If, 1 Mnndav, t,i FAGTl F0U2 in-jaai visas By George McManus BRINGING UP FATHER AuiTUPPP.THATf,ABBV GUY THAT AMV JOST GETTING H&MEJU ;,rr aster 1 1 . vtmvoi: i w riSciuimcmV ' i ' i ) ( MAGGIES RIGHT- I'LL CfT M & COAT I OO 6 AV OLD DOS? ' f ., WHAT1 tw am- go right boT am- let )r LIVE ON THE NEXT BLOCK- I'LLOOTJ ' MATTf NIE.GHORHOOO fb TALKING N&IGHBOR6 f7, Of PASS HIM SO HE CANEEMUL 3 MAGCV.'-- A&OOT HOW LATE TOO COME tEB ME AT V Jl'"; k EARLV I'M UPTHI3 Wall Board , OAR UN HOME AND THAT "YOU theaxJ J .foe m MORNIN' GET TO BOSINE BEFORE ensures a lifetime of Bfttia-fnction wton uselLgr walls and ceiHrfgsft fitfftffie Ind stands firm during trie fife of the building. Wont CRUMBLE WARP CRACK BORN .or IBEBSLWEAK OUT Is damp-proof, vermin-prOof and n perfect insulator, en-urinjr ronl in summer and warmth in winter. Albert & McCaf fery Limited Phones llf and 117 Sheet Metal Works Manufacturers of Pitch and Gravel Roofing Galvanized Roofing Chimney Tops Have Troughing Conduct r Pipe Roof Flashing Warm Air Furnaces Stove Vlpe and Elbows Metal tiooU and Siding Phone 340 Box 467 raneers Arc you getting enough for your fur? If not, come to Goldbloom. Just now we want mink, marten, ermine, coyote, wolf, foxes of all kinds, nd lynx. We have large orders from manufacturers in the East, and if we cannot fill them we lose our bonus. Wc pay top prices for everything. If you have a large lot. wire me and I shall call personally. Remember, -if you want a square deal sell to Goldbloom "The Trappers' Friend." Secnd Avenue FISHERMEN for Pumpernickel Bread Rye Crip and other Breads, come to The Rupert Bakery Baked in an oven, heated by oil which insured a well baked loaf and one that will stay moist. ., Phone G J. Gnron C. Iliggcrt Proprietors World's Record Strains BABY CHICKS and HATCHING EGGS from pens of R.0.P, Poultry Breeders' Ass'n. of B.C. Birdi with Official Records under Government Inspection. White and Brown Leghorns, Barred Rocks, R.I. Reds, Wyandottes, Buff Orpingtons, Black Minorcas, Blue Andalusian Order Now. Iteaaonable Price. Ft Price List write Sec rotary. Prof. Lloyd, University of B.C.. V.mi Miiver, B.C. r Brooklyn BROOKLYN IN FIRST PLACE f'APTL'NBD NATIONAL LOGCK l.RAIi- F.ltKIIlP I1V TAKIS'U TWO OAMKK FI'.OM PHILADELPHIA YAN K KEN LEAD AOAlN (Special to Dally News) NSW YORK. April 30. By winning both games of a doublebeader yesterday tram Philadelphia, Brooklyn Robins ad vanced to tint place in the National league, displacing New York Olanta who shared honori with Boston. St. LouU Cardlnali are In third place wKh Cincinnati Reds fcllowlng. The New Y t Yankees tgaln took the lead In : Atnrtor,n League by vlntilng one hh::w w-.'erdav :rjm Wash- lngton Ben.ni,: I'lcvrimd lnrinns went back - ".mil nlng on ,i ci U Detr .: I . . r- ini i n 'l.m-l -l p.. I. .- Al. . : u I'll IID.W S OK! s Mil, Tumi I : : lit- ' !- I. II -t Vir ' li r: m Null. "Hi 1 .!!!; Ill' - ;,. c. i - . l Lt-'.IVUi- !tr ,wjli A' lii-i.c o.t'rfU Hi n.s n -I'h.l..il.';ph,.i l liir 7, 14 :: a.. H 1- r'U "I b .' 1 ll--V :-X i, 1:1 11 SI NOW St ORKH Vllliih.ll I i .IXi"' i-.ii ;i ( !. Yi rk .1-12 .:..!. ::,m t -o i;r.. k: i, n Wilbur,: i. ( in iim.it: ! Mlli-ilnin I.'-nMC New V.-rk 7 ft'i'ii n .; n 5 DMr.;: V Clei-i-luiui (i chic.ii.' - y . I !;,-! l.i'.IXlie MtMlCMs 8-2. S. ,,!! i. 2 :l BecraW'' U'- Sc rrjiin..;-.. Hotly (I 2-3. !'ol'l,iucl 11-4 Oakland I'M. .., AmcU-.- r-,-') Lt V.I h aTiNIHN;s N;ilh'Ulylii;iir New York 6 St. Louis 8 Otncinnatl a Chicago 9 Philadelphia S Pittsburg 6 Boston 4 American league New York 0 devemnd IS St. LouU 10 Philadelphia 9 Washington S Chicago Detroit 3 B.iston I. I. fl S t 4 7 10 11 t DIDOGURVICH fi-'t Pc- .815 .000 .511 .sstt aoo .417 Mi 308 .780 .417 an m JOB COMING HOME I (M'AI. IIATTMCK IH K 1U'K WF.IINKa-I.Y AFTKIt A BtF T0I It OF rOtl'KST IN THE BOt'TII Battling Dido Ourvich is expected home on Wednesdsy morning's steamer from his tour of boxing conquest to the south. During the past two or three weeks. Dido has been undergoing wim extensive training and It is ex pected he will be able to snow the bays a few wrinkles for his repertoire when he gets back He has already la sued a challenge to the winner of the Jimmy McDonald-Alf Harding bout this week. Dido's lateat exploit in the south was a bout at Britannia Beach on Friday evening last when he won easily over a man whom he knocked down for the count of four in the second' round. This matte the third fight he had wdn'slnce'i he went south. Around The World With Sport Fans (lly The Tramp) Now It Ik rlslmed that the Toronto Lakesides basketball teem wss not the champion tram of Uie east because Uicy failed to piny the girls of Dal housle University. The latter Um are the maritime champions ant claim the right to be considered. They the Lakesldee were only playing exhibition Mimics at KdmOnton againat the Commercial Croda. The ban of horses owned by Harry 31:iclalr has been Utrd since h!i acquittal by a Jury of any wrongdoing In connection with oil leases. Vic Andrews, publicity man for the New Westminster Amateur Athletic Association, which is backing the New Weatrhinitcr Lacrosse team, saya that 912.00C is needed to fl nance the trip -t the B.C. team to the .Olympic games thla aummer. To help raiss 'funds they ate putting on a championship boxing tournament, the total proceeds of which jces to the Olympic fund. That Reglna is said to be temporarily "through" with professional hockey snd the amateur game will flourlal ..eat winter on a bigger scale than ever tfcfore m that city. At any rate that la 'he -opinion shared by three men who for many years have followed the for-ines of the puck-propellers In this ".namely. A! Ritchie, Wes Champ : Fred Ufland, The severe financial suffered by the Caps, coupled ' : he recent death of their president Mlef owner. Jack Webster, have uiout eliminated say possibility lalsrled men plying their trade t winter, while ttte slmon pure mi i us been hoisted into s warm the hearts OT the fans through 'inquest of flowle liaiaev Mon-- !- in the east. With Reglna defend-.: 'radian junior championship ' set for a bumper season i . -kiv eemmeaefhg in the . i ... i no- lumber. i' I.-' , i. i' -Mil be decided at 1 ur M iy vi whether Cieve o ' i!i- 'ii- : 'ace of Pittsburg the H Hey league neat I im -;,u'- jKH.pie dp not seem I I d..,.,, ta . ue hnikes; played. !iir-i -prn inrial i ( pi ,, it M '.' : !i '. (' v 1 1 : ' 1 ' III golf tournament 'itreal on August ;i probably send :: ii'in !wie: WW mix "Mt Thiir-diiv and PTi in- ;.i: different .11 u ii.it 1 1 t of wraatllng Lou Fink av lie Jllnk the cham PlOn is ri prrfi-i t rn; idU - Hi '.Ot the big right agau 1 H.'aey. ir ni go to his ttainlng caii toraorrov. e There is to be a commercial soft ball league in Winnipeg this summer. e Pete Latco Lough ran. has challenged Tommy Dorel PUllng, champion Javelin thrower, who has been attending the to June JS. Inclusive. Following will ual fall meetings at Calgary and Win-' nipeg will be given. Some boxers when they reach the money. Others put it away for a time ot need. French y Balanger, former champion of the world flyweights, gave ndlcation of his type of manhood when be purchased a house recently is a present tor his mother. "Frenchy" earned over tlSsOOO in three bouts dur-ng the time he was the flyweight sen-t Ion of the world, and he has proved himself to be anything but a wastrel. .Is last cheek from the 8hamrock A.C. mounting to over W.000, was not cashed until last week. The same spiles to a cheque of HMO. his purse jr his last bout, which was in Detroit iBlnst Joe Ross of New York. The way of the amateur boxer la hard lys an Eastern writer. Little is known which these boys go through in order o prepare themselves for contests In he ring. That the sport Is increasing n popularity is evidenced by the fact .hat sixty-four of the best known box- in the Province entered the lists .or the Ontario Olympic boxing trials., Reports from Weston are to the effect hat the Ontario Amateur Lacroaae As-ociation senior champions will get to-ether, smooth out any differences that iay have arisen, and again enter the ertes with another powerful team. The ) A L A cannot afford to have this jlorfal and clever aggregation drop ut of the race says a worthy eontenv jry. Althoug defeated by New Westminster tills season, it is the general pinion that thr Weatonttea were the trongest tear i organ Ind lacrosse. "Hist long t; Journey and tryltv championship : l . -Off series in the West took D of the effectiveness ironi the Wesson squad Toronto teams will have to be at their beat to bold Weston In check this coming season. OPENING SHOOT McNICHOLL C'K WEATHER WAS MlOWT.UY AMI f.WXfcll 1.01V (MHHIB-IX MEN KRK tll T the h rt. tlon . th 11 iiw'- P. ( The wea;1 n terfered wi . . scores. The. required numrx R. Wilson university oi una, nas oswu ui oui ne jy Brass hoped to be in shape to represent ' Lamb Csnsds on the Olympic team. -.' cmertm 1 J. watt The Manitoba capital will have its B yriiaen uirst sarwx not msesuiaj. ai oeauaiui shoot of the isasotl of f ii.inent Rifle Aasocls-v erday afternoOM at en' outdoor range ' isswery and thla in- hooting, oa using low friiaj no spoon aa the of seven men was not out. The scores wore as follows: tOO 500 tOO SO SI 28 W so so as ts ts -tsv to . to tt- o ST 11 00- TS 30 SO 11-07 IIIIMAHIf tiuiim;v crime the seven-day meet at Whlttier ; In the city htuidlaap billiard tourna-Park. June ad to July 3 tneiusive, this ment under the! ausplass of the Otand concluding the spring rasing. The us- Terminal Club., A- Donald (scratch) First the Boy then the Man jC0UIl boy can start lift with a baknee la the Bank. Many a boy has $100 or ntCTrr-sayl om his pocket money and is proud o! his; bank book. A thousand dollars saved at 18 may mean a college education or a good start in business. ( The Royal Bank Or Canada Prince Ilupcrt Br.iiich F L. Ri.ix itn, Managei 2U VA anted For Sal re ror Ken FOR HUNT O l2B. by Inl I Fm.n Swvm. Ix Cr-, BiS. iWl wi FOR RENT. HOUSE, FIVE BOOMS and bath; newly papered. Oood 1 oca-ion. 004 second Avenue. Phone 846. OR RENT. CLAPPERTON HOUSE. Ninth Avenue East. Rent reasonsble. Apply City Treasurer, City Hall. tf OR RETT- PIANOS. PLATER-PIANOB. Phonographs and Sewing Machines. Walker Music Store. tf FOR RENT PintNISHKD HOOSEXEEP- Ing rooms by the day. week or month. Phone Reel Pot, ti "OR RENT. ROOMS WITH OR WITH-eeit board. Central loos Hon Phone Blue 108. U FOR RENT. FURNISHED ROOM WITH private family. Phone Oreen 817. FOR RENT OR SALE. MODERN FITS roomed bungalow. Phone Blue SIB. FOR RENT. FURNISHED APART-ments. Apply Mi assail i in Oroeary. defeatesl H. Wslker I plus 30) by tOO to 188. that being the only game played aver the week-end. The following two nee remain to be played in the first round: "Harry Wasson vs. Fred Steph ens: W. J. Nelson va Bert Morgsn. I SPORT CHAT The golf season has already started at Prince George. The first toumamsnt Iff, toe jMr ttwened. on asturday be- fV.aVokW cJ-'at. haoded- by te protldent and the vice-president. Oolf has beoome well esubllshed In the in terior town and la a very popular sport. ftsMe Is a good course there which la rssuu or considerable work that has been done on It. The baseball season has been started at Haeelton snd New Haselton. Last Sunday afternoon the New Haaalton baseball team met s mixed team from Haselton on the latter's grounds and defeated them by a score of 10 to 0. It Is likely that names will be played mere each, Sunday from now on. Cyril Spooner la captain of the New Haselton team which consists of a group of promising young fellows Alf Harding haa lived up to the ad vance reports about him. He has tilth. srrown in nis workouU tlist he Is a very strong, rugged boy and wants to mix all the way. He will keep Jimmy McDonald gulte busy avoiding hu bull rushes on May 3. There is a lot of interest shown In the aeml-tlnal be- good shape and a real good evenlna'a entertainment Is looked forward to JAPANESE EASILY DEFEAT CUBANS AT DAVIS CUP TENNIS Hyj t.iHNfi MATKRIAIi? KVF.CIAL LllMRKK PHlim Per M. 2x4 Com Sited, a good grade 116.00 1x0 Shlplap. No. 3 01300 H0 Fir V Joint HO 00 3 in or 4 In. Flooring or V Joint 01000 18 in Wall Shingles 1J 18 In. Roof Shingles. No. a Perf $ MO '4 In. No. 1 Shlplap. any width to 13 in Rouen Fir Boards mixed 4 Light Sash, each 1.10 0 Light Bash 6 I 0t Inside doors. 2 ft. 8 In x 8 ft. 8 in 8 S.40 Back Doors. 2 ft. 0 in. x 8 ft x 8 in. (glass) 8 400 Front Doors, ditto 6 S.TS Also a big stock of finish lumber always on hand, aa well a Lams too. wall board, veneer, etc. Write us for prices. F.XIF.I.SIOK MMIIER A SIIINOI.F. Co. Umlled Ft of Vlctoris, Vancouver. BC High SCOWS, T0W1N0. Ktc C. C. KRTCIIUM A CO. Sand aai Oravel for Bale. Scows far hire. General Towing. Prices fasredlng MoaevoU. Phones 771 and nine StS. BXCHANflE XEIV AND SF.CONIi HtNII FI'RMTI'RF bought and sold snd eschar!. Player Piano and Two Cash lis slaters in stock PAPtnornoH S9 Third Ave. Mtnt rtwne Mil CHIROPRACTIC Drt. R. F.. F.YOI.FSOV Chlrofrr(ar 808 Third Avenue Telephone for appointment now to Blue SB. Res lie nee phone Flack 363. Acute and Chronic Disorder fully treated Estahllsheel 1M4 TUITION 8. A. McPHRRSON Teacher of 'jiNrm(r" vxn voin: r-HQiu'criON. For terms Phone Blue SS. t'M('i?ers: PlltNTE IHTFItT AVPTION MART Teilrral Itlork Furniture of all kinds bought, sold or exchanged. Crating and packing done. Ooodi sold on Commission Auctioneer. Low (5. J. DAWKS. Phone m PRINCE RUPERT TIDES MOMiAV. APRIL M IUm M lMt Iuh I! . . . 10:00 am. 18 0 ft 33:00 p m. 19.4 0:14 am. TO 17:00 pm. 8.1 TIUrtllAY, MAY 1 Tigh 11:43 am. 8JS:S4 p.m .. nm oyrne ana I ow X:B4 s.m. Oeorge Bard. Byrnes' speed snd ex-1 17:49 pA. perlence will be pitted against Bard's WF.INr5fnAV. MAY hitting and some who have seen the ! Ugh i.,..,.... 18:83 p.m. work outs claim this will carry Be bw .inu.. rang way in the boxing game,, snl - is-ar em the preliminary boys are getting In "i'1' TlltiiiftH.lYV 'MAY 0:80 am. 13 00 p.m. Low 7:00 a.lh. 18:58 pjn. IIIMlAY. MAY 4 High 0:68 a m. 18:86 p.m. Low 7:81 a.m. I9:ta p.m. ttlTI'Iffblt' MtV new vnmt a , . I ' 1 ' 1 " -.. nprn uu me Japanese High 1:34 am Davis Cup team defeated Cuba taking' 14 11 nm two singles Saturday and dn.il.les Bun- ' Low 8 02 . m day with ease. I .'. I 10 69 p m. 18.8 in 30.1 8jj 8.0 " J 30.8 ft 18 1 4.3 8.1 i DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. v2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for let than 50c FOR SALE TROLLEH FOR SALE. P1V TON boat, rally equipped and in good shape. Roomy, comfortable cabin arrangement: tale your family trolling with you this summer. Attrac-ttve prrtt. Writ Alvin A roves. Wae-ker. Alasfca. 101 OLD NEWBPAPxate MAY BC USBD IN stead of hulldlng paper or to lay beneath carpeu oh the floor. Oct special price on large quantities. Dally News. by the average spectator at boxing OB SALE -LOT 3 BLOCK 10, 8TXW- jouts of the tedious training grind, art. This lot faces Sixth Street and backs up to the post ofBce. The price is 11.000. Boa &00. Daily News, Prince Rupert. U FOR BALt TOrWttHED HOUSE AND S lots: fine garden. MS 9th Avenue B. at a bargain. Price 11400, part cash. J. Squlrchuck. in News. WANTED WANTED. WOMAN FOR UOHT STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS housework. Apply Box 101 Dally lor Yam-outer Sunday oa. Prince nu.x-i' Tuesday as. Catala Thursday as. Prince owu Friday as. Princess Royni Saturday as. Gardens April IS as. Princess Alur April 3& -s PHncess Al From X'awewover Sunday- as. Catala . Wednesday as. Pr. ncu Friday- si. Cardena Friday ss. Princess Roy.ii Saturday as. Pr. Rupm April 81 as. Princess Al ' tltOO 'r '"n' Slmpxiii and Siw It ir Friday oa. caroena Saturday so. Csrdena For AHyoe Sunday ss. CaUla Wedneaday ss Prince c.r.i Frew Any Tuesday as. Catala Thursday -ss. Prince (k'ni I'M Hewort and lremler Sunday ss. Catala Saturday- as Prlnrr K ., iTWm Mewart BIHI Prrmlrr- Bundsy ss Prince hum:-Tuesday ss. Caul a m leeo ritarletle April fl as. Prince Ji May 5 Prince Chsrles From lloer 'Tarto( April 10 as Prince Join May g-os. Prinoe Chsrle- For Alaska Wednesdsy ss. Prince r,.-April Jl e. rrim-M Al ITwn Atsska Thursday as. Prince Of April IS as. Prince.,- a. April 3S as. Prlnrr A It the MAIL SCHEDULE Mondays, Wednesdays. ' closes Irmn the Haol- Tufvrays. Thursdays nut mall due T Vancouver- Sundays Tueeaafe Thursdays Saturdays C R.- April 18 and 2r Trains. Mondays. Wi" Ssirurdate 1 rem Vancourr r Sundays Wednesdays Fridays Saturdays C.P.R.- April 11 and 21 Trains. Sundays. Tuesday, days V Arwot ami Alice Arm- V SMiuBavs man fodnesdeys rreea nymx M Alhe Arm- Tuesdays Thursdays nr ftlewart and Premier-Sundays Saturdays rem "tewart end Premlir Sundays Tuesdays Te Nass Itlrrr Points- Friday Frnm SFaas River Points HJatordays To Alaska Points April 11 and 31. From Alaska Points-April IS. 38 Tl (Jneen I'li ilotte llnil VM'" "I"1' . -J rro... nnu., rimrlnlte ll.i"" r April 10. May 8. r.s n wldthi (as) I rem Pert HlHipwn and Nn.ik Rhr - 4 rl if a ii pa ; :.: T4 !i I II SllldsT r fi li1 oJ 415 pl f it . ar; MiTTF.lt IIOX t'OlMfTlnf Oraham Ac Xuin Ave . let Ave. A 8th St 8th Ave. St Fulton St. ISO IMeth Ave- & Thompson St 310 ft 19.3 " 3.6 " 6.3 " 31,3 ft. 19.1 " 3.1 " 8.7 " 8th Ate. As Hays caw a 0th Ave. Ac Ilaya Cove d' " Oth Ave. A Cotton St Mb Ave. As oreen st (H"iMl 6th Ave. Ac Mcnrlde St Prov. Oevt. Building . Prov. Oovt. Wharf O.T.P. Wharf o.T.p. station 2nd Ave. Ac and St. Srd Ave. Ac Pulton St. 3rd Ave. Ac 6th St. Sundays One colli'i" p.m. collection. is nil'; l ;t 1SU i ii in I'1 u ,1,1 n ,..f 1 f tf 1 1 .V 11 !'" 7 I ' 'I 111 ' IIS 1)30; M 1 11.1,1 'i.li ' 1 H din 1 !l4 l.',0 l VI ' in' 10 05 11 3' ' in:c 1 inl' ' 1 HI."1 ,, .111!1