EVERYBODY WINS Fvcrv Active Participant is Guaranteed a Sum in Cash or a Biff Prize. There Will lie No Losers H LATBST 11128 MODEL Tudor Sedan itf Ford Tujfor Sedan Purchased from S. E. I'AKKKR 1Tl). Prince Itupcrf, B. C. Prince Rupert Retail Price 860 'li " Iinily News' arrangements assures that ; .n lii-ipants. regard!" "f place of real-an- on equal terns. Those living ! . t from The Prince Rupert Dally - ..rfire will receive prises equal in nura-.. value to tho-w living nearer to this :iud ?ery active candidate will receive ;i . commission, a cash prise or an "tn"il!e. j a. h I ('.strict will Win one of the Big Prise Ki.ch dNrict must win at least one of 'w bi:; enclosed cars and a complete set . t-h prizes. Every active non-prise winner m h district will receive a cash commission il to 10 ;ier cent. $1.00 on every $10.00 col- I. f all money he or she turns in for -i i iptions. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE u-i in a j .ui. Annou ncing a Sharing me ludirig 2 Big Mot and Distribution or undreds of Dollars in '. $ Cars Cash. IP THE GRAND CAPITAL PRIZES 10 per cent, cash commission guaranteed lo every active non-prizs winner $4,000 TWO DISTRICTS AIAO TO PARTICIPANTS KB-SIUING WITHIN PRINCE RUPERT CITY LIMITS ONE $100 CASH PRIZE Every active participant who does not receive one of the capital srizes is guaranteed a cash prise equal to 10 per cent (one tenth) of all money turned in by them for subscriptions. in FREE PRIZES TWO SETS OF PRIZES ' THE COMPLETE PRIZE LIST Pontiac Six. Sedan, Value $1,200.00 Ford Tudor Sedan, value $iOO.OO One Cash Prize of $500.00, value $500.00 Two Cash Prizes of $100.00 each, value $200.00 In addition to the above prizes a specia! fund of $1,500 has been appropriated to be distributed to all active non-prize winners on the basis of ten per cent of all money they turn in for subscriptions, value ........ .$1,500.00 Total Gift List, Value . . .'. $4,2GO.O0 ALSO TO SOME PARTICIPANT RESIDING EITHER INSIDE OR OUTSIDE THE CITY LIMITS OF PRINCE RUPERT .. ONE $500 CASH PRIZE Every active participant who does not receive one of the capital prizes is guaranteed a cash prize equal to 10 per cent (one tenth) of all money turned in by them for subscriptions. HOW THE TERRITORY IS DIVIDED The territory covered by The Prince Rupert Daily News will be divided Into two . fn- tl niimnao of surincr an equitable distribution of the many prizes in the mam- - . if .2 4- ! lAtvtnlntn rrf r v aj f sm rn 1 J nv 1 e- 'tl r t'i"!il liVtMA'bOUy WU1S CamplK"i wuu t tuiuiun: ua. i'hlto iui tun uisiuiu inc ' rritory covered by The Daily News comprises Prince Rupert City, Northern British ( i;i!'ilia and ad joining territory. DISTRICT NO. 1, will inc'ude only those participants residing within the city limits of Princ- Rupert One of the Prize Cars and as many cash awards as there are active par-K. i,ant.s will 'l awarded to participants living in this district. DISTRICT NO. 2 will inc'ude only those participants residing outside the city lim- nf Prnee Rupert. One of the Prize Cars and as many cash awards as there are active ni.riWpants will be ' distributed to participants living in this district. ENTER YOUR NAME And Begin Gathering Votes Today. Campaign Opens Today and Closes Sept. 14. You Can Win Big. nzes LATEST 1928 MODEL ALSO TO PARTICIPANTS RESIDING OUTSIDE OF PRINCE RUPERT CITY LIMITS ONE $100 CASH PRIZE Every active participant who does not receive one of the capital prises is guarantees! a cash prise equal to 10 per cent (one tenth) of all money turned in by them for subscriptions. Pontiac 2-Door Sedan Purchased from WALKER & ROSS Prince Rupert, B. C. Prince Rupert Retail Price Sl,200 The 2 prise cars are both brand new, 5-passenger cars of the latest model and have been purchased from local dealers to be given to residents of this section by The Daily News. It should be thoroughly understood by every one that the prices as listed on "this page for these prise cars are the present market price on these cars and subject to change without notice. In case the market price should take a drop on either of these cars during the period of this campaign The News is contracting only to deliver to the car winners the model cars listed on this page, regardless of what the retail price of the prise cars might be at the expiration of the campaign. HOW THE PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED Every active participant in The Prince Rupert Daily News Free Gift Distribution will receive either a cash commission, a cash prise or one of the two excellent cars. The person polling the greatest amount of votes in the campaign, regardless of which district he or she may be in, will receive the Grand Capital Prise which is a 1928 Model Pontiac 2-door Sedan. Then the candidate who is highest in the other district will receive the Ford Tudor Sedan. Then the candidate who has the next highest number of votes in the campaign regardless of which district he or she may be in will receive the prize of $600 in cash. Then after the two prise cars and the $600 cash prize have been awarded, the two persons in the two respective district with the next highest number of votes will each receive $100.00 in cash. All other non-prize winning candidates (those who do not win one of the above gifts) in each district, will each receive a cash commixsion equal to 10 per cent of all money he or she has turned in for subscriptions, accordi'T ' the rules of the campaign. This plan i.s.urt's that each'diatrict will receive one of the cars; that either district can win the $600 rash prize; thai each district will receive oae of the $100 cash prises, and that each and every active candidate who does not win one of the big prises will be well paid on a basis of ten per cent for every effort hi- or she puts forth in the campaign. IN CASH - $1,500.00 $1,500.00 - - - - - A Sncchl Fund of SI r00 in Cnsh has been set aside to be distributed in the form of salaries among active non-prize winners on a 1U per cent basis. Any candidate who remains active the campaign makinfc i regular veeklv cash report, but fails to win one of the Big Prizes offered, will participate in this com mission feature. Hunk oi it! One-tenth of every subscript', collect goos into your pocket if you fail to win a prize. This assures compensation to all candidates there will be no losers in this rape. ,Could anything be fairer or more liberal? Phone534 II - For further information call on, telephone-or write, Campaign-Manager The Prince Rupert uaiiy r CAMPAIGN OFFICE OPEN EACH EVENING UNTIL 8 O'CLOCK sews through on you Phone534 i -I i i i i