1 August 9, 1823 imp rnssmrM'f' am Hisement Knot pub- t displayed by the t'ontrol Board or by Trnment of BritUh Columbia RED'S Transfer 'ear' experience in U ltMTlHE AND PIANO MOVING We Fell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND G HAVEL' Oar price, weights and measures are right. is our Service ' im and Sate Money and Time DY & NIGHT SERVICE Ihv Phone: 201. V-'ht I'hone: Red 317. DRY : BIRCH JV hPINB AND CEDAIt load $340 Lotid $640 ! s.uk 50c 'OAK I'KICES DOWN . . Peerless Egg $J10 ' .i Washed Nuts f 11.25 . So. ,t less Egg 12.00 " i Lump $13.00 M it her classes of coal HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. I'hnne 580 139 Second Ave. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage I'hone G8 CtrUge, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. f oal Sand and Gravel. w Specialize in I'iano and Furniture Moving. it l J : COAL Your choice LD.HON ( ASS1DV WEI- LINUTON TKLKWA y oMulklcy Hay and Groin. 1 111 ' f ti it Hood Ffour. I'liiine r8 Prince Rupert Feed Co. GYROS TO MAKE KETCHIKAN TRIP HIM. AWIST IN IMimnATION OK NKW I'M II AT E OF MONTH 1- 'tuali .trrnr- Joe Qreer sported at 'the regular monthly busfneis meeting of the Prince . uinri yro uiuo yewterdsy that iii:ikemi-m had been made tor the in. sunnrallon of a new Oyro Club at Ket-hin1i on August 31. Besides International and listrlct officer a well aa nwmbera of the club riom thl south ii being plunncct that oractlealiv alt PrmceRupert Oyro will :r,al the trip Ketchikan for tin- xc.islon. Tnev will ".ill for the north r, thr Primes Char-l.t. on the morninij of August 31, and ifturn to the cirv the next afternoon ' n the Princes Louise. The club pa ma vote of thenki to the Vancouver Piledrlvlng ii Contract-.'nf Co. which remitted aa a contribution to the playground an account ol 32 In Conner Hon with the buildine? of the Acre-poll Hill playground. ine matter of being repreaented at the dlatrtct Oyro convention in Vle-toiia next month wm. discussed and It wh decided that. In the event of a local delegate being unable to attend !: p:oxy of ' ! dub will be carried to the onven-.on by Eill Lumsden. a oirector of thr Vancouvei Oyro Club, vlio attended ni luncheon. The Incl-eoi ifrie was won by Jinx Jnck of Vancouver The original presi dent of the flub. Milton Gonzales, pre-alder over the luncheon In the absence of President L. W Waugh and all other paet-preeJd-nte. NELSON FAILS TO GET AIRPORT BUT IS TOLD SEAPLANE IS FEASIBLE WiiON. Aug. -'Helaon hat a won-c:.-ful opportunity to provide a seaplane av. but I'm .if raid an airport lor l":id machine la out of the question ' With I he if worda Squadron Leader A. L Cowley of the civil aviation board. Ottawa, blasted Nelran'a napes of nub-liehing a municipal air harbor He aaw roaalble altea selected by the board of trare'a committee on aviation with S C Wragge. a member of the committee. "Nelsons situation la the mountains hkh give It an undoubtedly beautiful etting. make an airport practically lm-jKSslble. Added to the difficulty of finding a larse enough Held to provide aafe takeoff and landing area, there la the added danger of wind currents which are always preatnt rn mountaln-- ua aerttena. ion establishing a seaplane harbor. It would be necessary to build aa airdrome and hangars. The lake afford a v. nderf ul opportunity to establish seaplane base, but there's too much mountain to make an aliport feasible." SPORT CHAT 8PORT After a good early awtaon atari during which the aoldlcra' team, still intact, played brilliant soccer and cop-psd off one pises of silverware, the Regiment now ascms to have fallen to pHeef tot the Isagus football competl-:on due, no doubt, to the weakening of Its ranks by Injury and otherwise. The first bad Mow was the injury to Freak RusaeD who was out of the gams for stoat a ssonth and. though back now. haa not been up to his old rtellar form, though doing well. The rare new seems to be centred between Die Orand Terminal and the Thistle i.ith the former, to date, having the i d vantage . These two elevena will meet a gain tomorrow night and it five promise of being s rattling good game. If Ben Self pretties can win this match, they wlli practically have cinched the Mobley Cup. The Yankee may last baseball games. but "Muiderciii- Bow" seem to get tougher and tougher. While Miller Hug-jlna and hl men uffered the worst. etk of their season last week, their bate were more astive than ever, unofficial averages for the week up to sad nHumnir last Wednesday Indicate, as the declined four of their eegbt. Uw Yanks averaged .831 aa a team in batt-lng. averaged almost eight runs to a m. and their hits totalled 117 oases. On defence they committed an error ach same on the average, and eaecut- ed nine double plays record that almost any team In ths circuit would be Klsd to have. It waa eeoasor Oonss" Ooslin who topped the Indi vidual bottlnK race The "OoosS In creased hl average irom .3W tp sw during the Thr ," ac1 ihelr averauw.: O s'ln Witshlngton. .awe. Eimmcn. Ph.lad. iphla 373; Oehrlg. Nw York. 359: Ui-ri. New York. .358: Fox. Philadelphia 3S4: Matiush. 8t. letUjityurt. at " 'brW; J7. iiiul Mytr. Boston. ,S3S. k .O OPRNH KXIIIIH1ION YAJKXWVKH, Aug The exhibition was OBsnsd beie yesterday sften by Dr. . r Totmie. of the MM C J Yflrsth. presldrut West Utilities Ltd of Calgary. had ecnfeeesMS with the city council yester- loci P dnv on She matter said thla a.'Mordle a.'tuaUon but May... momlajk that Uu-n- ao Matement U, . orul. make following that meeting. this afternoon cimvle, will sail by 'he Prlnfe on hi return sou"1' V ESSE THE DAILY NEWS PACE FIVE Just a brief word if it can be brought home to you in plain words. See where the linos point; from the NOW to the vote schedule of the first period and the diminishing scale throughout the final three periods. Follow tbc lino and read its message. I Schedule of Votes and Subscription Price of The Prince Rupert Daily News FIRST PERIOD Up to and Including August SO, the following number of votes wlU be issued on sub scriptions: No. Uy Yrs. Carrier Second period Psom at Una! nuriKer susd No. . August ai to waive, the r of votes win on subesrtptionit y oy Avail votes Yin., dirtier Mull votes 1 500 SOO 13 000 t tadO $ 3.00 a.0M 3 10.00 Q.OO 30.000 2 a 10.0. (XI 34,090 S 1S.0 0.00 78.000 3 JAiSfc il.O" SO.0O0 0 mmWS 18-00 360.000 6 $0QWr 3QQ .090 4 .600 5 300.000 6 The above schedule of votes which Is on decllntne basis, post announcement). A special vote credit good fur 100,(iX n m votea may os composed or small or large atiurtints tounim eio.uo campaign and la to be considered part' of the regular iieduls. advance payment itmugh any one candidate 10.000 rxira votes will be given for each year of a nKW sub will be given for each year of a NEW subscription tun ni Ufdur year of a NEW subscription turned in during tlx Mm i period, in during the Inst period The Kibvrription price of The New outlde of Not: hern and and the United States: to all other countries the prn-' la 17.50 THIRD PERIOD August Rom September 1 to Sep-'ilosring tember 7 inclusive, the foilow-b Is Ins; number of votes will be issued on aunscripuona Mo. By By Yrs, Carrier. . Mail t s.UOf 3 i 10 ( 3 V 151 30 ( FOURTH PERIOD The last terminating period period 14, 14, tb the Septeabef follow! number of votes wlU sued on aabscriptlona M be fc- No. By By Votea Yra. Carrier Mall Votes 6.000 1 t 6 0U 1 S OO 1.000 MUXM 2 10 00 6 00 15.000 graUU 15 00 BOO 30.600 Mj3M 30 00 12.00 00000 0H&F-5 25O0 1500 100.000 Sffitfj r 30 00 18.00 176,000 .veiy will not btTOBrfFdUiIng the competition. (See opening a.. ii tw iMiii.fi mi Mrv -cum oi aiti.uu turned in. ine ciuv wurih. Thla arVanzcinetit wlU be In effect throughout the entire No KUbftorrS4sttl be aoocpted tor more than all years la r.n,.ti.,n turned in riui-itie Um first neMod: 30.000 extra Votes ing the second period; 10.000 e litre voles will be given for sseta liut NO extra voWh wn w given hit nam suoKiripMuua taimu Ontrsl DC, is 6 00 per year In all parts of the nrltlsh Umpire per year. Night Promptly at 9 o'clock Saturday night, August 11, Opportunity Week which represents the first, last and only vote bonus offer of the entire campaign ends forever. What you accomplish by that time (9 o'clock Saturday night) can mean a great deal towards winning the prize you have set your heart on. Remember, you can take subscripttuns to start at a later dale and by turning every possible subscription in by 9 o'clock Saturday night of this week, you will secure more votes than you will at any other time in the Campaign. You should work hard now to win. . . The extra vote offer of "Opportunity Week" is for both old and new candidates. No candidates will be permitted to enter The Daily News office after 9 o'clock, Saturday night, August 11, for the pur-pone of turning in subscriptions to apply on the big votes of OPPORTUNITY WEEK. All candidates in the office by that time however, will be waited on and their subscriptions will count on the big vote. ANY subscriptions mailed in ANY postoffice ANYWHERE which are postmarked not later than 12 pan. (midnight), Saturday, August 11, will also count on the bonus votes in effect this week only, even though they do not reach this office until Monday or even later Those candidates who live in towns where the mail is not postmarked frequently will be given "Opportunity Week " votes on all subscriptions postmarked for the first mail after midnight next Saturday. Every candidate should nuke his week the BIG WEEK in their campaign. The first, last and only vote bonus offer of the entire campaign is in effect until Saturday night only. Every subscription you' get this week will count you many more votes than it will at any later date in the campaign. You must work now to win. 'Campaign headquarters located on the second floor of The News Building. 248 Third Avenue are open each day from 9 a.m. until 8 p.m. (Saturday of this week until 9 pm. ) Come in today or this evening and receive full particulars. YOU CAN WIN BIG. ENTEIl NOW. Phone 51. Opportunity Week "Rul Number 18 from the Rules and Regulations a published at the beginning of the campaign reada aa follows: "The week of August 6 to 11, both inclusive, will be known as opportunity week. During this time there will be a vote bonus )fj4one hundred thousan extra votes for every 4 renewal subscriptions of not less than one year each ; two hundred thousand extra votes for every four new subscriptions of not less than one year each and three hundred thousand extra Votes' for each six-year subscription, either new or renewal, but ouly four, six-year subscription.' can be turned in by any one candidate to apply on extra offer." Up Until 9 O'clock Saturday Night, AUGUST llth Fdyr 6-year Subscriptions and Four 1-year Subscriptions WOULD COUNT I; 3,688,000 Votes For Any Candidate If they are from NEW subscribers you would receive 4,628,000 Votes i You Must Work Now to Win Big With today's publication the Free Voting Coupon js reduced, in value, to 75 votes. This coupon, which has appeared in The Daily News practically every day since the campaign was announced has up to today, been good for 100 Free Votes. The reduction in the voting value of the Free Voting Coupon is in line with The Daily News', plan of DECREASING the voting value of both coupons and subscriptions as the campaign progresses and is just the opposite of the old time, antiquated INCREASING rote schedule plan. To the "Coupon Chasers" those candidates who have turned in nothing but Free, Voting coupons the reduction in the coupon today will seem like a real blow. But to the REAL canri rates those who realize they must secure subscriptions to win it will just serve as an extra reminder that the biggest vote schedule of the entire campaign is yet in effect, and that every subscription they secure NOW gives them so many more votes toward the big prises than if it is not secured and turned ia until later in the campaign-Elsewhere on this page is printed a copy of the vote'sbdule in The Daily News' campaign. Study it. Notice how the voting power o subscriptions ' decreases as the campaign progresses. Then get busy in earnest during the big first period, and especially this week while you , are receiving the EXTRA Yetes of "OPPORTUNITY WEEK" in addition to the present big vote schedule. NEVER AGAIN during this campaign will subscriptions count as many votes as they do right NOW. s the Time of the Very Biggest Vote Schedule Nomination Illnnk in The Prince Rupert Daily News "Everybody v Wins" Campaign. Good for 5,000 Votes I hereby enter and cast 6,000 votes for lliasvMn or Mrs as candidate in The Prince Rupert Daily News "Everybody Wins l'riitlsirUxitlon. AddrftM PiXHtt Note-T-Only one nomination blank will be credited to each candidate . Nominated. You are not confined to Your Own District, Neighborhood or Town to secure votes or Subscriptions, but ; YOU MAY SECURE VOTES AND SUBSCRIPTIONS ANY PLACE Regardless of Which District qu Liyoin CAMPAIGN IIBADQUAltTKItS WlU. REMAIN OliEN UNTIL 9 o'clock Saturday Night 31 iff