pi , ., El 1" I Save Money t ,, , hc;i)o.-.t way to buy the n , N: - s to subscribe by the .-,"V Tin- n1 la 6-00 nd yur .. iieiivcred to your address Just figure out the ',j ,i id you for this dUy ur twelve month I i : Will.. No. 20. " ihe continued progress of - y." he said - "ui then added: "It U clear i attention la being directed ' lore to the economic ' ;iie mineral wealth of British nd other sections of the ' This follow .wo years of t '.ul production and is not as ah I . mlaht aiwln tA those 'isd no direct no icern in lle 1 At least it would appear Ihnl ii' prospects are to have the '.'led lo prove or disprove their w .ir saw more mining develop-ui lixle and placer, than In any 'or a decade. This year will up It'll and beaklee a number 1 .'i 'liners will be found on the HICKMAN GOES TRIAL TODAY riN- iliility of His Heine Declared Insune by Jury Otherwise Will be Convicted anoki es. Jan. 08 -William I. 'i' went on trial today for the "i Mm lan Parker. The Jury will "iii-trier he Is saiie and if ssne 1 '' sentenced to execution or ip i-uiiment. If Insane, he will imed to an InaUtutlon with pos-"i release If later It la shown ' Ksln sane, according to the ' .nun given to new California s"nii' lawyers. IEAVY SELLING DOWNS PRICES "t Hour on New York xchnnje V, . "."wnwartl Movement Hh UnlsInK Cnll Money Win x., " iuK. Jan. . - Then. wa i","V 1"'K dur1l the lust hour the li.u, lll I was open todsy fiPr a brisk " l"illlc utllitlex and n lew spec- Mipereeded M wmk ojxniinn l he raising ol Hie chII money per cent, such stocks as ' - Bleel. (leiirral Motors and Wimi wore in the forefront Whltewwter j - llatlni mvlved a xermid GREAT RUSH FOR THEATRE Telegram Ask Quick Action on lane Concession but Not Feasible kiiCr imm M'- lMr. who nilh Paul ls. rontemplute Iheiwi-olriirllim l a new Iheulre on Thinl lunar near I'wKjhi Mrret. staling that an Immediate rrplj aeirel Willi regard to Hie spf' """ ,w tWTnty-fUe fee f lane spsw-e Instead f ten feet a- originally pro-IhimsI as Ihe arehllert roulil not prm-eett with the (Man- iinlil the mailer had been Heflnilel) tlleil. Mayor M. I" MrMonlle h de-isslehed a reil n follow lo Mr. A!HMff: -Mr telegrnni rei-eHed. llegrel Immedlale anwer im IUIe us mir reMrst (or extra flflreil fi-et will lnle allrntllon not nre--.llat rd by loriwer irNllloi Mild rniniHI rauM cunlil thew frooi eery angle." VANCOUVBU KCHAN(JU c Big Bllvci MllMHUI Cork Province Ounwell Oeorge Copper Olacler Oladslonc Oolcondn Independence ludlan L. and L tad smith lAicky Jim Marmot Met sis Premier Pri ,er IdnhD ailwrcres Sll4rsniith flurf Ink-l Sunloch 3? 3.80 Tolic Bid. Aakecl 150 178 01 .06 5100 S3 00 37 3ti .S3 1 , 34 4 00 0i' IS 17 i no i oi HI 21 an so .06', 07 3H, 39 .30 31 aw 3.oo .10 !j -30 .18 37 .00 . 3 80 3.80 4.80 3.80 KAUTIHil KK SHOCK. aRUARD. Ji ii as A heavy earth cmkelKM-k in Seward and Mirrotiiidlug 48 Tuesday alter- region was felt st noon. No daman- "" reported. Advertise In Tin Dally News . PRINCE KymTC .WKUN PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper t.it? muuiiM, a r"1"' -. n r ALPINISTS TRAVERSING A GLACIER TOXGUE on the Way to Mount President in Yoho National Park, B.C. Mounts Barometer and Balfour in the distance. Provincial Public Accounts Show 1LIQU0R SALES Slight Deficit but Capital Paid Out SHOW INCREASE of Revenue and Expense Larze a Annual Report Sumbitted to I.ecix- Lom of Oil Tax and Payment of Large Sum for Fire Protection Wan Drain on Finances: Sinking Fund Intact 111. I K 1 1. T.KKM HV THAPI'KK OS TimtKLI. IL.MI Ji.hu Lelghton. Metlakalla native, trapping Sunday on the Indian Reserve of Tugwell Island, captured a blue fox. The animal was quite ravage and attempted to bite its captor so It was necessary to kill It. The theory u that the fox probably made lis way down the coast from Alaska and crosxed Metla-kalla Bar to Tugwell Island. The natural aversion of the fox for the water eliminates to aome extent the possibility of the animal having swam from tht nearby Klnaban Island fur farm. ' Allehipled to Murder 'Polieemftn liy bhoollng at lltm Whfri ' Surpried IDMONTON. Jan. 38 -Joseph Ulnok was found guilty oy a jury in the criminal oourt of the attempted murder of Consul. le Adams of the city police force still Mr Justice Tweedle sentenced lum to the penitentiary tor 30 years. Ullick hhot and wounded . A, lams hen the latter surprisetl lilm in an .i iir.ipf l 1 1.-h .(.' i' lature Give Figured on Trans- actions VICTORIA. January 26. The public accounts tabled yesterday boards annuel repert filed in theUgis-in the Legislature by Premier Mi.cLean state that the revenues for;iatu yesterday shows total liquor salei the fiscal year ending March 31, 1927, were 172,000 more than was from Ooteroment stores for tbe year anticipated but unexpected expenditures resulted in a deficit of " March si last totalling tiMM.- $260,000. The reasons given for the deficit were the disbursement i " In - wo moo-a tne of $271,000 for forest protection in excess of the average requirement! for the previous years as a result of heavy losses in 1026; a large unexpected increase per capita grants to additional hospitals, and payment of $3,000,000 capital expenditure out of revenue. The xsport also refers to loss to the " provincial reventei of H 48.000 owing to the Privy Council pronouncing the fuel oil tax ultra rtres and the reduction o' taxation by M28.O0O. The sum of ta.lu.000 was set aa lde toward a sinking fund for redeeming debts at maturity. The sinking fund now stand at 8)0.400.000. sales Increased proportionately to 17.-1M.MB. The figures include trie amount paid by the licensees (or their beer but do not record the profits of beer pallors. Record for Loading Grain Vessel Homer City Which Is to Sail This Evening A quick job of loading the vessel having been made at the Alberta Wheat Pool's Prince Rupert elevator, the British freighter Homer City, twelfth grain ship of the season for this port, will sail this evening or tomorrow morning with a fall cargo of grain for the United Kingdom or Continent. The vessel has been In port only three days so the elevator has thus made its lest record to date in the loading of a ship. About fifty carloads of grain have arrived here from the prairies during the past twenty-four hours and railway offices this morninc reported 360 cars on the division west of Jasper Park bound her. Up to late this morning, no word was available as to other charters for Prince Rupert although there will probably be at least one boat arrive within the next few days. Hon. R. B. Bennett Attends First Political Banquet Since Being Chosen Leader of Conservatives OTTAWA. January 26. "CanVs great position is not to any foretitaiit er prescience or vision of those who : govern," eieclarod. Han. II. a, rteaBtfU , Conservative .phusftain.Jaat nliriit at the first poHtleal banquet he has attended since assuming the reins of leadership. The occasion wus the banquet in his honor given by the Conservative Association here. "The great position the country now occupies arises from foundation laid by and the vision of men long years before. Those foundations were laid In toil with faith and hope in the morrow." The development of the natural re- ....... sources for the rx-neflt of Oansdlsns. : - riilrit iVlli:T protection oi tli water powers, an ade-1 (juste immigration policy and develop-J VANCOUVER. Jan. 36.- The price of n.ent of trnde niiii.iM were advooated by Mr. Ntmiber 1 Northern wheat this morning '..:c xv, ' ill .; Ml .!Cl Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457 Price Five Cents ' ' " ' ftjjl HON. WILLIAM SLOAN URGES GO SLOW MINE SPECULATION Kergin Moves to Secure ! Revision of Boundary in I the Panhandle of Alaska- i i legislature Adted la Declare That it Would Iks in Interests or United Slates and Canada to Have Change Made H TOKIA, January 25. Dissatisfaction that hait been rest-i voiceless in northern British Columbia for many years in , i.i the Alaskan boundary line crystallised into a definite i i. ii for readjuhlment of the border last night when H. F. ii. Liberal member for Atlin, filed a notice of motion asking ,i idian government lo open negotiations with the United with the object of acquiring the Alaska panhandle which is i . i detrimental to the northern half of the province of B.C. T motion asks the Legislature to place itself on record as of :, ( p:;,.0, that the g.veriuuciit Mi-ju.d LOAN URGES INVESTIGATE WHEN BUYING - Danger in Stock Trading U:ih(,ui Knowledge of Properties Involved IMi'l'liE IS NOT SAFE liin-. is i or I hrom I nr to Develon M m Non I 'red Being Mines This Year M Jan IS In a rute.-hent lion William Hloun said he c.rn m.ot utlona with Washlngtjn. hull. ::i view readjustment of the bjuadcry Buch a readjustment would be i:i Uit utcreaU of both Canada and i tie United Sutea. the motion declares. I.O( l. KAItlO STATION PtK WITH OKll tSUI .MILKS IIWTANT The Dlgby Island wlreleee iu-tion. which u endeavoring to keep in touch tth US m big motorship Aorajafl Uuttl ah roaches ayaJsey. aHH thus at tint up a new record tor Pacific Coast radio stations, apnke the vessel at cftlock thin morning The Aorangl mas then 4006 mllea frcm Dlgby Island, southbound. Tiding In niiiiuiK .x-ks ' ' i - csrrled tco (r Me urRes . . .-. ' Investigate the mineral a'.ntr than investing .it !.n-must avc.d a reaci.on that Topley Richfield Mine Financed Says Taylor Just Back From South I Development Will he I'ulied Until Property is on a Producing Hasis declared Discoverer and ManaxinK Director ReHrtiiiK complete nucce.Mi in el forts to provide further finances lor the development and operation of the famous Topley-Itithfieiil mine at Topley, of which he was the discoverer and ii now tiie managing director, Frank II. Taylor of Smithera arrived in the chy on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver, accompanied by Mrs. Taylor, on his return to the Interior. The Topiey-Ukhfield has been working about twenty men all winter and, de-spue cold weather and other handicaps, operations have been carried steadiiy on With plenty of funds available, development work on t:;:- luiien.e jre b-dy will now be- pusli-.-d until the mlix- is placed on s ;i cl.icmg basli which should not be lung. That the Topley-Richlleld is liap.i-g ujj like i-.'jnd H lllnger, is, the ststeent of air. Tsylor. . hk.o done 100 ieet of under-: groi.nd w. rk exp);rmij an area 100 feet j b:cn always In mineralised formation, I i l.c cf it very low grade, cf course, but j all of it slewing enough mlueral to be ; classed as ore. "We have Instilled a compel giant and have a pump that keep our woiklac ffce of watee. Our gokr rallies are Increasing as we drift on the 100 foct level Tl IIM11 1.1. KKI'OKTN "Prof J. at Turnbull of the University of B.C. has examined our property snd advises the expenditure of a further S3J.000 to S8U.00Q In preliminary exploration work. He finds an average cl 113.31 In ore broken Irjm three workings snd that might be regarded as representative of what the ore. aa at present located, would iced t3 a mill Prof. Turnbull hat reported that the existence of a large or body 1 indicated "Our work Is rather pu sling. The surface la practically covers .1 by glacial drift, making surface tract' ig of the ve.us difficult and In fact almost Impossible We have not yet managed to ;esrn. from undergraund work, how the ore body trends. We shall continue drifting for a time and it we do not CMADIENS IN WINNING GAME deap. 100 leet wide and 380 icet leng . .. . a.-.d we have yet to find the -walla of tn Smother Chicago Ten Goals to ere b dj - said Mr Taylor. e nave Nothinir Il Niirht: Hnuh Play at Button 1 1 .id the walla that way a dlar. id drill - be P" I wyer Refuse, to Produce Him to intention' G,ve Evidence on ft to my to go down on ere another 100 feet or more in j tion the near future." TRIBUTES TO JOHN OLIVER Legislature Puts Aside all Other liuineMi lo Pay He-sports In Lite Premier Yir-TOKIt. Jan. W. Premier MHsii and It. II. INnJe wM einqitent triteules le the lair I "rewire other Im their peerhe In Ihe lfMstisrp ytnferda.v atlertMMHi. Thrufctltig aside all other lurni-new alter Ihe opening of the lg-IslslHre Ihe House wuel to ta a flital Iribate lo Ihe memory of Ihe tale statesman. On motion f rrrmler Matlwn aeemHleil by I'll. Imle). leader f the oiipuslthNi, the llewse by a staiMlIng He placed on recent "IU 4rv k and settle ef Im In the death ef the late ITIe Mlnlslrr who Ited for ihsiiv years .aletttted his great gifts lo Ihe seevle ef the prwilnee and whose high eeMUl rhamler wtwi the reapeet of all who knew hint." TO INVESTIGATE IF AMERICAN NAVAL OIL SOLD TO BRITISH FIRM WACHINOTON. Jan 3S Secretary Wilbur haa ordered an Investigation lu determine whether oil from the nsviil reserve In Csllfoinls i be::;! wild to thr itoynl Pll'rh Shell C'cm p.n i u Biitixh concern, hy t lie Honolulu Consolidated Oil Oompany Advertise lu Tlie Oally Ntwi TOROKTO. Jan. 88 MeaUne OMeago at Montreal, the. Canadians! piled up h largest sooce ad the -fetste, iai the Hawks ten goals to nothing. The lenel--jsmoiBrie, Lehman, the vet an Ohieago galle, untfer an avalanche of ahote. As far. as Lshman was concerned it was just jne puck sfter another. In the American section Boston and Pittsburg tangled for tht third time this season In a scoreless draw featured jy rough play, no lees than sixteen penalties being handed out Spurting near the close e)f the game. Ottawa defeated the New York Americana, winning their first game In two vceks Scoias were: . Chicago 0, Canadlene 10. Ot ai a New York Americans 0. Pittsburg 0. Boston 0. BOOTLEG KING NOT AVAILABLE VANCOUVER, Jan. Uv-4). B. Arnold, counsel for Joe Parsnte of San Francisco, alleged bootleg btna. refused to produce hit client yeetsraay aflernoon before the Immigration board Inquiry Investigating entry into Canada. Arnold clslmed that tat Pa ran tea arrest su Illegal as ah order frees the department of Immigration at Ottawa Is required which wsa not forthcoming until ten days sfter the arrest. The board adjourned, the chairman reusing to make s statement.' In the meantime Psrente la at liberty on ball. STOCK TRADING SLACKENED OFF Still Active Hut Not Like Previous Day and WHh Fewer Fluctuations VANCOUVER Jan. 9J. Tuesdays trading on the stock eschsnge was active but steadier than for the previous day. Narrow fluetuatiosis with easing tendencies and receastons at the close were sppsrent. The transactions are re in smaller lots. t th' totil tales for the dy were 071.- 097 shsrti valued st 8371.803 MAY ATTEMPT FLOAT NORTHWESTERN AT WEEK END IT IS ANNOUNCED Vic toria J;i'i a aalvae work on H e .su . .mi l N.i! -. ;i western which went .uure some weeks ago at Cape sludge, Is so la- sdvnneed that an attempt to Mi'ttl the veel may be mntle at this vc;k i Ml. n