SOMETHING ENTIRELY DIFFERENT ARE THESE Made of artistically designed Cretonnes neatly trimmed with lovely shades of Cham-bray and beautifully finished, combined with their splendid fit, one of these will add pleasure to your household duties. $1.75 to $2.75 jMMffSffli ism Special! Special ! OLD STYLE PEPPERMINT PATTIES - - 35c. a Lb. Personal and Business Xmas Greeting Cards. Exclusive, but not expensive. Phone us and our representative will call and show you samples yfic Pioneer Vrttorisls I HIRD AVE. r SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8?f,200' Canadian National Q7jc Largeft Kailway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE suIIIiik tram I'ltlNCK Kl HKKT lor MOllW. tKTOHIA and St.tTTLE. TlllRMiAVS and SINUAY8. at 11 iun. Viir NTRWAIIT, EINKHIAVM. 10 p.m. Hir ANYOX ami KKT HIK.W. H.VTl KH AYS. 4 p.m. VI SDK I II and MRTH m KKN ( II AHl.OTTK IHl.ANIM, mrtnlfhtly. I'AXSKNdKll TKAINK I.EAVK rillCK Ufl'MlT DAILY i:ri l'l tl'MlAY at ll.SO a.n. f.r rRl.NCR (JEOUHI.. EDMONTON. UINNUKO, til palau Ban.irii cauaaa. paUrd';twfc tl.L UCCAM STMAMMill UNI. CITY TICKET fimCK. SM 1MIM I... l-BlME KHftKT. CAHA0tANj iiii Pbunt tat B.C. Coast Steamship Services Sailings from Prince Rupert T KrU'hlkan. WraiifrM. anil Skugwuy SpiiImiiImt 19. t. Hrlolwr 10. SO. in iinrouver. VlclorU. and Siallle srplrnilirr 2S. (htolwr a. 11. HI. IMtlMKHH ROY A I. lr llutnlalc, lt Hrlta Bll. Owiim Falln. tnni. Alrrt lluy. Campbell lllvrr and Vnnn.uirr rivry Friday. 10 p.m. Ai.nry fr all NtMnwhlp LUir f"' Inlormallon from IV. v. OHi'lMHii, (lrnrral A km I, I'nflH-r uf tlh Htfftt and 3rd Atmiir. ItlitM Uuprrt, ll.C. I'lmn SI UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED balling iruni I'rlnrf ltuitrt. tor, VICTOHIA. iMffl llHledalf,, Alfrt Italy, rto. Inr VANC'Ot V-n, (TirTlKIA. Bulrdaie. Alrrt IMy. rtc, Haturiliiy, 7 a.m. for roll T SIMI'WOM and Nm ltt I K I'OINTN, I rid). l"r AlVlt'lS AUM. ANYOX. ST I WAIti. WALKS ISI.ANII. I'OKT FIMWON. 183 Ind'Aenue!11, H. M. SMITH. Akmi. I'rlnre lluirrt. TIiiuu1i llrkrtt Hold .o Vlrturla nd Sraltle, and InikkCC chtrkrd iKmiiih to drullnallur S. E. PARKER, LIMITED 3rd Ave. East. l'lne 83 Dominion Uoyal Cord Tire Agency Ford Cars and Trucks USE Flat Kate Repairs CARS We have several .M i llcnt bargains in used Cars. Kuhv Ti'ims if desired, Local and Personal i a 4 a Taxi Phone 4. Big 4 Taxi, tf Dentist. Dr. J. K. Gosse. 68(5." ; - - . Chiropractor, Phone 134. CV '0. Phone McKay, tf Try "Beacon Hard" Alberta Sootk'HH the best stove coat. Albert & McCaffery. Phone UW and 117. f. St. George's 8ociety, Whist Drive, Metropole Hall, Friday night, Sept. 28 at 8-10 p.m. BOc. Sam Wood, tailor, who has been on a brief trip south, returned from Vancouver on the Catala last evening. The Prince It u pert Badminton Club Meeting Monday at 8 p.m. Daily News Rooms. Members or prospective members invited to attend. 224 A party of local girls, who have been employed at Butedale cannery, returned home on the Catala last evening. C.P.R. freighter Princess Ena, Capt. Thompson, is due in port at 5 o'clock this afternoon, southbound, from Skagway to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ralston paused through the city recently on their return to their home in Vancouver after visiting at Jasper Park and Edmonton. L. B. Jones, C. N. R. agent at Skagway, was a passenger aboard T. J. Shenton, inspector mines, returned to the city on the Prince George last night from Anyox where be made an investi H. C. Fraser, inapector of schools, will return to the city about the middle of next week after having spent two or three weeks visiting, the schools in the Telegraph Creek and Atlin districts. , T. V. Falconer of Alice who went south recently Mra, Falconer and family, will spend the winter in Westminster, was aboard the Catala returning north. Arm, with who New a passenger last evening Alias Helen Calderone, who has been visiting in. the city for a few daya following a visit in J'ort ftiffcenta with her sister, Mra. George Cicconne, sailed last sight on the Catala on her re turn to her home in Anyox. Charles Sutherland of the edi torial staff of the Vancouver Province and Mrs. Sutherland were passengers aboard the Prin cess LiOUim yesterday afternoon returning south after having made the round trip to Skagway. P. E. Peterson, consulting en gineer for the Silver Crest Mines Ltd. and the Utility Mining and Finance Co., was a passenger aboard the Prince George lust night returning to Vancouver after having made inspections ot progress of operations at the Saddle group at Hastings Arm and the Tiger property at Alice Arm. ANNOUNCKMKNTS Prince Kupert Girls' Drill team dance, October 12. Gyro lloedown, Mooso Hall. 8. October 19. Cath6llc Baiaar, October 24, 25 Presbyterian Bazaar, November Moose Baiaar, November 8, 9. Anglican Cathedra! Bazaar, November 22. Miss France Cross returned home from Vancouver on the Ca-iala las', evening. Just a few days left for your permanent wave by experts. Phone 6C5. Mi Lady Beauty Shoppe. returned to the city on the Prin cess Louise yesterday a I ter noon, from a trip to Atlin when. His Honor held a session of Coun ty Court. L. V. Patmore of this citv was Thomas McMeekin and D. B. pe ,,f the pallbearers at the McDougall returned to the city funeral in Vancouver last Thurs- on the Prince George last evening day afternoon of Mrs. Donald after a trip to Alice Arm where McLeod. a pioner resident of they made an inspection of the,pr(nce Rupert. Kaperanaa mine of which they L ' are directors. The case of W. B. Drader of Kuckky Bay, who is charged with a statutory offence against his daughter, is being proceeded with in County Court before Judge F. McB. Young this afternoon. Passengers sailing yesterday iifteritoon on the Princess Louise for the south included M. H. : rai;.', for Victoria; Alex Noble . nd L. vl. Williams, for Vancouver; Mi. McCall Smith, for W. J. Kooney, superintendent of plant for the Canadian National Telegraphs with headquarters at Edmonton, who arrived in the city i n Sulnnidy, made the round trip to Ainox and Ketchikan on the :ieumer Prince George at the week-end. disembarking here from the vessel last night. K. eral v. Smith of Montreal, gen superintendent of the sleep- ing and dining car department of the anadian National Rail wjivs, arrived in the city on Saturday from south in the course f a w. si urn tour and, after mak ing ti e round trip to Anyox and Kfti li on the steamer Prince c. Ke. uroeeeded Bast on this morninirs train. He was ac-. nnip.uiii (I by Mrs. Smith. Union steamer Catala, Capt. E. A. IMckaon, arrived in iort . t (('dock last evening fron the south, .sailing at 8 p.m. for Anyox, Stewart and other northen points of call. Passengers on the vi'sscl included Mrs. Clay. Sam Wood, Aiisa M. Thompson, Miss l.indquist, It, Suffinaisnon. G. P. Fisher, l. 0. Lewis, Miss Franciti Cross. Mrs. II. Mikny. Mrs. G. !1. Arnott and Mrs. Laivon, foi I'rtnr 'tupert, Mr. and Mrs. Dun c: :i. Mi -s Baxter. Miris Walters, I. Re'nionte, W. Srone. C. Snlli-an and R. Lynch for Stewart I. Bray. R. Matthews. R. P.allan i in'. II A. Gotirlav, tfl Es.H- Mortimer returned to the city on the Prince George last night from a trip to Alice Arm on nnpuig business. QUIET WEDDING AT PARSONAGE OF UNITED CHURCH ON SATURDAY Mb. Wilma Valeda Brochu Be comes Bride of Boss Sheldon Ingram A iuiet wedding Saturday evening at took place the paraon- age of the First United Church Baton freighter Chillivrack, ! hen Miss Wilma Valeda Brochu CDt. W. W. Mounce, is due inielu aaugnwr oi wr. ana Mrs. aart todav from Vancouver vta," Brochu, nrocpu, oeaview Seaview aparc- gutedal le and KJtmaat. ments became the bride of Ross Sheldon Ingram of the staff of TL E. Allen, district forester, ,'tbe B. C. Butchers and Grocers returned to tbe city on Saturday The ceremony was sdlmnized by afternoon's train from a trip to the interior on official duties. Mrs. C. II. Clay of Anyox arriv "Nanaimo Wellington" The coal thai heats and lasts longer Save your money by phoning Al in the city on the Catala last eve ning from Vancouver. The chil dren are in school in the south. where he will spend the next few weeks on relief duty. Mrs. Mattix, Stan Warning and J. Thompvm, for Anyox; S. J. Brown and T. W. Falconer, for Alice Arm; Mr. and Mrs. James Marshall, round trip. gation of a recent fatality which Magistral occurred in the Granby mine. the Rev. A. W. Wilson in the presence of the bride's family and few immediate friends, the ' ride heing attended by her sis ed in the city on the Catala last (brother Ray Ingram. night alter a trip to Vancouver. She was met here by Mr. Clay. After the ceremony the happy couple left for the home of the bride's parents where a reception was held in their honor and where were displayed many numerous and costly presents and bert A ! affery at 116 or 117. tf gifts of their many friends and well wishers. The reception Mra. George II. Arnott arrived 'nartv broke ud when the newlv- weds left for their new home the Meeker block. Stanley Smith of the local THREE LINK LODGES Bank of oMntreal staff sailed last) 1T ru1Trjpii pmmrrj night cm the Catala for Stewart! Al tllUKtll OEKViLC Oddfellows and Rebekahs Suitably Addressed by Rev. J. XL Frizell Members of the local Oddfellows' and Rebekan . Lodges attend- ;ea annual cnurcn service in rirsi Rev. A. Wilson, pastor of First Presbyterian Church last night. the Princess Louise veaterdav f-! United ehurch, returned to the I There were some Uilrty-nve mem ternoon bound for Vancouver p,ty on on Saturday Saturday where he will spend the winter. of . I - r . f A . I i.2 imm afternoon s i 01 lwu ursjauuwmuiin in tiTin from a brief trip to Skeena , attendance, under the leadership River cannery points. ; of Miss Durran and Alex. Barbe. the Noble Grands, and they occu- Tom Hanson, for drunkenness, pied centre seats in the church, was fined- 25, witn the option o. Rev. J. R. Pritell preached an thirty -days' imprisonment. b appropriate sermon. McClymont in city - " police court this morning. Th output of dairy factories . ,. 'M faaato in 1987 had a total j r. D v JuApt - itodrs: . MrB. Young , lm of $m927i266, an increase of about S500.000 over the pre- ceding- year. - SYNOPSIS OF LhNDACTAMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant, unreserved. aurreyeJ Crown land mar pr-mpt4 by British aubjecu over IS yeara f age, and by allent on declaring Intention to beeotne Brltiab aubeta, ooxxll-Uonal upon realdaoce. ocrpattorv, ml (rnprovtment for asrloultura lurpMM. FuU InCormaUon oonoarnlnic reru-laUom reaardtnc pra-emptlona la gWen in Bulletin No. 1. Lani( Scrlea, "Uow to Ir-mpt Ijuid," coplea of lltilob oan be obtained free of cbaxg ry addressing tbe Department of Landa, Victoria, B.C. or to any Government AcenL Recorde will be cranteJ covering only land suitable tor agricultural purpose, and which la not tlmber-iand. La., carrying over 1.000 board feet par acre west of the Coaat Kaage and B.00 feet per acre eaat of tbal fUnge. Applleatloni for jre-emptlcne ar to be addresaed to ,the Land Com-mlesloner of the Land Recording Dl-vUlon. In which the land applied for le altuated. and are made on printed forma, eoplea of which can be obtained from the Land Commissioner. Pre-emptions must b occupied for five years and Improvements made to value of (10 per acre, Inoludlng clearing and culUvatlng at least five acres, befors a Crown Orant eaa be received. For more detailed Information see the Bulletin "How to Pre-empt Land." PURCHASE Applications are received for purchase of vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlmberland. for agricultural purposes: minimum pries tor first-class (arable) land la IS per acre, and secontf-otass (gracing) land tZ.BO per acre. Further Information regarding purchase or lease, of Crown lands Is given In Bulletin No. 10, Land Serlea. "Purchase and Lae of Crown Lands." MM, factory, or Industrial sites oa timber land, not exceeding 40 acres, may be purchased or leased, the conditions including payment w stumpaga. HOME8ITE LEASES Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding 10 sores, may be leased as homesltea, conditional upon a dwslllng be ng ereoted In the first year. Utle being obtainable after reeVlenee and Improvement ooadlttens are fulfilled and land has been surveyed LEASES ' ior graxlng and Industrial purposes areas not exceeding OeO acres may be leased by one person or a company. qraZHIQ Under the Oraalng Act the rro-v-tnce la divided Into graalng dlstrlott and the range administered under a Orajlng Commissioner. Annuej grating permits are Issued based oa lumbers ranged, priority being glv to established owners. Stock-owners mar form MOKtatlons for rang management. Free, or partly frea. ?rmlU are available for ssttlsr iaptn and travellers. U tsat 1 PAGE THKJit City Meat Market " (SELVIG BROS.) Jrd Avenue , Phone 7G5 MEAT- FISH, VEGETABLES and ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN PRODUCE" at low prices, and immediate delivery Observe! All articles are 3f superior quality and absolutely fresh. Arcadian Hose A New Shipment Just Armed of this Popular Hose Made expressly for ourselves, every pair guaranteed. Made from the finest pure thread silk, reinforced art silk, mock fashioned double soles, toes and heels. Seamless, size to 10. In shades of Blush, Oak Buff, Sand, Grain, French Nude, Silver, Pearl Champagne, Black, Woodland Rose. QCg- Pair ." sJut Fraser & Payne Universal Trading Co. "CATERPILLAR" Tractors BIGGER THAN THE WEATHER!. A Sir.e for Every Use A Hundred Uses for Every Size 2 TON, TWENTY, THIRTY", SIXTY BETTER QUICKER CHEAPER Literature and Prices on Request Sole DUtributort for D. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO. LIMITED Northern Pari 'If Freight Building 94C SI alien Mrwt VANCOUVER. B. C. nranrh Offlrei lllliprrsrn Work NE1J40N. RC Now lhal the Rainy Season is with us again, we have stocked a large assortment of JVlen's, Girls' and Boys' RUBBER BOOTS in three-quarter and knee length, priced from $'2.HT and up. Abo Ladies', Boys', and Girls' colored Slickers in Red. Green, Brown, Black, Yellow and Blue, priced from $-1.00 up. Ladies' Rubber Coats in Yellow, Brown ami Black, priced at $.S.l)r. Men s Brown and Black Slickers, al.-u Black Rubber Coats ,.t $7.30 and up. Ladies', Misses' and small Children's Overshoes, from $11.75 and up. We carry Rubbers to fit every style of shoe. JABOUR BROS. LTD. Phone 615. 7th St. and 3rd Ave. I "tftomBreadaiidMerBreaU" I I 07he quality is ahoays tk same i s I 3 If I