rnoxi: S7S r.r.ssiu ijlock WITH MAIUORIE DAW At 7.30 1 M. Dr. Alexander DENTIST Annoying Bladder Weakness of Old Age Saffly llellcird by SANTAL MIDY Sold bj All DruKKlxU OND This Week at The Loca port the Home Theatre and keep your Money in the city. Westholme T heatre MONDAY AND TUESDAY 7 IM. VAii DOURLE PROGRAM Continuous Show from 7 to 11 p.m. TOM MIX in "The Outlaws of Red River" Lois Wilson in "Coney Island" at 8.50 p-m. WiTH EUGENE STRONG AND OTHERS. "THE COLLEGIANS" in "SLIDING HOME" "RACING BLOOD" A new .serial feature with Alberta Vaujrhun and others. Number 1, "JESSIE'S JAMES FOX NEWS 35c and 10c WHAT IS IT that keeps you always looking well and smartly dressed? OUR SERVICE PHONE 61!) to have your clothes pressed. We call for and deliver to all parts of the city. For that Suit We have fine Fall and Winter Suitings and Overcoatings on hand. Come in today and. let us take your measure. Cutting, workmanship, style, all guaranteed. Best materials and reasonable prices. Ling, the Tailor Phone G19 REDS Transfer Fifteen years' experience In FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood In any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So le our Service Phone us and, Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night Phone: Red 317. Big Offers ! We have just received 75 cases of Raisins. This is the timo to purchase for your XMAS Cakes and Puddings. Raisins, Seedless, 7 lbs. for "r Raisins, Puffed, 7 pkg for "f Currants, Fancy clean, 6 lbs for 3 Dates, Fancy Hallowi, 10 lbs for 05 r Prunes, good size, 7 lbs. Jtor 1"? Prunes, Del Monte, 3 pkgs for " Mixed Peel, Orange and Lemon, 3 lbs. for 03 Table Figs, 4 lbs. for. . "c Shelled Walnuts, fresh stock per lb -10 and Shelled Almonds, fresh stock per lb 03 Get your requirements early from fresh choice stock at fflussailem Grocery CO. LTD. Phones 18 and 81 417-423 5th East COAL Your choice EDSON CARSIDY WELLINGTON TELKWA Also Ilulklcy liny and Grain. Agent fcr Hobin Hood Flour. Fhone 38 Prince Rupert Feed Co. MILK MILK Fresh I'nsteurlzed Milk and Cream Daily. EMILY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. A'lvertisp in The News. SAWS r'ross.cut. Crescent Ground, will saw 10 more timber, timeand labor being equal, than any other rnade.vThis guarantee has never been challenged. SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO., LIMITED, T. It I Ml tTDtlT 0 ACOHN AVINUC. MONTREAL, Out. xiurnilurn.B C TORONTO. ONT. T JOHN . N.B, SJ-' - . , U MOVIE PROGRAMS FOR THIS WEEK Monday and Tuesday Westholme: Tom Mix SEE CONY ISLAND IN TOM MIX TONIGHT r in the "Outlaws of Red River." Lois Wiison in "Coney Is- land." f Capitol: Marion Davies in ' "The Patsy." 4- Wednesday and Thursday Westholme: "The Shield . of Honour." Capitol: Emil Jannings in "The Patriot." Friday and Saturday Westholme: "The Lion and the Mouse." Capitol: "Home James" "Thief in the Dark." t "Coney Island," the FRO pic ture playing at the Westholme .vnjcj, tonight and tomorrow, has been acclaimed as one of the finest dramas of life in New York's pleasure resort ever to have reached this city. ; The story is woven around the (struggles of a girl ticket seller for a roller coaster concession and her employer, a youpg vcter-jan of the amusement world, in I their effortH to prevent the 'theft' I ,f tlj concession from them by j : finncial baron. Theatre patrons thrilled at the big fight, scenes, the racing -roller tures, Luctla Mendez. 2,500 REAL LIVE POLICEMEN PLAY Not even a policeman will be able to find a technical fault in the manner in which the actual police drill team scenes in "The Shield of Honor," were handled. They are said to be perfect in every detail for with the exception of the more prominent figures in the cast, wtyo impersonate j officers in the picture, all the other police officers are members '.of the Los Angeles police department and were actually on a field day when the picture was taken. I 2500 policemen were used in ! these thrilling scenes which were I taken in F,xposition Park, one of i the largest and best public parks in Southern California the men working under Chief Davis of the Los Angeles Department. The picture comes to the Westholme Wednesday and Thursday. AT THE WESTHOLME ,Tom Mix is a Texas' Hanger in "The Outlaws of the Red River," his latest starring drama for Fox Filmt, at the Westholme tonight. In the rolo of Tom Morley, he is on the trail of desperadoes who, years, before had killed his fos ter father and carried away his foster mother and her daughter Lola. The drama opens with a prologue showing the desperadoes raid on the emigrant caravan and the abduction of the woman and child. From this it takes up the story of Morley's search. Tom lands the prisoners In the 'ranger barracks at San . Luis, where he Is a great favorite with' !the children. The children ask Tom to tell them a story nnd he does. It loads to all sorts of I Louis Schultz, well known At-lin merchant, and his daughter, Miss Louise Schulti, were among passengers going south on the steamer Princess Alice which wis in port yesterday afternoon. THE PATRIOT" JANNING'S BEST AAMCAITOL "The Patriot" which makes its appearance Wednesday and Thursday thfs week at the Capitol is Emil Mannings' greatest starring vehicle. Directed '.by that master of subtlety, Ernst Lubitsch, "The Patriot" brings to the screen a story of the Russian Court a century ago, which for suspense, dramatic form and lavishness of production as has rarely been .quailed. Lewis Stone, who plays the' main part of "The Patriot" represents a character which for dignity and convincing realism mijjht be that of the original Ph'TllWP TftNlfHT ATCount l,na,cn. whose name is Ilul UaD lUniUlll .VI plastered all over the pages of WESTHOLME THEATRE R'an hi8t0 a Tlm' T Other members of the cast un- icr the masterly direction of ; Lubitsch present characters are amazingly real. MARION DAVIES AT CAPITOL Premier Comedienne Stars in Unusual Picture 'The Patsy" Monday and Tuesday nights will see onajof the cleverest of r' -..!- coaster cars, and the moving pow- T V I n 'arlon Dav,lj" CP 'n n ' er of the screen story, which . features the demure and beautiful Yer. ,p,cture T,he 1 wide for T.i.uMi ...t.ni .uwu.ipty flyen scope star who is a newcomer to pic-,"" and this , JC"U . T The famous stage play Lion and the Mouse" is the week end offering at the Westholme opera house this weekend starring May McAvoy and Lionel Barry more. The story is that of "Ready I Money" Ryder, a man of wealth ; and power, who has been angered ' by the decision of a certain judge, 1 affecting his holdings. In retal- j iation Ryder suavely advises the judge to buy certain stocks, and ; when he does to, publishes the fact that he has accepted a bribe. The judjre is ruined financially. Shirley, the judge's daughter, is a sculptress In Paris, and there meets the rich man's son, Jeff, who comes with her to America. In order to et a certain letter i from her father's persecutor, she gets an order to make a bust of Ryder Sr.. and for the purpose of the sittings lives in his home. With the boy's help, search for tfie letter is made.. Ryder discovers the two, and accuses his son of theft. The boy has been Insisting that he means to marry Shirley, to which his father objects, not knowing that the girl In his home Is the same jierson. When the two are discovered, the girl makes a clean breast of the whole thing and the dramatic story reaches the finest of Its many flights of emotion. J Ui ApiiytvOTg&TPs Union steamer Catala, calling southbound tomorrow, will have on board another shipment of concentrates from the Toric mine at Alice Arm beund for the smelter at Selby, California. This afternoon's train, due from the Kast at 9-80, wbs reported this nHwaiftir to he on time. Th sm2UJSA TO-NIGHT HER GREAT LEAP YEAR PICTURE MARION DAVIES IN THE COMEDY AND NEWS Jack de Jausscrand and his Rupert Capitolians First Show 7 p.m. 50-15 Wednesday and Thurs day EMIL JANN1NGS in 'The Patriot' spgadid picture which BgariAWrf'JaWffy portrays a story oi me inais ana j love affairs of two sisters of the i present day finds Marion Davie at her best. AT WESTHOLM Instant Ease for That Cough ! mm- "shield of honor-FAMOUS PLAY Ugg&gK ful BjiI' Lion and the Mouse Willi May 1 McAvoy and Lionel Harrymore Crl botlfe of "Barklra'i" vrry iiu ul urr rcveail III (cuvLLl t Jilh' F Iru: Alan. IAXPVB1N nl Hii.X. In', Miltura in.t i,m k M I XT i; RE The Am lilt a fltuhm tingle tip provci It V eatres ATTEND OUR and Take Advantage of These Bargains White Canton Flannel, .10 inches wide. 7 yards for .SI.(H) Heavy White Flannelette. !i0 inches wide. 7 yards for $100 50 inch, Sun Fast Casement Cloth, Keg. $1.26. Yard i; Marquisette, Colored Dots, regular Ba. Yard 10? Bungalow NeU, 40 Inches vrld, per yard :rf Marquisette Curtains, colore loU. regMlaf $t.26 paid $2 (i Frilly Voile Curtains, colored borders $iM, pair :j.oo 30 inch Cretonnes, lovely designs, regular 60c. ix-r ,i 2."f Heavy Cretonnes, JW inches wides, per yard, ;C liunny Hlankt IHnk and Blue, each Sl.oo COME IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELF S. E. PARKER, LIMITED 3rd Ave. East. Vhone 83 Dominion Royal Cord Tire Ajjoncy Ford Cars and Trucks Flat Kate Repairs USED CARS We have several excellent burgains In used Cars. Easy Term. if desired. If your paper docs not arrive, telephone the office ot Readers t The Daily News Who do not subscribe for the paper but who purchase occasional copies, will find it advantageous to remit $3.00 and have every copy mailed to their address for the next year. All the News of the North, coast and country, from our special correspondents, as well as world events will-keep you well posted at minimum cost. Send the postal order todayhilc you still think of it!