L .v, Juwiary 25, 1928 T-ll! . in HE ACME'S Schick Annual Here ure some real special for the Roys. These will be . rn i 1 1 L'....l.l.. I I 1 t j a , . t lli? IJl'I iemiini ottic oiniwi lur wys oeiure BlUCKlAKing. ' 1 " ' 1 1 lar. HOOTS FOK BOYS I, ,. ' I; -il Stitch Boots. A real wearing boot for this time . ..I. Will ifive irood service. Sizes from 1 to 5. QTO AC Sale Price 0.t7J -s 11 to Temptation Sale I'i k- SWEATERS FOK, HOYS .iir Sweaters made by the St. MaiKarct's people of worrited in brown, gray, navy and fawn. Polo col-All i.en from 22 to 82. jM QC ,.,iion Sale Price i.UtP STOCKINGS FOK HOYS !'i r l.imous St. Margaret' Ltrand pure wool Sinkings for . with the well-known double knee and diamond knee for u. ar. All alien. QSP ion Sale Price CAPS FOK HOYS Mi re in one lot of Capn, the famous Wolfe make. They in pure wool tweeds with unbreakable peak. All ': (tion Sale Tria. ". . PANTS FOR HOYS i: ' I'iints, In fancy pattern, made of strong wearing ,U A few odd sizes left. Regular $1.95 value. i 9&D Sale Price Acme :: Importers in .D. Order Strictly I'anh No Charge Account Mail Order I or warded Kxpresn Prepaid of Spun Telephone 3 Schick Repeating Razor The Keeiitinif Razor that makes shaving easier. Ii reloads like a pump gun 20 marvellous blades in each clip It Nflvew shaving time no drying, no fuaalng IT SHAVES I.IKE A HEAD HAKHER amoothly. iuiikly. comfortably Simple as A. H. ('. plated Razor, with 20 blades S0.JM) ' .1 i 1 1 IIS of 20 blades OlHHS lci yfie Pioneer Dntniitls MIND AVE. , SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES fl? 1,200 SALE SALE Silk Absolutely Dure silk and the be.it Kiade; fine clone even 1 "' I'. free from heavy coarse thread.t and fa-t dye. In ade " Arab, Lipstick, Peaeh, Mauve, Parchment. Sand, Jade, Flesh, 'la.-k, White. 2fi Inches wid.e Sale Price 75c yd. Fraser & Payne The Univertml Trading Co. o Every Woman '-auer fur new Irion. In home decoration new color for the aun porch, new color echenies for baby's '""I. Hew color hsnnfv avorvurhara in I he h()U;'e -"til" UrUsh- r l-mnuT come as a household blessing. Kaien Hardware Co. Local and Personal BO. 0udtrutr Waoiis u. Dentist. Dr J. R. Ooss Phone Bfifl. Tommy Taxi Cult. Phous 780 MTV Big 4 babiti ot TiW. phone v Zenltt Whto tbinuin t! AlexuMMr Goot h sailed last night on the Camosun for Vancouver. i-ram drey Cod just la from Waric Cucal, t LUlpvlck. riahaisrket. D. Cavalier feturned to the city on the Prince Rupert today from a holiday trip sou tti. Kfartlve January ii, Inlon gaaatln ml) be rrducrd to -Tir per gallun. haiMi (larage. ao Sam Joy returned to the city on the Prince Rupert tcday Irom a holiday- trip to Vancouver. Women of MooMheart Legion 8t. Valentine ' Whut Drive and Dance. February 14. at 8.30. Joseph S. llogctt ot the, Rupert Marine Products Ltd. staff sailed last uljbt on the Camosun for Victoria. ' Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge McAfee, who' have been on a two weeks' trip to Vancouver, returned to the city on the Prince Ru-!ert today. P. 8. Jack of Stewart, who haa been, cn a holiday trip to Vancouver, is a pas-wnger on the Prince Rupert today returning north. Moose Legion No. 4S annual Novelty Dance January 37. Ladles 50c. Gentlemen a 100. Snappy music. Lots of fun and prlaea. C. H. Taylor of the Dominion Fisheries ofnee sailed last night on the Camosun tor Vancouver, accompanied 1 by J. T. Jones. j J. A. Hlnton. whs baa been on a : combined bMnau and pleasure trip to ! VanooUver and Victoria, returned to the ! city oa the Prince Rupert today. CN R. ateaaaer Prince John, Capt. Nell McLean, from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte islands. Is ex pec Led to arrive in port about SeturUay. You are Invtted to the afternoon tea and sale or home cooking at Mrs. Le Pine's. MA Fifth Avenue Bast on Thursday. January ts. from to .SO. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Johnson, who have been on a trip to Vancouver and other points further touth, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert today J M'.lton of the crew of the light house tender B'.rnie. who haa been on a holiday trip tj Vancouver and Victoria ietuod to the city on the Prince Rupert today. X. K. Hall of Winnipeg Is a passenger oa the Prince Rupert t;day going through to Stewart where he has extensive mining and bua'.ueM interests. He U also one of the principals of the Bank of llyder Owing, to the fact that all entries from out-of-town points have not yet been received, the meeting callod for yesterday afternoon to choose the winners In the slogan contest was adjourned until February a. O. C. Markay. district engineer for the provincial department of public works, who haa been attending a departmental conference in Victoria, returned 1 1 the olty on the Prince Rupert lodsy. accompanied by Mrs. Mackmy. 8egeanl Major H. A. PonCer and 8rc.cant Cadwallacter of the first North DC Regiment will sail Friday morn inn aboard the Prince Rupert for equlmalt where they will take sli weeks' courses of training ai the Royal Scho.'l of Infantry. D C. MrRae has been advised that his brother. John McRae, la now receiving treatment at the hands of apac-hillU in Vancouver. An x-ray examination suggested that defective teeth condition might have been responsible lor the latter's recent breakdown of health. The funeral of the late Mrs Trevor A Clarke, daughter of Indian Agent and Mr W. K. Oolllaon. whose death occurred at the end of last week In. Mel-on. will take place In the south. The parents, who were present at the end, are expected to return to the city with in the next few days. To attend an executive meeting of i lie Anglican diocese which was held last evening. Rural Dean T. J. Marsh of Terrace. Rev. J. B. aibaon of Smith. tu.H ' CW.V, rk Jfmi bf Port aslngton arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train, returning thti morning to the interior. ANNOUNCRMKNTS - legion Nnvvlty Dance January 37. Prune Ruert Olrls' Drill Team dance February 3. CNR Annual Ball. Friday. Pebrary 17. THE DAILY NEWS PJLGS THREE Her Three Boys Had Terrible Colds That Hung On fra, 0. Ames, 25 Bt. George Street, ..Chatham, Ont., writes: "Last Winter mj three boys had terrible eoldi and a congh (fiat hung on to long that It to. worry we. "J' I wenf.tq my 4riiggiit and he inked me if I had tried Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup ' "I told him r had not, but that I would, und I moat fJ that after the had anUheJ the third bottle the were entirely rid of the cough. "I will oerer be without a bottle et 'Dr. VfcodV on hand." Prk J5& a bottle, large family nUe 60c j pet tip J by The T. Milbura Go. limited. Toronto. Oat Father Godfrey arrived in the city t from Tertwce on yesterda) afternoon s , train. Mr. and Mrs. William Crulckshank and son returned to the cr.y from Vanccuwr on the Prince Rupert today. E. C. Bsyllsa. loonl agent for the Union Oil Co., returned to the city on yesterday afternoons train from a brief business trip up the line. The subject of stud; at the meeting of the Ladles' Music Club today Is the contemporary lives of Mendelssohn, the composer, and Bums, the poet. W. H. Tobey, OM.B superintendent, returned to the dty today following a week's trip over the division a far as Jasper Park on ofBelul business. Mr. and Mm. W. ti. Tolln are passengers on the Prince Rupert today returning to Stewart following a trip to Vanoouver and other points in the south Mr. an Mrs. C. Banrirkwn. who have been lor the past ssonth or so on a holiday trip to Seattle and other points in the south, returned home on the Prince Rupert today. Mr. snd Mrs. A. L. Hsltby and son. who have been on an extended vacation trip to California and other parts of the United States, returned borne on the Prince Rupert today. Prank M. Davits, accountant for the AUln fisheries, who has been on his Te election o. the native e-m, : ,i the village of Mes i.r- u-..em.. by Dominlan Cons . a ' VV mi -h; In the absence of ! i .i-. a.-. . W F Gcll'wn resulted as : ;:- Chief Councillor VV .11... ,n Councillors Peter i . i.n m u. .:; Clifton. John Leigh tuu. ttui 1'.. Hid Henry Rudlaud. WliATIIIIt HII-UKT Prince Rupert - Cloudy, southes: wind; temperature. SS. Hsysport--Cloudy, light wind, temp 30. Port Simpson CI udy. calm. temp. 34. Stewart- Cloudy, calm, temp) 38. Auyux Cloudy, calm. temp. 36. Alice Ann Cloudy calm, temp. M. Alyansh Cloudy, calm. temp. 11. Boss wood Cloudy, oalm. temp. 16. Terrace Cloudy, calm, temp 21. Hazel ton -Cloudy, calm, temp. 13. Smltber--Cloudy, calm, tamp. . Burns Lake Cloudy, calm. aero. Telegraph Creek cloudy, calm, temp. it WMtehorse Cloud: , oalm. temp. 17 relow. Big Salmon -CU udy, oalm. temp. 39 below. Dawaon Cloudy. Mrtith wtnd. temp. 16 below. Market Prices Todays prloea on um looal msrktt an as fbilowa LAUli Pure 36c Ceanpawnd aoc KKIS B.C. fresh pulleu 60c B.C. fresh, firsu .. ooc B.C. fresh, extras Soc Leoal now laid TOc BO. storage, firsu 30c ' M .-I.' HSU smekarl kippm. lb i.. irs Klpved saunon. lb . W J ... . 26c amokad black cod. lb, aoc Finnan haddles. lb r 36c MEAT Fowl, No. I. lb 98o and 40c Roasting chicken, lb 5e Ham. sliced, first niade 60c Ham, whole, first grade 36c Ham, picnic, lb 191,0 Cottage rolls, lb 834 r Bacon, back, sliced 500 Bacon, side 60c to 60c Putk. ory salt 36c Ayrshire bacon lb 35c Veal, loin 40o Veal, leg 3ar Pork, thoulder 28c Pork, Join 40c Pork, leg 35c Beef, pot roast 15c to 20c Beef, boiling 13Vfec to 18c Beef, steak 30c to 45c Beef, doast, prime rib 32c Lamb, chops 60c Lamb, snotilder . j . ;Vj .'.'.:...... 35c Mutton, lea fr 40c im W(r.v:::!'.l'. :::). '::;& Mutt.'lc&'5!...:: 4oc Mutton shoulder 30c HITTER Brookfleld. 8tramrock and Woodland. lb 55c E.C.D., lb 66c Capitol. 2nd grade, lb 45c Fraser Valley, lb 65c New Zealand. In bulk 60c print 66c Alberta Creamery 45c cii:i:sn Camembert cheese. 8 oz. pkg 65c Kraft Llmberger, Vs . 36c Ontario solids 35c New Zealand solids 30c Stilton, lb 40a Kraft 45c Norwegian Goat 65c Napoleon Llmberger 70c Roquefort , . . . 75c Swifts' Brookfleld. Ib 45c ! Oorgonaol. Ib 75c McLaren's Cresun. Jars . . . 45c and tec , Brookfleld Swiss cheese. V4 lb. pkg. SOc Brookfleld Canadian cheese, ft lb. pkg. 360 Oruyere 45c Golden Loaf. Ib 45c Jk. Ib 0c Romano Sardo. lb Too OanuMioet, Vi lb SOc SHHK White, per 100 $7 M Yellow, per 100 9.75 li.OtK Flour. 4B's, No. 1 hard wheat 13.79 Pastry flour. 10's etc Pastry flour. 49's mo VUlET.tlllXH Beets. 5 Ib. for 25c Beeu. sack S3.7S Carrots, new, 8 lbo for 36c Carrots, sack t3JB Potatoes. 8 lbs 36c Sack 12.33 Parsley, bunch loe .Cauliflower. B.C.. head 40c California bead lettuce .... 16c and 30c Garlic, imported,' per lb 49c Spanish onions, 3 lbs 33c Leeks, bunch 10c California celery, bead .... 36c to 36c Hothouse tomatoes, lb 40c Spinach, local, lb 30c New B.C. Cabbage, lb. Cooking onions, 6 lh 1IU IT Oranges. Valer Lemons, Sifctk.v annual vacation trip to Vancouver and ; inprriat Victoria, returned to the c.ty on the j Florid Prtnos Rupert today. COUNCIL AT METLAKATLA William Leak Chonen Chief Councillor of Village at blection Yesterday I 8'...ina. 2 lb r.'t r.i Da; I'.ih! Wiuu Y.x Ex Deli. ; E !. n '.(I huiit'V 1 incs h 'uIk 2 IU - 1)1 :!k X'! i a Dain'v Date. Pc.ir- U Anjull t .n - tal ; ui u' : per b Dim:i i hi its i . onion and orange peel citron peel ais k . :i.s. ; ib Whit i CTurrants. h.- Apple Peaches, peeled Apricot, lb I'm net. go-1 00. 3 lbs 38 lb. box Prunes, 80- iO. Ib Prunes, 30-40 aud 40-50. lb. 4!!C . 6c 36c 4i o 61.0U :0, .i:. J OOc If 35c 2i. 2ir -ii" 2.i' $4 .S" :cl '.I-t I t:t 7,i H III! -4.U" $4 i'l $:i 2S .! 5'l tl Mil tl t' .'. 300 . 60c . 2;. -5c An .. 26c 3.00 1 . 10c . . 16c 36 lb box 3.7& Evaporated pearr halves, lb 26c 26 lb box 15.60 NUTS Almond", shelled Valencia! 85c Brazils 38c Walnuts, broken shelled 80r Walnuts, shelled halves 86c Almonds 36r Peanuts 3oc Manchurlan walnuu 34c California walnuts 40c No. 1 mixed nuts 36c New filberts Mt Wheat. No. 6 I l.fcl) 100 Has. Oats IMO Bran ILtJO Short MU0 Middlings $U0 Barley W.T8 Poultry mash tS JO Special rggmsah S3.60 Oyster shell 6,30 Scratch food tJ0 Beef scrap MM Ground oil cake 64JM Baby rblck teed 6446 Fine oat chops 63.0 Crushed oats r JM Fine' barley ehop IJpO Vhole torn Craffked corn 66J0 soothes SMOKERS COUGH ilm Sisabaii'assment of mptatioti Odour The one to two pints of perspiration which, according to physicians, come through the pores daily, is natural . . . and healthful . . . but perspiration odour is not only unnecessary but extremely "bad form' This unpleasant odour is seldom recognized by the offender, but everyone else notices it Lifebuoy is sure protection Besides being a superior toilet soap, Lifebuoy, through its creamy, gentle antiseptic lather cleanses and purities the millions of tiny pores and keeps the skin sveet.-offer-ing safety from perspiration odour from bath to bath. Don't try to cover up perspiration odour. Prevent it with Lifebuoy Soap for face, hands and bath. It costs no mere. Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto Lb356 LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP PurifiS and Protects tstssssssssEWUBCsssgaail 'V 1 ., I Lli. CalMitt April 2U. Veal, shoulder 36c -uiSTiiiiriT-'Ta mm Every-day Chairs that flop into beds bags that suck up dirt tiny ticking things that count all day ionji for yon. Daylight any night just by pushing a ruitton. A stream that never stops ii!! you turn i ff a faucet. Any voice you want, talking to you from a cage on your drsk or wall. Actions of yesterday, of people miles aw ay, going on on a curtain before you. Stilled throats singing to you from discs: distant throats singing to you from nothing! I'ncamiy, daiiy magic this, due to national advertising. Adertiseiricnt have given you flashlights, telephones, typewriters, automobiles, cold t-reams, motion pictures. They have .-riven you new eyes, new oars, nov. hand . 1 -u feet, new face, now emotions. They have ured auch '.vide use, SO lowered pricea, lhat almost wishes are autos, almost beggars can ride. Through advertisements you've laid down the shovel and the hoe. You can buy a whole harvest ready-to-eat in cans. You've hung up the fiddle and the bow, for a radio. There's little old-time work left in this age of amazing short-cuts. HEAD THE ADVERTISEMENTS They keep you to the fore of modern life. MOFFAT'S Electric RANGES Made in Canada. Sold the world over. There are more exclusive features in Moffata than any other Electric Uunge. Can be had with or without Kitchen t'oal Heater. ' ' i " Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 255 Third Avenue l'rln Itupert tr ' Thor Johnson GOES OUT OF TUB S1I0B I1USLNESS DRASTIC REDUCTIONS On every Shoe in the Store QUBAT RAR0AINS COME AND (1CT 'Kill