I Tinr?D ave ' mrr rtJiim ",mt SPECIAL OFFER! FOR A LIMITED TIME WE WILL GIVR FREE A 15c JfibOiOf Woodbury's Cold or yaniihing Cream with ench cake of WOODHUUY'S FACIAL SQAP Also Vial of Hen Hur Perfume with each bottle JERGEN'S LOTION yfic Pioneer DruorLsls SJXTH ST TELEPHONES 8?f,200 HYDE TRANSFER AND COAI, CO. I'honcaSO JACKPINK AND CEDAR Single load $3.50 i ouMe load $6.50 Large sack 50c COAL PKICES DOWN I'cmbkm PtdrlM Egg : . . . $12.00 i Vmbiiia WahI Nuts $1L25 Alberta Soetldie Large Egg $12.50 Alberta Soptloss Egg $12.00 Aiiterta Lump , $1:5.00 Also all other clastee of coal. Piano and Furniture Moving. Expreas and Ilatvage !': and Ninht Service 139 Second Avenue Canadian National ( The Largcfl Kaihoay Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE - iiuit (rum ruin: iu i f.ht rr v vm-oi vck. victiikia and M.irTI:. 1III HMIVVH ami M MtAVS. at II pm. I t TKI?HT. i:iNKlllV. IB p.m. r SoK a)Ml KKirillK.VN. KVTI lilUVM, 4 pm. If MIHfll ami h()t TM (Jl i r N II AKI.OTTK sUNt)-, lortnlrhllj. P.VHMBX(lt:li TM.IISH I.KVVK PKIMK Itl lKKT OVII.V I.Xd l'T Ht'MlAV al 11.30 a m. fr l'KI( K (JKOIUii:. KIIMOMIIN. HIHNII'ML ill IwtMl KvMli iil. I'nllrO hUlf. MICV aU. Ot'tVN HTKAMMIIII' LI.Nta. ' IT TK'HI.I Olllir. M THIHM f. fKINrf Kritkl CaJtAiMAhj PACiriC' Krlililkall Clta B.C. Coast Steamship .Services Sailings from Prince Rupert WruimHI ami k mw,i (MltilN-r SI. N'ntnnSrr II, Kririn- inr I. 1.1. tn, t Vuihiurr. VMrh anil Siulllr v. I. IS. mriuUrr X IS ivnlrdalr. M IWla IkHa. Mil-. Nmu. Alrrt Itay (-amMU llhrt ! VarMimiri rrrj rWj r'iMv for ill trinthln 1.1km. la nni lull InfAniiatlon from IV. . ORrilAHtl. lnrMl !fBl. inr f 4th wf.. Nml Sril .ttnmr. frlnrr Iliirrt. Iir t-him. SI UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED raniiiK. mini ' "r VANCnilVMl. Vll limfv. HwailHin IU. Ilutwlalf, . : j , Alrt . Itajr ' UiJ At emu. llor- rlr. I r ,'AM7ri'Vl:iV.,,'viOT()Kll. llntriUle. AInIIUj, i '. '''' .,V';'"'!'-'' I.KI; Allltl. ANVOV HTI;MAKI. WAl.l MASH. I"l MMI. ls It I lit. .Hiinday. K p-m. ,.., . ,. ' t -id A.fnur. 'k. it. SMITH. An. I 'r0 ""l"'1 Ihri.i.ii. iirL.i. ...m . vi,i..rl. and .Vultl, at Uf- crfki-u in Itttlnatlur City Meat Market iuui vie. nitit i 63 MEAT. I'lSII. VKCI3TAIH.ES A!.I, KINDS OF "NOKWIXilAN PUODl'tli .i.'-ii ! . at ow priffia. aad. Immediate delivery Obsenei-AH article are Df superior quality and absolutely frajiv. scam: of charges Dentist. Dr. J. R. Gosse. CSC. Chiropractor Phone 134. C 0. 'hone McKay, tf nutlet 45c lb, Jikt $5;25 case, J. W. Moorchousc sailed Brand at MUNRO BROS. If. night oh the Prince Charles for . I 1 m . i The following is the scale 1)7 7" tV e u T . . ft. Hall on Tuesday. NnvemW? of charges made for reading notices Birth Notlcos COc. Cards of Thanks, $2. Funeral Notices $1. Funeral Flowers 10c name. announcements $2. T at Steve King'a store, i Matthew Watson, Carcross (Y. . T,) merchailt- awl Mrs, Watson per Wre 1)a)MengP.g aboan, th p , Marriage and Engagement ! T r''!0" T i " " nviiuav mil. niivv yesieruay arternoon bound for a trip to Seattle. train, due from the Kat at 9i I Saturday afternoon, arrived. En- Edwin J. Egfrert, Atlin miner !gn?, tr?hl develPlng Jurt east nd nefhew f Dr. C. A ' Exuert . ""dake was the cause, of the formerly ormpply nr of this m "'''delar. city, was a senger aboard th Princess Alice yesterday aftt rnrmn irntnir n V.... I A. It. HoJtby, superintendent couver. Of the H. and 15. deDartmonl nf passenger aboard the Princeas jAllce yesterday afternoon returning aouth after a brief trip to (Juneau on official duties. Robt. C. McUren, fire chief at :Iawn, and Mrs. McUren were iPasaeiHrers aboanl the Princess ! Alice going through to Vancou ver. They plan to spend the winter outside. yeaieroay nound for Vancouver. The mine being temnorarilv 'closed down. Mr. Soatad will spend the winter south. John A. Anderson, the newhr appointed road superintendent for ......... lite . ! work, and sailed last night on the Ti ' . ... . . ANNllllXrKMRNTS "r Victoria ' Women of Mooaebeart Legion .Whist Drive and Dance, Friday of every ptouth. 8. Supper, iwhere he now makes-his home. Bringing out the years final big crowd of Yukoners going south for the winter, C. P. R. steamer Princess Alice. Cabt. Presbyterian Basaar, Novemtr Ifba CUff' aAJr ,a8t,c" ' - ' Of the season In this port from to 5.30 yesterday afternoon, Mcwie Baiaar. November 8, 0. iMn southbound from Skagway - land other Alaska ports to Van- NY'. M. S. BntwtalnnHnt. United co"ver and Victoria. There were! Church, Nowmlier 9. r5,0 P"entfers aboard the Prln- Armistice ember 12. , ss Alice including the follow Hay Bamiuet, Nov- Baptlst Anniversary Noember 10. ing fifteen who disembarked hsrc: Arthur B. Gordon, Vancou-j ver civil engineer; Joseph Conm-! dina, Prince Rupert laborer; J. fL Mooney, Whitehorse trader; 9fi T Dlen, '' Atlin lll clerk; WltlA) John OUIIII W. .1 ' MMwMW ' i. Anirliear. Cathedra! llaiaar. No.ji5ssey, .Petersburg .fflok; Mrs. I vember 22. "" ' liderson. Ketehllftn; Samuel .Wright, Vancouver baker, and Tuxis and Trail Rangers Mr- Wright; George Clifton,1 Fourth AivnuaJ Mnstrel Serenade ellakatla iB.C.) mariner, and Nov. 22 and 33. I Mrs. Clifton; Col. George Phil-! . ! Hps, Salvation Army, Vancouver; , Rupert East United Church Col- Ernest Sims, Salvation Army,: Bninar, November 80. j Winnipeg; William Smyth, Ket-! Ichlkan miner; David Barlow, I St. Atwtrsw1 Day Scottish Seattle travoJIer, and Charles Ar-j Dance, Moose Hall, November 30. thur, Ketchikan lumberman. . Alassett. Foster Willan sailed Saturday C at 9 p.m. Tickets, $1.00 each afternoon by the P 2C0 pn a brief business trip to Anyox. Ernest Unwin sailed Sat llril;i v night bv tiie Prinr r-hui-io. ,.. a two weeks rip to Port Clements ; ana other Island points. I I'rnvIniJol it'Mii Rt. Rev. Joseph R. Crimont of Robb of Port Essington arrived Juneau, Bishop of the Roman ir the city on yesterday after-CathnlI PhnroV In aii. I-., i lj t, . ...,. in Aiasna, waa f'"v-' umu tor a uriei visii in i a raxi Phone 1. Big 4 Taxi tf iw"Ker aooard the Princess ,lown Anglican Tea and Sale of Home Cookin? It was 3.50 yesterday mnmlnv noon from 2 to R at ih h,... ! before the regular naa.nirai.!of Mrs. J. II. Pillahurv Pnrh i Avenue WeL It J. Hegarty of Anypx arrived in the city from the smelter town on the Prince George last even ing and entrained this mominir for a trip to Winnipeg. nanaullan Mil..ni in i If P ir.vr u. r . . . 'huuoi lidiiwayai I'lciHUBinuji, Ly. ei. n. ais- Senor Carlo de Sllvn HrQ.n. frUjra1 10 "e city on yesterday tr,ct jiassenger agent made the ian i-nn.nl t r .nMMrflinfr'a late train aftaf a . rnnnH fi-In n Anvnv .ml f..i.i.i . w.u, wfc ... . M aim allvUUVCtr, Was aii . .iijr 'mijva i.cfccxn 10 i'rlHfe Ueortre and nnlnta lu kan on the Prl net C. outran vmIm.. ijroad on official duties. Iday on company business. John 11. Seiruln. Mnnlavu. nt Inanertnr William SnilU H , Vfuvv F - n Bill js v- the Vhito Pass Railway & Navi- vincial police, sailed Saturday nation Co. and brother of Jules night by the Prince Charles for Segulo of this city, was a pasaen- Queen Charlotte City and other ot amra ine rrinceas Alice, "nd points on official duties. yesterday afternoon going south' from Ska if way for a trln tn s.l " ra. t t c i . i - . " . uwn7B VI vv nrlliuui IUIU niVA '-., i nuiHiin, VVI1IIIIIILCU IUI J ilrial nn rhnrvua nf thaft frnm . .i o . . .1 f .. r -.i... . . - ! " ...... rn.urew aoaiaa. manager of: "wire ounon, local or-; the halibut boat Tramp, are ad- Uie Engineer mine, was a naan. "ce" charge of Salvation Armr imirnl in rnnfv r.nrt until ger aboard the Princess Alkeiwork at Metlakatla, and Mrs.Clif- the return of W. E. Fisher, crown ion returned from the north on prorfoutor. from a trip to Victor- the Princess Alice yesterday af ia. It is possible that a recent ternoon after having attended the Supreme Court ruling in Vancou- recent native congress of the Army in Ketchikan. ' Oliver Adatwa, on of Mr. and Atlin Hfalrlrt has in 4k.. Mrs. Alfred Aria ma nf Mnaaott . l tu in . 1 1 ' - - . city for the past few days from " by the Prince Charles St-Allce Arm on business at denart- "rday night on his return to his mental headquarters here, sailed borne on the Islands after having 'by the'Catala last night on his Int thr months in the Prince return north. i Rupert General Hosoital with a broken leg, the result of. a can- The offi,e of Norman A. Watt.)""? sccident. government agent, did not look! 1 very much like the customary' 1y Lancaster arrired In the' weekly hnlf.olidy Saturtlay af- 'y on yesterday morning's latel ternoon. Some twenty local trUi from Mcllride, where he has) young ladies were taking eiwli0" 'ocateti recently in. the ser-servjee type-writing examinations nf tlte GaiMdkn National and there was a great clatter of Railways. He will be married Imathinoa. The examinations thi evening to Miss Stella Nic-were conducted by Mr. Wa'tt. kerson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. , jS. A. N'ickereoh. Russell M. Smith, local agent ... - for the Union Steamship Co. and , K "ill,am9 K C.. after the Canadian Pacific Express Co.. "vlng spent a week at the Blll- and Mrs. SmiUi returned to the Bwr ""I1- wh,ch w w-ring completion and will soon b after spending a three weeks va- for PtIon. sailed last iiation in Vancouver. F. D. Neal- nlght b' the Princ George on his on of Union Steamship Co. head eturn to Vancouver, joffices in Vancouver, who has Ibeen relfevInK here during Mr J' K. Froe. formerly rf Tri nee iShflljJs ' Wife. wijl.. retufn "f;irt nd Terrace., ttrfyed in' south oh. thliita'tii tomrtfWwW cify on yisetprdkj- aiiemoon'ft afternoon. pail from Vitlfflib'.f.here he i '-.s H"n "JlWUf.: th , past jwrn- m onifKeu m rorest ura nth MINING STOCKS HEAL ESTATE INSURANCE We are prepared to take orders on the Vancouver Stock Exchange Our ten years experience on the floor of the Brussels Stock Exchange is at your service. Prompt dealing with any orders large or small. Representing Nanson Roth-well & Co. Ltd., Vancouver, B. C. Morning and afternoon closing prices daily. Theo Collarl Ltd. Capitol Theatre Building Phone Blue 428 P.O. box C6 MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board dally. We can give Instant ser vice in buying and .selling Mining Stocks on Vancoavei Stock Exchange. We also have facilities for accepting Wheat order" on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. 617 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, H.C EWART LYNE (Planlat, Capitol Theatre) TEACHER OF PIANOFORTE Candidates prepared for Associated Board of the Royal Academy and Royal College of Music Examinations. 100 (wr cat aucooaaaa durlug U paat thirty yean. Studio: 2nd floor Federal Blk School Days are Happier with SHREDDED Keeps youngsters healthy and mentally alert. Contains the right amount of braa in digestible form. TRISCUIT A tasty -whole wheat wafer Mode by The Canadian Shredded Wheat Co., Ltd ver that Magistrate McClymont' Miss Jean Stalker sailed by has no jurisdiction as a juvenile the 'Prince George last night on cuun juoge may anect at least! a holiday trip to Vancouver. uih; tn me aceu&en in mis case. The old plank sidewalk on the south side of Second Avenue between Fifth and Sixth Streets was being torn up this morning preparatory to the laying of a concrete walk there. H.S. Wallace Co. Ltd. Shaded Effects in Taffetas Make inexpensive and t Charming Frocks A wonderful choice of Colors S1.50 Per yard 3rd Ave. & Fulton St. Phone 9 Marvelous Selection of HATS on Sale $1.75 Hats that are as lovely as you'd want to see them. In wonderful colorB. All sizes for girls Jabour Bros. Ltd. "CATERPILLAR" Tractors BIGGER THAN THE WEATHER! A Size for Every Use A Hundred Uses for Every Size 2 TON. TWENTY, THIRTY, .SIXTY BETTER QUICKER CHEAPER Literature and Prices on Request Sole Distributors for B. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO, LIMITED ' jNoflnn". riVh, muM-Butl'dlar "V 1 Brsmn Office? ' a " " SI iMlMlaft ' fctwrtfc-toWV, fiA.; HtM " W 4 V-a-S-a a VTI finV 11 f VANCODVEU. B. C New KayseY Hose Slipper Iiecl, half heel, twin heel and lance heel, full fashioned. In all thn latent hnr18()T itlnmr final, atllr tn hpm KJim service weight, per pair $i.0JV ftix Cbiffon Slipper heel. Silk to the top. Per pair ... . $1.1)5 Lance heel and twin heel, per pair $.1.00 FRASER & PAYNE Universal Trading Company ft .J- PAGE THKKB Local and Personal News in Brief Vv