.1 , WATER NOTICE HIvr.ltMOS AMI HK s i ; l thtit Roiiert. M , ., address Is M16 Hth Ave. , ,11.1 r, B.C.. will apply fjr a and use 20.0IK) gallons ; ;i'i out of (mall creek, u-ii flow southerly mm iiu.suiu Inlet, Q.C. lalauds , I,.,' westerly from miia?r. of Hiuton Inlet. The inverted from the stream ,,t,,.u' 200 feet fram huro through twenty-four acres uiiiI't lease. nd will te 1 1 - 7-n.l purpose; upon the M il ax applMjiOfar to lease Huston HK More by .. was posted on tin ground :, ,it December. 1617. a nut li e and in application . i u and to the "Water Act." , Med In the office of the : ut Prince Rupert, B.C. the application may be said Water Recorder or t .jiiptruller of Water Eights building Victoria, B.C. : v day alter tne nm ap-.his notice In a local news- ihi'.r of the first publication . 11. 1037. ROBERT af. ."IXRiE. Applicant NOTICE notice la hereby given to ,1 the Municipality ot the .we Rupert that I require :1 the said elector at City . Ninth day of January, 128. : ,.-k noou. lor the purpose rwm to represent them i Aldermen, or 3c hoj Trus- l nomination of can'Ji- to'- ws: ,. s ahal! be nominate: Anting aha!! rie i:,. electors of the munlclpal-r and seconder and shai: : the Returning Officer at !! the date of the n ,-i . I'M of the day of nouiin--H-d writing may be In ;he i'l 3 in the Schedule or y.a Election Act." and ahtli i inra residence, and oe-1- nption of each peraon pn -. i manner aa sufficien,; , -nil candidate: and In li , ii bring necessary uch x) i.ed on the Twelfth day : m at City Hall, of which is hefeby required to ta' vern hlmaelf according!" of my hand at citv Hill uvcvoiDer, LAND ACT. TO I.KAKK l.Af LAND ACT i.i:fcr: land I AND ACT M27 I P. JOHK8. Returning Officer Rupert Land Record ing D-. uate on the outhwet cor-innamed bay on the mu'h ' " Chansl. Orahani bland "e Ulauds, in the Provincr ' "lumbls. MCE thst Arthur Robertson HC occupation a lumber. to apply for a least ol . described land i at a pout planted about it-Htrrly from the mouth of ' '' flowing into an un-' n the south bank of Po.t am I aland Queen Chtirlolie nee of British Coluavua ':"'i snuthfrty; thence K tbence 4 chain nor- -liorellne: thence following ' to point of comment. Malnlng lug S Knedi A. iwrr sere, more or ROBERTSON. Applicant W ."ti Charlotte Inlands Ora-i uirt Recording Dinrlct and situate on : lie wt I Harbor a' 'he He.id tf i Queen Charlo'te lnji.d-K .tii.ii Columb.a IK E that Brttih rolumoa "uk.'.ig Company Lualted .-1 H x-rupation Salmon Can - to apply for a lease -c noarrlbeof lands t at s post planted on tr-e : a creek called Twin Rlvrr .i.a wot; thenoe twtnty-o.it t hence 4 chains eav :l contour of rbort l i e nmeneement. and oon-i iTtv more or less 1 IMUNO A PACKING CO LTV Applicant M M EnglJih Agent " -.twr aa, ! "" "1 INTKNTION' TO APPIA i i m ir Land Dl-.tr!ct. Land Reco-d- ' of Telegraph Creek, and tie northwests end of aiatiy 'i' 4t mile nortbesst of the ' in about ItSdeg. 10' we-.- and about awdeg. 60' north None that I, John Al'rcd ' ' (ilslys Lake, near Atl.n l i-i.-n Trapper. Intend to apply ' of the following dewlbed '""Hie ai amm planted at the ' 'ut! of OJadya task, sbotit ""rib of the mouth of run I' tlx nor one rails wast; thence nth. thenoe one mile east ' mile north, and contalninR ' mure or less. 1 JOHN ALPRXD LXMIEUX. , , Applicant. i Iers-rnber . Itm. ( LAND ACT j HI I or INTENTION TO .IITLV TO M Kf'IIAMC U?ftl liiin, . 5 Und Recording District of . '"ert. and situate at the nor-1 nit of Telegraph Passage. Bksena 1 K '.(Mil ii.... I u .--- a. 1 ml., occupation salmon can-" -'d to apply for permission to, i e following described land: "'"'ii nig at a post planted at the! V. ' ''orner ot Lot , Rantte S. I " r chain east; thenoe B01 " "i. more or lesa, to high water . , southerly along high' , " it to the point of commence-1 ' ' '""taming 50 ! acrtv more or J H TODD SONS. LTD. ' AwUont 'eniher lfth. IBflf '"WIIIVMrvt iifiimi) fT H! It K of I for i MAN OF STEEL KEPTHIS WORD Jih StaUB fc'tiyr Almost a Die-tntor in Itimafa and Opponsnls in Exile i Victoria Tlmea) It polltuuil jbM.rv.ra m Europ 'I'ought Joseph Stalin. "RuMla' Man r bieel." was blulfing wr,en be delated that he would not put up with Hi" oppositionist tactics of ill. Thot--' and hl colleagues, they have had to revise their opinion recently. Mr Stalin ha kept hi word and seem to have done a complete Job. Trotsky. ,Rakovsky. and Radek. described a non-penitents, have been seat to remote re-g!;:ns to mi unimportant poaltlona. ; Kan.cneff and Zlnovleff. having declared , Miwu. el vet oef ore the entire party ai ' fving in their vlewa and tactic, have , tfi-u dealt with a little more leniently.; As penitent they will fill atste executive department ln Central Ruaala until .'-elr rights shall be restored. But the -rnup of incorrigible nestled by Sap-rs.iM. former aeeretsry of the Centra! -.itlvt- c-mmittee. will have to cooi ' i' ! ;.(! in t!i remotest region of i i- ' cru f jr v.mf time to come i ia a re.t. l article in The London' i.T.y rimes p. A. MacKenrle. an ,m. (.ut Canadian Journalist and author hl" P"' mar.y yean In Europe i-nd has mad a particular tuay of, P.,i?slii developraenu alnoe the revolu- paini an interesting verbal pic-aii'j ul this man who has brushed aalde . ii tlK-te hlning ligbu of Communism p.iarcrriy wuhiUt a qualm" He : :i on that untlj four yer ago .-..in wa little fflorr than . " :" lnf rnuk and file of hi own! ,..-. Hi signature lnvarlabiy iu . :-..hi at the end of document, audi tn r-ant waa a famllliir with' . : :..)cy s ujrtralt aa Iw with ih. ! : the ikon "Stalin was not even' . i.auir to htm AMI. : rwarj in any way. t.nii of people ln the Tial'n would taud back. -..- by a few. in the of the Communist unre cognised DEI'ARTJIENT OF LANDS notmt:. I tppllrailnn for liralug Permits far the xmmmi ul irtA Application for permits to erase lire-' '.ek on the Crown FTnnar wltMn any gruinic district of the Prorlaos of British : (. .MiiiO.u ...uat be filed with the DU-tiic PoiFster at Port Oeoraw. rSsaaloopa. Nelson Prince Rupert. Vaneouvtr. or' WiUiaii.a Lake on or batoi March gut. 92a Blank forms upon which to submit applications nuy be obtained from the I..itr.ct Furesrs at Hit above-named u.s; or from Hie Department of l-atiit jt Victoria. BC O R NADEN. j Deputy Minister of Lands. LVparlment of Land ; 1 Virtoria BC. ; Januan 1J. 2fl NOTICE. i Cjinii.iiicng at a point at or near hr city of lethbridge. thence In a Westerly direction to a point at or near tin Town of McLecd. thence Wtstcrly slid Northerly ln a direction generally parallel to the Calgary nd M. le.id Brsn.h of the Canadian Pacific Railway t i a point at or near the City Jf Caluar . . thence NsrUierly and West of the Calgary and Edmonton railway t j a po.nt at or near Lacombe; theuce NWiirly to point at or near tlie Cltv ot Edmonton.' ' ' ' feleohone or iniiii,....,... ..... .. . ,., , i. 'rMTD at the Cltv of Edmonton H.D?.n'c , T Alberta, thl. 4th and -V.VV. "'.. Vw..-r sits snd to cener acquire .T.r d v dla. ' . ate eiriirir imu o,irr. ----- I ' surplus I row f HERjrnv nrumi nn n-oa ,r the ' ml. rrwiin vas under- t Kenste tell us. hM fight for a- r. ivint th ..I,,-.. , uommunisi psrvy. Me- aert ana the plaudit of tens of thou- I V" 01 loctl Red Square. were brought to him regularly and they were quickly replaced by hi own nom- flfmjtUftlt aia rut tha - , aeml-unllorm . . . ' " ,lwnoU revolted at this bureaucratic warkingmsn "a- ttoo-T reoenion and u. he gradually grew in .trengtfc and ,U"n k v the ta now tuning Itnin, ut UUmm. Mr Mac- most a dictator and Trotsky Is on hir finds that Stslln a, "strong, virile. cb.rve. t.ir-refor . , "T. arway. mac. inr enarl " "" witn the " anoiv to us LJnuor 3 j To iv push authorise .- ... , ,T -iVt ,H . , , r.taiiei'1 01 , , nt,u hit lurt w W..MPIH tiita ,r rslhUl'.V tn an ( inmerrlal ut.i" ....... J LiMiiic K rtV 'I Piin.ie """i'iV.neln "'-', j' 6TKWART CLARK-1 behalf of 'be Applicants Es'iim. 1'srvie ' Bury. BflUlst-rs u:ao"?:U, T ' " ' Ofliees .... Albtri. CuUuUa house during the Mr. Wood worth stated that the Labor party was in a aonwwhat different poa!- collet o worn use oi vsrroa. tn ana uie amrunt not ex- j people, and with thla In mind such Thousand (S40.000 ooi meeting a the preeesit one were held. Prst Avenue and Blihth i Dollars ir iiuli tui ' '': P'V.uidN tn - questten were dl-' n . . i .. - . . .. , , n.- ni.i? , ii' - , Rupert, in the i and not exceen Dollar tor m(H1Btaln .cueaed. a report made by tti reprearn- niitiah OolumbJs. upon the uovs rnirieen us) " i Ml. Block Mine tl. Ser- ' Map aan. Prince nuoert ' 'ii District, in the Pro-1,1 'or the salr of beer by r "v the op,., bottle for ''' "ie premises. , 1 "' Ituturt B.C., thl ' ri 19M. IDA H . Applicant. laUjfjOtlOOi . in day tMlve n to hi prooeduie during the past aawlona and auggestldli mads for his guidance when he again went to Ottuw " far a oould be learned. Mr. WiMUsftorlh . "ivsmment had ihj h Mtliettl or even contentious li.BUt.' n in wind Th H. Lawreno Puddings of Greater Flavor 1 i Prmluowi in Cauda supreme waterway scheme appeared to be eosa lng to a head. Behind toe rival arouse Nor aid he push him- i wnsie expisin inst sisiin of promotom there lay the question ,, ' et out to obtain control of the Ideal aa to vtoelber the problrm would settled on a narrow nationalistic or ln view of continental economic developments. Behind this again was the sun more Important problem as to the public or private ownership of esjr waterpowers and other natural resource, he as Id. He referred to the White Mud Pall and stated thst Manitoba efeouM own bar own natural resources. : way to virtual esfle. Mr. MacKeoJde ' but what was more Important, what waa whom be describes i to be -done with them. He thought the still under fifty," Is Iprotfessree govern inert of Manitoba "molding the new Russia to his will.1 CANADA AS A PACIFIC POWER (Bdaaositon Journal) Boa of Us eastern papers base am mooted upon Mr. Amery's reference In resent asidwaaa to Canada as "a Pa cific power." which has aaemed to them a novel and arresting idea. It was nat-: oral. that, hsvlmr oome to Canada by the Pacific route. Mr Amery should be impressed with It and with the fact that the development of dominion affair is sure to be closely connected I with the great western ocean Whether ; he was thinking ln terms of naval or TAKE NOTICE that an application mercantile power doe not greatly mat- --t. caae. I Per the incorporation of a company Here in the west the Importance of .: oe kr.uwn s The Albrrta. Peace River r 0 .,. saxiei. Pc,fle t. nturJI a..n. i.id Pacui. Railway Company, or such P000 i iner name as may oe given, to conduct slid opt-rale s ra.lsay aa follows: more generally recognised than hi the east. We are already trading to a con-iderabt and yearly lacssasing extent aver the western route, and all the signs are that we nave only well begun. Can ad an power on the Pacific, a the west ; now look st It, I and will be mainly in ' bu.nes way or ln whatever advantage may accrue from close contact with the Orient: but there Is. of course, the possibility or disadvantage also, ana ibi Prom a pjlnt at or near the City frontage on the Pacific involvea Tatisa t!i mist feasible . . . of , Cdmuuion by .lh,,ltiaa k - LUUm tsutt oanwot be route t? and alorig the right bank ot , overlooked, o Uh- glmanette Wym tp a .ralf 'ii i 'vV; trie Smoky Rim hear ft Jrtrirorrl--rftaV OJUtadS 1 itself reeihelkg it dm 1 Whe "tT, of MV " thl, diction moreTSy is in- I'rn'r.' m .hr rr i.uu-e L,f Alberta: I dicated by aueh facts as the proposal MkT.,.rPM.Tr...,.hs,,o? nis , p!'t -'" - Aiesa ink- on the Ca'mJlan national 1 when uch an appointment K made Ph:U.mv to the Province of British Alberta, of all the province, will hawe reason reason to vo be oe .... i. ... . n..n.t at r.r ntr OraiiOS Priri.: in a North Westerly direction t. a poiut at ur near Pouoe Coupe ...j . . .,, . ,.,,,! at ,n near Pouce c"u,it in a North Wesi.rly direction certain to grow-the more certainly if tj a point a' or near Hudson ' Hcpe promoted by active and sympathetic on tl..- It .n-e Rivr. thence ln a K" ! embassage at Tokio ci.il 8-ut.i Westerly and Westerly dl-.0" mliou and North westerly oy mr m-t feasible route through the Pine Pans tn a roinl t or near ..9 a,,., r, in i it Piovlnre Cotuin'. . i. t!i" heart of Finland ?d)' Prmi a point at or near Hudson" u.. ,..,.,.,u Parr River 10 en- erVgateriy direction to a point at i Tlsaf Is Opinion f or near Whltelaw; thence in a nue-therly direction to a point a t or 'near Port Ver.nilHin and thence Northerly and Westerly tj tlie right bank of the Hay Hiver at or near IU intersection with 1"- N .i i he' 11 bJUiidan' of the Pr.ivmre ol Alberts. Tlie said 'sMwavs belnii declared to 1 . .. . 'iHAfll ,.f r'aiiarla. cor.itmrt to l" own a Interested, for Alberts- Japanese relation in a business way have already been established and are NOTHING CONTENTIOUS TO COME UP AT OTTAWA inrvoa. dock md hotel and before the Federal nd operate, T- T.h vrseeif " insgt session telegrapn sua iws..r nohlir. nubile, to to file Ilie upon upon me' labor Member for UliUllpeg i: pressed In errh WttmrPBO. Jan. 2S -J S. Woods-worth. MP., was the speaker at the Independent Labor party torum In Col umbus hall, dealing with sag of the a T "luihwiie thTwid company to question which would be brought up should at least go as far ln hydro development aa the government of GREENVILLE ELECTS ITS VILLAGE COUNCIL ('iMtshle Neanhsm ffleies fur In-dlaii DejMflmeM tfesttj In liter the Ire ORXpfJCVTUJE, Naas River. The annual etocuoa te the Jan. 35. council took place reoamly Jl. O. News-nam, the Donuaion iitntahli. walked tn over the los from stsd BlusT and took charge, the results being: Chief OaunclUor Arthur CaMer. OouoclUera- Petcrf Oalder. Johnson Hues. John Orson Nelson. l4Verua Moody, Leonard Dougtaa and Davia. tsecretary Joe -Clsrk. City clerk Walter Oalder Chief municipal dohlnawa Assistant chsaf aagtl OgMer. Cc4aUWe warn TVt, Joshua McKay. atephen Wilson. J asses' Angus and Jonah Drey. Dominion Const a 1 Ncwnhun remained in the village for a week and attended to a number ol tatters. While here he was the guest wt Bev. Waiter hooper, te miautoasey. All the viuag ' .-lectiona''at the Nua sj now ooqi- PRISONS FOR SALE ' IN GREAT BRITAIN Mere Than Tr! Can lie Honglit T-la P.lag lo lrl. si" JTWher LONDON, an. 3S able testimony to the stead diminu tion of crime In Orsat Britain 1 af- by the fact thst alnee the war nearly orve-hsJf of the prisons ln the oouavtry have been etosad down owing to the great dec; ease in the prison population. At the present time more than twenty of the.se disused gaols are (ot aale. and can be bought oheap. The at Btornbsay in the Hebrides enUy sold ior tM. and Oounty Oowu Oaol at Duwawsttrlok sold not mag ago for liee fUutesord prison in Cheshire 1 belug ion verted into two-rtwnwd flats, while Newcastle prison and Carlisle prison have each been purchssed by local authorlUn for municipal purposes. Brecon prison. situated amid beautiful scenery In the mountain fssluesMU. 4! Wales, with s trout stream near by. aUll awaits a r It was put up tor auction time ago. but the Qiirhett Bid der 400. I: A -,'i.. !'. - -fTVI 1 ,.i., . SNAKE CAME FORTH WITH BRIGHT EYES SAYS ADVERTISEMENT A San Prancitco paper pubJiahs the advertising of Chinese shealer." The copy abound with tfijlwai. tn one of these tesuinonlnla wotnaji declare 1 bem cured of "Turuor and Swoileti ttouiac.i Alter laLlr.; th of your copy of The D herbs two aaootha. "a snake came out. It Bad tvsa bright eyea and jumped rotted like a mad dog. I kiuetf it with U Uws kind e advertising pays m thl (uppoeettly enlightened age, we have been fist te ring ourselves concern - lag the state ol our oouctive latellt- If puMptned ateieeoant of thl really produced business, the iiumbar of naoron must tar exceed the rdgaart stunii U the worst paasUni: Are the blllkms we are paying out for education every year really weir f pent? - February Sunset aily News every night by havinjr it delivered to your address by carrier paid in advance will bring it to you every night for a year Keep Yoursei Well Posted 1 about yorld news, district news, all the doings of Prince Rupert, your own town, and by no means the least, get the NEWS OF THE STORES their prices and their bargains by reading regularly. THE DAILY NEWS . -- -t. ja. IT WILL PAY YOU. LADIES' WHIST Lost night's nature la the ladle' section of the Fraternal Whist League teulted a follow: Canadian National Ladle. 6; Moose Ladle. S. English Ladles. 3: Orange Ladle, g. u:.ui K NTWIIIVU W U Its. Moose ladles i a C. N. Ladle 4 4 Orange Ladles 4 4 4 EnglUh Ladle 3 6 S ALICE ARM Pete Anderson, who Is deveioptmi hi mining property on Clearwater Creek spent few days ln town last A Davidson, who I carrying out velopment work on hi Wildcat perty. wa s visitor In town test Ou Pesrson i down from the North Star auste lor Ir days in town. Iter Hanson has arrived nnil VII tptpd tha tKitar C.ir Trilefrsoii wnM Wa P ves mrdloal treatment in CUM. ataanier Prince Rupert. Oapt. D. Donald, having been delayed through i .iv.ag a heavy freight cargo to discharge at Ocean Fall, arrived at 1 o'clock this afternoon from the south nd will al at 10 o'clock tonight lor Anyoi and Stewart . returning her st g o'clock Sunday morning to sail on her return south at t am. AdrtrtU tn Th Dally Nwi DEMAND page nva IF you've never made puddings with Carnation Milk, try one tomorrow. Its flavor and smoothness will be a revelation to you. And it will have extra food value, for Carnation is pure, whole milk evaporated to double richness. It is economical and convenient because it keeps and it saves on butter and cream. Write for free Cook Book Carnation Millc Product Co. Limited 114 Abbott StKM VANCOUVER. B.C. Carnation Milk 'From Contented Cotvi" "Rupert Brand" CANAOIANj iDAPinrJ i nun iwa aiLvi V ers fTll&OAlNTlEST HKEaKFaSt f(A)fc sSmoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Kuptri. B.G Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings 'f rom Prince Rupert To Krtrhlksn. IVrangell, Juneau and lig y--lerMber II. Jswtssry It, M Te YanrsHitN, tklorla and Seattle eVMtafry 4, IB. I'KINriSHN UKAIKICE. For lluledsle. F.sst liell Bella. Oeeaa rails. Namu, Alert Hey. Carutibrll KUer. and VanesMiier eery siilardi. II a.iu. Agency for ill Steamship Lines. fall Ininrmatlen trum W. C OUCIIAItll. (ISHentl Agesit. Owner of 4th Street and 3rd Aveufie. ftltte UuimvL ac. 1'Jkiii J UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Hailing from PrlrMv Kanett. IVr VANt'OI VEIL Vl( Ttlltlt, lluledate. tlerl Hay. rle. Tnes. 5 njn. tnr VA1 AIK. Vlf'TllKIA, Naanseft IU. Alert IU). etc., MataMay. t a.m. Fur I-OUT 8'MItlON. NAAS Itlvr.H POINTS. ALICE ARM. ANYOX. 8Ti:AItr, Hales Island, Handiy, g p.m. US tnd Atenne. U. M. h.MITM. Af.nt Prlar Kiret. HI'. Through tUktl sold to Vlcloila and Kent lie, and lttte cheeked through to destination.