PAGE SIX MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board daily. We can give instant service in buying and selling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also have facilities for accepting Wheat order on Winnipeg Stock Exchange, Representing Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Colli 617 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. H.S.WallaceCo.Lld. RAIN COATS Our New Line of Mandle-berg 131 PORTED COATS Is now complete. Rubber Coats, Silk Coats Aviator style and Children's models in a nice variety of colorings 3rd Avenue and Fulton St. Phone 0 DRY BIRCH JACKP1NE AND CEDAR Single load $3.50 Double Load $6,50 Large Sack 50c COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Bootless Large Egg $12.50 Alberta Sootlesa Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal Hyde Transfer AND COAL CO. Phone 5S0 139 Second Ave. COAL Your choice EDSON CASSIDY WELLINGTON TELKU'A Also Bulkley Ilnynd Grain. Agent for Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. SAW flrnss.rnt. Crescent Ground, will saw 10 more timber, time and labor being equal, than any other made.This guarantee has never been challenged, SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO., LIMITED, ST. P.CMI STRUT AN 0 ACOSHJ AVCNUt. MONTREAL. OuC. VANCOUVER. B.C. TORONTO, ONT. ST JOHN, N.B. 5 !WST.S! Westholme Theatre FRIDAY and SATURDAY and SATURDAY MATINEE Cohens & Keilys IN PARIS with GEORGE SIDNEY and J. FARREL McDOXALD COMEDY "PRETTY BABY" HODGE PODGE Admission 25c and 50c Matinee 10c and 35c I ! Meat Specials For your convenience we will have Hot VPot Jtoasts for sale every eveninf this week at 4.30. Also cold meats of all kinds. Boiling Chickens, per jb. 30c? Fresh Killed Chickens, per lb 4 Of Fresh Pickled Pigs Feet, per lb '.l6t Corn on the Cob, S dosea for $1.23 Grapes, per lb. Prases, per crate ... $1.25 Jelly Powders, per dosen ? Heinz Pork snd Beans, aia sire, 12 for $1.00 Mussallem Grocery CO. LTD. nesl Money Savers Phones 18 and 81 Roofing and Specialities Mineral Surfaced Roofing Mineral Surfaced Shingles Roll Roofing Building Papers and Felts Everjet Elastic Paint Plastic Elastigum Shingle Stains Creosote Oils Marine Seam Pitch. Distributors Albert & McCaf fery Limited Phones 116 and 117 B II ! Dr. Alexander 1 i i PHONE 575 I I I1F.SNEH 1ILOCK DENTIST LAND ACT NOTICE OP INTENTION TO ,ITL TO riltl'IIAXE LAM In Range 4. Coast District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate about mUet from the mouth of the Khutae River. TAKE NOTICE THAT Frederick Pasdoe Wilson of Vancouver. B.C., occupation CIvU Engineer, intends to apply for permission to purchase tfce following described land Conuneiiciiiu at n post planted near the northeant corner of Lot 647. thence west 10 rhatiuv tiionre north 80 rhalns; thence eni 20 rinurLs; south 60 chains, unci cnttLUiiU lio mure or less. FREDERICK PARDOE WILSON. Applicant Dald August 30. 198. 238 GIANTS TRIM BOSTON TEAM STILL ONE OAME IIEIIIMI llECAI'SE .ST. LOUS HON AOAINST PHILADELPHIA NEW ORX. Sept. IS. Although the New York OitnU trimmed Botton eight games lo four djr and established a ixw major league record for consecutive vlctcrlee in double headers. St. Lcuta managed to star on top by defeating Philadelphia In a mediocre game, tlx St. Louj batten being walk' ed In their fifth Inning. The Olanta are U11 one full game behind the Cardinals. In the only National League game flayed Mvinueh of St. Louis, continued his batting aptee with a homer aad a riple score, all of hie team guru aga inst Chicago that mm out five to four. The Browns made five errors. NATIONAL, L&VCUE New York -, Boston 1-1. St. Louis IS. Philadelphia 6. Cincinnati 1. Pittsburg 4. AMERICAN I.KAOl E Chicago 5. St. Louts 4. COAST LEAH I E Oakland 4. Missions 7. Sacramento 8, HoUyvoo t. Sanfranelseo 4, Portland 1. Los Angelas 8. Seattle 4. LEACH L STAMHNOS NATIONAL W. L. St. Lotus 84 M New York .-. 84 86 Chicago at M Pittsburg TT st ClnelnnaU 7t 84 Brooklyn ,.. TO 10 Boston 44; St PMIeoelpbto .... 4 T American New York ....... SI 4t PluJaoekphla .... SO 88 St. Leans 77 St Chicago J4 Washington e is Detroit St TS Cleveland 88 SI Boston 4 SO Pc: Mi MO SSI M .SH JHi MO .471 .444 .4 IS .488 OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL ENULIMI LKAOLE IHtMoti I. Arsenal 0. Birmingham 0. Aston Villa i. Newcastle 1. Blackburn 4. Portaaxmth 0. Bury t. Burnley 7. Derby Couaty 8, BhiifflsU vr day 0. Bverton 3, H snow aster CSty 8. HudderafMd , Lde 1. S. west Maw a. United a. Uverpool 1 SheffteM unties 8, OaM 1. Ssjadsrtaad 4. Barton 8. IMvMm II. Blackpool X. Bristol Ottg 1. Bradford 4. west atiawaUia 1. Chelsea 1. Bameiey 8. O rims by S. Clapton . MUtwaU 0. Hull Ctty a. Motto County 2. TftlliialBsai 0. C4daam t. aOddlsshoce S. South em srtciri 4. Prestom . Stoke City t. Port Vale 1. Swansea S. Notts Bust a. woiverhsmpton X. Bieittng 0. sront'ii LiuotE IHvieaMi 1. Ayr Untied 1 Palkirk ft. Clyde S. Hibernians 1. Cowdenbeath 0. Cattle 0. Dundee 0. Hamilton 1. Beam 0. Bangers 1. Kilmarnock 0. AJhsrSiau 1. Motherwell S. Partlcfc 4. Queen's Park S. Balth Movent 0. St Morren 2, Alrdrteonlans 0. Third Lanark 4. Johnstone 1. DURING BABY'S TEETHING TIME The Bowels Become Loose j Disfrbrxa, dysentery, colic, cnmrtL etc., manifest thenwelvn; the puaa L- ! come swollen, and cankers form in the i - w tug maajo WW UjO ( mother abould use snd perhaps save the baby's Efe, On the market for 80 years. Prine, 60o. a botUe at all drocziala ori desJera. IN PROBATE IV THE MTIIEMF. rot'KT OP IlKITIslI fOLOIIllA In the Ustter of the Administration Act; and m In the Matter of the Estate of Bather KUlas, nee Esther Solomons, Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor. P. MsB. Young, the Sth dsy of September, AX). IBSB, I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Bather Klllas. nee Esther Solomons, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 11th day of October.! A.u. mas. and all parties indented to the estate are required to pay the amount ol their Indebtedness to ote forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 11th day of September. AD. 1928. j TUB DAILY NEWS Saturday, Septem!,. I'.'L'K LACROSSE TEAM BASEBALL GAME BEAT AIYMSH LITTLE DISPUTE WITH STICKS MAILS .SECOND MEETING OK NATIVES AMI LOCAL HOYS Prince Runert larroase team won splendid style weaurrtar over Alva native team by a score of five goals to two, nut unfortunately the game was mured by a mi? between Brick 3 inner and two or three of the natives, as a Menu cf which Morvan of the visiting- team had to go to the hospital and Sfctnner snd another of the natives wet given time on the sidelines. The total penalties for Alyansh amounted to M minutes and for Prince Bnpsq ten minutes. The victory as due to a large ex tent to the splendid work of T. Hughes In goal. &Mtflct -br s strona defence. The abarpatoofjtsii also played a rat ling good game. Seprrrs were : Rupert Woods. 4: C Tooley. 1. Alyansh C Morvan. 1: L Smyth. I SPORT CHAT I One evening recently the weather clng ideal, the Anyox all-star team played to a S to 1 victory over the visiting OveenviUe team. Anyox man ned, trhough the skillful playing o Jack Barker, to make the first sesi. me visitors then tied the score. In the eeond half Woods scored two goals tor Anyox. tanking the score of l-l The Anyotc line-up was. Wlnlcleman. (goal). Stolta, Areher Donaldson. Tay lor. McDongaU. PesV. Buchanan. Dodd. Woods. Parker. Aftar the loothall game la was denied that the Bka' baseball would play the visiting Oreenvule team. Ac-aordlegty the hoys turned out and brought the victory to An vox with a iscore of 11-1. The nuUn feature of the evening was when Bartmann of any-as knocked a home run. The Anyox 9eys had no dtftselty in kawoins ahead " their opponents. The line-up for anyoa was Lasorek (pi; Ohenoalrl c): Bartssaan (let b: Sheen (Snd base.) McOoU sa.(; MeOougall (trd b); Mat-tot (IX); Xvans (cJi; Wilson (rX). With the stimiaai outdoor sporting season In Prince Bopert. such as it mav have bean, now behind, the Interest o' -porting fans In this city win turn t: amnganisiits for winter Indoor ath-lettas. Pair week has come Jo mark her the end of summer sport and the turn lag to the winter li)BM. BasketbaU. It may be eapseted. will again occupy tb-eentre of the stage and it Is likely the', the seanclstiou, in charge will soon he starting arrangsniiuta, Kvea through-"ft the summer, boxing has been car-rted on la the city with considerable snceass. it should meet with eves more popularity this winter. An extension In badminton, which has been mlnlag la popularity by Maps and bounds during the past two or thrct winters. Is already promised with more orgaoJaaUom taking np the sport Th stat active diversions of billiards whist, crlboage etc should slso bt carried on siioeissfully onae more. The iggeetluu has been made several times la the past that Prince Super; might have another popular Indoor sport In the form of indoor hassbeli owevvr. the Idea has not been taken np and, la view of the outdoor baseball situation ben during the past summer. It to hardly to be expected that they will be anything doing along this Una during the coming winter. (or the local lacrosse team which played a couple of games with the Indians fr Alyansh. all the athletic competitions at that yeart fair were provided by natives from various villages in taw district The Indians even figured rAomlnently in the boxing tournament lest Tnoaday evening and, in that esBmsrtlon. It was regrettable that one of the natives h rough no fault of hla own. should hsve been manhandled by a hot -beaded local youth because he did hla beat and won a fight which. If not fair!' matched, was. at least no fault of his own. While white Inter-town football and baseball raates at this year's Psir were badly missed aad It to to hoped they wUI not be lacking an other year, the natives should always be made welcome here aad they should he encouraged to com to Prince Rupert at all times, not only during Pair Week, to exhibit their prowios in con test with the local playera of various spirts. The nstlves are good sports and msny of them are excellent players of football, baseball Uctosss. etc. FAMOUS JOCKEY IS DECLARED BANKRUPT LOSESALL RACES LONDON. Sept 15 -Steve Donoghue. who rode six Derby winners during his long career aa a Jo key, has been declared bankrupt This year misfortune has ridden with him aad Donoghue found himself riding MS sonsooullm WIIV HE KICKLO Caller Look here. Want to see you n'xnit this paragraph aaaounclng my r!znation finn the CfeaBiber of Com- merre r.:,r B , v true. Isn't It' Caller- Oulte B r I nhotild Hr you to explain why you've printed It under "Pub!:r improt cnwi.v NOT COMPLETED NATIVES IMHONANT THAT TlltlK MITCH HAVE IIEEN sT'orrsiV ' umtliiua v Port Simpson and Haaetton played ' snly four innings in the final for the , native baseball championship yesterday I o It was called no game and the teams . returned to their homes today without deciding the possession of the cup this year. It was agreed to play nine Innings and th v tasting natives were rather indignant that their game should have been stocrped right In the middle It In order that the stampede might started. When the game wai called. T-ort Simpson was leading 8 to 4. WUllam Wale, captain or the Hasdton team stated this morning that the "rip cost hla team 1300 and they are rather dissatisfied that, after this ex sense, they were unable to play the final. The Haatlton team returned to .he Interior this morning and the Port Slmpwm team returned home by gas boat. SMALL ATTENDANCE RODEO CALLED OFF Heorjr Returned to I'ew who Entered (late for srrmKl rvrfwmanre Yea trrilay Afternoon So small an attendance paid admission yesterday for the second day of the ttampede In connection with the Exhibition that It was decided to call he performance oft and refund the money of the few who had passed the tte. It Is evident now that the Fair Beard -vsat year will have to devise some itbor form of major attraction than s stamped. Neither the horses nor the vteer were very lively and it is pro- eble that it was this rather than the threatening weather that prevented a :rowd turning out yesterday. The rodeo gate this year amounted to inly eSSO whereas last year It ran over VI .000 The 1S38 Pair Board will have a lane lass on the stampede alone. Around The World With Sport Fans (llj The Traeapl Art Ross of the Boston Bruins has named Lionel Hltchman s captain of the Boston professional i for the coming winter "Hi tcb." who has been with the Bruins tor fear years, aad who has starred ra detenuse ever since be Joined the teen sslsis from Ottawa, ahouW make cod on the Job. Well liked by both Qlayers and fans. Hltchman will get he full backing of the management Me takes the place of Bprague Cleghom nho will not be with the Bruins tht Timer It won't be long now before he b'g hockey leaguers commence raining Go jrrp mai fiyfr 'eiweyr wsww tyikyl, VliJrt w w mi " -e BBBBBBBBBBBSW wayw . fja SM eawss SB rKsBssssssBa s v every pa.:-. aVtWiVulitUMJs1 Basw var stassBisr m y at sV Mmms reasons for "EMPIRE" J Fireproof Wallboard CANADA CVPStTM AND ALABASTINE LIMITED. VANCOrYER. E S"'"X" ! a!ijc..;(smp Umati C For Ssle Dy Albert & McCafTery, Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. Imporlant Announcement! Ladies' Hats and Coats ing at One-Third Less than Regular Prices Wc had prepared rather heavily for this Exhibition Week but chiefly on account of the changing weather, our sales have not been so great as we did expect. Our stock is therefore rather greater than we care to carry. To get it back to normal, all our large stock of Ladies' Hats and Coats will be offered on Friday and Saturday at one-third Icg than the regular prices. And Coolie Coats, we shall offer for $1.00 cash. This affords an opportunity for thrifty buying. No Phone Orders. No Exchanges. All goods for cash only Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue. aav ' mjmmn asm w-bbbbbbbbbbbbjbbbbmi Prince Kupert, ll.C. I