Rupert at Prince Ruperti Regiment vs I, O. .D.;fi O. D. E. Dec. 171. O. D. E. vs ! hi ssA&)t3aM FIXTURES FOR BADMINTON Th following are the fixtures for the newly formed Badminton League: Nov. 5 Prince Rupert v Cathedral at Cathedral. I. 0. D. E. vs Regiment at Regiment ' Nov. 19 Cathedral vs I. 0,-D. E at I. 0. D. E. Regiment vs Prince Rupert at Prince Rupert Nov. 26 Regiment vs Cathedral at Regiment. at I. Cath- edral at Cathedral. ' Regiment vs Prince Rupert at Regiment. - Matches to cornraene at 8 o'elock sharp. BRIDGE PARTY HONOR or A very enjoyable bridge party', was jriven Saturday evening by Mr. and Mrs. II. M. D. Lambe.j in honor of Miss E. A. Niekrson, a bride elect. The guests were; Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Nickersoa, Mr.; unit Mrs. Lancaster, Mr. and Ws.i Jen;ier. Mr. and-Mr. Larkin, Irn and Mrs. J. .SUvrii, Mifses B. Nickerson, M. Lancaster. AVel-; son :iiil Messrs. W. ' Witt, ' E. Smith, J. Underwood. At the" close of the evening daii.t v refreshments were servetl and pnVca awarded. The honorf of "ir evening wt.e carried away bv Mrs. Lacaater and Mr. Jen- nrr. t tie; consolation prUes going t Mrs. wood. Jenner and Mr. Under- ews a Moose ball : Senior. I n n W tm piHiia Utinert at n . at . nd SPORT CHAT bridge. Cabbage League; C. Operators vs P. R. Hotel; C. Mechanice vs Eagles; Moose SCHEDULE FOR vs LADIES' WHIST tional Orani Ladiaa vs. DrXKMIIKK a Mnoa Ladiaa . St. Oeorfal LMIm. Canadian Nat'-inal Ladtas vs. Orana UIIM. (8- Canadian National Ladiaa va. Mooae Ladle. at. Orora'a ladiaa va. OraOf Lsdla. 4.M AKV- iSW IS -Canadian National l adiaa vs. St. CMCg' LadM-a. Uooae LadMa v. Orne Lsdlas. ' "rut a hit To-.ticur' rTtest ProciimMe (THE ORIGINAL Pare ScoSch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT ftrttlrJ ana a WJlUa) Blxm-CWntiwl. tJmlUnMk Unll-lw..f,l i w, Smlwa , udvirtlicment Is not published or ilifl:iye.l by the Untior. Cttitrol Board or by the Government of llriliali nnlumbia Views In The World of Junior Football League Holds Annual Banquet When Addresses On Sportsmanship Are Delivered The annual banquet of the Junior Football League with tiiL- uresentation of the Rochester shield and meaals took piace oa Saturday evening in the Boston Cafe. There ; v. ere present members of the three teams from Booth, tm.,1 and Borden Schools to the number of over fifty boys and in addition H. B. Rochester, Mayor McMordie, ivusss Li. A. Mercer, Miss S. A. Miite, Mrs. J. K. Boddie, S. U. Macdonald, Geo. W. Johnstone, W. Reid, A. Sharpies, A. Hallerman and W. W. C. O'Neill. 0 Canada was sung iintl ihe:i attention was directed ;o the business of disposing of the quences of their own actions wa3 ; ;!l:. which wjs attended to real training in character build-hatisfactorily. The president. J. S. Wilson, welcomed the ((Bests on U. Macdonald. president of ! behalf of the executive and then the Trades and Labor Council, lied the assembly in community whose financial support the aingjBg. Mr. Wilson asked Mr. Rochester HEKNEY STILT. COVETS THE: HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE: The to present the shield to the cap-fighter who was vanquished by Tunney is with his bride in New;tafft(l of tgh amj Booth Schools 7tu 'nlannino- to return to the I'nited States. :who tied at the end of last sea- ante to w present ai wie ikiiimuo-He knew of no other single event that had given him so mucn piea- gratulate the boys on their good 'showing and was glad that, he I had been able, byTielping with the football groundi, to be of prac tical use to the beys. He remind- led the boys of the debt they owed to the old-timers V. E. Willis-croft, the late George Cochrane, and Jack Campbell In starting , the competition. 1 Value of Games i I George Johnstone, representing the Native Sons, through whose ! financial help the Junior Football League is able to arrange these I annual banquets, vas glad to once more be present. He had ' gone another important engage ment to he In attendance. He als congratulated the boys on their hjiortsmanship and gave a practi cal example of the lessons that ,boys learned by taking part In games. They learned to take bumps and were not afraid to do what wn demanded of them even If they got "bumped" in doing it. The ability to tako the consc- league appreciate and also of the Thistle Football Club, was at home with the boys he said. He was proud to be able to join them at their banciuet. He spoke of ,, gpn and who were declared jointthe improved quality of their play holders of the Rochester trophy, j and reiterated that the game in : H The competition had been very j the final of the competition was II bzmnltf fnnirhr nut .and had been nna nf tho fines. .linnLuvs of foot- rvv v w.j 1 - J' productive of an excellent brand ball ever put up on the Acropolis of football. Hill. He said he spoke with a full Following is the sport calendar m reaHiatioit of the many ood for the week: ; "r- Karnes that senior teams had play- Monday - Elks' whist and great Pleasure " "" Ld. lie was also glad to be able to tell of the value the Thistle team put on the play of the jun iors.. The future of football in . n . nt a ... rwe-.lsure as the keen competition lor . .. . U-tv r. Ui WIIU OWIC VJ.. , . . , 1 ii L V V,, rn.intlul I IIIlWC UUiCI I IUTO1 Ullfcl.l. Canadian Legion vs L.O.L.; Sons u "' "c - ' " ne cpnclnded by appealing to' the Rmimu mnrou Club, l.lUb. I i a numuer ui jwm " . boys , to - their t.k.,, teachers fnr for tit Panail vm Vow Badminton League; ert vs Cathedral;!. T!nn. mm reai saiisiucnuu a. s a iivv splendid play of the boys was a O D. E. vs i -j-U ..... n dim TTa hnA ln- ReirimenL inn itnmu m - pleasure in askina : W Fisher, Tuesday-Ladies' Whist; Moosejcere v. C. N.; Orange v. St. George's. I "Presenting I iKh knbekout whist. Basket- iony DUBu..... and the rtooin scnooi " o receive we uicm. repay their interest and self-sacrifice by giving them their best in the more serious ffork of the school routine. The ehatrman thanked the speakers for their valuable re- Players' Club vs "'I'"'::; marks and their support in helping Intermediate. iuki.w Toe , . :a" - lu lj "T -lav-. the UK Junior junior r Football uuiuai leagu to be ' , :.U. ron oiiiiwuu, High4rt -lUe.ifor. hejt , had .playeU . Prin. Rupert. , v UW, &k Foot V . D"c. 3-Irince. Rupert I. O. ,hool - y -ftd ana weir, ana-.n u.- The of thfi Natona, D. E. at I. O. I). E. WeIneslay First division Wl-Plt. Anthem' brought the meeting to a Cathedral Regiment' at Cath- Grot-' The chairman then called on vs i,ard8. Grand Terminals vs co JIr Roehe9ter al)(e1 tnj() edral .to. 1 MeMordie to present i the j h n,, of the winnf njr teams be Dec. 10 Cathedral va rnnce, Thursday Second division bll- mwlals to me memoera "l "re ! enrrkwi on the medallion on th iliards: Grand Terminals v Grot- High and BoAh teams. T5efore h,ed he accoant ,ent n Whist lairue: ieii r-ncn- oomg so, oi. McMordie said he a m a 1 ii LI.. - . 2 A la a fT- t- him. The meeting showed its ap- ton vs New Empress ciud; Moose naa tnorougniy eujoji H preciation in an appropriate man vs K. of P.; St. George's vs Grot- portunity of being witn tne ooys neJ Ur, Seal Cove. bye. that evening, lie naa aiso rmu Friday It. C. N. V. R. miniat- the pleasure oi seeing ine ooy .111. c..i i .. .i,,jni. , V. n aAaann anil mm. are range. naaaeioau; piy Sons of Canada vs. Port Simp- plimented tnem on tne quamy oi , son; Intermediate. C. N. R. vs their play and the equally high: High School; Ladies' Maple Leafs standard of sportsmanship dis-(Vs Drill Team; Junior. High played. The lessons of the hard' fSchool vs Colts. ,and cleanly lougnt out game would be of practical value wnen f they were engaged in the more i serious battles of business and ni.mnre after school days were, over. Col. McMordie then pre-1 rented the medals to the boys .ml iamnMmntd several oa then ' (creditable showing in senior foot-1 MnEMiMR ' , ball during the summer. I - Mww U4M. va. Canadian National M sharp,eg of the jIih s.hoo! 1 .HT.iia. . . rwoe..-. Ladiaa 'staff then rendered n pianoforte ia- Jit cuurawra LadMa t Canadtao Na-1 .aJ lri brilliant style. & number that wa greatly enioyed by all present. Pft behalf of the Prince Rupert Football Aiasoeiation the Vice president, W. Reid expressed hi regret that the president, V. E. WIlHscroft had not been able to attend but he was glad to have the opportunity himself to con FAMOl'S HOCVFY PLAYER TRANSFERRED tohn R., goalkeeper for the Toronto Maul Leafs, and former -n-mher of ,the Granite team which won the Olympic champion -hip In 1924. has been traded to lhe New York Rangers Hockey taiun fnr I.nMae Chabnt. The Marde Isfn received a cash con idprntion in addition to Chabot jL. teaspoonfulk, fnralaii to a cup of hot P?5i water or hot milk fiVtj to make a delicious A bftn&d1 sustainincdrink f& Two Outstanding Games Rring Aggregate Hcore to 990 to 830 Two outstanding games in the delayed Cold Storage-Grand Terminal second division billiard Tournament were played at the end of the week, the Cold Storage winning the fixture by an aggregate score of 990 to 80. The last two games resulted as fol lows : i Ben Self (Grand Terminals). 181 : C. Baptie fCold Storage), 200. C. L. Loungman, 100; W. Bailey 200. BASKETBALL TIMETABLE Schedule for First Half of Season November C Senior, Players Club vs Port Simpson; Intermed iate, Toe H. vs Eagles, Big Four vs High school. November 9 Senior, Nativ Sons of Canada vs Port Simpson - 'ntermediate, C. N. R. vs Hlg School; Ladies,' Maple Leafs f Drill Team; Junior, High Schoo vs Colts. November M Senior, Player Club vs Klneolith; Intermedial' Naval Reserve vs Toe IL, Eagle vs Big Four. November lfr Senior, Native Sons of Canada' vs Player Clnb: 'ntermediate. C. N. R. vs Toe II. Ladies,' Maple Leafs vs DriP Team; Junior, High school vs Colts. November 20 Senior. Klnco- 'Ith vs Port impson; Intermcd ate, Big Four vs Naval Reserve igh School vs Eagles. November 23 Senior, Native ons Of Canada vs Kincollth; In -rmedlate, C. N. R. vs Eagles: adies,' Maple Leafs vs Drill eam;Juntor, nigh school vr 'oks. Noember 27 Senir, Playerc Hub vs Port Simpson; Tntermed !ate, Naval Reserve vs JUnh School, Big Four vs Toe H. November 30-Senior, Nativ ons of Canada vs Port Slmpsor 'ntermediate. Big Four vs C. N l.;Ladief,' Maple Leafs vs Dri) Team; Junior. High School v Colts. December 4 Senior. Playerc Club vs Klneolith; Intermediate Eagles vs Naval Reserve. Higl School vs Toe II. December 7 Senior. Nativ aons of Canada vs Players Club intermediate, C. N. R. vs Nava Reserve; Ladles,' Maple Leafs v Drill Team; Junior, High School vs Colts. December 11 Senior, Klneo lith vs Port Simpson; Intermed iate, Ht H. vs Eagles, Big Four vs High School. Sport WINS COVETED AWARD: Go don "Mickey" Cochrane. 25-year-rd catcher of Philadelphia Athletics, who was named the most valuable player to his club in the American league's 1928 season, ind receives $1,000 in addition to having his name inscribed on the circuit's honor roll COLD STORAGE ! BILLIARD TIME WINS BILLIARDS TABLES ISSUED rinT invmoN OCTOBBH 31 O rand TarmlnaU vs. 0aia4tea Lefts NOVEMBER -Orand Termlnala vs. Orotto. IT Orotto vs. Orand Tarmlnals, a 1 Canadian Laalon va. Orantf TafMlaala ae Orotto va. orand Tirralnala, DttCBMOB t Oaaadlan Laaton vs. Orotto. 11 Orand Termlnala vs. Canadian U0tm SKCOMI IIIVINION' OCTOBBR 18 Orotto va. Orand Terminal OaW 8toeff va. Orotto NOVEMBER 1 Orand Termlnala va. CoM 8 Orand Terminal! va. Orotto. 1ft Orotto va. Cold Btoraajt. M Cold Storat va. Orand Terminal Orotto vs. Orand Tirml ai, DCCBMMR 8 Cold Storage va. Orotto. 18 Orand Termlnala vs. Cold Btntaat A. W. Li pain of the Acme Im porters sailed last night by the Prince George on a business trip to Vancouver, and other points in the south. Dry, Hacking Cough Was Caused By A Bronchial Cold Mrs. A. Primeau, W Ingrai .-, Chatham. Ont., writes I . vkMMi to tuk this opportunity u( i, , of my experience witli Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup "Karly last winter I suffered (: a i aevere bronchial rold that ta a provoliiur,, ilry, harking :gh . t, being bothered witb if ho'.u day night, fr Home time 1 h..ij ., j r, dutm recommend the al ..,j . ,. syrup which 1 took with won. ntjMv and. now. it is tho o,.. re. , 1 vtr ue tor cokla." Pno 35c. a bo) tie: large taj 60c. at all drugg-iata or l-:..- - lut up oulv t.v Tlx 1' M : Ltd., Toronto, int. Novi:.wm:n 5- Can. Nat. Operatmt; -pert Hotel. Can Nat. liMhanlo v T Uaaae va. Katfbta t OoM Stafajie va. Or-.f. Canadian Leflon h Ledie. NaMve bom of Canadu preaa A O. W Ui Oraofe Lode Opera tiBff. Prtaee Rafwrt Hotel vi F Oa Nfct. Ueatiantco v- 5 Naive SaaM at Can ad v Oeatto . KaltMa of O CaOadlaa Legtsn va Nc a 18N(W SsHxeaa A.C vs r llatel. Out. KM. OreTttlng vi t main v. KntaM of r -Mooat va. Cotd steraKe ONtta v. Lsjal Oraru-e : Canadian LeJlon v N -Ouiada. 6 lJ tl Oranf Lodie v F Oafcimoua. Nalhc SaM of Cannda OferavM. Prince Rupert Hotel v M Can Ntt. MeeTianlrt v Orotto va New Bmiirt- Canadian Legion va I Thousands of radio owners all over Canada have taken the guess and uncertainty out of "B" Battery power by standardising on Eveready Laycrbilt "B" Batteries. Three siics now available the large 45-volt size for all loud speaker sets; the medium size (45 volts) for low drain sets, and the 22J4-volt Laycrbilt for long service wherever a battery of this size is required. Your nearest radio dealer can supply Eveready Layerbilf'U" Batteries in tha site you need; alto, Eveready "A" and "C" batteries. Canadian National Carbon Co., Limited ' ftSSvar TORONTO ' Ouninn BrtrraJy Battery Station CKNC, Toronto in SCHEDULE FOR PRINCE RUPERT CRIB. LEAGUE 1 V 7"" nH 1