Tlassified habit Ewyone reads the Classified Adi. If you lose, advertise for it. jf v m find, locate the owner. Whatever you need, advertise Tor It GET THE CLASSIFIED HAIIIT. W, v . XVIIi. No. 183 A . - v' '? - 1 p. r SWEDEN WINS 1500 METRES rtVWIANS l AL1FY IN OTHER EV t".TS TODAY INlACO,lATIC CONTENTS a ju the Olympic 1500 meirea 1 BrtSxsh domlnkw stipe aaary tn tack Minx cheaaptonshlp todaf. An eveato by a margin of two moti over .. iua of Australia, vuwar ottC-fteSA, with a. total of :nce Came aOcohd Garnet Ault seoceO on thtlr champsonships tn la made alith. Berg's time was held , si 4-. seconds, a new Oly- "rd. - Spencer of Mrmtreal was aon- iiilflera for the setBl-aoel h reset atrokr J' ...nips of Toronto came third ' " series of Uie springboard - thus qu!ifylng for netry NEW PRIMATE FOR CHURCH MltllllXtN Itt.MONS AMI IIISHOP! MILL ll.( ll)E ON UUUEIt IN SEP1 llMIIEIt irT-o. Aug. 6.-ArrhbUhop 8am- ; M)ii will retire as prUnate of h of England in Canada on - r in He will oonUnue as ' ituperfa land and chancellor : v-rally of Manitoba. "i'v tiie annhiahop. who is 76 .r. mad known his Intentions. " wiU be ohonen at a meeting H "w of Blshapa on September 39. '-a prtmatc for 30 yeara. ' anhbHrtops are mentioned as xucceasora, the arehblahop of New Waatmlnstor and SEA CADETS HOME AGAIN ritIITlll.E ANH ENJOVAUI.E TWO HEEKM IN CAMP AT MIA IVATiaNM LA$B 11 nd happy, twenty-five boys ' i'i nne Hupert Navy League? Sea ' ' "rp returned to town on Bat- ""tioon after having spent IU-' in camp at Shawatlana Lake ' " Mruck camp at 2:30 In the af- uid were home at 4:80. They iarge. during their absanee. ' ' Robert Blanre and Oeorie J. "wiaerly pettg '';? tip. '"! their iiome. hpata a J. E. ft nd lUt to BAKERY DYNAMITED bring SPOKANE YESTERDAY t n ... . 'jvane, Aug. 8 The plant of the ; Baking Oo , in the outlying Mtiion was dynamited yctter police ascribe Uie work to to' ,,! ""ublea. in the Dally New. It pays I candMatri aAd not by the candidates themsclvas. Neglretlng Oenuhie 0HrtnUy I made a check-up oa all Candida t today." said the circulation manager sa-turday night, "and I And S very small percentage of thofte whs have been nominated hare reported la with sub scriptions." In fact," he osntinoed. "Mm gift list in some respects vnoay is larger Mian the number of parsons who have reported with suhasrlpUoos. And this too. tn face of the fact that m each or tne districts the number of nominations la unusually small." In view of the tact that all you real ly need to proat in ttta aietrimuian is willingness to suggest to psofu mat ther save you their renewals or am rahecrtpttona tor The Dally News, and in view of the fact that anouia you fall to win a big gift for yourself you will be fully eatnpnsated for your effort with 10 per cent In cash of alt our collections on subucrtpUons, It would seem there are scorn m im neglecting a genuine opportunity. Nominations son. "I" The Dally News will pay you gther-. ouely for results even though you sell ua only an occasional hour oX a day. This is. first of all. a spare hour pro position Few there are, Indeed, wno could if they would, devote more than a part of their ume to this profitable, enjoyable, spare hour occupation. And H Is pleasant work, lou enjoy while doing It. You make new friends through the work. and new contracts No drudgery In connection with these dollars. You are your own "boss." too. Nomlnattotw are not closed, rsr nw It. This eampalgn Is only starting. candidates who There are many more have not accomplished anything than there are who have The oampalgn la K.-HW ...wir wav yet Certainly some candidates have not not stride yet. nmwtunitv Week life into their AtBrts today and ends rH Saturd.y ..Whl. August II. m,. Mm- 1mm now to Snturday night of this week Is. beyond question (continued on pt ,, the OAXACA IS ON HER WAY SOUTH PANAMA STEAM YACHT. IN TOW OF .HALV.tdi; KINO, OOlMi TO hEATTLE FOR REPAIR After having been ashore In Wmn-geil Narrow, a fhort distance south of Petersburg, for about a month. the fctcaaa yacht Oaiaca. owned ar.d com-manocd by Cap. O. Allan Hancock, Loa Angele" multimillionaire, was successfully refloated at the end of last week and Is now on the way to Seattle where she will be dry docked for repairs. Ot-floero of the steamer Oatala, arriving from the south last evening, reported .hat the bin salvage ateamer Salvage Knit, which earned out the Job of sat-ragtag the Oacaca and is towing her south, and her tow were at Butedale taking water yeaierday morning. The yacht, with a hlg hole amidships which was tamporarflf patched, was evident? thii ' Subscribe fr the Drlv Nw Both Districts Need Live People as Candidates for Daily News Free Gift Campaign Now Going On Here Both districts in the Prince Rupert Daily News Campaign are literally crying aloud for active candidates. For some reason very little progress has been made by most of those now entered in tne list of candidates. By far the greater number of candidates -whose names have been entered in The News' campaign are candidates in name only. As will be shown by the sew vote count which is printed In today's paper very few votes have as yet been east to the credit of any one candidate. In fact the biggest share of votes cast to date have been brougni In or sent In by Meads of the vartotw T.4- IIUITIMI LACKOSSK I'LAVLU HEAT WOMEN t.S. AMSTERDAM. August 8 The British lacrosse team today defeated John Hopkins Uulvetslty. representing United States, by a score of seven to six in the second of the Olympic lacrosse matches, v f JOEWRIGHTlS RACE WINNER TA K EM SIMILE SCU.L8 FROM ITALIAN IN FIRST HEAT AT AMSTERDAM TODAY . .AMSTERDAM, Aug. C Joe Wright of Toronto detailed llrriiaMMinl of Italy In Hie f I rt lirat of tixlaj'n slnglr M'Ulls and i out I nurd in Hie Olympic ruinM-tltloii. Tli' lime wn 7 minute, 19 3-3 nronil. At the lite Ihn Itullitn wa on the verge of rollupte. .. . Joe Wright and Jark Oiirst of Toronto Mere drfralrd by I lie (lerinan pair llowk and Vrrglit In the M-rond ellmlnatlun Uoiililm by two lengths. The AiihtIihii pulr without rox.iwaln ilrfruleil the Englloli pair O'llrlrn and Nlbot lij one length In a terrific nice.! THREE KILLED WHEN A TRAIN HITS AUTOMOBILE MONTREAL. Aug. 8. Three persons were klljed and three Injured whan the eaetbound C N.It. passenger train and automobile came together at a railway crossing at 6t. Basil. The dead are William Burrowi. 43; his wife. 40: hie brother Charles, 35. The injured are members of the Burrows family. Mete PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, MONDAY, AUGUST 6, 1028 r . 4- GERMANS CAM SECOND: Houben passes the baton to Kornig during the 400 naiires relay at Amsterdam yesterday. They beat the worlB record during recent trials in Berlin. City Collections Larger Than Last Year bj Taxes Partly Due to Large ,!.:. ifyjienf Made by Canadian National Ctly taxation collections for the month of July this year amounted to $100,705.02 as compared with $130,565.29 for the month in 1027 according to a statement issued this morning by D. J. Matheson, city treasurer. The final month before the ten per cent penalty date, there Is usually quite rush to pay taxes during July and the receipts this year are considered quite satisfactory. The treasurer further announced that the Canadian National Railways this year under agreement, had paid $78,586.00 in taxes as compared with $75,609.16 last year under the levy of fifty mills- U.S. WINNER NEW FISHERIES FIELD-TRACK PLANE COMING AT OLYMPIAD Gets 173 Points jn 22 Events While Finland Comes Second AMSTERDAM. Aur. 6 The Americans, chiefly lecause of their numbers totalled 173 points in 22 track and field events at the Olympiad while Finland stands second with 102. The unofficial final standing and points of other leading countries ghes Britain Id, Sweden II, Germany II, Canada 38, France 57, Japan 19, South Africa I I. and Ireland 10. Man Lai, Chinese, oa a charge of having opium smoking parapheualla In hla ponMBslbh, appeared In city police court this morn Inn before Magistrate McClymont and was remanded until VICKEKS VEDETTE, RECENTLY IlLILT IN MONTREAL. TO CARRY OUT PATROLS HERE A Vickers Vedette, a new type of observation flying boat built la Montreal for the Western Canada Airways Ltd.. will be flown north from Vancouver this week to augment the fisheries patrol service being carried on in this district. It will be piloted north by W. C. OUbert of Winnipeg. Meanwhile, the aerial patrol la now being carried on out of Bwsmon Bay aa the base with W. M. dimming, chief pilot of the Western Canada Airways Ltd., in charge. Within the next week or so the planes will be moved here to be based out of Prince Rupert for the remainder of the reason with one going to the Queen Oharlotte Islands. Major D. R. Columbia manager tor the Western Canada Airways Ltd., flew north from Vancouver last week and personally piloted a number of patrols. many came second. Britain thrd. and Prance fourth. The gruelling marathon was won by a leading Oanau!an. Cliff Bricker of Oalt. ' morrow. Ont. In tenth place. Plaza of Chill came ) second. The 28 miles 385 yards was fun in 3 hours 33 minutes and 57 seconds, less than 23 seconds short of the Olympic record. . 4. I1RITISII I. UIOK IS DENT ON ItF-Ol-ENINO IlEI-VriONs KPSMA a MONTREAL, Aug. 6 Immedl- ate re estsrltshroent of relations 4 with Russia would be one of the flprt acta of the Labor Party If It were ta return to power, de- 4 dared Ramaay Macdonald. form- er Labor prune minister of Brl- tain, In an Interview here follow- In his arrival from Quebec last night. 4 STOCK QUOTATIONS Noon Closing lrlrea Today on Vancouver I'.trhange (Courtesy ef 8. D. Johnson Cc Ltd. I The following quotations were bid 0d ked MacLaren. D SO.. British Aviators Rescued After They Had Jumped Overboard and Were Swimmivg Around Their Plane LISBON, Aug C Major Idzikowski and Major Kubal's. Polish aviators, who attempted a trans-Atlantic flight in a single-englnetl byiplane without .radio .equipment, wcrjsi rescued one hundred miles bff the northern ooa'st of Portugal on Saturdiyafternoon by the German steamer Samoa ijmd landed SuntlytittIeixop8, Portugal. A broken pipe line forced the flyers to descend to the water near the Samos after they had flown twenty-one hours of the forty-two it was estimated it would be required to reach New York. The airmen had located the Samoa and had dropped a message asking the steamer to stand by. The heavy machine struck ping after he had been taken aboard the water with such force that the the Samoa and cutting his forearm on wings smashed IdJkowekl and Kubala glaas. Both airmen plan to leave for Jumped overboard and were swimming around the wrerkHge when the steamer came up and rescued themBoth the av latere auatalnen i Juries, Kubala allp Parla on Wednesday. Mrs. J. M Smith aalled last evening on the Catala for An vox Argent Rufus, 34c, 2c. BayvWw. 8 He. 80. DO. Stiver, SlJSOf 81.55. Big Missouri, WHe., eotte. Dun well, 14c, 18c. Duthle. 81.03. 81.10. Oeorge Copper. 44.80, at 85. Oeorgla niter. 32 He 35c Olastar, 33c, 37c OAtosaea, $1.14. 81.16. Orandvlew. 30c, 40a, liMfteaeeece 13 a., 14c Indian. H- nil. Kootney Florence. 10a 10)e . L. ft L, lie. 13e. Lakevlew, 34c 4c. Lucky Jim. 31c. 31 He. Marmot Mttala. ISVic. 134,c, Marmot River Gold. 10a, iftVc . National liver. Ho,, 17o, . , . Noranda. (57.10. nil. . Pend-OrelUe. 411.35. 814.00. Porter Idaho. 83c. 83c. Premier. 83.48. 82.50. Ruth Hope, S9c 60c Silver Orwt, n He 11 He. BQvcrado, 80c, 85a. Terminus, all, lOo. Topley Richfield. S9 c. 60c Torlo. 3-. 83 50. Whitewater. 83.35, 13.00. WWodblne, 37Sc. 38c. Snowflake. 80c. 81c Boston Grill LARGE CAHAKKl Special Dinners Thursdays and Saturdays Dancing every Saturday night from 9 to IS. Dance Hall for Hire. Accomodation for Prlvae Parties Phone 457 Price Five Cents MP1C CHAMPS riTV ta v rm i urTirwie a df a ua v a ur a n nr i aqtvuad lanaatan Women Are Champions in Track and Field Events at the Olympiad with 34 Points United Slates Comes Second and Germany Third Followed by Poland and Sweden Respectively MsTERDAM, Autr. C.The first Olympic women's track and field , i ,'in.ship goes to Canada, whose girls captured the last two of . . -nts in a record breaking fashion. The final point brought ,'U. to :s.. Canadian athletes male and female captured four out ii eighteen events, competed in. Several seconds, thirds, fourths mid tenth went to them. Following is the standing of women rln several countries: Canada SI. United Stales, 28. Ocetnany. 33. ' Potaad. 10. BweOsa. 8. Five other . countrlea secured a few points. United Btstes held the lead In the men's track and Held with eight cham-plonshipe, five of them In fold event, while the British Bmptre with two victories wan by Oaaaaa, two by Ores Britain, one by Iretand. om by South Africa triumphed six time. AU these HAM. Aug. 6Arne Don of . woo "on the flat." and gives She h Canadian Girls Win Two Races on Final Day of Big Olympic Field Meet Canadian Men Were Disqualified in 400 Metre Itelayllace Because Hester Dropped the Baton Which Is Contrary to Rules. AMSTERDAM, Aug. 6. Canadian girls take squal honors with the ien from the Dominion in the track and field section of'the Ninth 'lympiad which concluded yesterday. A girl's relay team composed of Fanny Rosenfeld, Ethel Smith, anet Bell and Myrtle Cook of Toronto won the 400 metres relay ;nai yesterday in a new world's record time of 48 2-5 sec-jhds. U. S. ame second, Germany third and France fourth, Holland fifth and taly last Ethel Catherwood of Toronto, until a year ago a resident .of Saskatoon, broke the world's record ln -- - .men's running high jump with a leap of 5 feet 3 Inches. Thus the two vie-toiles of Percy Willisana In the hundred metres and two hundred metres sprints U balanced by the achievements of the i female contingent. I Canadians tn the men's 1600 metre AMERICA WINS LACROSSE GAME relay ran a great race but were placed I -- third. Just snatching the position from JOHN HOPKINS t MVEItslTY PLAYED the Swidlsh runners. United States M reitlOlt MATCH OVEK WEST- came first and Germany second, Britain fifth and France sixth. The time for the ; MINNTEK SALMON HELLIE.4 YESTERDAY winner was 3 minutes, 14 1-5 seconds,! a new world's record. i AMSTERDAM. Aug. cVJohn Hopkins In the 400metres relay the Dominion's university ol United 8.tates defeated NettJUvea were uaTtunately, die- Kew Westminster Salmon BeJHes of Ca- jOJuaUIWO. Her dropped tne fcaten in sda 8 to 3 tn the opening game of Olj-Jfcandiag It to Percy Williams which wa mpit herosse IllajWTh -Amerl-. suiiicktji w aisquaHiy ine learn, u cam won largely as a mult of their Wnilams had continued running, which superior physical condition. New West-be did not. in last 100 metres, be had j minster exhibited some superior stick a hopeless talk of trying to get even nck but th Salmon nnw .r. m. terms with his flying eompetltlors. The nMf run a3 thetr legs by the Hopkins race was woo by the United States team. ! .eam. forty thousand persons witness-which equalled the world's record. Oer- led the game. The Americans win play a gainst the picked English team In the second c,eire of the series today while Canada French Morrocean El Quail with the jjj England will meet in the finals to- BRITAIN WON ROWING RACE TOOK HONORS IN fOt'B MEN EVENT WHEN (iERMAN COXSWAIN COL-LA I'M: I WHILE LEiADINU. AMSTERDAM. Aug. 8. The race between Ocrman and OrtttsH fours without a coxswain fllnlshed sensationally today when the German stroke collapsed fifty metres from the finish when in a half-length lead. The British four moved right along and won. Wright and Quest of Canada have another chance in the doubles WOMAN MURDER LOS ANGELES MAN FOUND IIIIUM1 IN HOI SE WAS TAKEN IN CUSTODY IIY THE POLICE LOA ANGELES. Aug. S The victim apparently of a degenerate alayer Mra. Myrtle Melius. 41 years of age, wealthy and socially prominent, was found mur dered In her home late yesterday after- aeon. Pat Kelly, a euspect. was found hiding In a closet of the hdUse and was captured by the police. COMMANDER BEATTY IS DISMISSED FROM . CRUISER DAUNTLESS LONDON, Aug. 6 Lieut Commander T. N. B ratty has bcea dismissed from hla ship and reprimanded following conviction by navel court martial of giving the wrong course for the British cruiser Dauntless which grounded In Halifax Harbor on July 3. Beatty admitted the error butr contended that Thrum Cap' shoal was , Incorrectly chat ted. Advertise In the Dally News. JTJ 1 i.