Because of flawless texture Corticclli Silk Hosiery keep its lustrous loveliness throughout a remarkabl" long life. All sizes, In shades to meet every fancy. "The Nobby" DEMAND . a- THE DAINTIEST HKEAKr'AST FOOII Smoked Daily by SILK HOSIERY FITS TIIE FOOT OF FASHION "Rupert Brand" Kippers Canadian Fish & CoH Storage (X. Prince Rupert. B.C. Montreal Life Insurance Co. 'The Friendly Company" Incorporated 1 90S by Act f Parliament. OPENING PRINCE KUPERT BRANCH :If0ng term Savings Bond with sickness and accident benefit Policies for every need. . K. HGRIMSGAARD General Agent Knox Hotel P. an ad ian National Qfo Largefl Railway SySlcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Ballings from I'UIXCT. Itl'PKKT for VArot'VKR. VH.TOKIA. wKATTIT, MOM1AYH. Tilt KSUAY8. 4.00 p.m.. HATi:illAVH. 80 pjn. Fttr AN VOX and HTKIVAIIT. M ON HAYS, HtlllAY. 400 pjn. For MASsnTT INI.KT, MONDAYS. 400 pjn. For KOt'TII ll'KKN CIIAKI.OTTR IM.4.MM. Fortnightly. Ft hKAUWAV, VEINKMAY8. 4 00 pm pHi;Vir.K TRAINS I.BAVE HUNCE hri'F.RT IIAII.Y BXmT HU'-V t II JO am. for 1'ICINfK (!.() 11(1 r, KDMONTON. IVIN'NII'Kfl. all points :alrrn Canada, United Mates. .triooYjLtj. octan mr.AMnmr tiNr.w. PITY TirKtT OrriCB. M TlllHll tt FKINII. KlirT.KT: Fb-me IM u City M'e'at Market (KIJLVIU 1JKOS.) 3rd Atwiue Phone 705 MBAT. FISH. VEGETAHLES and AM. KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN PRODUCE" at low prices, and Immediate delivery Obsenel All articles are of auperlor quality and absolutely fresh. Mr and Mrs. Alex Finnic left on this morning's train for Jasper Park on a holiday trip. They will return to the city by way of Vancouver, making the , Triangle Tour. Bert Vandewater, manager of the B. C. Butchers and Orocers. will sail Sat urday morning aboard the Cardena for Vancouver on a combined business and pleasure trip. James Martin. New Mossett merchant, postmaster add customs officer and well i known plonee:- of the Inlet. Is a pas-jsenger aboard the Prince Charles today kawMI for Vancouver on business .'trip. Classified : Ads. WANTED YOUNO lady visiting Prince Rupert for month or longer wishes room and breakfast with private family, closo in. Good local references. Reply giving teiins to Box 121 Dally Newa Office. 188 EXCAVATING wanted. Rock or any kind. By day or by contract. I. Ro-sang. 207 WANTED. Maid for general housework Pboxte Bad 257. tf WANTED - Waitress, apply White Lunch FOIl SALE BKVSN-ROOUID House and Lot or. I Third Avenue for sale. Improved frontage. Modern. For Immediate sale, j cash. 2,O().0O. 1017 Third Avenue Phone Bed M4. 18'.' FOR SALS FIRST CLASS ROOUINO house; twenty-aix rooms fully fur- i Dished and In goad oondltlon. Excellent opportunity for a couple Apply T. MeClymont. tf OLD NEWSPAPKRH MAT BE QD Instead of building paper or to lay beneath ctrpets on the floor. Oei ! M6ial P9r. lae iwaatltle Dally News. FOR SALE LAUNCH OWEN, FOOE Horsepower Baathope engine. all complete and In good running con-dltlop. Apply Pullen. Dally Mew. tf FOR SALE. Forty-Foot raised Deck Cruiser In excellent condition and IsUly equipped; bargain for quick sale. Apply Bos 119 Dally News 187 FOR SALE. Offers wanted on oriel two-ton Traffic Truck: and one one-ton Ford Truck. Apply T. McCly-mont. tf SNAP 1190 on easy terms buji a good automobile. Phone Red 790. , 908 VOU RENT X3R RENT. CLAPPERTON HOUSE. Ninth Avenue Bast Rent reasonable. Apply City Treeanrer. CHy Mall. tf OR RENT PIANOS. PLAYER-PIANOS, PhoDOgrsph 'and Sewing UaclUnea. Walker's Musts Stare. tf FOR RENT. FURNISHED FOUR roomed apartment With bath. Water paid. Phone M7. tt FOR RBNT. FOOR ROOM APART meat, bat water tea ted. Apply SmKh it MaUeU, Ltd. tf FOR RENT Fwnlabed housekeeping II rooms by the day. week, or month. Phone Red Wt. tl FOR RENT. FURNISHED APART-menu. Apply Mussattem Orocery. CHIROPRACTIC DR. It. E. r.YMShGX Chiropractor 623 Third Avenue. Telephone for appointment now to Blue 85. ResMenca pbone Black 3S2. "ute and Chronic Dwnrders suecess' fttUr treated. Established 1924 t Always Reliable Sold by all Grocers GOING FAST MEN'S STRAP WATCHES Watches Fully Guaranteed FURNITURE AND KANflES Fawcett Rangaa. Simmons' Beds and Bedding encludtng the Ostcrmoor Mat- ms, Dininga Hoom Suites. Beoroam 8ulte. ClwiUrtleld Suites. Window Blinds. Linoleum ana Linoleum Ruga. We sell at vary reasonable prices so 1 will pay you to give us a cau. wawn our Window. A. MACKRNCIE, rumHure. riwae 7S SALVAGE AND TOWING Prince Rupert Salvage & Towinn Co. Ltd. HAS RAKOMN'S IS OAS IKIATS Afenu forBaatlkspe Bnglnea. OooUdgf Propellan. aaaj Ttalube Oil Boat of all "deerIptKn for Charter Salt Ukes FsriV affttee week days on the hour l p till paa. Sundays and Holiday, II ajn. uu a 9-- rtwM mi AUOTJOXBEIta. I PRIME KUPKItT ABCtlOX MART fil res I iiis Furniture of ' fcMa aoupht. aotd or efcnantad. Crst'.ng a&tl pclBg dene. Ooods said on Cemaalasloo fi. J. DAWES. Anrllfliieer. Black ISO Ml i iin' ihii i t im 1 1 m ii m tm ! I I LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Matt Sutton. Vancouver timber ' man who has been on a week's business trip eked! tr. Tinkim nT la a Daaerncer aboard the Prince hartee today returning south ! R P McNaughton, C.N.R. district laoi'Ppr aeent, returned to the city on vnr tup AiRnrif ANDISE BUT THE PRICES. whence d FAy,ArotIii day of bargainsiamonds. Watches, Sihx'rware, Rings Jewellery Leather floods. he accafbHWBal a SHrurlst figro oup w I P. O Pyle and Joe Brown returned PULVERIZED COSTS FORGOTTEN IN THIS J PRICES KM biM ia t.i the city on the Prince Charles this TREMENDOUS TORHENT OF JEWELLERY BARGAINS rninf; uf ur having made they sound trip to Stewart. Anyox and Masses Jnlet . - i i ii ii ! si anssasraas is i I points. Toll keepers on the turnpike of time fashioned under the exacting standards of celebrated craftsmen. The examples listed below are on!y a few of the many seemingly unbelievable super-bargains in fully guaranteed time-keepers prices that represent a loss to us and an unusual profit to to you in the huge saving offered. SPECIAL A fifteen jewel movement in newest shapes in white gold filled engraven rasps. A ful'v Guaranteed time keeper v-M- that always ! sold low at $12.50. Now &7 50 MANY OTHERS SHARPLY UNDERPRICED ii ism i ii i 1 1 III i Come Early Diamond Special $12.95 LADIES' BAR PINS AND BROOCHES '.Tlinar Silver Pma of Beauty. Handaomely enfrraved and all set with beautiful synthetic atones. Former value u :.-( and more. Specially priced now at each .... 95C 2! ll II II I ' I I I I i HMIi 11 TPHMnI I iiH Mil il WPWsJ I MP I II II Br "fBTi IT if "- Jbhn Bulger, J BUY AND SAVE 2 LADIES' DAINTY WHIST WATCHES v a -a-tmv m s? -m stvirei ... . Now HAUNT I TlAIHlaKKI'EKS OF DEPENDABLE ACCURACY uvery vvaicn iuuy guaranteer! and now oiierea to you at money wm, price concessions of Infinite Apm-al We quote below a tew example- select, ed from our magnificent airav of super-bargains Bargains that your dollars amazing mileage at ;hi nine. SPECIAL 15 JEWEL MOVEMENT Cushion or Tonneau models. M, i, , white gold cases. Fancy il. , (j;a and jewelled crowns. Formerly .!-., and splendid values at that j.vic- 87.50 OTHERS AT DRASTIC REDUCTIONS HUNDREDS OF SURPRISE BARGAINS AWAIT YOU Come Often FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Free Silverware Polish To every customer Friday and Saturday 1 give a free 35c can of Silverware Polish v, i:i purchase of $1.00 or more. Ltd. wi hi ii. i ii 1 in iw i mmm FOR HER PE ARLS only a few Strand of inric n; pearla. 21 and 86 Inch sii ' fct tly matched aBd beau'.: . ed. Former hj Mid up t ' parked in handaomely lif N": S1.50 JKorouKbreds snwaawaTTTi Third Avenue Prince Rupert Like the thoroughbreds they are, SilvertowTij shgw unmistakable marks of "breeding" and car owners everywhere know that the goodness goes all the way through. The Goodrich record of 57 years of domination in the Rubber industry is your assurance of super-value in Silvertowns. Mat! by Canadian CWrk)i Company at K(Uhenr,'Onfcu&, fWihfirich ilvertown Cord Tires rfnil mint CostMJipre mm j n'M'jmnrsnr