day. August 13, 1928 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE,, r S. Walton. CJNSt. roadmaster. re turned to tbe dt on Saturday aftcr- Local and Personal .iw)n' tnUn from a trip to the Interior m oDic. il duties. Departmental Service is provided 8" ' ' " g K. E. Allen, district forester, returned by the people for the people. 4 a Tuxl Phone 4. dig 4 TaxL U to the eity on Saturday afternoon's i fi fa rain irrm a trip to tfe llaeelton dls-r.ct Dentist Dr J H O w Phone Ode on oificial duties. Much Ims-Jbeen 'sail-ccently-'aUout" ve-f c in B.C. Tfl&prflSmoreBnra Prevent H reforestation wlicrtTOum5ifiJ-as not pres- rnt to defeat nature. Natural re-stocking of cut lamls as now going 1 1 again re-establish the forest! If only fire iskfjfKr out. YOU CAN HELP B. C. FOREST SERVICE Specials ! Specials ! Vacuum Bottles '. 50c Hair Clippers 75c Modcss 50c, 3 for $1.10 Face Powder 25c A fresh shipment PAGE & SHAW'S CHOCOLATES Just in Iff yfic Pioneer Drueisls KnplnrcrH. 5'iultliilrita, Boilermakers. Hlntkumltiis, Pattern makers Founder. Woodworker, Kit ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant Is equipped to handle all kinds of MAKING AND COMMEHC1AL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 FIRST WEEK COUPON 200,000 EXTRA VOTES Tins coupon, when accompanied with three yearly sub-1 I'i 'ii.s r their equivalent, to the Prince Rupert Daily v entitles the candidate to 200.000 extra votes if sub-' ' Ui'idim are turned in durhiu; the First Week of their entry. Name of Subscriber Nami' of Subscriber ni( of Subscriber 1 ."'did, lie's Nunu '. "nc l-'irnt Week Coupon cun be voted b each candidate, for e vrv ihree one year subscriptions, ot thei equivalent, turned t un tig the candidate' l first we $ the campaign. &ADWNJ VACnc B.C. Coast; Steamship Services Sailings from Prince Rupert T Krtt-iiikan. Wriiiigell, unci Hkagway August 8. . !. " il- 0 Vl"''urr. Victoria anU Seattle Altltwt I, 4. a. II. 13. m. ii. f r ,. . . . PMIKCBa llOVAl. .... I 111 "'iledale, East lietln Dells. Ocean Hail. Namu. Alert Day. UuL ) Jtl.Myft Vsnuouvrr etery Friday. l . . I "Rf nry fr Ul ...,n information from - ...Hiiiniiiii uiim. w- C. OKUIUHH. General ARent. Curnw ... ...,. ii urnff ' ah 11 I'l""' i Strru and Sril Avenue. Prlnee Hppert. ll.C. HIRDAVE & SIXTH ST. - TELEPHONES 8? l 200 Canadian National Steamships Co. L'mited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OperaUti G.T.P. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Erlck Bye. world known tonor, sings at Westhoinu Theatre Friday, Auuai 17 Mr. llaitirt aftsaritav. ' th city IdafflylW rrm a $Hgl poses Way paiaoany V to 8a UrKWir. LEAgte 193 med to Mrs. Bun Hargen iuiU famUy, who liave bora t.i .t biwl trip to tilt Interior returned to the city on yesterday Jliorucon'i trbin. , Charles Wilnan Lie Kathlyn ice maii anivecl Hi the city !rcm the interior on Satc.rdiiy attc:nco-.:'s tra:n, uolng here or a few layi on buslaeu. Mrs. poorgo HU1 and daughter. Who have been bjicr.d'.ag a m-iidsy :u the r-.utb. rctc.riietl to tiie cKy Iran Vancouver on the Ca'.al.. lost evrnjiig Now tlicii iollCBt What about that t"'.ible load oi box cuttiuRS? Tbe kid dles like to haadlc :t. Can you beat It1 it 3.50 per load? Hyde transfer Phone 580. tf Tlve big ll.7hthou.He tender Bstevan. Clip: ii. 3i'.t;n. ;s oti h,-r itlinj.J tTlj: U l'sr::.m waters to earry out heavy ftorl: in ctniu.Ttluo w:tl ' tnc varioua aids to njv!gi-.iior. The Esu-van arrlver from Victoria z.t the end of the week. Mm W Mouiioe of Vancouver, mother of W W. Mounce ol tbe Union 1 retail teT ChlUlwack. and Mm WUllam Gray of Nanalma, Mrs. Mounoe'a niece are making the round trip norUi on the teamar Catala this week Mrs. Motmoe le an aunt of Mrs. Alex McRac and M:c O. A. Hunter of this city. Union steamer Catala Capt E. A. Dicknon arrived In port at 8 o'clock last evening from tbe south and sailed at 1040 for Anyox, Stewart and other r.ortratrn pom is of call Passe iisr on thr Catala Included A. J', human. Mis Hopwood. Mr. 'and Mrs. Bonrget. Mr nd Mrs. Fallows. Mrs. J Forrc-st. Mrs UuderdaJU. Mrs. Ivenim. Mlv. Wick Mln, A Miller. Mrs. Ceo. Hill a.:d daughter Miss M. Wilson and O. Bcgoun Prino Rupert: G 8 McDniaW. Mrs. Nicholson. Oejrge Joliuson and W. 1 Davidson, for Any. x; A. Haytyk. Q. ' Crelghton. Mr. and Mrs M R Jamie- j on. W. Baselmor t and Jame Hay. :or j terarart; Mr. Weinberg. Mr. und Mrs ! H. L. Stanley Mr. and Mrs H H EI-1 Itott. Mrs. William Oy Mr. W. I ' Mounoe Miss Mclr.tyrr. Ml-- XI' Fee A HC. Haxldon. Hma U 1 Mtas Mrvtrs ' Mias GrbMhaw. M'ss Pi-jkcr'.as a:'.r! iMrs. Pickering, round trip. r - SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-tlvlPTIONa. Vacant ui. ren-n 1. surveyed trn nd mty be pre empted by liritii-ti bubji'''. v. ot- is ; . n uf us and by a'iens n u- laiins mtenuoa to I'eeHiine Biuik' llJects. nvn-Uonsvl upon re ionre. (Kicpatloa, md improveroeiit for iutrryltursj vurpoees rutl Information comt-rnina rwera-atluns rsgrardlnc pre-emptions it .given la bulletin No. 1, Land Seriee. Horn to Pre-empt Laad." oopins of v'Mch can be obtained tree of charg tw addreaatrisT tbe Department of Lsuada. Victoria. B.C. or to any Government Agent. Records wlU be (ranted covering only land suitable toi aartculturaJ purposes, and wblob Is not timber-sand. I.e. carry ins; over s.aoo board Cnet oer acre west of the Coast Hangs and S.0M fst par ut east of that Heiure. Applications far pre-empuona are to be addressed to the Land Com-anlealoner of the Land fUoordbMr Dirt sion. In which tbe land applied for le situated, and are made on printed forma, ooples ef whtab can be obtained from the Land ComaalsatooMr P re-em ptlaae must be oocapied tor five pears and Improvements mads to value of tia per aere. Including esteurlng and euiUvatlnc at leaat n-s aoree, bafore a Crown Orant nan be revolved. Far more detailed Infatmatlon sss the BaUetin "How to Pre-e4 Land." PURCHASE ApnOokUotu) are tseeived for purchase ef vaoant and unreserved Crown landa, not being tlmberlsjtd. for arrtoultnrsd pun-oaea; aatnunusa prloe far Oret -class tarablei leatd Is IS per aare. and ssoond-claes (gras-Ing) land UM per sort. Further in. fermatton reerarnlna' purohaaw or lease of Crown land la given tn Bulletin No, it. Land fesriea. "Purcbass and Lase ef Crown Landa." M1IL factory, or tad as trial sites ea Umber land, not exceeding 9 aoree, may be purchased or teased, tbe eon-dlUons including payment tf stum pax. HOMMITI LtAHS Unsurveyed arena, not ezoeedlng H acres, may be leased as houieeltes, conditional uvon a dwelllna being ereoted In tbe first year, tltu being obtainable after residence and Improvement conditions are fulflllsd and land has been survsyed ,iMd,hjt en w&r -iy Under ths Uraslna Act the Prev- Inee la dlvldnd into araaina dieulets and ths raroce administered undi a Oraxlac Commissionsr Annual graalns permits are lasusd baaed oa numbers ranaed, uritirliy beiag given to established owners OUxui -owners mar form asaioiatloaa tor range management tr m uaDly tree, permits are available far settlers, oamers and tra.setl.a-a, u te tea Mrs. John lvarsorwand Mrs. Hans Un-j -rcahi, who have bocn on a holiday .rip ou;b. raturued to the eity from Vancouver aoi the OasaA last CTenlDe.? ttaln 4Ma.aBer Vbee. sli pay aiasv HHiirsBiiQs; inti Mist Hazel jptrtntbltaim, a., (rmi ; ol this dny. Ml Oo'.Uson, sister of W. E. Oolllson. t.idlan Agent, and MlSaae Murial and Jjyc- Co Us..n. his dancbter.i sailed last p'enirp cm t! Catala for Kuicolltb on a holiday visit. CNJt. roomer Prince Joiin. Capt. E Mabtis, oi due tbl avcnittK troui Van-. -.uvcr '.llii -Jt Mid will sail at midnight ;ot Vai-.o'nver via the south end of the Chiirlotte Eric Sams. n of Oak. auflerlrg from a brrken leg. wu.- brougbt'to tbe city on Baturduy afternoon's train from the interior lo ntr tbe Prince Rupert Oen-tr..l H: spital for treatmant. W'lluuu EsuAmont. accountant for t;. C: Transfer Ci at Stewart, . . a passenger aboard the Catala last M-ri'.r;,: returning north aiter having nuio h brief trip to Vancouver. ' NORWAY TODAY." tbe greatest film epic of any land. wlU be shown at Wc:,tho:nx Theatre Friday. August 17. both matinee and availing. Irak Bye. world known tanor will sing aid country songs to U film. 193 C.P.3. freighter pVlnaass Ena arrived at 7 o'clock yesterday saorning at Port Edward and Is loading full cargo of 26,000 cases of salmon at the cannery there for BcUtnghaan. Tbe vessel for tiie south tola afternoon. Mlas Deacon wbo baa been a guest rince Friday of her niece Mrs. Jamas Farquhar. left that morning for Ter-roce where she will vlntt with her slater Mr;... Marsh. 8bs was accompanied by Mrs Farqubar. Wbo will visit bar for mother until Thursday. or 278 passenajers a card the rrin-cesa Loui.-e Saturday attrnoon from tbe north, tbe following disembarked here- Gcrrge Bolyan, Obtcagce miner; At ilia Coren. AUtn j. Napoleon label.;. Hrt Bprings jlYii. ) prospector, red MlUe Vein. Fnglnaw laborer. Miss Lorraine Orant. wbo baa been v mi tin" tn the city for a week or two he- eweei oi Mrs. Jamas Farqubar. Filth Ave. East, left this morning tor Prlnee O r ,t- whi re she will 'fla'It with her rr Mrs R A. Harlow for a few wicic, ueloTf returning home to Port William. R O Johnston, manager of Inver-'f f''.-y arrived in the city from he rl-or on yesterday afternoon's train vr 'T i'ccrinpanled by his daughter. i'nu Jol.n.tMii. who spent the vi. --;,d at Inverness This Is Mr. I...' "1st r.rst visit to town following r v. trip to Vlctorls where he went j :' -i: M treatment at the bauds of il He u mw fully nm his recent Ulneas. C P R. steamer Princess Alice, making ( 1h t las; trip of the season on the Sang-iwy tourist run. arrived from Vanoou- vor o'clock this morning and anitad a rouble of hours later for Alaska. The wsael had a lull list of tourist paasen- i.nd Is due bare southavuiKl ' on fi-n. aturday altcrnoon. Tbe nnst trip north tbe Princess Alice will make will be with the Vancouver Board of Trade party toward tbe end of CAR! Of THAN Kg Mrs Ltulse Savage wishes to. Iter friends for their kind gprnoatny and beautiful floral tributes raaalvsa In the let of her dearest friend, Mrs. D. Stover 4 ANNOUNL'EMiWrS Moose Baaaar, November I, fl. LiND ACT OTICE OF INTENTION TO Afl'l-V Tt LKAM1 I.ANU In Prince Bupert Land awarding DM trict and situate ed.iacenl to A Dm Ba'. Moresby islnnd. SkHegate Inlet. ocen Charlotte Islands. TAKB NOTJOK rhat Faelfic Mills Limited, ot Vancouver. B.Om occupation Pulp and Paper Msiiulacturers, intends vo apply ior a lease o: trie isnowing oe scribed lands: Commencing at a i; -t plan ted on tbe h.Kh aater msrK ui nn Island, thence fo'Uwlnn the high wster mark around the island to point dt commencement, aud coiitalMnu nr i re, more or leas- PAcn ic mills, umItid Donald Wilbur ARptit fcr pc ifio MUla, Uauted. Dated Uav "V man ! NOTICE Form No in deetlon M) LAM) ACT. OK IVTrVMOV TO PI HI ham: jW'e.'trrn Mitilnir C'tnpu k" C occupatlcn Mln :ii 'ends to r'lv fnr TO APPLY T. Kaye of tke Union Oil Co. arrived In the city from Vancouver on tbe Princess Alioe this morning. Mrs. George Little and daughters arrived In tbe city an yesterday afternoon's train fines Tarraoe far a Met visit. William Armstrong has arrived in the city tram Vancouver and atnad tbe ataff oi Ormss' Ltd, He la a graduate pharmacist. Passengers arriving from Vancouver on tbe Princess AUoe this morning were A. B. Evans, 1. J. Harpel. A. 3. Oolllson and T. Kaye. Tug Lome la due in port today from Maaeett Inlet for oil and awppllita She is towing tbe laden tag carrying barge Fesmta to Vi Paul AivaaoS Is eapected to arrive in tbe city on Wedcaeday morning's stea mer from Vancouver on business in connection with his local theatre Inter- Stanley Dal by returned to the city on Saturday afternoon's train tram Ed monton where be has bean spending tbe neat few weeks vtsttlna with a bro ther. I Hector McLean, general dent of tbe Alaska-Juneau Mines at Juneau, arrived in tbe city from Alaska on the Prince George this morning and entrained here for a business trip East Owing to threatening weather, tbe baseball game which was to have been played yesterday morning between sin gle and married members of tbe Prince Rupert Oyro Club wss postponed foi smother week. Bupert W. Haggen. MX. arrived In the city on yesterday afternoon's train from the interior on bis wsy south. He has been looking over mining properties tn the Bablne district for the Alexandria Gold Mines Ltd. of Toronto. Al llegar. manager of the New' England Fish Co. at Vancouver, and Mrs. Bagar and family were passengers )hcard the Princess AUoe this morning going through to tbe Atltn district where they will engage In big hunting. A gasoline donkey engine, part of tbe equipment which the National Airplane Mrs. Bid Hambltn and family, whn ave been spending the summer in Cal-' n-'n are eapected to return to the city about August . Mrs Hambltn, who has been receiving treatment the hands of specialists. Improved In health. lett also came over. TflnXB ', EOTTCE ' iht't T IMSlt Datrolt ed WUI aaU f " y nr Vancouver. Company, in ix'nniianon to i:he the tolfowltiK described land ur- Ob. will use In its logging op-an tbe Bostall stiver, arrived Ttere by tratght train at the end ot tbe week and Wul be taken by scow to Big Fella River. The nssssngor list of tbe Princess Al io tor Alaska ' this morning Included two Chicago groups who arc making the sound trip to gkagway. One was sn Art -Crafts ouiM party of sixteen rtraons and the other a Lauder Tow party of fifteen FOR INFORMATION REGARDING . 1 J- W2L 'Is now greatly Alfred Adams, well known Old Un- sett merchant arrived In the city Sa turday night by a nab boat from tbe Islands, bringing "his son Oliver, aged IS. tor hospital treatment following an accident in a cannery, in which he broke his leg. Indian Agent James Qll- C. H. Warby. superintendvnt ot din ing and 'Jeeplng cars for the Canadiiiii National Railways with rveadtjuarteis in Winnipeg, arrived In the city from the efteruoan's trutn li the, firmer Col. Edwin Joy of WmntpeK. editor ol torla Ih. Wu Cry Arthur fj C.KiDinu of low aisuini ironi tne rvisassn post on.lAMln ",lao,l Rnoiii K,,Ja,ia' notd 001x1 Armv rmy wr writer. I the West side of Lot 172. thence wester- !y 00 eheitis: thence aouthefWIO chains: and Major Walter L. Carruthers of I thence easterly 60 ermine: thence nor- Wrai'irell. dlvlsknnl oommander are re-i'nriSas ",;d OOUUlDg I00,tvmin, ,o the city on this afternoon's i F. PARDOE WILBON. I train from Port Easlimtx n where they apply to Department of Mines Victoria, D.C. 1927 Report' now available. Special Bulletins,, Annual Reports, etc., furnished free of charge. "CATERPILLAR" Tractors BIGGER THAN TIIE WEATHER! A Size for Every Use A Hundred Uses for Every Size 2 TON, TWENTY, THIRTY, SIXTY BETTER A - Afel ElfUJNCJ ivyj' w,U8Ntr T Bowat QfS4 J'Utmtmvt una QUICKER CHEAPEN Literature and Prices on Request Bole Distributors for Ii. C. MORRISON' TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO. LIMITED Northern Iueirir Freight llullding l Statl-m street VANCOl VEK, It. C. HEALTH FOUOWS ouaoMAcric cotratrrj rnssvui on srnu. Kmamvausa Iflf fOUOWlNS OtWWS oesa Alice this morning from a weeks' holiday trip to Vancouver. Torn west on official duties lighthouse for Vancouver oil the uu at-quali: steamer Prince George . gv kri oa (fl Ilraneli Orflre: IHpperMin Illwk NULSO.N, U.C. CHIROPRACTIC and ELECTROTHERAPY These two branches of the healing art have made rapid strides in the last few years. Your recovery from disease depends on how soon you consult W. C. ASPINALL Chiropractor Green 241 Phones RIack 283 6 and 7 Exchange Block. Open Evenings UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Kallln;s from Prince Itupert, lor VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Saanson Day, llutedule. Alert llay, etc, Tuesday. S p.m. lor V.VMltU VUC, VICTORIA. Dutedulc. Alert liny, etcM Saturday, 7 a.m. I ik lOUl SIMION and N'AAS ill V UK I'OINTH, Friday, tor ALICE A KM. ANYOX. STKWAKt, WALKS ISLAND. POUT SIMPSON, Sunday. 8 p.m. ICS tnd Avenue. If, M. SMITH, Agent. Prlnee llur.ert. LO, Thrungb lirkets sold to Vlcturla and brattle, and bas;je rheeked thruueb to dfsllnatlur I CURE DEFECTIVE VISION. DEFECTIVE HEAR-ING, CATARRH and other organic troubles by natural methods. Dr. C. 0. McKAY, D.C. Phone 131. A. B. Ev.uui of the local Pewt-odlce at staff returned to the city on the Prln- otty three Ole Alvested was fined $10. with the option ol seven days' Imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont in tbe city po lice court this morning fur indecent exposure. t CPJt. steamer Prince Oeorge. Oapt H:u ry Nedden, returned to port at 8 u dork this morning from Alaska and Mil st 4 o'clock this afternoon fur o. cun Falls. Powell River and Vancouver lrfeifpna iWU chlalvVnBnnc inecond eni;iueer on ths lighthouse teu- e'er Eslcvan ahlch Is in port Anent for latiertrted the annual Salvntton Army.nt 10:30 ThursdMy mornlni: I Da'ed 18th IJeiTOll April, vVMnu 1M8. HUJing WW. t at . ve co"gtf at ths end ol . tin . sek.j t He UrTbwf from Vk- CJs.R. steamer Prino Charles. Capt. Nell Mclean, arrived tn port at 12 noon today from Vancnivt-r and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Stewart. An- x and Mu.vh it Inlet, rsturninK here and sailing j t,outh at 1 o'clock the same eftfrusju. ' 1 Wallace Block. Open Evenings City Meat Market Sclvig Bros. Third Ave. J'honc 7C5 KJOT 'l?tSpifcga ,opIbkekontrTe'r"5 Nofske lukkerka vringer Norske hveleskonrokker Norske rugskonrokker Norske knekkebrod Norske flallirod Mutter o.s.v. 1st ky. varer. Billige priser. Hurtig onibrlngelse V .fl in t .iVnnnnnffsiB