I at ordir. August 9, 1928 JgL Records That's My Weakness Now f ex Trot Nat- Shllkret and the Victor Orchestra Tseal 1i Trot 0r Gene Austin Ceorfce Oltefi and lii Music Jesse Crawienl 21497 Constantinople Vocal. California 21477 Humming Birds Fox Trot ' Johnny Ilamp's 21511 Kentucky Serenaderi "Ramona" Wlti Paul Whlteman and lit Orchestra Vocal Gene Austin Vocal Dolores Itol Rio Get Out and Get Under the Moon ri Trot Nat. Shllkret and tlvc Victor Orchestra Just Like A Melody Out of the Sky 21214 21334 4S3 21432 21454 21452 21461 You're A Real Sweetheart ftano Harry Thomas 216521 Titter Talking If , 2J vl Canada. i..t. i-.. r!a II I fi- 1 v zM . 11 Limited Specials! Specials ! Vacuum IJittlcs 50c Hair Clippers 75c Modcss 50c, 8 for $1.10 Face Powder 25c I It sJ .A fresh shipment PAG 12 & SHAWS CHOCOLATES Just in Otm.es Ltd-. K;twM kfTLH ITOMAC "V III B.M 10WELI 7ic Pioneer Drtifrisls THIRD AVE. t-SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8?,200 HEALTH FOLLOW WWrtKTKCMMCTS naivn on snwu HVU IN Dmisn at TNtrommiMoiuQi tm iV 7 MM Aim ?KUt Phone Green ll or Mack 283 W. C. ASPINALL CHIUOPHACTOK IhumSN 0 and 7 li"lin'! ,1,,ck 1,r,nC4! Hul)vrt' llC SPECIAL VALUE n i 250 Yurdjj , ;inIMtC?IlEE'yATIN Swiss Make, 8G inches wide, per-yard .... 1,75 Fraser & Payne Universal Trading Co. i BBBBsaaSBSBejaSSBaaSSSSBassBBSBSaWa-S-BBMSJHV- T- - - M SUMMER COMPLAINT CAUSES MANY DEATHS AMONG INFANTS Thousands of mothers throughout Canada have used daring the past 80 years it has been on the markcL and their child's life no doubt saved by ita timely utte. lnce. hOv. a bottle at au arucirita or dealers: put up only by The T. Mil burn Co, Limited, Toronto, OnL Mrs. J. Russell and her daughter Pa tricia l!t on yesterday morning' Wain for tbe cast, where they will spend a month's holiday. K. H. Grtmsgaard. general agent of the Montreal Life Insurance Company Is visiting the city for a couple of months in oonnection with the loqal antney. Bev. T. Isberwood. professor of prac tlcal theology In Wycllffe Anglican Col lage. Toronto, arrived in tbe city on the Princess Allot yesterday afternoon following a trip to tht Yukon and Northern British Columbia and proceed- ed East on this morning's train. Prof Ihherwood is making a tour of the west in the courw of which he plane -o visit personally all graduatea of Wy- liffe College in the country. Be spoke In St. Andrew's Cathedral here a few weeks ago when he was bound north. High Low High Low FKIIMY XOTlrE To whom it may concern: Take notioe that M. Campbell of 8 Cove, will not be responsible for any frbt contracted affor this date by any person other than himself. Signed) M. CAMPBELL. !M address: Cove P.O PRINCE KITPERT TIDES THI RIMY. Area ht 7 :4fl a m. 16S ft 1 52 pm. IftJ - 1 14 an. " 18:52 p a. 19 M " . Al l T ! 9 -OS a.m. 15 7 ft 21:01 pm 19.6 " 2 12 a.m. 5 8 " I 31 y m 8.6 " miriraaaaMaaiHBvarTMKTna ORANGES Small size, Hvet and juicy, Sp? t-iul, 3 dozen 8."f Hft-kist -H'liiiy. thf best the bee produ-e. in 2 1-2 lb tins. SH?oiul per tin HEINZ COMBINATION SPECIAL 1 tin He.'nz Tomato Soup, mall. value 12 1-2 1 1 tin Helm Pork and Bean small, value 12 l-2t 1 tin Heinz Spaghetti, small value 16c 1 bottle Heinx CuU up, value 35c 1 bottle Heint Vinejrar, Malt, White or Cider, value 90c fl.OS value for $1.05 lOf . . CANNED FRUIT COMMNATIQN SPECIAL 1 ti Libbys Bartlett Pears, U value 25c 1 tin Kosedale Royal Anne Cherries, Is, value 2Se 1 tin' Nabob Apricots, 2s value 30c 1 tin Libby's Sliced Peaches. 2a, value 26c $1.05 value for ,. OOr CANNED VEGETABLE COMI5LN ATION SPECIAL 1 tin Quaker Peas, value 17 l-2c 1 tin Quaker Corn, value 17 l-2c 1 tin Quaker Green Beans value 20c 2 tins Nabob Tomatoes, value 80c 1 tin Libby's Kraut, value . . 20c .$1.0.! $1.06 value for UOf Classic Cleanser, a real cleaner for all cleaaing and scouring-purposes. Special, 3 tins . . -."r Fels Naptha Soap, special, 3 bars loo Ivory Soap, special, 5 bars . . 46 Cukes, Hothouse, each 10f Tomatoes, No. 1 Hothouse, per lb 20 Tomatoes, Field, ier lb ljr (ireen Corn, each A wide variety of Fresh Fruits nrriviny every boat. Malaga Grapes expectd on Friday. .- A full Um iii' r'rinh iV-1 in season Quality riht Prices riKht. Vatfs' Grocery Shop here and wave money. Phone " Phone 5G THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Local and Personal! . ... IV National Tt trip to MIX - 3J8Tma SnUtfiefa ana I 4, a Taxi Phone 4. lUg 4 Taxi. tt Uentwt Dt J. B. Ooase Phone 688. Erlck Bye. world known tenor, sings at WesthoUne Theatre Friday, August 17. ager of Canadian is on a business Terrace. This afteqjfcioafe train, due from th East at SCtf V reported this morning to' Ae tbtety jnlnutes late, arriving at lam Jsbour returned to the city on last evening's train from a business trip to Hazelton and other points in tbe interior. MOOSE WWst Drive Dance TONIOHT a. A. Woodland manager of the lo cal brancb i the InperUl Oil Oo re turned to ttv city on the Prince Chart ee this morning XKm a briei trip to Btew art. Miss M. J. Stewart, RH-. who has been on the nurstnf staff of the Abjw Hospital. U a passenger aboard tbe Prince Charts itoy bound lor Vsn- cuvar. J. M. Buffrier, MttnlBent Atlin min ing man, mi Mrs. RBffner were pass engers aboard the Princess Alice yes terday afteraooa gotsg through to Vaa oouver. Now then folul What about that tfcublc load of box cutting? The kiddles Uka to handle IV .Can you beat it at M.oO per Phone &B0. load? ilyde transfer, "tf Bros, with the 67 taxi business will b moving wttkan tbe next day or so into their fuse ew premises on Sec ond Avamie fust west of the corner oi B lath Street. Mr. and Mra. 3. WaisM and returned to tba city on the Prince Charles this mornteg after making the rouod trip to Stewart. Anjox and Mas-sett Inset points. Par quick sale all our furniture Houae for rant, immediate occupancy with preference to party pUMfeastag electric rang, blinds, linoleum, etc. J C. Oavigan. Phone tit. Staff Sergeant Alex McNeill, ne dlstrtssdetayhient of tai oUoc: js oaaa'Hsacm ?:-ifutedalaiJBlBBrlctiDsaTd jarntal powerboat PJfX. 2. iwm at couver. Jl staaaser Prince, Ohaftea. Oapt Mrlaaa, returned Jo part an time at 10:30 una morning rrom Stewart, ab-ycx and Massatt Inlet points and will l! at olocaT this afteraos for Van C.N. SS. freighter Canadian Rover, Capt. Joseph Flood, alter having spent tbe past tew days at the local dry dock having fish -oil carrying tanks m-i-tailed, sailed at 12:30 midnight last night for Vancouver. -NORWAY TODAY," the greatest film epic of any had, will be shown at Weatteline Theatre Friday, August IT. both matinee and evanteg. Erek Bye. world known tenor will stag old country songs to the aim. 183 E. ReW and Miss M. Reid, .laughters of the accounWLBt of the Lan- gars Ptablng et Packing on.it cannery at Mew Matsett. are passesccra aboard tbe Frist Ohaitss today boMnd tar Vanoaarear oa a holiday trip. Tba remains of the lata Mrs. D. bee death occurred ta trie Prince Kupert Oeneral Hossttal yesterday. ntomtng, will be forwarded Saturday evening on the steamer Prince Rupert to Vancouver where her burtal wtn take A. Millard tour party of ferty-ne per' from Btkffalo diseaharked this morning from the steamer Prince Cher-'e after having made the trip up from Vancouver and around to Stew-art, An vox and Maasett Inlet poants on the vessel sad pmossdsd Ess fey the isgu lar train. Majer Walter L. Camithers, divisional commander for the Salvation Army, ar arritwd In tbe city from Wraagell on the Princess Alios yesterday afternoon on one of his periodical v-lsMs to tMa dis trict. He will be here until the end of the wank and will be la Htaelten tar oa Sunday. - Prof. Wttfttd Sadler of the University hsf Brttkh Columbia, who is attached to tbe staff of the Prince Rupert Fish eries Kxpaimenlal Station tor ttv summer months, was the speaker before the Prince Rotary Rotary Club at its regular weekly luncheon in the Commodore Cafe today. President Offeree Rorle was -a There were 36 pa-wugers. all except two f whom were tourists, aboard the Alice yesterday afternoon go ing south after ssvIhk made the round trip to Alaska. The lollewtng tourists disembarked here to proceed this morning by train to Jasper Psrk where they will visit before proceeding south: Mrs. E M. Oower and Mr M. Street, Glare-mont, Csl.: Rev. T lslierwood. Toronto; G. P. Bauer and E P Bauer, Pittsburg, jud T. P. riaher, vn ouvsr. i " Just As The Twig Is Bent, CJ The Tree's Inclined" JELIEVING thai the individual thrift of our citizens is the backbone of Canada's prosperity, the Bank of Montreal does all in its power to encourage systematic saving on the part of youth. At all of our Branches we welcome itimSsm life the savings accounts of children. J d-?r7?K. Start such accounts for all the vfoto "Sfe. young people of your farnily and let' them early learn the earning power of money. BANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OF 860,000,000 D. C. PATERSON. Manager Prince Kupert Branch: I V r Flu m r I I FINAL 3 DAYS OF THIS Louvre Here arc the biggest bargains ever o Ladies' Kcady to Wear. Do not miss th in and sec for yourself the exception ing. ffcred in this part of the country in is opportunity. It will pay you to come al values offering at this Final Clcar- 50 Ladies Dresses in Flat Crepo and 6-1 Ladies' Silk Afternoon Dresses Georgette. Clearing at 5e95 Really handsome dresses of superior quaKty flat crepe in an assortment ; ' " of pleated and two piece, attractive- . ' ly finished. Colors of biege, rose 94 Ladies' Dresses, no two the same bJue navy in printed chiffons, Indian prints, Sizeg f rom lfJ to 42 clearing Georgettes in navy blue and back, gfc q p.- flat crepe. Clearing at . . 12.75 ' 50 Voile Dresses, sleeveless, fast 120 Ladies' Afternoon and Evening colors. Just the thing for wear. Clear-Dresses in all colors and sizes. Clear- intrat .. 89 QC ing at 19.75 J ' Al! Our Ensemble Suits must be All Our Summer Millinery in two cleared. Dress and long Coat groups. One clearing at 95C Clearing at One Clearing at 1.95 $9.75, 12.50 nd 17.75 SALE ENDS SATURDANlflftr U 1 i Third Avenue Ml w Prince Kupert, IJ. C. ' 'I1 .1 .-vi 11