lime, A Z Motrirt No. L. DMrict No 1 included only : p;iu residing within the erey i of Pr.nos Rupert, 'j o of thoM who finish ad tn t N l together with all . until the and of the oacapelgn r .(i Sept. 14. are as follows: Wn, Buasey UMW i i: FnowU MjMJH -. Collart HJISJOf A!i- McCrea 7.H1M1 ''' i, Ermy ZareUl F Wermlg - MUM :, f: :i.n.ato k MUM Edna Ollkar MM,. Batley 4JU.H8 f :..-..e Morgan 40Jt4 .1 M Culllaon SAW.IM DWrlet J. About those !PM admlssioM. attended the danee. rt No t i includes tncfttOM only omy pants rraldtng owtslde of the city; j f the city of Prince Rupert. t-tW VORK. Sept. U. The bears lc a sudden raid on the market '"iiy in final dealings ut as the were about Vo claim the day. nrarly two soore lasuea had been 1 up from on to fifteen dollars mw limn prices for the year, the ' - broiiKht about a general down as they conoentrated their at-i. n Warner Bros, lasuea. bringing , iiic common stock seventeen dol-. .iid Clau A. nineteen dollars from o ;j.,v s hiKfi Radio dropped ten dolus volume of trading being over , llion dollars. HON. ROBERT FORKE'S DAUGHTER IS MARRIED EnANDON, Sept. 15Ilon. Robert r announced the marriage of his i!ir Ethel May to Charles J. Mac-Ij -.1:1(1. formerly of Los Angeles, but " - r Vancouver, at Vancouver on r : 8 API'OINTMUNT OAZKTTEII OTTAWA. Bept. 15 The appointment r in Maotn of Ottawa as .iumt4)tifr of tti Yukon it ( ' 'iv Ruisetted. He suoceeds Percy Miu lcan Is at present In Daw- Ptionfo o mnnfVi nrrn n-oo Trmnrl in nna nf tVio rrynrtaa to refund four million dollars matur , "'fe1"'v-7l 'lag treasury certificates due Novem- The police, after questioning Cyrus Northcott, 57 br 1 and two mimon short term p. Tars of age, owner of the ranch, are on a coastwise hunt ny bumming for his son and mother. The police say young Northc6tt j n Tn'Jiow the Canadian i.i believed to have fled to Canada following Clark's ar-i commerce, tuc Dominion s-rest by immigration officers, who held him for the Can-- arjian immigration aUinOrilieS. flrm to handle the new loan outright Tun mnntria nrrn Tlnrk's sister ramp from trip f!1nrk to ol t nt obtainable. It is in ounuiuuii, uuuud, iui a viaiw, lemming iiuincMUM ot u. hlgh nMa for n,, MW two weeks later. GIRL IN NORWAY WINNER OF LOT TICKET M6T. PrRCIIASEII II V LOCAL IHIEXI). PHOVEH LICKV ONE OK OLtl.COUNTRY LADY HOSPITAL PRIZES Mtas S. Anderson, who lives la Norway, with ticket MOT which was bought In br name by Pete Sunderland, an employee of the AtUn Fisheries here, woo the lot on Second Avenue, which was offered ai neetion with a raffle prist In oon-tbe sale of bhlMUon !wi jm I umbershlp tickets this year, and lor .T.'ZI ! which C. O. Howe has offered to pay 1 .000 oaeh. The drawing for the lot waihtfhb aiavw& svft Ik- .b. t waftawsv .... a - a a ml am 1 mmmrw sw uwww ww A MacdonaM ; -.hlhllto- ftlrlt to . a doae. The drawing . was In charge of Aid. A. J. Prudhomme. who was Master of Ceremonies at the da"" 600 900 persons, Pons. there thwe being being HI wnlen was in Progress from 9 pjn. to a ajn.. and which proved to be a very n.mes of those who finished in,w - - No J. togedktr with all votes oreheetra. p until the end of the oampalgn. During the evening. M p. MoOaffery. Srpt 14. are as follows: Prealdeat of the Pair Board, aaaounosd ueorxe Dover. Terrace . M4M.100 j the winners of the prises In Tb Dally c Campbell. Btewart. 18.41.710 Nwwa subscription oampalgn Trie Bimle. Smtiner H,B.W Tb drawing for the raffle which waa i Purt Clements 10.JW.6M conducted by the Ladles' Auxiliary to II; iivn Hazelton 9.76.700 j the Prince Rupert General Hospital al STOCKS DROPPED N.Y. EXCHANGE tVAKNKK IKIOH. AMI KtlllO HEATHS KOWN AMI Tl'KNOVF.K 101 It MILLION io wok piaoe inajni. jwi" being: Pint. Pox Pur. ticket 11. Sadao 8uga. Second, Electric Piano Lamp, ticket 31. A. J. Oalland. Third, ton of coal, ticket 744. P. M. Crosby. Fourth, Set of Dlahea, ticket M, T. D. Pattullo. Plftt, Ham, Uoket M, Mm. J. O. Reddle. The lucky tlcketa for both the lot and the hospital prises were drawn by little Miss Swaohlld Johnson. WOMAN CLAIMS HUGE ESTATE ON HKIl WAY TO KNOLtMl TO PLtl'K IIIK CASK HKIOKK COI HT Of CIIANCLKV VICTORIA. Sept. 15. On rrfT way to Rniland to out In a claim for a part at an estate of 30.000.000 pounds ster i .in in chancery, Mrs. M. Jennings, of Sydney. Australia. Passed through here todsy on the wiagere. I am Just going hundreds ol others to lay claim to an estate to hw.h t think I am entitled ln part, than fifty other But there are more ri. Artnt the same thing," said Mrs. Jennings. The estste has been In . iir areat grand VICTORIA. 6ept. U For the first time In recant years British Columbia Mil go into the financial market wtth- i out call Ins for tndTi. when loans The head of a decapitated body of a boy found near ttemng six muiion dollars are sought FINAL VOTE IN THE CAMPAIGN Tw. ::nw::)K : the final oU la the D flea, campaign prevalng in New York. STOCK QUOTA IONS (CourUsj of S. Li. um Co, Ltd.) Argent, ftttfus 34; Bsyvlew ; 8. Big Missouri ),; ). Cork Province 31; 2f)(. Dunwoll, ti; mi. Osteon Belt M-. alt s Duthl all: M. Georgia Kivwr M; W Ooloonda 87; so. OrandTlew 44 44. ioSipenmnat ii; H. Indian H; 1. Kootney Plorsnee asK: 33M L. L.. 9: nil. Ukerlew 1H; l.i. Lucky Jim U; M. Marmot Metals 10. Marmot Hirer Ootd 9, National SUver 11; 14. Pond Oreille li t. Porter Idano ; . Prwealer . 342. Bttchwood t; nU. Rata Nope Hit; M. auwr Crest 1014; att. 811 rental th 10; 11. SUrersdo S: S. Skwan King S l-: . Sunlock 3 JO; 3 JO. anowflaaa 4T; 44. Terminus 14; 14. TopJey RlchlleM a; 4t. WnrtK Water 1J0;, Woodbine 14; 14. Torlc. nU; 3D0. OILS Dalbousle 1J0: 3J4 DevenUfi nil: 64. Home 3 40: 3 40 DINNER GIVEN TO WILLIAMS I'KKKKXTATION MADE IIV MAVOK OI' DIAMOND MONET KIMI LST MOIIT VAirCIUVBR. Sept. 14, Petey WU- was the guest of honor at a Civic banquet at which 300 persona, Including members of the cabinet, the mayor and aldermen of the city, business and professional men and amateur aporta-men attended. In reply to a toast la his honor. Williams paid a graceful tribute to Bob Qranger. his trslner. and Wsrren. his fellow Vancouver sprinter at the Olym pic The athlete ws presented by Msyor Taylor with a nlgnet ring, the figure of an athlete set In diamonds. TORNADO DOES MUCH DAMAGE ROCK FORD. Illls.. Sept 15 - The tornado here yesterday killed at least alx and Injured 50. while the damage Is estimated at more than five million dollars. Sixteen people are missing. Two factories tn whleh several hun- fa- men were working was demolished. of her own n. eats grsnd parenU her and mother have all laid olalm. but Mrs Jennings thinks the present Passenger selling for the south on fsvorable than before. She the Princess Royal last night Included time more refused to give tate. Oreen for Vancouver. THE JUDGES' REPORT We, the uncernigned members of the advisory board of judges appointed to have supervision of The Prince Rupert Daily News' free gift distribution concluded this day and date September 14, 1928 and who have been selected to act as counting judges and auditors, certify and state that we have made a careful check and count of all ballots cast in this campaign and find the results to be as follows: Prize Name of Winner No. of votes Pontiac "6" Sedan Mrs. George Dover 20,322,160 Ford Tudor Sedan Miss Laura Frizzell 15,966,542 $500 in cash .mss Cherrie Campbell . . 19,481,710 $100 cash dii trict 2 Mrs W. Bu-jsey 15,536,534 $100 cash District 2 A. E. Kirnie 14,656,240 The wtnuers u tite new $200 competition (which was a new campaign ana included only the subscriptions turned in during the two weeks ending Friday, September 7), are as follows: $100 in District No. 1 . Mrs. Vm. Buwey 604 points $100 in District No. 2 . A. E. Birnic 612 points We further finx that the candidates whose names appear above, received the number of votes shown opposite their names and are declared the winners in their respective positions and as set out. It is cur belief thct the cjwpalgn has been conducted in tn absolutely air and impartial manner to everyone interested and concerned Mid we corrr-end The Daily News and the Campaign MsnasciFcnt (under the supervision of The Charles Partlowe Cpgdpny) for the business-like methods employed and for having trtutM to a successful close such a thoroughly business-like anl fair enterprise, (Signed) J. G. SCOTT - S. P. McMOHDIE II. B. ROCHESTER r I). W. CALDER CYRII, II. ORME. Datl at rrtacc Rupert, IJ.C September 14, 1928. Grand Capital Prizes r - Wmrby Mrs. G Dover and Miss L Frizzell Miss Cherrie Campbell of Stewart Gets $500 and Mrs. Bussey and P. Uirnie Two Prizes Each of $100 The Prince Rupert Daily News' great gift-sharing subscription campaign came to a close Friday night. Those candidates who earned i automobiles have or are taking possession today and the checks for cash prises and cash commissions hsve already been sent out to all active candidates who narti ciliated in the cam Dai ?n to its close. Mot box. tteyor MsUordle carried tae keys to the ballot box from the j ttsae the box waa locked sad esled until the campaign was ended. The above Judges together with B. B. Rochester, proprietor of the Prince Rupert Motel (whose business prtvsnted him from taking part tn the sealing and locking of the box), made the final count getting the result shown herewith today. ART GOEBEL IS SOLE FINISHER hit lit: paius to win phi.i: ion I1.K1IIT IKOM NEW YORK TO LOS AMlKIXt LOS ANQBLB8. Bpet. lfc Art Ooebel, the only flyer of nine entrant finish lng the non-stop flight from New York, was disqualified bscsuse he was forced to land ln Arlaona. no prlne being awarded. Ooebel was acclaimed by the crowd as the winner before he could explain hi forced stop when his goal waa practically ln sight There were terrific storms en route. The ballot box rested In the ot the Royal Bank of Canada as a de- Seattle Youths Held Up Number of People and Then Shot Policeman in Head, the Man Dyirg Little Later SEATTLE, September 13. Three youthful bandits Hhot a policeman fatally when he attempted to cut off their escape after they had held up eleven persons in a drug store in the University dlstilct last night. The trio then proceeded to hold up three other pharmacies, two gas stations and a grocery store and finally eluded a policeman who took up the trail. Patrolman E. It. Shepherd was shot In the head by one volley fired at him after he had fallen. He died early this morning. TOM MOORE IS AGAIN CANADA LABOR HEAD P. M. liraprV'lll'e te-Kle ted SrcrrUry- ?mirerafloinlnlirTradrs TORONTO, Sept. 15. Tom Moore waa re-elceted r-alont of the Tradea and Labor Oangrea today by acclamation. P. M. Draper waa re elected secretary- treasurer. PRICE OK WHEAT or voud aomission u uk oanoe. year 627 perssna paid 4443 to the dance on closing night. SINCLAIR IS BEING HELD NO DEVELOPMENTS YET IX r.lE OF MAN WHOM I'NITEI) STATES OITI- CIALS WANT DEPORTED No official notice has yet been re- The ballot box was placed in the lobby of The Royal Bank of j ofTncr" Canada, at noon last Saturday. At that time Campaign Judges Col. ln M.f are ekiag to & i'. MCJtoraie, mayor; l. u. uaiaer, acting manager oi me uoyainc deported so that be may be re- Bask of Canada; C. II. Orme, druggist; and J. W. Scott, hardware arrested on American sou and charged u nKTfj mprehAnt. ummc an active nart in me ssannir ana locKinir oi in with breaunc jau at juneau some months ago. Sinclair has been held ln the city jail here for over a month now. It la said that the Canadian government la loath to comply with the re pository tor all candidates and tbetr oueit for deportation aa the statu of rriends. and was available to tnem until 9 o'clock Prlday night when member of the advisory board took It to The Dally News office, broke the sea), (continued on page 3) Sinclair's citizenship does not seem to; be clearly established. He waa born ln Canada. It la said, and took out hat Boston Grill CLASSIFIED HABIT ,1. LAKOE CAaiRKT reads the Classified Ads. Everyone and Special Dinners Tnursdays If you lose, advertise for it. Saturdays If you find, locate the owner. banrlug etrry nattiftUy "' from 9 to 12. Whatever you need, advertise for It Danrs Hall for Hire. PRINCE RUPERT Accomodation for Prlvae Parties GET THE CLASSIFIED HABIT. I'hone 457 X Northentftind "Central British Columbia's Newspaper Vol. XVIII., No. 219? PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1928 Price Five (Jenta Gruesome Story of Murder Farm In California in Which People From Canada Seem Mixed LOS ANGELES, September 15. The story of a "murder farm" near Riverside, California, on which four boys met their deaths told by a fifteen year old prisoner i.; declared by the police to have been verified, at least partly, by inspection of the graves on a three acre lot. Although none of the bodies, declared by Clark, the fifteen year old lad, to have been buried in and near the chicken house on the ranch property have been found by e detectives, it is said the graves have been located and t'lere are indications that bodies or other objects have cither been removed recently or been treated with quick Up NO TENDERS IN BORROWING B.C. l,OM)S TO HE SOLI) TIIKOUill BANK AM) 1I.XAXCIAL HOI SES DIRECT IT IS Sl'GGESTED London Morning Post Urges More Spirited Policy Toward United States Regard to Fordney Bill Criticises Attitude of Premier Mackenzie King and Tries Goading Canada to Reprisals LONDON, September 12. A Morning Post editorial referring to Canadian complaints against the Fordney Tariff imposed by the United States says: "Evidently Americans intend Canada to remain a hewer of wood and drawer of water to the U.S. Canada has tried the policy of meekness. She has turned the other cheek. Indeed we might say of Mackenzie King that he offered himself in a still more humiliating position to Uncle Sam but it was of no avail. If Canada with her strong trading position were to adopt a more spirited policy we believe she wou d find it more profitable and then nobody could complain." GATE RECEIPTS lUIl WEATHIK II ts EITECT Ol' IX-JIKIMI I'AIK ATTEMIAXCE PRINCE RUPERT ON EXECUTIVE TltADEH AM) LIBOR COXOBESH ENDS ! CONTENTION AM) El-( TS orricEtte roti year Tctel gate reeelpte at the Prince Rupert Exhibition tills year amounted to TORONTO, Bept IS -With the re M.l 17.60 as compared with 14.104.70 " lection ol former ol.lcera, the wisction 9t hn. New Brunswick tor the this -f laa; year. To the ball year a total ot S.lrB persona paid 11.467 JO meeting Place next year, and the dia-ac mission as against 197 and II J29.- Peal ol miscellaneous resolutions, the 34 in 1HT. The rodeo drew but 744 Trsdea nd Labor Congress of Canada Deonle for a sate ot 4460 m oomoarl- rasl their 44th convention last night. son with 3416 Demons and I1J07 last' year. To the apart ground last year following 434 persons paid I170J4 The officers re-elected Include the Prealdact Tom Moore. were recorded thla year. Ai&mMm as-- -Tteaa. P. W Draper, turns Iron the boxing tournament last The Praternal Delegate to the Amer-Teedsy have not yet been announced. ' ,en Pedaratlon of Labor la William Lt avenlna 441 ceraonakald a feaaal varWy. of Toronto, and John Buckham tarl'ee' TirutJU). is delegate -fa hr BHtiah entrr Trade Onion Congress. The latter won over Senator Robertson. In sU s resolutions were with yesterday, covering such sul.jpcts as minimum wage and mothers' allowance laws, maternity benefits, w rkmen's compensation, health and safety regulations and union labels The executive for British Columbia O. Bartlett. of Vancouver, and Victoria and Prince Rupert to eelect their own representatives HOMELESS AS RESULT STORM TO DE M.V ItS TO AVERT lAMlNl: AND DISEASE KOU.OH-I.NU III HRK'ANB SAM JTJAN. Porto Rico. Sept. 15 With tens of thousands of h.-.ndea people here, efforts are under way today to avert famine and disiue which t It la feared may follow ln vh wane of I Thursday's hurricane. While no deaths " th uthorltl" thJnk tnlt However, the American official.. It la - 'oon " communication U established learned, "have another card up their w'kn ""r UI mua P" United States Marshal White H11 li mil. kilMin out a oornptalnt charging " ' o .... .w ,k i.-.. xne cost oi reiiei ana reoonsvruciion IT III sSS 1 1 vw seta tin Sis esusavsw. rswe bbim ssjbi am of United States government property, which comes under the classification of felony and la extraditable. Therefore, If be Is not deported, effort will be WELCOME GIVEN GERMANS HERE Silt IlKMtV THORNTON IN 1IKKI.IN TELLS PKOPLE TIIKKK TIIKY CAN HtVK UIXH BEXILIN, Sept. 15. Sir Henry of the C.N.R., who Is spending a ' few days here, tn an interview yester- dty discussed the European emigration i to Canada. He said Oerntsn settlers would be especially welcomed tn the i Dominions. The Oerman had been found to be Industrious, thrifty, Intel-VANCOtlVBR, Sept. 15. There was llgsnt and law-abiding. Every Oerman little change today ln the price of settlei. He said, could obtain land un-wheat No. 1 Northern being puoted at der favorable conditions and be helped 41.13. ' I" other way wul probably reach million. Practically all frame structure here have been destroyed. NsTW YORK. Sept. 1--Ten people are to extradite him. HI "malidoua de- " "u " rult ' th hurricane rtruetlon" eonalsta of having sawed the ban of the Inner tank of the federal Thursday and Prlday. according to cable ail in Juneau and the bars of the win- received here, dow through which It Is alleged he aa-1 Sinclair waa nerving under conviction of i a jail sentence i liquor charge. He claims to have made the trip from! Juneau to Prince Rupert ln a small! boat, but official claim he was assisted by FISHING BOATS SANK RESULT OF TYPHOON CHANOHAI. Sept. 15. -Ilghty tuning- two different gasboats. and further ( ln Hng cbow y Blld )00 development are promised tn that line. fishermen were drowned tn s typhoon which has been sweeping the Chinese coast for 35 hours. FAIR I INANCKS WILL IIIISAK KVKN KXI'KITS nam of bmhiution Under the clrcumatiincfs the Pair Building was well patronised durtng i!ie Exhibition and It ts expected that Northrrn B C Agrlcltural and Industrtnl Amw-latlon's ftnance will thin .e;ir about ores even or per!in; do a little better, stated M P Mc-Caffery. president of tlir Fair Board, this minim Hh. the weather been iM"pl,-inm r. ir the Stampede thert would probably have keen a ulie surplus to cary over 'to next year.