ondajr. Ausust 6, 1928 Specials ! Vacuum Battles . . . Hair Clippers"- Sri Ay cnuc eat VI (SELVItt DUOS.) ecmls MILEAGE IS BUILT into etiy part of Dominion Heavy NtTvii-e Tires. Ribbed wail i-oimf ruction is designed to miiirmi-u tho we:ir and side-i uffi!.:.' of the tire-walls where Hkt'y conn- in contact with curb or rut. We Lave jid'lcfl to our staff of trainH rtwhariie und arc now in " better position to give niotorthts prompt and efficient fi-rvire. Sec U For New and Used Cars S. E. PARKER, LIMITED ar MEAT. Piail, YEKETAHLES ALL KINDS 014 NOltWUfilAN lWWl nt Inn, A,t... Inmltiilii il.iliverv ket ! .... 50c 75c Modcss 5Qc, 3 for $1.10 Face Powder 3&lXlttA. ifi. . 25c : A fresh ahiffrncnt PAGE & SHAW'S CHOCOLATES Just in "Sa srw M1 H3 BSMfflC- H M tat Pioneer Drugei'sts Ttimn AVF CIVTH T TFifdhowfc BOronn FREE VOTINCJ COUPON Good for 100 Votes In the Daily News "Everybody Wins" (J rand Prize Campaign I hertby cast 100 FREE VOTES to the credit of )iis, Mr. or Mm Address V Thin coupon, NEATLY CLIPPED OUT, name and address oi the candidate filled in, and hailed or delivered to the lumpixiKn Department of the Prince Rupert Daily News, will count as 100 FREE VOTES. It does not cost anything to a-r these coupons for ur favorite candidate, and you are not restricted in any sense in voting them. Get all yott 'a : and send them in--trey all count. Dt ?;it roll or fold; deliver in flit package. OTF. This coupon must be .voted on or before 8 pm. Ajg ! 15. 1028. CANADIAN HZTCl B.C.GoasI Sleamship Services ),iiiwt C D O. i- oaiungs lrum 1 uutc iupcii ts KcMilkan. IVrangrll. and skagnay AugaM 3. 0, li IS. IT. 0, t7, SI. Is Vancnutrr. tlilorlu ami sttWe--Aiigul I. 4. H. II. 13. IS, St. tS. PIUNC 'KM ROYAL lor liutfriiu r-a.t li.lla llrlLi. Ocean Kails. Namu. Alert Hay. . lamiilxll Kltrr and Vaurutivrf every Friday. It pjn. ltiry fur all Mrawlilp line. FH information from V. V. OSCIItKli, tieneral Ageal. turner of 41 li htrrtt and 3rd .tvrmie. i-riner Kiiprri. n.u. City I Phone 31 DEFECTIVE VISION. DEFECTIVE IIEAK INC, CATAHIUl and other orynnic troubles by natural methods. Dr. C. 0. McKAY, D.C. Wallace lilock. Phone 131. Open EvcnliiKs M ta iff Phone 7C3 ..v pAVV, "I'll .MVV'M Oliseno! All articles are of -suiasiHor nuality fcnd nbsolunely ' ' '' "freshi 1 UNION tpamqmipc; limited for vuo, Halllnm from Prliiee Hupert. , etc. Ti.0LV,:K' Vicrouft, bwanson Hay. lUilrdsle. Alert iwy. ! v,mllr,t- 'vil'TimiA. Hitlr.ll. Alert lley. f(c. BMUrtar. 7 a.m. r Allfi !J!MJ'M,N' nn, NAAM Mlvl.lt POINTH. Prlrt). ,.,..miv MMISO.N. ' f,,,UBT. i n n i ANYOX, MTKWAIIT, WAI.Et' ISLAM). PORT a. tl.lii Th?nAn.V' ' SMITH. Aseni. Prlm-e B I ''' ": h,n;,.l .llfKns 1J to Vktsfla anil Scslllr. nml l.iictH'' '''' Local and Personal 4 a Toxl Phone i Ills 4 Taxi. Dentist. Dr. J. It. Owe Phone Canadian Legion Executive ' meeting tonight at 8 o'clock. Miss Ruth HUchey returned to city from Vancouver on the CtUlt 11 evening. Mr. P. Erochu returned to the city :n the Oatala last evening from a trip to Vancouver. Qordon BaBen'tlne of Vancouver has arrived ttom tbe aouth and will be in the city tut several months. Mr. Joe Ratchford returned to the city on Saturday afternoon's train from a brief trip to the interior. Mlaa .V Deacon of Port Simpson, who Has been on a trip Bast, was a paascn gr a boaM the Cataiola last evening. Harold James Jennings of Vander hoof baa been appointed registrar for vital statistics In place of H. 11. Man- eell. . R. E. Allen, district forester, returned to the city on Saturday afternoon' train from a brief trip to Terrace on official, duties. Mrs. George Horle, who luu, been spending the rt few weeks holidaying In tbe south, returned Irom Vancouver on the Catala last evening. William Ware of tbe Hudson's Bay Oo.'s fur department arrived in the city from tbe SUcklne River on the Princess Charlotte Saturday afternoon. lira. R. H. Leigh ton. who has been 'pending several months on a holiday visit in Winnipeg, returned to tbe city from the East on Saturday afternoon's bain. Mow then folks I What about that double load of box cuttings? The kiddle like to handle If Can you beat it at ttM per load? Hyde transfer Phone 580. u A. R. Holtby. superintendent of tbe B, and B. department of tbe Canadian National Railays. returned to the city on Saturday afternoon's train from a trip to tbe Interior on official duties. Miss Winnie DIM). RJI., returned to the city on tbe Prince Oeorge Saturday night after spending a week at Hyder on nursing duty and will go south this week to spend a month's holiday m Vancouver. With s citpaclty list of well over twe hundred tourist pussenKers C. P. It. steamer Princess Ixiulse. Capt. Arthur SlaWr. arrived In rt at 7 o'clock this morning from the Mouth and Killed at 9:30 for Alaska points. W R L.ndsiy. assistant manager lur the Orsnliy Co t Anyox. und Mrs. Lindsay and family were paejenrr aboard the Oatala last evening rrturn-ing to the smelter town after havini: spent the pnst few we:ks hulldsying In the aouth. Mrs. Oeorge tellan arrived in the city on Saturday afternoon's train from Jasper Park to take up residence here, Mr. Setlars. formerly of thts city and Ar yox and until a few wreaks ago at Jasper. Is aow Identified with the ftrm of P. O. Dawson Ltd. here. J. O. Ho will, mining engineer reprt- enting Ciugary capitalists, arrived in the city on the Prince Oeorge Satur day evulng from Skwart after spend ing a week looking over properties hi the Salmon River Valley and proceeded by this morning's train to Kltauaika Itun Lake where he has a party in the field. Aboard tbe OiJl. steamer PTlncsm Charlotte. Oast. C. C. Salatey wane) called from g to SAO Saturday after bound aouth from Skagway to Vanosuver, vera SSf, pmmxm. most Of whom were round-trip tourists. John de Bovle of Bennett and De Angel Is tlncenoa of Carcroaa were tbe only pas sengers dioswtlng here. With a full passenger list consisting rincipally of tourists. CNJt. steamer "rlnos Charles, Capt. Nell McLean, ar rived in port on time at 10 SO this morning from Vancouver and wUl sail tt 4 o'clcck this afternoon for Stewart, Aayox and Massett Inlet points, returning here at 10:30 Thursday mom- ng and sailing south at 4 that after noon. Onion steamer Catala. Cnpt. E. A. Dickson, arrived in port at o'clock last evening from tlx) south and sailed at 8 pm. for An yox, Stewart and other northern points of call. Passengers on tl-o vrcl included Mr. Kellnr, C. G Stlmns.m. Mrs. P. Brcohu. Mr. and Mm. Milne Mrs Munn. C. Parki-r. W. McLean. O. H. Talt. Mlrx Marshall. Dr Johnscn. Mrs, H R. Smith. Mr. and M'm .1. Hartley and Mr. L.u.yoii, louud u.p. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE iMililitl! ' palatable way to take lleast Cj Soak a cake of Royal Yeast with a little sugar in a quarter of a glass of tepid water over night. Stir well, strain and drink the liquid. Many-people prefer to take ' it in orange juice. ROYAL YEAST CAKES OPPOKTl'MTY WEEK Opportunity Week, which starts today In The Prince Rupert Dally News' campaign, means Just that a week In which you may, with a little efltort, gain the position This offer is good untu Satur- day night, August 11, t 9 In the vote stawWwg you desire. o'clock, and will not be repeated extended or dupUeeted at any tunc during the campaign. You should see the Campaign Mana- ger In The Dairy News office lm- mediately to receive full de- tails. Fbone 534. Mrs. Mary Reid wtlt sail by tbe Catala tomorrow alternood on a holiday trip to Vancouver. Horns ft. Beniaehka. well known Al ion Am mining man. anesjdj the week rna in town on Business. James Calvin, who has been prospect mg in this vicinity, sailed last night ,y the Catala for Alice Arm. Sout'icound from tbe Naas River. Un ion !r lnter Cbilkeot. Capt. John Mulr. is due In port tomorrow enroute to Vancouver. Mrs. J. S. Black will sail by the rlr.ee Charles this afternoon to make :hf round trip to Stewart, An yox and Massett Inlet. John M. Morrison arrived In the city 3a'.uraay evening on tbe Prince Oeorge (rum Alice Arm. being here for a few days on business. Q. B. Oullek, manager, of the Swift. Canadian Co, returned to tbe etty on yesterday srteniaga'a train; from a brief business trip up the line. MstsswiirMniMn and Svetrn Dalby returned to the elty on yeaterday after- aeon's train after bavin; spent the week-end at Pott Braingtea. Charles O SAimpson. gceml mana let of tho Baiter Pole Co, arrived in the elty from Vancouver on the Oatala last evening and will proceed by the Prince Charles this afternoon to the ompanyl- operations In Mascett Inlet. ' " Mr. and J. A. Brown and daughter. Miss Ida Drown, of Port Esslngton. spent the week-end in town. Mr. Brown, who was hurt in a gaeboat explosion several months ago. 1 am practically recovered, having but to Use a sane to get around. Creek district on official duties. 11. A. Heywood. manuring director of th Toraiuius Muws i id.. iat Stewart. Mrs J. W. Bastwood, MM Roto Mftttiuw.ad.,:in the city from tho. north. on cliey and Mrs. OeorRlSJa, for Jrlse nupert: N. McQueen. Mr. MeAdsms,'J. Armstrong. Mrs. H. A. Heywood, 'Dou glas Potts. W. H. Carver. J. OarraUon. and Mrs. D. J. Mctan, for Stewart: W. Moffatt, Mrs. Pamlln. Mr. and Mrs. W. B, Lindsay and family. Mrs. R. Roberts and R. Brantley, for An yox; Miss A. Deacon, for Port Simpson; H. Y. laana. for Arrandale: Oeorge Palmer, for Alice Arm: J O Woods, Mlas M. CNJt. steamer Prince Rupert, Cant D. Donald, laden with toufUt passengers returned to port at 10 30 i,hls morning rrom augway. wraniraii, Juneau and Ke ten lk an and will sail this afternoon t 4 o'clock for Ocean Palls, Powell River and Vancouver. wji. raioot, aausmni district en gineer for the provincial department of public works, arrived in tbe elty from An yox on the Prince (ieorge Saturday veiling and sailed this morning on the Princess Louise for the Telegraph a Pnnce Oeorgw SBiun4aj.ievroliig' to atwtt, Mrs, Heywood wlio arrived from Vancouver on tile Cat ia last evening nad with whom he it" irned to Stewart. A. D. Watt, divisional master mechanic for the Canadian National Railways spent the week-end in town. He came In on the Sierra Cluh of California's special train Saturday afternoon and Hnttrr. Mis M Kerber. Miss Thomas, turned Prince fn to Cleow on the Stand und Mr. R. J. iird rd Tt;ur Tt;ur and and Travel Travel Bluvau's arjerlal ytnimday moruiii. This afternoon' train, due ,from the East at 3:30, was reported this morning ' to be on time. " ' Mrs. H. Roden Smith, who has been on a holiday trip south, returned to the city from Vancouver orf the Catala last evening. Mrs. J. Watson and daughter will sail by the Prince Charles this afternoon to. make the round trip to Stewart, An- . -w I .11 l.-.-miijfl ;lf urn PTed-Pyle and Joe Brown will sail bf the' Prince Charles this afternoon to make the round trip to Stewart, An-yox and Masse tt Inlet. Mist Allda Johnson of the local telephone exchange returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a holiday trip to Alaska. This being holiday month there was no meeting of the Prince Kupert Ministerial Association this morning. The next meeting will be In September. Oeorge Martin, son of Louis Martin, manager of the Central Hotel, arrived in the city at the end or the week from Quebec and may locate here. Miss Agce Saunders of tbe Rose, Cowan tc Latta printing thop staff Bail ed Saturday evening by tbe .Prince Oeorge for a holiday trip to Vancouver. W. D. Smith of tbe C.N.R. electrical department returned to tbe elty on yesterday afternoon's train from Smith-ers where be has been on company Frank Waterhouse freighter Baathoun. Capt. aronlund, called in port yesterday and loaded Osb meal at the plant of the Rupert Marine Products Ltd, tot' Vancouver. Mrs. D. C. Paterseo sailed Saturday evening on the Prince Ccorae tor Vancouver and Victoria enroutc to Duncan. Vancouver Istaad. where she will visit her mother. The auxiliary sailing yacht Sinatoa was In port Saturday, leaving yesterday for the south, this being tbe farthest north point of her trip. L. E. Hanchett ber owner was aboard. Mr. arid Mr. J. W. Eastwood of Dig-by Island, who have been spending a holiday in Vancouver and Victoria, returned to the City from the south on the Catala last evening. Passengers sailing for tbe north on the north on tbe Prlnossjs Louise this morning included Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Brest and Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Creigh-ton for Skagwmy and W. A. Talbot for Wragell. Mn. John Walker, wise of the chief steward of the steamer Prince Charles arrived to the. elty from Vancouver on the Charles this morning, accompanied by her young child, and will take up residence here for the next few weeks, The rock blasting in connection with the salvaging of the Oaxaca was done by E. Rosang of this city, who return ed here at the week end. He says tbe salvage Job was done so well that lit tle pumping was necessary In refloating the vessel. Dr. II. L. Keenlayslde of Vancouver, who has been paying a brief visit In the elty. win sail hj the Prince Rupert this afternoon on fats return south. Mrs Kcenlyslde Is visiting here with her par rnts. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Puis bury Fourth Avenue West. Among the passengers sailing on tbe Prince Charles this afternoon to make 'he round trip to Stewart, Anyox and aseett Inlet points are Mrs. John Chris tiansen and Mrs. Nels Psderaan. wives respectively of the skippers of the lo cal halibut, boats Margatlcc and Ter- nen. WATER NOTICE Clearing Mreunui Take notice that E D. Judern. Limited whotc address la Terrace, D C. wui apply for a licence to use me waters oi Lskelse River near Terrace. "Clearing streams purpose namely, clearing uuo improving ine strewn ror ine driving booming, or rafting of Iocs. ine points on ine stream oeiween which it is prtposcd to clear are from mat point at wnicn baxeise itiver leave Lakelae Lake, to the mouth of tbe Lakeiae River. a a be s xa The estimated mileage between tbe aid points Is ten (10) miles more or less ine term proposed lor the lionise is 31 years. This notice was posted on the ground b ine i Bin aay o: juiy, ivjb. A ouy of this notice and an anpti- oaUon pursuant thereto and K the water Act" win be rued in the omce f the Water Recorder at Prince Ru pert, B. C. uojections to tne application may be filed with tbe vald Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C.. within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice In a local newspaper. is. u. j u doom, uiu.. Applicant. By E. D. Jitdaon. Agent. The petition ror approval oi unuer- taking and an application for approval of the Schedule of Tolls will be heard in the offloe of the Board of Investiga tion at a date to be fixed and any Interested person may file an objection thereto In the office of the Comptroller of the Water Recorder of tne Dis trict. HI Itf TlfE MATTER of an application for the Issue of a DupHoate oertincate or Title tor Lot nineteen hundred and eighty-three (1983), Range five (S). Coast District. 8atlxfa;torv nroof of the loss of the Certificate of Title covering the above lands having been produced to me. It Is my Intention to Issue. aftr the expiration of one month frrm the first publication hereof, a Duplicate Certificate of Title to the above land In the name of Jcel Plllsbury The original Certificate of Title Is dated the 1th Beptember. 1910 and is numbered 809R. Land RegUtry Office, rrlnoe Rupert, C aard Juiy. lure H F MacLEOD. SOI Rerlatrar of Titles, i DEMAND SXssnnntnnnVsnnntaata station Much has been said recentIysabputire-iforestatioiV' in B. C. The present forest is, the result of natural reforestation when the human hazard was not present to defeat nature. Natural re-stocking of cut over lands is now going on, as may be seen almost everywhere, and nature wi'l again re-establish the forests if only fire is kept out. Prevent YOU CAN HELP B. C. FOREST SERVICE "Rupert Brand" K ippers THE DAINTIEST UHEAKl'AST I'OOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Coli Storage' (a W- Prince Kuprrt. B.C. GOOD FOR 10,000 EXTRA VOTES First Subscription Coupon Accompanied by the nomination blank and your first subscription, this coupon will start you in the race for the magnificent Daily Newg gifts with the grand total of more than 25,000 votes. This coupon may be used only ogee and Is valid only when accompanied by a subscription remittance. Name of Subscriber Candidate Name Amount Enclosed .-. This coupon will count 10,000 extra votes when returned to the Campaign Manager at the campaign office of the Prince Rupert Daily News, together with the first subscription you obtain. It must be accompanied by the cash, and the subscription must be for a period of one year or longer. The 10,000 free votes are IN ADDITION to the number given on the subscription as per the regular vote schedule. Canadian National Largeft Railway, Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from PRINCE Itl'PERT for VANCOUVER. VICTOHIA. N RATTLE. MOMIAYS. - TliniSDAYH, 4.00 p.m.. SATl'UDAYS. 6.00 pin. For ANYOX and STEWART,. MONDAYS, HtlDAYS. 4.00 pin. Pur MASSETT INLET. MONDAYS. 4.00 pin. For SOUTH (Jl'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Fortnightly. For SKAOWAY, WEDNESDAYS, 4.00 pm. PASSENGER TRAINS EAYE PIUNCE RLTERT DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY at 11J0 a,m. for PRINCE OEOUdE. EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all point Eastern Canada, United states. AOENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. CITY TICKET OFFICE. St TIIIHI) AVE. PKINCE KCTERT. HEALTH FOLLOWS cmroniktic comers fRtJSUHt ON SPINAL tvtj iNDistAsnor TNCrOLLOWlNOO'CANS! 1 evii CASS HOST TummT aim MtAr iijjtgNM ijjtivw srAlv,l,ttAJ VLyy RuioNtrt SttL ioit K,M SVtOtunu unit Phone Green. 2 II or Ulack 283 Pbon Z6I W. C. ASPINAU, CHIROPRACTOR C and 7 Exchange Itlock, Prince Rupert, I1.C