) r PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS DlOhVllOh Fresh shipment of Peck Frean's Riscuits just Arrived IViftt PrJb U"tf HUes in f( tot 4 6 lbs. to t) lpll We have the loUwj&Z, varieties in stock. ,,. , .. Cheese, assorted Ginger Nut Assorted Creams Bonnie Scot Water, High Raked i Cream Horn P. F. Assorted Digestive Butter Puff Special Afternoon Imperial Tea, per tin 1 lbs. 80c MEAT DEPT. SPECIAL Rolled Pot Roast (young beef) l."e" Shoulder Itoast, (young beef ) 18e Small Keg Herring, per keg S 1.00 Mussailem Grocery CO. LTD. 117-123 5th Ave. East HAVE YOU TRIED? Our $ Leader in Silk M Hose A wonderful Hose in a nice range of colors. ES.WaDaceCo.IidL Phone 9. 3rd Ave. & Fulton OF Summer Loveliness SO DAINTY SO CHIC Lovely crepes and "printed silks, lace and plaited trimmings- ik Nobby" Bathing Suits with Skirts For Boys, Girls and Children PUKE JERSEY WOOL Regular $2.50 for fltl Montreal Importers J. II. Miller. Proprietor, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily.' EARLY DELIVERY . Throughout Ihe City. VALENTIN DAIRY m Telephone C57. YANKS HUMBLED BY WHITE SOX PIHUWnmiI ATHLETICS WAS Mi-A IX AMI AKE XOW Ht'T TIIIIEE AMI A-IIAM' GAMES FROM TOP NEW TQttK. Aug. 8 The New York Yankees, on Sunday were bumbled by um speed and courage or Young Ed Walsh and tbe Chicago White Sox. Fan ning nine men Including Ruth, Gehrig and Meusel, the big hitters. Walsh courageously pitched himself out of ev ry difficulty. 'Philadelphia Athletic on tinned their winning stride by beating Detroit and are now but thrce-and-'-half garnet from the Yankee strong-'old at the top. In the first game of a crucial series, It. Louis Cardinals stretched their National League lead to six-and-a-half games by beating the New York Giants. Yesterday's scores. (ittliHkiy Game) NATIONAL Chicago, -2; "Brooklyn, 5. St.' Louis, 6: New York, 4. Only game. .IMEIIICAX Philadelphia. Sr Detroit. 1. New York, 4; Chicago. 5. Boston, 3; St. Louis, 1. Washington-Cleveland, rain. COAST Mission. 9-11: Hollywood. 13-nil. Oakland, 12-1; Sacramento, 13-11. Seattle, 1-4; Portland 3-5. Los Angeles. 4-12; San Francisco, 6-4. ROTH DISTRICTS NEED LIVE PEOPLE AS CANDIDATES FOR DAILY NEWS FREE GIFT CAMPAIGN NOW GOING ON HERE (continued from page one) most Important time In the entire cam- campaign to participants, both present and prospective. The greatest rote offer of the rest of the entire campaign wll' be in force all of this week. It Is positively the only extra bonus vote offer which will be made during the campaign in this period. Those who arr T1MRER SALE X9237 Sealed Tenders wUl be received bl the Minister of Lands at Victoria, B.C. not later than noon on the 6th day jf August. 1928, for the purcha.se of Licence X9237. to cut S.OlS.000 F.BM of Spruce. Hemlock, and Oedar on an area adjoining Lot 1317, vicinity of dandapit. North end of Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Islands Lands District. Thirty (30) years will be allowed for removal oi uinoer. Further Dartlculars of the Chief For ttr, Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, ter. ranee Rupert. B.C. TLMRER SALE X7091 Sealed Tenders will be received by ute Minister oi unos at Victoria. B.C.. iiot later than noon on the 6th day 1 August. 1928, for the purchase of Lioenoe X7ii. to cut a.Bua.uuu r.iiM o! Spruce, Hemlock, and Oedar on an area adjoining north Boundaries of Lots J39 and 841. South Bay. Skldefate Inlet. Queen cnariotte islands Land mstnci Thirty (30) years wUl be allowed for removal oi iimoer. Further particulars of the Chief For ctAer, Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester. t. Prince Rupert, B.C. TIMRER SALE X9238 Sealed Tenders will be received by :he Mlnlater of Lands at Victoria, B.C., not later than noon on the 6th day of September, 1926, far the purchase of Licence X92S8. to out ItMQJOOO FJ3il. of Soruce. Hemlock, awl Cedar on aB irea adjoining the West boundary of o.i ji. aono p. in u vwnuy crxrae gate Lake. Moresby Island. Queen Char-otte Islands Land District. Thirty (301 years will be aUowed for removal oi timoer. Further particulars of the Chief For-sster. Victoria. B.C., or District Forester. 'er. Prince Rupert, B.C. IN PRORATE IN THE BVFKKME CtH'UT OF ItKITlSIl COLUMBIA In the Matter of the "Administration Act": and , In the Matter of the Estate of Peter McDonald. Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honor, F McB. Young, tbe 11th day or July, AD. 1928, I was appointed Ad ministrator of tbe estate of Peter McDonald, deceased, and aU parties hav ing claims against tne said estate are hereby reqi;lr?d to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 13th day of August, AD 1928, and all partien indebted to the estate are re quired to pay the amount of their indebtedneen to me lortnwiin. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Dated the 12th day of July. AD. 1928 Prince Rupert. B.C "Ilulld ILC." A Fine if Whipping Cream Mrs Camjbell Brady of Vancouver. B. C. writes with some earnestness about Pacific Milk beaten up Intf whipped cream '' ' "As a whipping cream, on Tnilt and other desserts, it is delicious," she writes,, "and the cost is small. It whips up lovely in a few minutes. We use Pacific Milk for all kinds of cooking, with pleasing re-ults." PACIFIC MILK Factories at AbbotKfvrd and Ijidnrr, II r. "Hulld n.c.M "IN MEMORY OF THOSE WHO DIED FOR JAPAN" : Comem-oration services for the Japanese Roldiers killed in the clash with southern Chinese troops at Tsihanfu were held in Tientsin, China. OITOKTUNITY WEEK Opportunity Week, which starts today In The Prince Rupert Dally Newt', campaign, means Just that week in which you may. with a little effort, gain the position In the vote standing you desire. 4 This o3er la gcod untu Satur- 4- day night, August 11, at 9 o'etock. and will not be repeated J- extended or duplicated at any fr time during the campaign. You should see the Campaign Mana- get la The Dairy News oSlce im- f mediately to receive full de- 4 tails. Phone S34. ' wise will avaU themselves of their opportunity this week, and will gatber in the harvest of votes during "Opportun- 'ty Week," which will absolutely and positively be the largest vote days of the remainder of the campaign. Live, earnest, energetic candidates subscription getters can enter now and WALK AWAY from the alow -going entries. Speed, pep, work, sntasorrpttons will wtn. You who are yet "considering.' start now. If you WILL go in to win YOU WILL WIN big. Work wUl wtn. Cara-mlgn headquarters are open untn 8 p. 3. to receive nominations, issue the froee working outfit and give information. No end of opportunity is provided you. You have simply to aeek to have. Call at The Daily News' office today, or write or telephone for Informs tio;.. You owe that much Interest to yourself. Phone 634. XTF.AMl.lt AMIOICE DULUTII, Aug. 6 The -twarnsr Hnronic is aground at UastUe Island an the north shore of Lafc Superior. The pasnengers are reported to he not In danger. TIMRER SALE X-9828 There will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at noon on the twenty -eighth (28th) day of August, 1948, in the office of the Forest Ranger at Burn Lfcke. B.C.. the Licence X-9338, to out 71 Hewn Jackpiae ties, on an area altuated six (St miles down Teheetnkut lAke en the south bank. Range 8 Coast District. Three (g) years wUl be allowed for rimoval of tie ''Provided anyone unable to attend the auction in person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid. Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria. B. C. or District Forester. Prince Rupert, B. O. IN PRORATE IN THE HITKEME CO! IIT OF IlltlTIMI COLUMIIIA Iii the Matter of the "Administration Act": and In the Matter of the Bstate of Oeorge Bdsrds. nMejiel. take notice that bv order of Ills lienor. F. McB. Young, the 30th day of mTutrator T'th'e UtWeorfe Edwards, deceased, and all parties bav - Ing claims against the said estate are irly verlfW, to me on or before Hhe Btn asy oi August, axi. ivte. ana au Dartles Indebted to tbe estate are re quired to psy the amount of the4i indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prinoe Rupert, B.C. Dated the 6th da of July. AX).. IMS. IN PRORATE IN THE HI PHEME COCKT OF I1UITISII COLUMBIA -. In the Matter f Jhe ,NAdmtflUUon a 3CiO in ine Master M ir jwsveu. f4iwtuuR yy 4 - SrWmlti AT LindMth. Deceased. IntcsStn .TTFrtceso arUllsta1ftW TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His AFAMriV7PV mlnlstrator of the esute of Edward Llndeth. deceased, and all parties hav- b?iusr& futuiTsv - perly verified, to me on or before the fath day of August. AD. 1928, and all parties Indebted to the estate are re- lnc!tedi to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. ortldal Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated ins 12th day of July. AX). 1928. PRESENTATION LOCAL BAKERS JAMES U I.KEtVSTKR LKAYIXO TODAY FOR THE SOITII KECIIMENT OF SET OF ISIttMlES James L. Brewster, who has been . a . baker In the city for the past six years ; and who Is well known to a great many people' here, will leave this afternoon on I the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where .be expects to locate. On Saturday evening, at the meeting of Bakers' Union i Local 468 he was presented with a handsome set of military brashes on behalf of the Union by A. Donald, the president, who spoke of the esteem in which Mr. Brewster was held. HALIBUT ARRIVALS TODAY 159,500 LBS. American Bouts Receive I'p To HJk1. and Jr. and Cans dUns w 111(1) As lie. and Gc Halibut landings here today totalled 188,600 pounds. Six American vessels received from IS-W. and Sc. to l3e. and 7c. for 121 380 pounds while Ave Canadian boats were jiaid 11.9c. and Sc. and 12c. and 6c. for 98,000 pounds. Arrivals and sates: AMEItlCAN Eldorado. 42.000 pounds. AUln Fish eries, 12.ee. sad Je. Liberty, 24,000 dbunds. Royal Fish Co.. 12.7c. and 8e. Nordic. 22,000 pounds, Canadian' Fish dt Cold Storage Co, 12.4c and Sc. Itfcona. 18400 pounds. Booth Fisheries, 18.1c. sad 6c. Pierce, 1400 pound. Booth Ffer-frtos. ll.Se. and 7c. a-sstsn Point. &JO0. rsniadi, paetAe TOansrits, 14.2c. and 7c. CAStUlIAN Helen. B.OO0 pesads, AUln Flntkerie. life, and sc. Morris H.. 19.000 Mavds. raeific Flsh- ertes, ilJte. and Sc. Fanny p.. s.ow VMuods. Oanadssn Fish & Cold St'ra Oo 12c and sc. Ringleader, 5.009. tad MsUrnssg, 000 rounds. Ctenadlaa Ftsh it OsM Storage Co.. 11 9c ind Cc. NEW SAWMILL IS GOING UP STEADY I'laiit of llHInmr Krure Mills Lid. Near ..City KrMled lo He III OprrulliMt 11) MoMn)er Oood progresii ebntsnues to be made with tbe construsMon of the Btllmer Bpruee MUls Ltd. new sawmill on the railway track about five mile south of the city report B, E. Morgan, who Is was in town thi morning on business two floors of the main building are a Mart- , 'lng to arrive for Installation. It Is es i peeled to have the new plant In opera- " scheWid dW In Novetn , ner. SAN FRANCISCO OIL MEN HERE ON YACHT L. 11 I'anrliHt Comes This Far North In Cute of Crulxe.Ju .JSchouner WtHi itsvWfe'ilfal-"ban Irieads on tej-d, the three masted sailing yscht P vt to port over the 1 week end and tied up at the Imperial oil Oo.'s plant, this being the farthest r rnt ,h wm tMiinrr 1 of a pleasure cruise up the coast. The vessel, which la powered with a 150 hp. auxUt&ry motor rr,Ted Saturday morn- I UK nd aalled on her way south again yesterday morning AdvtrtUe in the Dally Naws. Jewellery During this fast forceful stock as quickly as possible SMOKER'S ARTICLES Pipes, Cigarette Cases. Tobacco Pouches, Ash Trays, Pocket Lighters. Also Leather Goods, Military Brushes and Toilet Sets. Going at 33 1-3 percent off 2-PIECE JARDINERES Regular $1.75, made of brass with copper drip pan. Ornamental engraving, shaded colors. Only a few left. Eaeh 05( JOE SANKEY FiNED ON LIQUOR CHARGES Fays JS3 For Having Firewater in l'o-mIoh and SIS.50 for Ddunkrnnetts. While celebrating In the city at the end of the week. Joseph Sankey of Port, Simpson fell into the hands of the I police and appeared before Magistrate 1 MeOlymont in city police court this' morning to answer to two charges. For having whiskey In his possession, contrary to the Indian Act, he was fined 928, with the option of thirty days' Imprisonment, and, for Intoxication, he was assessed US and 13.50 costs, with fifteen days' option. He paid the fines and went on his way rejoicing. AMERICAN BOAf HERE WITH MACHINERY AND CEMENT FOR SAWMILL The Llbby. McNeUl and Llbby steamer Oregon. Capt. C. W. Call, called in port ( yesterday morning from Seattle with two carloads of machinery and one carlo ( of cement for the BUlmor Spruce Mills' new sawmill near this city. Tbe vessel discharged at the wharf of the Prinoe Rupert Salvage it Towing Co. whence the material wtU be dellverd by scow to the mltsrte. The Oregon continued to i Ketchikan and other Alaska ports. TERRACE The Boy Sesuta left on Friday morning to spend the weak end at Kalum Lake. Saoutmaster S. KlrkaMy wHl ipend a part of the tone with them In camp. J as H. Smith who has spent a num ber of years in the' Terrace district left on Friday for tbe south and after a visit with friends in southern BA. ex- rcu to leave for the prairies where he plans to locate. Jtm was a prominent arternlxT of both the Native Sons and I. O-OJ". lodges and his departure to a source of regret to many friends hare. O. H. Pethlek. Southern, was la town during the week on an etl total visit to the feveriment road sataps. Mais Letltta J. Bell X Bsstadale. B C was a rtsrtor here durlnc the wrek. . It. E. Allen, distnet meester, of prinoe Irupert, was in town on Thursday. C. R, BWsjslsy of Manchester, England, visited in this district for a few days this week. Mis. Oeorge E. Kettfc was a bridge hostess on Wednesday events. Mrs. AMtag left on Friday on a short business trip to Prince Rupert. II. J. James of Prince Rupert was la town on Wednesday. lU'MlAllV WINS I'OUI AMSTERDAM. Aug. ft Hungary defeated United States five to nil In Olympic polo. Advertise m th tHtlv News 4 LOCAL NEWS NOTES 4 4444444444444444 Mlas Ad Msnagohr returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a brief trip to Terrace., Mn. A. E. Johnson, wife or one of the Port Clements logging operators is a passenger aboard the Prince Charles 'oday bound from Vancouver to the Islands. fan account of the rain, the baseball ftgW wfalnh was IU have been played Sterday fatwfa ,iaajTid and single vmUat?f r' Prtn Rupm Oyro uruv was postponea and wUl probably Uke plaee next Sunday. The official count of the recent provincial election will take plsoe all ovst the province on Thursdsy of this week. u ujctv naing tne eountj lhnul1 Hm mmnUtl I . , . til M)Q uuc oay while In such large ridings as Vancouver and Victoria It may take four or five days The winner In at least one seat-Ksmloops- will be decided by tula official count. Monday. AugURt 6 Prices Shot-to-Pieces! selling event, wc are making every endeavor to m. ..,. Aside from these giveaway prices we offer another sp, , , I1RING THIS COUPON; GOOJJ FOR (M J $-j I This coupon Jl good for $1 TA with any watch purchased ANOTHER SAVING TO YOU HN BULGER Jewellery Release 3rd Avenue Prince Rupert WESTHOLHE THE4TR! MONDAY and TUESDAY. 7 and 9 p.m. CLARA BOW" "RED HAIR" An adaptation of Elinor Glyn's story with the vivm i u star as the gold-digging mnnirurint. Lovely bai t, beach scenery. LANK CHANDLER, LAWRENCE GRANT. CLAUDE KIM.. WILLIAM AUSTIN, JACQUELINE GADSON and others COMEDY "CAMPUS CUTIES" PARAMOUNT NEWS Admission "CATERPILLAR" Tractors BIGGER THAN THE WEATHER! A Size for Every Ute A Hundred Ues for Every Slie 2 TON, TWENTY, THIRTY, SIXTY 11ETTER QUICKER CHEAPLR Literature and Prices oa Request Sole Distributor! for II. C. IM0KIUS0N TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT ( 0, LIMITED Northern Itirlfle freight Building 9 IS SUtln Street VAM Ol VEIL IL C. Canadian Nalional Steamships Co. L m'ted Prince Rupert DRYDOCK SHIPYARD Operallng (i.T.P. 20.000 Ton Vlootlnif Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Iloilermaker.i. DlarkNmillis. Patltrn makers, Fnunderx. Woodworker's Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant Is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 SPECIAL VALUE " .00 i-.OK M- j 2.mYard KLACK DUCIIESSK SATIN Swiss Mako, 8G inches wide, per yard .... 1,75 Fraser Universal GLASS WATER SETS Pitcher and six i-ur .... of newest styhv U, ,,u ,,. ful etchin- Thi- ,tl ,,,, :-aoTcTregulari,v m j (ro To clear now m p.,-set JKi.rso WONDER RARf i SOc Table ;;o(. Articles from ., , corner of the Ivory jeweller. v. novelties, gift and leather , ,: Values to $ '. i more. ' Ruy now at iOr in 35c and 10c Itrsnrh Offhe: HlyierMMi lllurk M.LMIS. at AND & Payne Trading Co.