P.i'urday, September 15, 1928 Wattz Vocar" Vocal Waltz Fox Trot Fox Trot ctor Oilhpplionle- .X,J&. JLZ& Ramona Paul Wlilteman and Ills Orchestra Gene Austin Dolores Del Klo 21214 2liH 4053 , Constantinople Vocal CaJIforuta 21477 lluminlii Birds Fox Trot Johuny 1 lump's 21511 Kentucky ScreuJtltrs Victor Arden-PhI! Ohman and Their Orchestra Pickin' Cotton George Olten and Ills Music 21513 21512 YouVe A Real Sweetheart Piano Harry Thomas 216524 Fox Trot Roger Wolfe Kahn 21510 and Ills Orchestra Blue Grass Johnny llamp's Kentucky Serenadera 21512 That's My Weakness Now ox iroi r.at. Miilkret and The Victor Orchestra 21497 """I Helen Kane 21557 iho the latest Red Seal records by fanwiis Victor ArtUtt Victor Talking Machine Co. S. E. PARKER, LIMITED d Ave. Kant. lhone 83 Dominion Koyal Cord Tire Agency Ford Cars and Trucks Flat Rate Hcpalrs USED CARS We have several excellent bargains in used Cars. Easy Terms if desired. Arcadian Hose A New Shipment just Arrived of this Popular Hose Made expressly for ourselves, every pair guaranteed. .Ma do from the finest pure thread silk, reinforced art silk, in i k fashioned doable sole, toes and heels. Seamless, site 84 10. In shades of Blush, Oak Buff, Sand, Grain, French Nude, . iUcr, Pearl Champagne, Black, Woodland Rose. Q5C Fraser & Payne Universal Trading Co. Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD 0erHtinK (i.T.P. 20.000 Ton FloHlIn Dry Dock Engineer. Machinists. Boilermakers, Blacksmiths. Pattern makers. Founders, Woodworkers, Etc EI.ECTH1C AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant Is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WOKK. PHONES 43 and 385 As usual. Exhibition Week was a quiet one along the waterfront, things coming practically to a standstill on Thursday afternoon when most of the hoys were, or supposed to be, on the Exhibition grounds watching the rough riders and wild hones do their stuff. Judging frcm the numbers of native boats which congested the Oow Bay floats during the week, there seemed to have been as many Indians as ever in for the festivities, contrary reports notwithstanding. Today sees the departure of the most of the rutting natives on their return to their various homes along the coast. D. B. Finn, director of the Prince Rupert Fleeries Kaperimental Station, and H. M. Brookleshy, vitamin expert, returned to the city this morning after attending the recent conference In. Vancouver of Pacific coast workers of the Biological Board of Canada. Louts Smith, the glue wteard. 1 remaining In the south for a couple of weeks longer on vacation. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIV3 Waterfront Whiffs Deer Hunting Season Opens Today Snagboat Bobolink Tied ,iip for Winter Helge II. and Dickie Boy Collide ; The opening of the deer season today will be marked with the departure of a number of boats in quest of early season game. Parties have been organized to go forth in a number of Yacht Club boats .and, by the time this appears, some of them, no doubt, will be gone. Many of the surrounding hills will be scoured within the next twenty-four hours, no matter what the weather conditions may ha. The season for deer hunting is open today to November 30. The season for ducks and geese opens on October 15 and will continue until December 31. The advent of the bird season will see local nlmrods cannonading in full swing. regular cold-weather supply right through the hot summer.. We simply oouldnt take care of them. They would become soft and unfit for human con sumption If the quantities were not diminished. The dogfish drive the fishermen Into temporarily abandoning these fisheries and the cod, haddock and, other staple varieties get a chance to multiply and grow4.- The fishermen turn their attention to mackerel. her ring, butter fish and ewSrdflsh hlle the dogfish are schooling, and so the ; public, too, gets a chance. Most peo ple who like fish welcome, the oppor tunlty to replace cod and haddock for a few months with fine fresh mackerel, butter fish and other varletlea that & bound during the summer." With the season exactly two months to go, the American schooner Foremast belonging to Mess Boess and Ferterten ahead of ait. other boats for volume of halibut landings at the port of Prince Rupert this year, having brought In halibut landings at Prince Rupert kept318 000 to x trtp8. Bd0. up well totalling 064500 pounds 188,-' Ttao u VIUl 2S8.0OO pounds In 800 pounds American and 191.600 jven p,. othr heavy lander, of pounds Oanadtan-and bringing the U-Amnaai fish at Prince Hupert this tal for the season up to yesterday to h.T, teen; B run vol. nine trips, 1 1982.600 pounds, consisting of 13.070,-1 389,500 pounds; Majestic, seven trips, SO0 pounds American and 8,313.000 j 308,000 pounds; North, eight trips, 20-pounds Canadian, as compared with 19.-1 ooo pounds: PorUock, seven trips, 221,-M1.950 pounds, made up of 14,024360 ooo pounds: Reliance I., seventeen pounds American and 5.477,100 pounds j trips 3384)00 pounds. Canadian, at a similar date last year, j M M Hellene I , the Am-Prices during the week remained at , erlcan fleet tor number of fares land-a aatlafactory level. The high price of ed at Prince Rupert comes the Jack and the week for American ft was 16c andjonah. Captain Harry Setlg. with thlr-7c which the Leviathan waa paid tor i teen trips each, having landed a total 11.000 pounds while the best bid for r of 60.000 pounds and 148,000 pounds re-Canadian ' fish was 14 lc and 7 given the spectlvely. Atll for 10J0O0 pounds. Low prices of) For the Canadian fleet, the Oslo. Is the week were It Jc and Sc for Amerl- I leading for amount of ballbut landed san fish and 12 Ac and 7e for Canadian. ! with 33700 pounds tn 11 trips. The Prosperity A., Is second With 21&000 September 21 will see the closing tor pounU m " the season of the final two operating lth 191000 JKWnd triP"-canneries on the Skeena River Inver-1 The Viking baa made the most trips oees and Ctexton. The Arrandale can- the Canadian fleet, having returned nery on the Nee River a well as'10 P0 " tunes with a total Lowe Inlet. Butedate. Klemtu and Wsl- ot 182.600 pounds, while the Onome. ItKDF.CKEIi WIIUIF Uer Lake in the Central Division and Captsln David Ritchie, has made the Albert ii MeOaffery have completed ' Namu and Tallbeo In the Bella Cooia nCTt mo,t trips, sixteen for a total of the work of redesking the east end of region will remain open until the end 1M-a0 pounds. Canadian boats bar-their coal wharf. The work was car-. of September to pack fall varieties j lnI made fifteen trips arc: Mayflower, rlsd out by the Pacific Stevedoring tt . ..l88-800 Pounds; erub, 188.500 pounds; Fishing at MMt Maeaett. SUdegata, lltMM and Contractus CO. I " " . ' .. " xemen. iw.dw pounds. Oast. Peter Lesgbtoa of UeUskaUa iCumshewe Inleta on the Queen Char- itotte Wanda la atUl closed hut seining for dog will again be permitted nan urn mwumaam utsaue mj the have all u soon a pinks got up Wart Ways this week for overhaul pre- .treems. probably in about two paratory to departing for Lagoon Bav.jf, t)mt out of which cannery the vessel waif , In the fail fashing. TtW laltflflMKIfflaV tWtr nlaUM VsMaavntJv tit Other boat on tee same waya during; Bnftand. of the Lady Haw- M Boas Spit. tMUer O. W.. and pteastare wMeh m fQr boat. Vaoquaro and PoinertUa. aU tltXlolM stanlp. Ltd. for the W 1 ' llwHlass Indies sntlt'eyiisssl service. TKa nsamtnaT pose oi eiigagmg in a search for a man and boat supposed to have been involved ' tn connection with the recent murder jot Krnaat Maynard. Adenarooke Island I Hghthoue keeper, the provtneia) pel ire cruiser PML. 3, with OatteteMes Raybotu I and Canun on board, returned to port on Thursday afternoon. Evidently, the veasal met with no success tn Its mls-:on. Tommy Camen was nursing a badly bruised cheek, the result of hav- :ng become too affectionate with the ! starting bar which came back and I kayoad him completely for a few seconds at least.' According to reports reaching the eMy from the south, an Intensive tnvestlga-ttern at being made with a view to solving the nature and perpetrator of Maynanrs killing. Bo far, as far as can be learned, the killer Is still at large. i The fised white Ilcbt on Ivorv Maud light station. Hill bank Sound, it la announced, will be changed to a revolving white light on or about September 33. fiOLDBLOOM'S SALE OF LADIES' FUR COATS After a weeks trio down the coast as ' 1? T " "tT'l Wonld you like a fur coat And wculd far as Butsdale. oateeaalbly for the pur- RTlT umti 8. Johnson, man- Snagboat Bobolink. Oapt. J. D. Watson, after an active season's work on the Naas and naswna Rivers, arrived In port Thursday morning from the !kena and proceeded the neat day to Dlgby Island where she wUl be taken on the ways for the winter. About a months work la now to be carried out on the vessel in installing seven new water tanks in place of old ones. Early in aprtng. the Bobolink will go on dry dock for animal overhaul. IIIUIK II. DA.M.Kirii Halibut boat Helae It., Oapt. Halhestad. has been on the McLean Ways at Seal Cove this week rapsirs made to her stern a eotlieien last Sunday at the Lip- sett wharf with the eetneboat Dickie Boy. The Utter vessel hit the Helge H. hsavd on and austalned little dam- e Itself. Bill Shelim returned to port on Monday with his trolling boat Diver after having apent the summer at North Island and has since been relieving at the Prince Rupert Rowing Si Yacht Club's floats for Bhef Thompson wh ha been enjoying a well earned though. strenuous holiday. Trolling opera t lone at North Island this season, Bill re ports, aset with only fair success. Con tinuous north winds were partly re sponsible but there were also too many boats there over one hundred gas ves- eeas in addition to the hand t rollers. Fishing at Hippo Island having been a failure, practtaally all the boats from there moved up to North Island. Bill states that he will Immediately raise his old sealing vessel Kelpie which recently went over on her side and fill ed when a staging at the old McLean Waya In Oow Bay. where she was out of trie water, collapsed. The two-cycle t endnea, which the Kelpie la equip-' pad. wW be removed but It has not yet been decided what disposition will be mads ot the hull. IIAI.IIU'T LANDINGS In aplte of the fact that the past week wa about the roughest from the weather standpoint ao far this season, aging director ot Cammell-Lairds, the builders, propoesd the toast of nice Mf iee records kept for many years ahow- .d that In 18M a monster cod. weighing ill pounds and measuring more than A feet in length was captured on a .ne trawl off the Massachusetts coast, in IMS an ISO-pounder was taken off aorgss Banks and In 1884 several others anging from 100 to 180 pounds were .aken by Maine and Massachusetts flah-armen In the Oulf of Maine. Porte-nouth. Nil., fishermen tell of a 111- ,ound fish after dressing, oaught by Shoal v In 1878 Captain Oeorge H. I Aoarttn. of Oloucaatiar, took off Cape Cod i cod that weighed 111 pounds dressed. And the neat year captured one in Ipswich Bay which measured 5 feet 3 inches and weighed IrO pounds aa taken from the water. In 1878 two oodflah -rt received a. Portsmouth each of which weighed 108 pounds. In the spring of 1807 at New Ledge, slaty miles south east of Portland, a 107-paunder was ken. In 1881 the schooner Morrill 3oy, Captain RusaaU OUI, took on one 'rip 310 codfish weighing 0470 pounds a an average of 30 pounds each, Commenting on these record. Michael 3. Flaherty, proprietor ot the local tleh bouse, said. "Big flah like those are not soaplentiful aa they used to be. rbe average ood we handle here probably runs friAi 15 ts 38 pounds. What we call large' cod caught near shore wlU run as high aa 88 pounds, and those on Georges Bank will be nearer 38 pounds. Today we do get quite a lot of steak cod that wOl weigh from from 40 to 80 pounds. But those real monsters are pretty scarce. A 78-pound-er Is enough to set the boys' tongues waning, and once or twice a year even now, after all the years of more and more intensive fishing, an occasional 80 and even 100-pound oodflah is imported. Evidently there still come pretty near being as goad ftsh in the tea as were ever oaught. Do you know that personally. I disagree with those who claim the annual invasion of dogfish Is a terrible menace to our New England food fisheries? I know that'a pretty radical, but did you ever atop to think than the dogfish may be nature's instrument in imposing a natural close time on the cod. baddooak, hake, cusk and other standard flahea? All through the fall, winter and aprlng months we have our fill of thane rihes fresh from the cold water and In fine condition. Now suppose we had the you like to. get It at one third less than 'he regular cost? Of course you would. Who wouldn't? The thing to do, then. is to visit Ooldbtoomls the oU reliable :Z . " ., ; . 77. fur Kir Ooldbloom is having a sale replied. The Lady Hawkins Is of 437 if ;or Nw york. set in length overall and 59 feet beam. H, Mgt week trriLrg. m She wttl have a speed of fifteen knoU nurchaee, of raw furs and until he ,nd onunodatlon for 338 passengers. . .rtiei. In his store Ia b- lng offered at real tale prices one-third The Atlantic coast gUl-netteti are be- below the ordinary price. .inning to bring in toe large steak cod After being twenty years in' buaisess Meh they take In numbers through In Prince Rupert, Ooldbloom prides Ae mM-susnsner months. The landing j himself on the number of his satisfied f several SO and 60 pound ftsh at the customers. He guarantees every article JJ. Flaherty u Company Men house be U to be at represented and to m VorUand Pier, started ttte fish sur- give satisfaction with a money back ewons reminiscing as to the monsters guarantee. And no one can do much ,t the past they bad operated upon, better than that! So see OoidMoom this week about that fur coat, before he leavea fer the Advt 1VM. r.OLDIH.OOM The Pioneer I'ur Dealer POLICE M WlIHTK tTE HIES 328 FHtNIE. Sept. 16 C O. Henderson, pillce magistrate of Fernle, died sed- iemuel Haley, of Smutty NoSe". Isles of ; denly yesterday. The Bus Driver Buses have to operate on schedule and we make sure of depend able service by using Champion Spark Plugs. Chanplon is the better spark plog because It has an exclusive sllll- msnlte Insulator specially treated to withstand the much higher temperatures of the ' modern high-compres sion engine. AUo a neve patented solid copper gaiVet-seslthstremalns I absolutely gas-tight under high compretilon. Spedal aoalysls eleo Irodet which anurc a fixed spark-gap under all driving conditions. Champion SpargPlugs Windier, Oatarle A CANADIAN-MADE PRODUCT In every corner of the Dominion you will find this grand old ginger ale "VilV is It, the question is often asked by travelers, that we find "Canada Dry" served everywhere we go? For many years travelers have come home to tell how they found "Canada Dry" a popular beverage the wide world over. Distinctive flavor that is why "Canada Dry" has been known in the Dominion since 1890. Why ten years ago Americans begin demanding it in the United States. Why it is served in countless homes from Nova Scotia to British Columbia, today. Why it is a popular ginger ale. "Canada Dry" uses the finest quality Jamaica ginger and other absolutely pure ingredients. It is made under laboratory methods of purity and exactness from the highest quality of ingredients. And note how dcliciously it mixes with other beverages. Here is a distinctive ginger ale I AMADA 59 MJf is Canada ij J. J. MiLaufhlin LimiltJ, Tirtnl and EJmtnttn Caltdtn't Sfringt CorffraiUn Limited, Mtntrrst la U. S. A., Canada Dry Ciair AU, Inarpraltd, AW Ytrk HEALTH FOLLOW OUffCfSACTK CORRECTS rrtstuH on snxu hvu in 0UU5 or TIIC rCUOWIMOMMj: 11 Armour V " LMtAar t lU" ISuvta $Y STOMACH T-tTM yLZJ K'ori jPT " Vm 'UWinu una? GIVE THE LAD A chance, m Does your boy's work at school compare favorably with his classmates? Can he learn? Many backward children owe their success to Chiropractic. Call or write for pamphlet. W. C. ASPINALL Chiropractor Green 211 1'honcs Illack 283 6 and 7 Exchange 11 lock. Open Evenings City Meat Market (SELV1G IIK08.) 3rd Aenue Phone 763 MEAT- FISH, VEGETAUI.ES and ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN IMU)!UCE" at low prices, and immediate delivery Observe I All articles are 3f superior quulityvand absolutely fresh.