Monday, July 16, 1928 is here again, with its call to the Great Outdoors!1 the course of the next few weeks, thousands of people will forsake the cities to seek rest and recreatfon, by lake and stream and in the depths of th cool, Vn,-irnu. "' riiroHs 'lifUjEh Remember! This is the month of July when the Fire Hazard is at its height. Be rigidly careful with Fire. Get your camp fire permit; have it always with you and follow its simple instructions. The consciousness of doing your part to Protect the Forests will add materially 10 your enjoyment of them. EX. Forest Service t Now is odak Tme KODAKS, KODAK SUPPLIES ' FILMS Developing and Printing for Amateurs Six Hour Service. Films left before 12 noon, prints ready 6 p.m. same day QrmeslM. yfic Pioneer Drug pists THIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST. -TELEPHONES tt?it,200 GOOD FOR 10,000 EXTRA VOTES First Subscription Coupon Accompanied by the nomination blank and your first subscription, this coupon will start you in the race for the magnificent Daily Newt gifts with the grand total of more, thau 21.000 votes. This coupon nay be uaed only once and is valid only when accompanied by a subscription remittance. Nairn of Subscriber Candidate' Name ...... Amount Enclosed This coupon will count 10.000 extra vote when relumed to the Campaign Manager at the campaign office of the Prince RuiH-rt Daily News, together with the first subscription you obtain. It must be accompanied by the cash, and the subscription must be for a period of one year or lnger. The 10.000 free votes are IN ADDITION to the number given on the subscription as per the regular vote schedule. lIcANADIAN VAcinc Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Krtrhlkaii, Wranjfll. Juneau ami Skagway: July 6.9. IS, rH M. M, 17. M To Vanroutrr, Victoria and Seallle-luly II. 14, Id, 11, 4, M. PKINCKSS KOVAL lor Itiitrdale. Kat Bella Bella. Ocean lalK Naniu. Alert Hay. Campbell KWrr and Vanromrr every I rlilay. 10 p.m. . all line. Information from Agency ' Meanmlilp l , , v oiti'iitnn. flrnrral Arrnt. Corner or 41b KtrrVt and Srd Avrnue. Prince Kupcrt, B.C. R, .".":": M. SMITH. Agent. r:..... . it....... Phoue 31 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Hailing from Prince II u pert, r, VICTORIA. Swanwn luy. Ilutedalr. Alert Hay. elc. lor VANrOliVi:Vt!,''virTKIA. Kuteilaie. Alert Iter, etc HMurday, 7 a.m. lor POKT MMI'MlN and NAA "VI:k WINT. Jrwy-lor ALICE ARM. ANYOX, NTKWAIIT. WALKM ISUM, PT 8IMISON. Sunday. I n.m, JIrkela told In Victoria ana riur. . in in niinaiioi 1 V w THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THP.EE E351 Steve Vlckovlch, Juneau merchant, arrived In the city on the Prince Oeorge Local and Personal this morning from Alaska to pay a II II visit with local friends. r ' t Albert Farrow, steamboat Inspector Ne YVOUS Wreck a Tal Phone 4. Big 4 Tart. .tJ and Mrs. Farrow sailed by the Princes;. Louise this morning for Whttehorse Dentist. Dr. J. K. Oosse. Phone. 68t after spending a few days in the city. , '..if, ,.n inn aiiernoons train, di Last at 3.30, was reported ing to be on time. tusnorn- Dr. Otckcy. Eye, Bear. Nose and Throat Office Hotel Prince Rupert Houra. IB to 6 pjp. evening) by appointment. 103 Mr. and Mra. P. Dalbjr returned to the city on yesterday altemxih'i train trom a two weeks' holldii visit to Edmonton. Fsed WcLeod of the municipal tele phone department returned to the city M the Catala last rueM from a bolide trip to TaneouTer. J. R. Morrison of the Fire Hall returned to the city last night from a holiday trip to Vancouver and other points in the south. titer.! Oommlttee Booms are now open at the corner of Second Avenue and Pourih Street. All supporters of Hon. T. D. Patulo, minister at lands. are cordially inrtted to visit the rooms Pbbne 238. tf H. O Olsen. manager at Smlthm tcr the naaabn tAnnber and Timber Co. returned ta the city on toe Prtnoe Oeorge this morning after making the rovnd trip to Skagway and urnondad to the Intefkor by tram. J. C. . Brady. Itf returned to the city on yeaMrday afternoons train from a campaign, tour through the central interior ridings on behalf of CSonservatlve candidates In the ao-q proacamg provutclal eiectlqn. Motorahip Hurryon. Capt. Dan McKln- non. which haa been at the dry dock for the past three days loading Cottonwood logs from Terrace for the Uminated Ma ten sis aaill at Kew West-mlnster. will sail south tonight. tov.. Q. H. Bain, principal of the Ooqualeetas Inatltute at Sardis, wa a na-sfager aboard the CsOala last night going through to SMwftrt with a small group of native ehadren who have been attending his school. Mr. Raley will be returning south to- Mra. S. MoBrearty and Mra. J. Wlcfc- ham. of Montreal, who have been vialt- !ng for the past ten days with Mr. and Mrs. Harold McEwen. Fourth Avenue West, will sail tonight on the Prtnoe Oeorge foe Vancouver aad will vtett n Seattle. Poniard. St. Paul, Chicago and Mew York before proceeding to their home. Mr. aad Mra. W. I. WUllasas and two daughters. Enid and Claire, ar rived in the city last night on the Catala from Vancouver and proceeded mmedlitely to the Blllmor Spruce Mills camp at the south end of Kalen Island where Mr. Williams wUl nsper-t progress on the new sawmill nonstructlon. They will be baek in own for a brief visit before returning KNUh. "lliilld I1.C." Pacific Actually Is Richer I'riwns?- n mm liecause it is a product of British Columbia Jim. J. (J. Sher- ijince uurrj. 11.0, . 1 1 .5,'tyaifc.Af -Vancouver bought her loattaae "I", rierKeu- lJTai.: J PlfU Mill, n 1 City Meat Market (SELV1G HHOS.) 3rd Avenue 1 honc 765 MEAT. FISH, VEGETABLES and ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN PRODUCE" at low prices, and immediate delivery Observe I All articles are of superior quality and absolutely fresh. Dominion Constable A. J. Watkln- aon returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a brief trip to Port Isslngton on official duties. Now then folks I What about that rluitle l.-.od of box cuttings? The kiddles like to handle It. Can you beat It at W.SO per load? Hyde transfer Phone 580. tf Ous Stroaabaek. nioneer Altec Arm mining man. who haa been enendlns several montha in Vancouver, waa passenger last evening on the Catala bound north. Magna Strand and Anton Urvlk. fish-j men of the halibut boat June, which tied up temporarily In Ketchikan, (arrived in the city on the Prince Charlotte Saturday afternoon. Bell -Irving, prominent Van couver business man, arrived in the city from the south on the Calais lest night, being on a trip north In convection with his extensive cannery Interests. ' W1 iffW-'ves Hi givtrjB nWjrdVCJo local induiirinJ. "I .found it a richer rpilk with a ftatr flvaor," ahe writes, "and I have used nearly every brand of canned milk. It is a credit to the province Thank you, Mra. Sherman. We have striven to make it bo. PACIFIC MILK lactones at Aliuottlnrd and Ijidnrr. n.C. Ilulld IXC." i ti" - '.J if t t-t This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Comrol Board or by the Government of Britih Columbia stall Merchants' Picnic on Thursday weather permitting. Laerae meeting in City Hall tonight 'at " prompt, for election of orrlesW and farms t Ion of plajlng ariiedalr. Mia. Fred T. aalsburk arrived in the 91 on Saturday afMrnes train fpeta hyaf ' the guest M Mr. and Mra. F. V. Hart, SUth Avenue West. aTl A TXUnJI a 1 M kpe Impflai pt, Co.. returned to the city on yeaterday . afternoon t train 'roan s rie! bmatneas trip to the ;nta$lpr. , f'( A little Japanese girl was struck at Sunnyside by the passenger train com ing In from the East on Saturday afternoon As far as can be learned, the child was not seriously Injured. CJfJt steamer Prince Oeorge. Oapt. Harry Medden. returned to port at o'clock this morning frosa Skagwsy and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Ocean Falla, Powell River aad Vancouver. A I'aMIe Kane will be h.ld In the t:hHiH ton IVnlMInc on Turn-day night at 9 o'eJnt-k In honor of the Mp'i reaaiany of II. M. H. . "Iurban." AdrnWen free. Every-bady watrome. 1M With a full lUt of tourist passengers on hoard. CP.R. steamer Princes Louise. Capt. Arthur Slater, arrived la port at 8 o'clock thla morning from the south, sailing a ooupte of houia later lor Skagway. Opportunity Beckons I Hear Evelyn Davis i Free Lecture) Metro pole Hall t pja. Loam saws of Health. Success and Character seeding. Vocational advice, Character analysts by appointment. St. Sum Hotel. 16 J. Field Strang. Sunnyside; J. E. U.rd. North Pacific and James Lamb, Casslsr were among cannery managers who arrived in the city on yesterday nfterno.n'e train to bold a conference lere t, day In regard to the situation caused by the change of the weekly cl::se m ason an the Skeena River. F. o. T. Lucas, well known Vancouver lawyer, arrived In the city oa ihf Princes oulse this morning from the south to assist In the closing of the Oousei v stive provincial okcUcn caaiftafgn bare. Mr. Lucas is accompanied by his little uaughter. Miss Helen teaa. Delayed that trip north through havinit to 4it for a tide at Seymour Nrroa,.,C.N.R. steamer Prince Chare.' Oaj 1 1l McLean, did not Urrtvefafttkim uatU 2J0 this. (riTiwcxnTrhei'esl is scheduled to sttl h oVoct tor Stewart, Anyoa and Maseett latet polnta. returning here at 10J0 Thursday morning and sniiiiu' south at 4 pjn. Commodore Walter Hose, head of the Canadian Navy, arrived in the city abosr the destroyer Vancouver thla morning from south and proceeded by train to Ottawa. Commodore Hone, who 1' w ll known here, having been In romnuind of H.M.04. Rainbow during (lie r. repretted that time would iut 'rtnit him atsylng lunger In ,., i. r'iicw i ild lu-qualiilunces locally II 111 , f AH 'A It Hit '( J, D. Eastwood ,Pf Dleby Island sailed Saturday afternoon by the Princee Charlotte wt' a holiday trip to Victoria. Mrs. Eastwood and family are already In the south. T. A. Candlson. formerly manager of Haysport cannery and now engaged n the automobile business, tailed Saturday night on the ' Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Waugh and daughter are sailing by the Prince Charles this afternoon to make the round trip to Stewart, Anyox and Mas cett Inlet points. CJJJt. steamer Prince John. Oapt. E. Mabbs 4s due this evening from Vancouver direct and will saU at midnight on ber return south via the Queen Charlotte Islands. Passengers sailing last night on the Catala for. the north including Roy' L. Fox and wife. R. D. Purvis and A. E. Hcsklns. for Anyox. and Mr. and Mrs. i R M. Walter, for Aerandale. N Aboard the steamer Prince Charles uday are a number of cannery work wcrkera from Vanvouver bound (or Massett Inlet to be employed, now that the pink run Is commencing oo he Islands. Miss Alice Noble, principal of Kit-si lano public aehool, Vancouver, arrived in the city from the south on the Princess Louise this morning to pay s visit to ber sister. Mrs. D. J. M stive-son. 427 Emmerson Place. J. A. MscLaren. editor and proprietor of the Birrle Examiner, la In the city today, saUIng south on the Prince George after a visit to Alaska. Bertie is a town the size of Prince Rupert but It has only a weekly paper. W. A. Wallace, surveyor of toe Brin ish Corporation, marine uneerwrtten. sailed Saturday night by the Prta Rupert on his return to Vancouver after a visit here to make an Inspection at the freighter Canadian Farmer which Is In dry dock. 8. C. Gordon of Aiyansh arrived la dty on tiie Prince Rupert S&tur ay night iram Aajwx. He had aaa lbs trip out fanm Aigash to Alio Aaa fier tiie UaU. He aalle tonight an he Prbue Jehn for the south Queon asrtatte . Islands en a trip. Richard Knox, superintendent engin eer for Canadian National Steamship. sailed Saturday night by the Prince Rupert on his return to Vancouver after spending a few days In the etty .TO official duties m connection with the freighter Canadian Farmer which la in dry dock here. Ralph C. Rogers of Whituker. Hew Jersey, representative ,of the Inter national Newa Service, dissmharhied here from the steamer Prmoe Oeorge Uus rooming after a trip lrto the Yukon and Central Alaska to look over the northern aerial route. It win spend a day or so In the olty efore proceeding East. Two excited women tourist lre were left behind this morning when the steamer Princess bound for Alaska, pulled away the government wharf. The steamer was megaphoned as she psiaed down the harbor and one of the small gas- boats of the Prmee Rupert Salvage Towing Co. took the ladles out to be taken, aboard the vessel when she stopped la the harbor. Dr. Joseph Short of Portland. Oregon and daughter are passengers aboard the Prince Oeorge today returning south after a trip to Alaska. Dr. Short was a elassmste at school la Stora. Ontario, with D. MeD. Hunter. L. W Patmore and O. W. Kerr of this city with whom he renewed acquaintance bis morning. Though aa American citlarn and resident now. Dr. Short la an enthusiast In regard to Canada's future from what he can judge he says the next century will be TIMBER SALE X7091 Sealed Tenders wUl be received by the Minister of Land at Victoria. B.C.. not later than noon on the win day it August. IB38. for the purchase of Licence X7091. to cut J. 084 .000 F.BJJ of Spruce. Hemlock, and Cedar on an aiea aa joining norm Boundaries w iom B9 and 843. South Bay, Skidegate Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands Land District. Thirty (30) years wui oe auowea tor removal of timber. Further nartlculara of the Chief Fvfe ester, virions, u.i... or uatnn ter. Prince Rupert. B.C. TIMBER SALE X9237 91 Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minuter of Lends at Victoria, B.C. not later than noon en the 6th day of August. 1(38, for the purohase of Licence X8337. to cut 2,016.000 F.B.M of Spruce. Hemlock, and Cedar on an area adjoining Lot 1317, rlclnlty of Sandaplt. North end of Moresby Island Queen Charlotte Island, Land District. Thirty S0 yeara. will be allowed for wmovsf of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria, B.C., or District Foreter. ter. Prtnce Rupert. B.C. Restored 'to Health There is nothing more trying than a nervous breakdown, not only for the patient but for those in Uie immediate household. In this type of case Chiropractic is especially valuable. Miss Gordia Herrinjr, who writes the following testimonial, is only one of the many thousands who has discovered the value of Chiropractic. How many women there are who go through life, year after year, suffering acutely because they have been unable to find relief. They continue to search for the health which every individual has a right to expect. If they only knew it, their chiropractor could restore that health. Miss Herring writes: "For two years my health had been failing. I grew weaker and weaker, and was a nervous wreck, almost past getting about, and unable to work. Before giving up, I decided to try Chiropractic. I was assured that if I would continue adjustments long enough I would receive my health again. Availing myself of the opportunity, I soon began to improve and in six weeks I was able to begin work, and have not lost a day in three and one-half months, feel good, ard have gained 104 pounds. I want the world to know-that I feel grateful for what Chiropractic, by scientific adjustments, has done for me." Gordia Herring. My years of local experience have proven to me that this is not an exceptional case. Consult R. EY0LFS0N DEMAND "Rupert Brand" HEALTH fOLLOWS OMomcrcroiRKTS . . rrajusi on snnu intYUiNwsusrjcp THE rOUAVINOOtCWJ: C3e& .wit I H5r-ttiMf filCuvta siPtR itomach f aiftNcrl iowtll Wf X Am noii lppers THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD.' Smoked Daily by Canadian F'sli & Coi Storage Co.. IX vijaa sLjav ram vara Prince Unpen. B.C. FREE VOTING COUPON Good for 100 Votes In the Daily News "Everybody Win" Grand Prize Campaign I hereby east 100 FREE VOTES to the credit of Visa, Mr. or Mrs. Address This coupon, NKATLY CUPPED OUT, name and address of the candidate filled in, and mailed or delivered to the Campaign Departraant of the Prince Rupert Daily News, will count as 100 FREE VOTES. It does not coat anything to cast these coupons for your favorite candidate, and you are not restricted in any tente in voting them. Get all you can and send them in ttey all coant Do not roll or fold; deliver in flat package. NOTE This coupon must be voted on or before 8 p.m. August 8. 1928. SECURITY FIRST oyal Insurance Co., Limited Liverpool, England Established 1845 Total Funds 91 7a,i) l:!,U05.22. S. D. Johnston Company, Ltd. Agents PRINCE RUPERT. W. C. ASPINALL CHIROPRACTOR 1SH1S 6 nni 7 Kxchange Block. Prince Rupert. H.C. 7 r. O ItVMlr" tblmrl?