w isdoni ot Ad to Keep G ROWNTREE'S LATE Plain or Milk Chocolate with Aim Grids and Haisins AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM ,, As an advertising medium the Prince Hupcrt Daily News Uv.i a wide appeal. Not only is it read by the people of Prince K.ipcrt, many of whom look to it for mercantile guidance, but it t caches out to the country districts where its arrival is awaited v. ith eagerness. The mining camps and the towns of the interior l(H)k to it for the first news of the outside world. Irince Rupert people who wish to reach the surrounding districts find there is only one medium, that of the Daily News. It is better and cheaper than any other advertising medium and i-an be depended upon to bring results if anything can. Past and Present In the past when only about 1500 papers were being sold, advertisers in the Daily News claimed they got good results from outside points as well as in the city. During the present year the circulation has increased over a thousand, and the appeal to itdvertiscrs is consequently that much the wider. vertising oods Moving Very few merchants seem to realize the cumulative effect of advertising. "livery new customer secured is worth a great deal nntl this new customer becomes an advertiser fot uincrs, if he is veil treated. The newspaper not only brings customers direct but prepares the way for the spread of business by personal contact. The advertising manager will be pleased to talk this matter over with prospective advertisers and show them the newspaper's mailing list. STHE. DAILY NEWS Pnn:2 Rup ict British Columbia The great advertising medium for Northern and Central Iiritish Columbia. TI1E DAILY NEWS - PAGE K1VB TELLS ABOUT ' W0RLOC0NGRESS Kev. V. F. Price Carries Vividly to Ills Congregation Picture of Great Event COLOR LINE ELIMINATED Influence of Baptist Body in Se-! curing Liberty of Worship In Uumin:a 1 "One of the greatest events in ; the history of the Christian churcn,' was the judgment of many concerning the World's Baptist Congress helo last June in loronto, of Mitten - ,vi vu descriptive account was given last evening in tne mptist church by the PbHtoi, Kev. Yv. K. Pricev ttir. rnce was s delegate to the congress and the auuience wan ivpiy interested ss the speakei muted his persona irupteasion.4 of the great meetings, i ne congress was very notaoie on m-' .uunt of the targe numbers attending, there being a delegation of about eight tnousnu, Ou irom the fact that these were representative of a&9ut sixty-six uifferent nationalities in ail parts of the world and it was very remarkable that with all this diversity of race and color there was not a single tract of racial antipathy, not a single jarring note' to disturb the harmony of the occasion, no color line was perceptible. The meetings were also remarkable for thejr enthusiasm, and the deep spiritual purpose that characterized them, white .he singing was absolutely indescribable. Mr. Pri:e stiteti that this was the fourt.i Baptist Worltf's congress, which are the meetings i.eid every l.ve years, of the baptist World Alliance. This organization ib a world -wide unio.. j of Baptist people, without ta legislative or controMiiirf power its purpose and objoftt is purely fraternal tnd inspirational, to promote a wider Knowledge of each other's problems, Ittfficultfes sufferings and successes, the ci jilizstion of brotherhood and to : enlist sympathy and help. So that if in any part of the world Baptists are suffering, or being persecuted all the rest shall know it land endeavor to right the wrong. The speaker gave a recent in stance of this in the case of Roa-1 mania. The Baptists, who form thv. only other denomination in -itou mania apart from the . State church were being bitterly persecuted by the government. It was declared illegal to be a Baptist and to hold Baptist meeting their churc.ies were - cioseu. their, preachers and pastors- fined, imprisoned and cruelly floggw-J, some even put to death all of which was going on so lately as the beginning of 1927. But Ji rough tht efforts of the Baptist World Alliance the. Roumanian parliament last year ,assed a measure giving liberty of conscience and worship it Rumania, e that people arv free to believe and worship as vhey choose in that country. The speaker then described' the place where the congress was held, the beautiful and spacious grounds and building of (fee To ronto National Exhibition whicii were loaned. by the Toronto City Council for the occ;'ini The congress assembly hall was a building 820 feet Lux tad 190 feet wide, seated for iibotU 8,000 people. The platform being fitted with sound amplifiers so that everyone could hear the speakers. The arrival of the aVgaisa was described, particularly tha Brit- fish contingent, arid the fjraat host j from the southern St-tes, most of them negro-;, a very fine type of people, w o obviously had reached a hlph level of intelligence and culture. In fact, the speaker declared, the honors of the congress went very large ly , the Negroes. The extraordinary eloquence af their speechps ind their overflowing enthusiasm combined to put then: in the front rank. The roll-cell of the nations was .hen described, when about 00 iffeient nations responded to the call with u brief message - I i.ost of thoxe wire jrlvi-n in Eng lish. OUt illioilt UVelve v'ie spoi.- n in the language oi the nation1 " " - . ' I - ! CHOW Try MOTOMNO nt once Plain, or Milk, you'll like it. I Tl ills Mi i TTilT T 1 il I nun m "WrrTvnMSiB1lW interpreted so that it could be understood by the audience. The topics brought before the congress by the various speakers were given, they included subjects such as Industrialism, Militarism and Racialism, as well as s Louvre tor Ladies' Wea: PRINCE RUPERT therefore the finest kind of ser-j AIbert Dtri4toa fMr8 A ; vice that can Be restored to.,thl M s . Tai0, xru humanity is to make gaown the . , tn.rt Mn o rn. gospel of JealuV CbrM. M t v. P n ;,,, : . Mrg strain, Mrs. Richard Mirte I!. Crsig sailed yenter- Gosse, Mrs. II. Crewe, Mrs. D. 'sy afternoon on- the Princess McGregor, Mrs. E. Archibald, Louise for a month's holiday trip Mrs. F. W. Smelts. Mrs. Stanley south. He will visit Victoria and Crocker, Mrs. T. Ferris, Mrs. E. Seattle and po:Hy Portland. J. Ryan, Mrs. V. L. Grundy, Mrs. III" " C. Mason, Mrs. II. Phil pott, Mrs. DeGex, Mrs. Tyre, Mrs. Pickering, Mrs. V. C. Brown. Mrs. Francis DEfiDI E AT TV A Mlllerd, Miss Louise Brown, Miss rEUrLIj ill LA -uby Scott' MlM Catherine Campbell, Mrs. Saunders, Mrs. J. P. the problen:s and difficulties of Mrs. A. M. Manson Guest of Hon-Christian woi-k in every part of or at Event Given by Mrs. il.e vivrlcl. At one meeting an W. E. Williams Walsh and Mrs. C. Campbell. TO LATE TO CLASSIFY K-'lret.i of weiiomi to Canada iFOK SALE Piano, range, house-was given by the Hon. N. W. Entertaining in honor of Mrs. ,Io,d effecta- Pohn B,ack 721 iiowell on b-j.ia.f of i'remier Mac- a. M. Manson, Mrs. W. E Wfl- 2,39 ;enzie King who was unable to jjam. wa. - vhirmin. .... FOR HE NT New modern resi- - IIWKN , ., . , ae preutn.. - number of hr frUnA. of A telegram was received from tea hour this afternon at her; Lh;yd Georj-e, hinilf a Baptist, home on Angus Avenue, says the' giving hearty greetings to his . Vancouver Province, Vari-huedl lellc-w Bapusts from the whole and fern were used! '!ld- , I throughout the reception rooms There was also a great x meeting whne p8tel .uturan blossoms ar-! in ceiennuoii oi mc .nree nun in ,ranged a eut.gIag, cen. dradth of the birth- trej the anniversary j,, ubIe whjch wag oi f John -Bunyan. author of iuy j!ighted te Jnk tandIej , the "Pilgrims Progress, who .ow Pmidg at the .vi.ssBspt.st. - ;urn'B were Kn W- j and in co ,,- . .on ?easer em-M. w vv UutUtTU whe Mfa pnasiseo g.. ...i.utnce ine;F P. Kcnay wa Jn charge of cI1Br, x ... Mthe-tosrooBL AsslsUng in serv- Pn world .-nip -!ing tfce wew , MlP. - iMt-n-; f tn.s be stated ar. ,..aPet thi and Miss Enid Wil- the fact that It was decia i w.th iluIW Mr9. Francia Mi,lerd t s;n id noia m new con gress, is 19S&, at Berlin, Germany. The Bapt'sts are doing 'heir part to strengthen the bon is cf the ices, assisted by Mrs. C. P. Blee and Miss Ruby Scott Miss Claire Williams opened the door to the guests, who ln- luded Mrs. A. R. Lord, Mrs. V. uman brotherhood. But the con-! E.H(, M A . M w gress made it still more clear that Crawford! ;L UgloWf JIrm. j. a the only meeting place mr hu-.v- v n Amlar V,. tr nWni!L,ein ? Lwh?re u:iBeaut' r- R- Burn. Mrs. mml brotberhoocan be, cemented ! E w Anderson. Mrs. JL A. Camp. is the cross r,f ( hnst Politics vil. bell Mri j w defi Farris Mrfc. nui uo u. leaines aa afcieemei.s ; Hu&ri Jamieson Mrs p. How. good Mttey are in then . ien Mr8 jj Beckwith, Mrs. place will fan apfert from R Brown M w G Jenk Mrfc v-nn noyuiv yv . R. Smith. Mrs. F. A. Dietrich.! power m nrisi can uniu vne ;Mr8 g 1 Mrg. Se,don nations In true b:otherhood. AndlM,, r.nrjMl , ir.jj,,.,, dences. Fourth Avenue East. Also corner store on Fulton Street and Sixth Avenue. Phone Red 720. tf. Lingthe Tailor Phone 649 Clothes Cleaning Price List' like this is worth keep- 1 ing in mind! Ladles' or Gentlemen's Suits steam pressed ...... 7ff Overcoats 75 f Trousers '....'..'S3f Skirts Xi$ Beys' Satis r.flf SUITS, Dry Cleaned sad Trodsers 75c Skirts 75r Boys' Suits $1.00 Also Ladles' Fsncy work at reasonable rates- We call for and deliver to all parts of the city. Our Special Low Price on New Suits Made-to-measure still Continues "gin RB3. TH JifW VICTOR RADIO SPEAKER itfOy tntltnti H tuttiy brown watmt cabinet. Wi Item a to jou to swift At Victor coma 0m At tone of tfa tpMWr witl fit! R wo hear it. lUnm-mrriirt for utt mtn Victor fU MstU R-bo, An instant Hit! .a brilliant success throughout the Dominion. Flashing like meteors across an enkindled sky; these sets have the stuff, maintaining Victor's quarter century of repu' tation. Regardless of the money asked, the New Victor Radio wins out on' tone quality, beauty, and general performance. Authorised Victor Radio Dealers are showing this beau' tiful walnut-designed table set with a full set of .tubes and "plug-in" cord for only $ IOO Victor Talking Machine Company of Canada .Limited (Xtrmi tf tW Radio Fnquatcy Lbartonn Int. if v f 93 .1 . . -14 V 1 XV "lit s "1.7- . . 1 1; itj I 4 A