r AGE SIX JHIJ DAILY. NEWS Wednesday, Jan uu-y 2; KWWiMaaWilMMHsWeWur,MWideWWel For Husbands Only 1 MANY men do not realize that washday brings the dreariest drudgery into their homes. Relief from this irksome toil is a gift within man's power which will be more appreciated than "gold or rubies." Let us explain the many varied services our laundry offers. . . all of them within the average family budget. . . and any of which will definitely banish the tedious toil of washday from your home. Call 8. The LAUNDRY Does it best 1 anatiian Lei end ry and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 Mi ll m wii , 1 'mi a Nervous Troubles yield readily to the scientific treatment of Chiropractic and this" proves clearly that the nerve force which should be keeping all the organs in perfect health is being stopped or interfered with and thus bringing about these nervous disorders. When the spinal adjustments are scientifically made by Chiropractic the nerve currents flow harmoniously through their myriad tiny channels now clear and health is restored. PHONE POH YOUR APPOINTMENT Now Green 211 W.CAspinall Rooms C and 7 Exchange Block Houis 9.H0 to 12.:i0; 1.30 to 6.30 p.m. . . Evenings from 7 t 8 . . Lady Attendant . . . . MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McUride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - 11th St. Telephone 657. Dr. Alexander Smith DIock Phone 575 DENTIST TWO PROMISED TO MARRY HIM Neilher Went Through With Ceremony so one was Sued by Julius VANCJOUYfelt. January .--attractiw Ql Jugoslavia, ..jtfMc. since the war, husbands are hard to flnd.appear to have hit upon au in-I Bnloo device for obtaining free pas-aage to Canada, a land of more favored marital prospect. Julius Marcovltch. aturdv Servian citizen of Vancouver, who resides ati 1 wuwu uvicpt, wiys ne naa oeen , twice victimised and the experience ha coat nun about S900. Marcovltoh u a widower and his two children are In the Alexandra OrDhanase beesus h feels he can not give them the care that they should have. He has been desirous for some time, however, of marrying a suitable girl of his own nationality, so that hla little ones may hate the benefits of home me and the affection of fond parents. IWSS.U1K 1.V TWICE Twice, says Marcovltch. he has not Into communication with young women In Servla. who appeared to him and to his relatives there, to be suitable mates for himself and mothers for hi twoi children. Twice he savs he has ora. vlded funds to bring these young women to Vancouver. Both times the young women have refused to marry him. he asserts. "They both said they would not marry me because I am not a rich man." be stated. "They knew that before they left home. They knew all about me. that I have to work hard at what Job I can get. and that I have two children. But husbands are hard to get in Servla and they want to come to Canada where It Is easy to net married. They can net set into Can- NOTICE. There will be offered for sale at Public Auction at the Provincial Oovernmeat Court House. Pi luce Rupert, B.C.. on Monday, January 30th. 1938. at 2 o'clock In the afternoon, the following lots: Lot 14. Block 94. Section 1. Lot 7. Block 40. Section 7. un 1. DircK 13, section 2. all In the City of Prince Rupert. B.C. Terms: Cain In full at time of Sale, or ....... "' H".' ' iu iiic wtiancv III three ejual annual Instalments wtth In- .... vv.i-v v.. UCIElim IMJUnUM B1. LUC rate of 6'; per annum, the Crown Grant fee to be 10.00 additional. Plans showing the lots offerrd for sale may be seen at the office of the Oovern-hent Agent. Prince Rupert, BC. NORMAN A WATT. Government Agent. Dted at Prlnoe Ruoert. B.C. Jnnuary 18th. 1928 23 LAST Big DRIVE We have secured n few Extra Labels) for the "Sh amrock 1 11 ams Contest BUY HALF A HAM AND GET A LABEL We are giving a Five Pound Box of Chocolates to- the Winner This week and to the end of the contest we will give free one 75c tin of the most expensive tea in the world with each whole ham sold. Special price on Hams, per lb. ;lof MORE FREE GOODS A Beautiful Rubber Apron Free with n few Bar of Soap. Come in and ace us about it Heinz Beans This Week 5 small tins for ,"."f 5 medium tins for i)5r Ileint Catsup and Pickle Special-One Sweet Mixed One Sour Mixed One Catsup Value $1.85, for 05( B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 15 and 571 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furnitum Moving. RITISH COLUMBIA The Mineral Province of Western Canada To the end of December, 192C. Has. produced Minerals as "follows: Placer Gold, $78,018,518; Lode Gold, $12G,'972,818; Sllver4 $80.78?003? Lead) $106,976,448; -Copper,. 1208,967.068; Zinc, Wfi 12,5577; Coal and1 Coke, $284,599,133; Structural Materials and Miscellaneous Minerals, '$50,175,407; 'making Ita mineral production to.the end of 192C show an AGGREGATE VALUE OF $988,108,170. PRODUCTION FOR YEAR ENDING DECEMBER, 192C, $67,188,812 The Mining Laws of this Province are more liberal and the fees lower than those of any other Province in the Dominion, or any colony in the British Empire. Mineral locations are granted to discoverers for nominal fees. Absolute Titles are obtained by developing such properties, the security of whrch Is guaranteed by Crown grants. Full information, together with Mining Reports and Maps, may be obtained gratis by addressing THE HONORABLE THE MINISTER OF MINES. VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA. N.B. Practically all British Columbia Mineral Properties upon which development work has been done are described in some one of the Annual Reports of the Minister of Mines. Those considering mining Investments should refer to such reports. They are available without charge on application to the Department of Mines. Victoria, B.C. Reports of the Geological Survey of Canada, Winch Building, Vancouver, are recommended as valuablo sources of information. Reports covering of the Six Mineral Survey Districts are published separately, and are available on application. .r ida unless they, have prospects here, lr.d I got both of them in bv cartifv. ng that I would marry them on their irrlval here. But they would not marry ne. W.lltMMi ISSIKI) Marcovltch says he is now convinced mat they planned to turn him down before they left Servla. but used his money and hla certification with the uanaaisii immigration authorities aa a jieana oi getting into this country. Marcovltch endeavored to sue the second girt to recover the money he naa advanced, but when she sot word of this she left for Toronto and, on scertatnlns from his laws the cost it pressing the suit there, he savs he found that he could not afford to carry on the proceedings. In giving out these facts for Dubllea tlon the unfortunate man said he was the danger of being similarly victimised. WIKl;l.LSS KEPOllT. 8 a.m. DIOBY ISLAND Cloudy, light S.E. vlnd; barometer, 30.08; temperature. 98; cp smooth. DEAD TREE POINT--Raining, calm; arometer. 29.88: temperature, 38; sea tmooth. BULL HARBOR. Cloudy, fresh S.E. wind; barometer, 296; temperature, 40; sea moderate; 8 pjn. spoke motor-hip OUnda. Petersburg for Vancouver, .US miles from Vancouver; 8 pjn. apoke tug Pacific Monarch, towing barges Qtngamon and Pezuta. In Plnlayson Cash and Carry Grocery Cor. Fulton and GLji Avenue SAVE THE COPPERS Capital Creamery Bricks litf 14 s Jjtt.OH E.C.D. Creamery Bricks .... IOC 14's 15(1.28 Highest Grade Creamery Butter in bulk, 3 lb for SI. US Flour, ID's, any brand $2..t) l'aatrv. 10'a fi7 Sugar, Granul'afed, 10's 7:tf Mils, per tin i-o Malkin's Dent Nabob and Blue Ribbon Tea 70f Coffee In tins ."f Fresh Ground IC CANNED GOODS Tomatoes, 2's 2Vi,s Peas, size. 5 4'n two Corn, per tin IOC Lihby's Asparagus UC Pork and Beans, larae Una., lilt Campbell's Soups Mr ueinz Houp 1C Large slse ll)f Canned Fruits, assorted, 3 tins for K)f .CEREALS White Beans, per lb C Split Peas, per lb l)f B. & K. Rolled Oats, 7's .... .":1c China Oats, packages :i8f Swift's or Burns' Side of Back Bacon, per lb IH( Circle (S) Picnic Hams, per lb UIO Hams for the contest, per lb. California Prunes, 4 lb. for JMC Black and White Flj?aipn IbVltifi Naptha Soap Special, wv . .iVKf Sunlight Soap, 4 bars for . . Ulf Royal Crown Soap, G bars for lio 3 DOZEN PULLET EGGS I Extra, strictly fresh !ji.l8 i Fresh Jlllk and Whipping Cream $3.00 Orders Delivered Free l'hone 301 I Channel, northbound; 730 ajn spoke teaner Csmosun. abeam Ivory Lslaad, si DIQBV ISLAND. Overcant. llaht SC. wind: barometer. 30.07: tenioerature. SS; sea smooth: 8 a,m. spoke motorshlp ; Aorangi, 4904 miles from Dlgby Island.1 outbound. DEAD TRSE POINT. Clear, calm: Darometet. 20 C8; temperature. 40; sea I Smooth. BULL HARDOn-Cloudy, fresh south- east wind: barometer. 296; tempera- ture. 42; sea rAoderste: 8:30 s.m'. anoke steamer Prince Mhn, lesvmg Allison e.ei uvu i UVi sasWUUa, ANGLICAN CHURCH 1 AT NELSON BURNED . LOSS WAS $30,000 NELSON. Jan. 25 St. Saviour's An- oilcan Church was burr.rd to th irmiinrt here this morning, the loss amounting tO ft SO OOfl , EARTHQUAKE SHOCK IS RPmnPn AnnTQCnD! .vs.vwivii.1 nuuv I ui Will ABBOTSFOHD. Jan. 24. An earth- : quake shock was felt here yesterday mnrnlns) TKa bhiIII ui.i a 8. ...m.u. muu llllhM nri iiiIii.Ii.mJ Mtll .... ...l.uh. iwic mimm no daman. , . . IIM w HFP PIIDriJ AQPP I VYhhltKN UN N LIFE " ' ' . 8POKAN4C olv,tf A .lati 9ft Trt Run t Atm. Am. aurance Company is revealed to be the mirrhu.r of tH. w.n, ni.. .... ik. -u-- - 1 v., .117 uureiHH "U ' " b0" V1Ue ' m'" irnmiinn UKflfl I '.V SHh . I 1 TENNESSEE SCHOOL NASHVILLE. Trim . Jau. 28 four children were killed and a fifth serious ly hurt a:-.d a wore of others Injured when a tornado demolished a rural ' chool near here lute on Tuesday. I Scientific llnsDeciion With the Luteal Instruments of I'recision That's the kind of eye ser vice you can get here now. i We jfive you a conscien- .(.... .. .1 t.. a.. i iiuuo UIIU CaiClUi tCBl. JU(K ii.. i . - iiuiiier iwu years ago passeu the li.C. government exams, for Optometrists and durine the last --- ix - months along , wun mom oi me leaumg op- tometristH in Vancouver at-' tended a course of post grad uate lectures. We do not supply or advise glasses If not of benefit. Our tests are not uncomfortable and. oucpriess arq fair and reasp.rjiabj't. . , ,,, v I YVvmI n at flrn OEWELLbtp THE STORE WITH THE CL0CN I ' KVVJ lUpU DniUCD KLill IIlUlI lUriLIV RADIO BROADCAST Hi( of ita Kind Mnt :mii .... M,ore of take Untsrlu ronn mw jn .. . .w.. J aai um uw raw station rxiiw . nmn .h k. r, vjom "J Lrh.m lb Uhrt. m.iui v ., , .w. ... - mu am w w tnv mu duntog , lhtt -,n jw,, tku . .. .. .' aaao MS IIWIs liigV f IK II PtfWf ITO .tatlon. and marks a notable forward step in the history of radio progress to ute nonunion. The project was conceived and executed by Harry C. Hatch, the well-known eportamau. 'the transmitter and aerlaU are loeat ed at O. W. Park. BowmanvtUs. Ontario, on a high Mull on the shore of Lake Ontario. A distinctive feature Is the inatlltlnn nf mental mmkmI m.i.ij.1. ' hu v. J - II Hf Bwfr utation in th rmmiiiin. . w one or two of the new high-powered sta- tlon Hrtnm in I. . the W. i k.. . ... United SUtes . ThU method Is the latest means for econo mising wave areas, enabling two. or -iwu being K?umtelT matehed th,t audlw, mU muu .between sUtlona so controlled. rw.n. .k. k..K . ... tlon (6.000 watts) the programs of . ... enow will probably be heard over a . . verv urlds raiui. tit la-H..n, MM. .... . w. vim. auu wn.. out lu ina twiuim i"'J turn rur norw. il will BIK cover s lar cart of the thlcki. nam.. " wU1 p c to. io map oi the North American ContkMitt . Tht tatlon . will operate r on a warf ago kilocycle.. ' The atudlos are located m me inward Hotel. Toronto. . I I- . K. n..M ... it.- to brc,dcrt C"n,1n Brlttoh pro-J sSMUM w unt cimie. me stain wul Iu cnarge oi n. b. Mayamlth formerly the well-known nuiuvgar of Radio Station CJTC. SPEAKER RELEASED Trls lulled In I!mIiii Ohii Salary mi NuMhliigtoit IM Ikffcull Mar (io WW -YORK. Jan. 24. Trls Speaker has been unconditionally released by Washington after falling to meet the management? request to voluntarily reduce his own salary. SCOTTISH CUP GAMES ARE REPLAYED TODAY OLASoow. Jan. 2. Replays In the Scottish Cup first round are as follows: St. Johnstone 0, Hearts 1. Dundee United 2, Bast Fife 1. Dunbarton 2. Hamilton I, TUB IIOt'TOKH KtK. The doctor of a lunatic asylum was ln the bathroom on day, watching a numhar nf hla ntlnfa WK .k... .. I .., .nu um of of them them called called out. out suddenly: m4hni. "t.-. "Let duck the doc tor I" Seeing his danger, the doctor, with great promptitude, said: "All rieht. nww, juv vive xne doctor a cheer before due kins him This reasonable proposition was at once aeeeded to, and a ringing cheer resounded through the bulldlne hit. at once brought the keepers, as th aoctor expected, and he was saved Yorkshire Post. r.I.I. THK HllKitiK- Simperuig Bpiiuter-WlMn i, was boin my frthfr rnade m Mtili '' .H r g--if w nfe I.,- oi 110 every birthday, an 'I hve (lib now. . Bachelor (dubiously) When u he touig to pay you the balance? ii, itoj, youT not allowed to take your dog inside. rtron (haughtily) how tkniM What harm can the tun nr.. r .. tie Nero? Sheffield Telegraph. i:iTr.tlP Juniinry 11. foi,,,, ..iji... Hill rcslmnl (u n1. Ilr, ...,,, DOROTHY MILK Special, 9 tins for . . $U00 1 Jf'c'ase .... Thi is the first car oWH famous Eastern M shipped to British Columbia. It was Mold to us dir-manufacturers, thus eliminating jobbers' profits, n, mcnt came via the I'anama Canal, and was landed h. out any additional freight charge over the Vancou .i r , ment. Buy Dorothy Jlllk and yofj save 10 er cent. HOUSE CLEANING SPECIAL 1 only 5 String Broom, reg. 50c. 1 only Stove Brudh, reg. 35c. 1 tin Gem Lye, reg. 15c. 2 tins Scouring Powder 12VaC Reg. $1.28, Special 1000 lbs. Evap. l'rune.s, size 90-100, special 4 lbs. ti-V 26 lb. box $1.13 This is the lowest price we have ever had on Prunes. Buy a ca.e. Silver Leaf Pure IJird S lb. pail. Special .... 'Ctf 5 lb. pail, Special . .. $1.U. 10 lb. pail, Special. . . . -." New Hallowi Bulk Date:!. Special 2 lbs. for 'Jof 100 lbs. Australian Raiitins. with seeds in, Special :i lbs. for This Is a dandy cooking Raisin, but there is one seed in every raisin. Combination Special 1 pkg. Quaker Cake Flour, reg. 80c. 1 tin Malkin's Baking Powder 30c. Special 2 for IOC. Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes. per packet 10 c Limit G to each customer. Eagle Brand Lobster Paste. '4's. Special per tin '-'Or Poulton A Noel's Chicken Loaf, Vs. Special per tin '25c Bertoli Olive Oil, pint tins, reg. 70c. Special .. ."of FRUITS & VEGETABLES. Apples, crated stock, per box , w t 9 Following varieties : Gano, Rome Beauty, Russets, Baldwin's and Wagner. "C" Grade, Winesaps, box $-t.irs Vi box 31, ho "C" Grade Yellow Newton's. box $:-" V box suss "C" Grade. Spitienburg, box $;U5 box i.7o Fancy Winesaps, box $;UW Vibox $1.00 Fancy Yellow Newton, box ; ' $.1.7.1 vs box $2.00 Sunkist Oranges, med. else. 3 $1.00 Head Lettuce in Calif. Celery, lb O0 Cauliflower. :tTc and I Of Genuine Spanish Onion lb. IOC Spinach and Tomatoes due Saturday CANNED GOODS spff AsMurtment " ' 2 tins Libby's I Beans, rg. 17 ' -i . 2 tins Campueir, . 17 Vac Your choice of am , 2 tiiM Sui nlch cl;u:i, i . , 2 tins King Oscar reg. 17!jc. 2 un.t Sotikcye s-ilm : 25(. Z tin.- To-nud Iki i . i Reg. qSSS.45 doz. Sj.-c Assorlment ' i; 2 tiii.s Corn on ( ',. tin. t lin. Tomatos, 2'. i.. 2 lins (ircen Bea'i-. : 2 tins Pumpkin, L' 1 : 2 tinn Mushroom , ., 2 tins No. 5 Pea. J Heg. $.;.50 do.. N,- AsHurtmtnl "( 2 tins Nabob Crci n , 26c. 2 t'ns Royal Anne ( , 2s, regi :i6c. 2 tins Nabob Fruit reg. 45c 2 tin (irupe Fruit, i 6c. 2 tins Del Monte IY, reg. 35c. 2 tins (irated Pinenj i reg. :50c. Reg. $1.10 doz. S; $i$.in doz AHHorlmenl "D" 2 tins Del Monte Sh.. r apple, reg. 25c. 2 tiiiH Malkin's IV., reg. 25c. l: tins Kosedale I'. reg. :(0c. 2 tins MalkinV Ajin. reg. 25c. 2 tins Fruit Salad. I l'. reg. 85c. 2 tiiin Raspberrii'x berries, reg. :ifn Reg. $.150 doz. S PROVISIONS B.C. Fresh Pullet Kyy for s l- Local New Lai, I. : Vk New Zealand Butter a lbs. for SI i" Bowes Mince M-at . We have our third ordered from Toron-. line is repeating once nold. MEATS All markets ar' In. lines listed' below . , d. Phone your m.1. Val Steaki 2 lbs J Roast Leg Veal. Ii T-RojiHt Shoulder Vim I Stewing Veal, lb . I Round Steak, lb. . - ' Sirloin Stoak. lb. . P"t Roast, lb r Rump Roast, lb. . in Rupert Table Supply a Phones 210, ail, Tllielsll U Wlll'ftyaaUfcMK3tW WESTHOLME THEATRE WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. 7 and 9 p.m. Norma Shearer "After Midnight" LAWRENCE GRAY. EDDIE STURGIS, PHILIP Sl.KJ M GWEN LEE, and olhers CHRISTIE COMEDY ""I)H. QUACK." AESOP'S FILM FABLES Admission li.ilcn ,iirner. ,! 35 5c and 10c