu .... Fsrtiee. Mr. Cadogan and B. 8 Hudson I .. (Conservntlvesi. Mr Compton and the' LONDON. Jan. tS -NotMea have been Rev. H. Dunnico iLaoaur). and Sir tent to TDambera et the- I radius' mta. Robert Hamlltou and Mr Penby (Ub- ;Hlgh Hrlbom. by Pred IspMrtl. iaaslag- 'ing director ef the cltiksteslni that Mr. Thomas explained that the depu-' terrier rsetac will osjbb as, the an I MAPLE LEAFS WIN OVER-COLD STORAGE IN BILLIARD LEAGUE The leading Cold Storage team In the Billiard laeague lunding waa ten ten hut night by the third place Maple 1 - its. the aggregate c;re being BOP to 57 The winners t :ck thre of the five . m?s. games, being rather badly beaten the other two. Individual scores were as follows: W. L. Long (Cold Storage). J00: Mayor ; P McMordle (Maple Leafs). ICS. A. Murray, lS; J. Hamilton. 900. J Hlriman. 103: Marcus Andrews. 300. A Macdonald. 300; M M. McLachlan. "il J May. 1SB; Oeorge Howe. 300. Billiard league standlug to date are as follows: Played Total Aver. Cold Storage s 3526 ai4 Grotto '. ... 5 4536 006 Maple Leafs M23 004 Ocand Tersatnalu . 4413 BB3 Oyro Club 8 . 1B1 ass Individual ayeragea to date are as loll own: Played Total Av. P. Wiuiama (MX.) I soe 300 O. Pyle (O.T.I S Ota ISO Ser. Self (O.T.) 4 7ftS 300 a Howe (MX ) e J. May (03.) 3 .v j. Nelson (OC.i .... s O. Wsugb (Orottoi 6 A Ward one, d IC3.I .... g D. Brown lOrottm 6 "V. H. Long (C.S. 1 8 a Murray (C4.i 8 C. Yc-uaaaaan 1O.1 4 Bee airy rOAi 3 Mayor McMordfe (M L.) . . 6 0. Balagno (G.C.) 8 M M McLacMlafl' (Ml.) 5 M. Andrews -(Mi.) t A. Donald IQ.Q.I g J Judge (Oiotto) 4 0. A. Woodland (Q.a) .. 8 W. I. WlKiaeroft IOT.I.. 3 a Morgan (OA) 5 1. Hamilton I M.L.I 6 J. Brown (O) ' 3 O. P. Tinker lO.C.l 6 F. Sieatan (O.T.) 3 J. Hillman iCB i t I. Andrews (OT.) 8 It. Toug (Orstto) 4 John Bulger ic& 3 0. Krauee (OT.) 3 1186 588 874 971 1156 964 1153 1143 757 M3 935 1091 807 884 801 1011 491 833 337 984 317 780 773 816 480 371 SPORT CHAT 18S 198 198 194 198 193 193 190 189 187 186 183 179 179 174 173 189 188 187 188 184 161 1S9 188 184 183 150 188 A meeting of Use Prince Rupert Basketball Association executive la called for tonight and It is considered probable tfcat decision may be nude to retume the league series, which has Oeeu suspended tor the past week on Inerjpunt of cold weather and Inability tation did not rVpresem people who; February . -The !, be jstatas. j irom Jllnpollth native to come hare all kinds of neort , "will race with aai ssittiaaaHi sntllMiHled luest-. liondav nteht. r m. nu i. . iv or lan-ui inaiwy isajii - BWr-lvna WW! IwawnaiisssieWWailFllisirl rTfTtHe Port Slmusjti YPXJ V anted!: For Sale For Rent The committee in charge was C. I.lndaeth. Mrs P. Vicktal. Miss B Wick. 11. DabJ. H. Longbolag and T. Dybhsva. Mr. Plness was at the door. Dancing sas kept up untu between two and hree o'clock. ROCHESTER AGAIN CHOSEN CHAIRMAN OF SCHOOL BOARD The 1938 board of school trustees !eld IU Initial meeting last evening when H. B. Rochester was re-elected chairman an molien of Trustee William (te hst the 'smitten Hell acuatelyMWf)Wt aud IQtMasp Meats on Friday eventas of this week. TheWlun tafetag Uak ioale. Mj avttlag will also consider a propositi :m to Vlklt tha they believed nlnrerely and honestly way wtth tHa oreUaary bttStneaa ef the Icily for a game on a guarantee of 880 that nothing bad happencc. 1.1 tii rlvb There alii lie three' daye-' racing ! being made No further word has been country of recent years which waa eal- each week and six .racestii aaoB even-1 received from New Metlakatls (Alsaks) culsted to hsve such dem.Mlirlni; re- ing. with first sftd Ipiflnl prttes for which some iime ago expre&f.ed IU suits and so to ruin the home and the owners ol- the otoggt jjkead In that ileire of vlmt ng Prutcti Buptrt for a the country Itself as the Introduction i rdcr A Britlati ell 1ls 1s'rl-Mutuf 1 erles of games, of dog-racing Tltey Intended to take ul he used in liSfcltlSglllin with the. the eartlest Parliamentary opportunity r..r.K thla belrsv nhe attt machine of; Leaeue htkey at Smlthers Is being wplen ould be open to them li Feb- it- kind to be seen lu faUQpe. followed by manv fans with araat ex- jmmWtmmmWSmmWSm "OXO" is the rich jylJ goodness of prime fei SIS!: I 9 HjHItolpnH mA V. aLJLZjJriel JVsfe7 lSff'Jsaasaln - LaVi jlBTssaMJrj aV' M IIsJl slT TfilBi' TT 1 iT. U si af tl 4saHsaaaa DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. Fg 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than 50c MISCELLANEOUS CAPITAL FUNDS NEGOTIATED. OEN-eral Corporation Service. Confidential: Address P.O. Box 1863. Prinoe Bupert. 38 citement and three team engaged In the apart putting up a high claas l.rand of play. The players are fast etttng their bellows in working order and are now able to go the full route nt top speed. Oames are played Tuesday and Friday night and Sunday afternoons The public is showing a great Interest and attendance la gradually ln-. reading. It Is possible that the Victoria Boxing Club will be revived in the capital and bat bouts will be stated. Wing Hay. Al-tertil Chinaman, is anxious to meet Dave Lewis of Victoria for the featherweight championship of Vancouver. These boys may be matched on the 'tret card of the Victoria Club. Other vibernl boys go there for bouts are KM Stubb. welterweight: Battling Ol-ten, Ughtwelght, and Teddy Thompson. . iperweight. SASKEr SOCIAL BY NORWEIGLAN CLUB AT THE METROPOLE HALL The Uef Brlckson Club held a basket octal last evening si the Metropole Hall which was attended by about one .lundrad Norwegian people and waa :eUoed by a dance, a most enjaNe isme being spent. Baskets were auction - d by Tom Dybbsvn and found ready urt'hasere. Singing and muslcsl selec tions were given by Master Nordstrom. For the dance music was provided by Miss Irene Morrison and members of the club. 4P gitMahsS the 8 number ef the boar! Mrs. TtiBtmi shuwrer. and eorurraiu-lated Trustee MoMeekin on hU re-elec- raV'sMM ,.thM JKoaeedpC . tP Mti into we estimates ana sojournment taken until the regular meeting date of February 9 when the educa tional budget will be further consider ed OPPONENTS OF NEW PROVINCE WIN IN DEBATE AT SCHOOL J. S. Wilson, vlce-princlpttl of Booth Memorial School, la conducting an in Frinre l(uiert C H McMillan. R Bramley, Niuiimo: Rev. T. J Marsh. Territoe: Rev W T. Low High Low High Low High iiiiiiunin, r-f.ri r.ssingion: Rev. j q Oibv.:n. Snuthers: D. McKay un(1 IN!.uid S.ivii.f. Mecheki-. Alts. I t'eiilnil F M.-Ooiwid. .Iu-ih . . o. nrd, and ll',.h y c nnne. CNR.; O. Bren, Ottawa. j !i,w Advertise in The Daily Newt FOR SALE FOR SALE. ONE 30 HP 'FRISCO Standard in first claas condition: recently overhauled: with full equipment. Apply Ward Electric and Marine Supply. 34 FOR SALE 61600 BUYS A NaNPLY Snlshed house. 5 rooms, bathroom, pantry and basement Handy to sawmill. Phone Black 631 tf FOR SALE. -SBCOND HAND CARPSJT in good condition. 16 ft. by 13 ft Apply Dally News tf FOR BALK. OLD NEWSPAPER Two large bundles for 35c. tf FOR RENT fob nmn - one good apartment with three bedrooms. Diwn town Stork block. Apply Stork's H. rdware tf FOR RENT - ROOMS WITH OR WfTH- out board. Central location. Phone Blue 153. U HOUSE FOR RENT. -6 ROOMS AMD BATH. Apply Macro Bros tf FOB RENT FURNISHED HOUSE Apply 315 Fourth Ave Ej,; tf LOST LOST ON FRIDAY EVPNINO JNU-sry 30. st Prince Rupert Club or between Chib and Pounb Avenue West, silver compart initial L. Finder please return to Dally Mews Office. 90 iTHMnitE vn utvnr.M WE HAVE IN STOCK BEOS SPRINGS. mattrera. linoleum and linoleum rugs, carpets, window blinds, curts.n rods curtain goods and drarx-i. dining room suites chesterfield suites, ehslr. tables, floor lamps, blankets, sheets bad-spreads, quilts, ranges skmtlet. kitchen hardware and mostly all household articles All nw goods A. Furniture. MACKENZIE i 48 p.m. M pm. 33 30 pjn. rnillAY. J INI'AKY n ajn. 10 38 p m. 10:48 am. I'M p.m. Phone 771. CHIMNEY SWEEP II. J. 7.1 MKKIIIt Oenernl Handy tfan Pnrnsces snd Stoves Cleaned and Re. ptrlred Chlmrrles Swept Cemetery Plots Oared For Phone Red 343. Prince Rupert. HO EXCHANGE WV: AJI 4 0I llANIs ri KMTI KE Masjfht and sold and eaxbangad.' Player Piano and Two Cash Registers sloek. jn rMpOI'PI.O. iMillM .iW ThlrJr' 'MsVSe 848 PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 4- a. . e a , a ttt 4 VMKXEOIIW. JANI tltV til "! 3 33 ajxi. 188 ft. 15 04 pjb. g 5 '"w t:16 a. 66 - 31:48 pjn. j - High How tr.KM)lY. JA-NIAHV 8.1 8.33 am. 15:04 pjn. 9:16 a.m. 31 43 nm. TIH HSIItV. J.NI tllY teresting series of debates among his! High 3 59 a.m stwiui uraue scnoiars at that sc!,ool In the latest debate, the question of whether or not a new Peace River province ahould be established waa diartis-sed and the opponents of the idea. Juck McKse and Tommy McMeekln. carried off tiie honors, on s vote of scholars Those arguing In favor of the new province were Oscar Fulton and Allan Crors. Both sides of the case were pre-M-nted lucidly and loglrally. the boys showing considerable ability sn public tipc alters. IIOTKI. AHMIVtl.M High 17 KtTI ROAV. JAM AUY 38 6:33 ajn. 17:88 pa 11:38 a.m. 38:48 pjn. NI'MIAV. JAM ARY 8 6:18 a m. 19:01 pm. U,m 13:41 pm MOMtAV, JWI AIIY 38 7 98 am. 30 SO pm. -! 0 46 a m 1 03 p.m. TI'KMlAY, JM AHY II 8 13 am II 48 p m. I S3 n ni 15:17 p m. 198 ft 31 5 " 8 6 " 3.3 " 30 1 ft. 38 7 " 6.3 -S.I " 301 ft. 19.4 " 63 " 4.4 " 30 0 -18 I " 63 " 8 108 ft. 16 9 -6 5 1B.8 ft lsa 7g " 6.S ' 30 1 ft 16 4 M " 38 " rTPIIIPIItn l!nin.. lor Vsnrouter Tuesday as. Oamnaun Friday ea. Prince Rn,. Saturday as. Cardena t as. Princess D , r . Feb. I as. Princfh t Feb. 15- ss Prince-- t Feb. 39 as. Prince i rreni Vsnemrr Sunday as Csnwi-i Wednesday- as Pr l: Saturday, as Cardrn. Ssturday as. Princes, it..- . Jsn. 38 as. Prince- t , Feb. 11- as. Prlncew. m ) Feb 38 as. Prince. M , I's Pert Simpson and Naat lln- Sundsy as. Oamosun frees pnrt Simpson and N.i.o Tuesday as Oamosiiti IV Aayax sad Mr art Sunday as oamosun Wednesday- as priurr r l ram Aaysx ami Meaan Tuesday as. Csjdoxu.-Friday as. Prince I', lav leeo CIsrWtr Jan. 36 as. Prince -' Feb 11-as Prince J Feb. 38--aa. Prince J 'rem (feeeti Charletle Jan. 38 as. Prince J Feb 8 -as. Prince J' Feb S3 as prince J rr AkMks Jan 3S- aa. Prlrtcev M Feb li--as. Prlnce v Feb 38 as. princeu M 'rem Ataiaa Feb. 1 as. Prince- m Feb 15 aa Prince. V Feb 79 -as. Prince, v. Tueedaya Plidaya aaturdaya CP.R Feb. I. 18 sn.l Trains. Mondays. Freas VasteeMit re- Sundays Wednrsdays Saturdays C P R. Jan. 38. Pel. I Trains. SUBdaya. Tuesd days Ta Aaye. Atke Arm. i M . is. MAIL SCHEDULE JAM tltV. I ' Isr I he rant Mends ya. Wed needs l lsu the taut Thradsya. Tfeuradsy an i due Te Vatiesiner 01 " n i;i :sj Iteatler Sundays mi: ' 1 Wednesdays ' Tees tares. A Ike Arm. IVetnlrr Tuesdays " Fridays To Mass Mleer Falnls Sundays rrem Naas Kltrr Ta Ale Points Jsn. 3S. Pew II and rrew Alaska Points Fb 1, i and 89. Ta Qaeen tltsrMtr Msnrt r..i'- Jan 38: Feb 11 and ' , frava ((seen CTiarhttte M Jtn. 38; Feb. 8 and CN.R. TRAINS lav (he Kan.' Monttsys. Wednesday t IIJ0 am. Turn, -he Ras: Tuaadays. Tnuredsy kt 110 bjw. IN PKORATK IN THE St'l'ltrMR fOl nr COI.IMIIM . ta the Matter of me " . Act; and ta the Matter of tlx- ' Rtldd. Deceased. In TAatE NOTIOK thn' i' .' Honor, p. MeB Younu. wemoer. A D 1837 I v mlnistrator of the -' ' "Vidd. gsnaaed. and . hg claims agalimi u. are hereby required properly verified, t.i " the 3rd day of Jsmmrv '' I all parlies Indebted io , remilred to pay tlir .m indebted new to me NORMAN A v Oftlcml v jjO-""! the Srd lv