' 4 Jo t- ROBINSON, Democrat c candidate for the Vice-presidency of the United' States at tin e'egt'-m tomorrow, was born in a log house on a farm In Arkanaaa In 1872. He took to oratory like . ducV t.'ikea to water. s . p.mu.j9k TRAPPEESf Ci-' v.i vy "iit your FURS ani worth. Rltfp them bring them to IJOYD YOUNd p4ti t Simp-urn, It. C. or FURTHKlt ADJOUItNBI) ' tr.t-iftio ) r-oi-ee-.l!iifa againal ''cr :V-.; -Ir. vhu'n Unite n(iv -tii-ft ai-e si-ckinu t" ' Ixclf to Juneau to face char-of j.-il Ijrc ikiii)'. wph further ! W. II; Tobey, C. N. U. divisional auperlntendent, left this mprninL' on one of his periodica (1trips U yie interior as far as Jasper Park Q,n official duties. niiiii!' ' t v 'fight (hiys in Lukn llarac and SImnn Grgulre, i' ift- oun-s court this after who have be.en employed at An n -t the request of defence yox. arrived In the city from the a titvifl. V. O Fulton. Th" nt- aroclter tovn on the Prince . ..... ry ,,it.r(l ,n (he case have ar- fieorge last night and proceeded H '-d from w.tshlnpton I). C. E. by train this morning to New r. .Ione is appearing for the York where they will embark for Lnited States government. .a trip to Zagreb, Jugo-Slavla. THE bAlLY NEWS Pr,F STX FEWCHANGESIN MARKET PRICES JVinter Variti4 of Apples are uuf&n:dbJJit.and Uuti . ter Trices Down , , ijBlKJliBS. CURTIS,, Republic in candiute for Vice-presidency oj the United Stntea-was born in a lot' Mbin on an Indian reservati .1 in Kansas in 1800. lie is a great grandson of Chief W'liite P luisy of th Kaw Indians. T-'f" 1 he month of November Is piarketl with few changes on, the local retail "price list save for the djjappg.arance of a few seasonal j fry jtg a (id vegetables and the ap-i pearancc of a few p'ijier kinds. ' The orange market continue stiff j but, with' the advent of tangerines about the end of this month and ii;w cjrus crops soon thereafter,! W.JRP relief may be expected. The! lowest price obtainable Ml WW of local utores now s 4Qc straight find then there is not much ju jt. TJje popular Jlclntojh fted al plea wil soon be over with the winter varieties of Spitsbergen ami Wjiiter Uanada taking their , place, There have been a few! (irgyeu&Ieins from Terrace sold! liere tills fall and even ungraded j bp'xe have proven to be just abu, aj gqud an apjlc us can pe imported. If this year's quality may be, takeri "as any criterion, the Ter' race CJravensteln should have possibilities of proving very popular heje. There" is a slight softening in the local sugar market and butter prieare also down. Prt- current r Vsllowi Jiimble pk Qrji aftaktsg Hp) (PC. 4 I ba ... nrweffsn omi MWdUmji Pykter t FKl'lT Orange. Valencia, doaep 60c to 85c rmora, SunkW. doro .... tQc Jo 50e IppffUl V'ljr grapefruit 2 for ?Sc Bananas 2 It). .... ,.. 39c Etra ted honey., per Jar soe Oomb fclaney Ste Date. "tSlk. 2 )b, for ,., HaUina. bulk, per lb We QmjQrnU Dalut PatM, packagf ... 34? Anton Peara. doeen Box htlTTfK No. 1 cra mry N.?- J.J cgjai7. cuer.se rMmmbrt cbe. S v pkj. Kraft Ltmberfrr. "r Ontirjo , eotklt 5w ZenliDd solids ... ...... 'NltTM . aoi.tls. Utelied VlriUi jluuuhrokf n shcOed . Vliiuu. ihnd ha)vs ItiMHidt uuu , JHytfaurUq walnut ... i wuaaliuH 3b. w rtibSw-." wMnui lb- Wheat. No. 5 ................. In .. . 4 V ," ' Brn ......... ...... Short ........ m jujjHr. 'kfateb f(od 1 crt . , uund oil ke .. ... .. .. by rM' "'feed ''ln ot clMM "ruttied js'U Pipe bark Shop tIKIKIt iutr. tmon nd orsnje pet-! ... Citron peel Black erokln('fl. lb. Wbite f'n. 2 lb 8.7 12.43 3J0 POMIIU1 .-. t Takair Qrapea. lb. 'Ml . 50c . I0t VnpolPoii Umbrrger TOf Suiiufforv 75 Uir tVrnJt'Wa. lb iit W"NWt'r- is SV'ffl?' Ofnx. 'r . Si n1 (oktVld 9 K l pk 30c "rujet 44: nxrtcfWa OiniKlltD cheeM. U lb. pkg. l-iour. m. N. twd VmMi flour. m .. .. 'Sjmpoiiftd V I.AKII frf (W ..f... fradk 4xlru .(.. ' .1 Smvkrd lo. klppcri,'. . . ilj)kt bU& .'fd, lb, j.ii.i, hjBllo?,,. . vhttt 7HC s.V 35c SOS 4(v? S 4! .' 25C liii- U-f. b. '. , te sjrk. lb .... . , ut KiatSM tSida, lb. SM rlp. !J 1$ W S20 . esc 129 6, . 20t 0v cot 150 2?' 20 25 05c . a,- 65c . 20C , as I1.PP 41 I0O lu- .. SJ4 M .. t .. if .. ff . Wf "5" I , . . ai Currant, '2 ,Pfl (ctelM-l. peeled . , AprleoU, lb. . . . 111 90-1M. 4.i lb. box . Mutton, chop Hmuia urtouider Skrip, successor to ink, Utr slltrd. ltri fftde H&tu. whoM. fkm trade . VKUI.TAIILKH u. e I W. for Uteu. Mk barwtti. 6 l6s. for PUVue kck ruitjr, bunoii (AtHta. Imported, per lb New Cfcb. lb. w gieio '(Mrioiui. per buneh Ibt. , Oktnagsn onions. 4 Iba UaHfornis Head Lettuce Uieen pepper, lb Jlothoueee Towatce. lb nuke. HotboUM B 0. Celery 7. Cauliflower Oreen Bean, 2 Iba. Hubbard Bquaah. lb field Tomatoea, lb Brown IMcUIng Onions, 2 lb'. Bff Mant lb liOtal SprouU lb Pumpkin, lb ', Bweet potatoes, a Iba Paranja, 4 Iba Baek- Spinach. 2 lbs. ftl Radlahea. buftoh Wlle ix-r 100 Yellow, per 100 . laafL.tvA 25, SDIMlt abolishes pen. closing , SSc 26t 25c ?? 4lb 35a St.9i i-ruoM. ao.70 lb. lb. (r 25i 3949. lb. ISC! 49-60. 2 lb 25C 24 lb. box $2.80 Bvpertted peart. iMlvea, lb 25: 25 lb box SS MHATS fowl. No 1, lb. SSc ud 4Ui HMlUttll BbtCttfl. lb. . . 4- Pridieti 45c I 4U.I fem, plcnlo. 25c lU'rlto. ttf. 36 l-Sc! uaa mm. itovi vc Bcon. sum, diced sue! i-um. jrt Mi 35e Ariabln baeon. Itv MctoSOe IMti. JUUI . .... ft Veal, loin , 40C Vel. lex aV )ork, houlder Pork, tain . . . . Pink. U 4 3eef. pot roMt 15c to 2UC Beef, boiling I2t to 18C Beef. itk 30 tu 458, ef, roMt, prime rib b ohoiM .f..y.i. 0, Iiuulder ...... ,. ... . , ,i '. i. . , . . . 4SV ... 2e ... 01 2lc ... ... 6c ... aik ... ac ... 5e .. Mi ... 90 ...35 15 35c . 7c 25e 1' je ,.. 25c .244 ........ tijg S7.I5 0.5 ys Colds "cat ucatea without dosing Just rub on VfiCKS i-lilTH'l..ja-j 1 A- li By a score of scientific tests this new product of ours establishes itself as probably the greatest improvement ever made in writing fluids. Washable Skrip for school and special work demonstrates a smooth and brilliant color, yet washes out of clothing easily. Permanent Skrip, for record work, tenaciously holds its legibility. Both flow freely and evenly at all times, without flooding, dry quickly on the paper, but will not dry on the pen point or clofc the flow. See that your fountain-pen is &iven a chance to use this &reat fluid. Skrip makes oil pens write better and the Lifetime pen write best. Try it today. WaJUU Sk V i V tnit a loUU 1 Urn. inn. vwUi. ?i awi Muk rl W Uu u(t MtU At txtttn dtjUn trtrywhert SHEAFFER'S PtNS PGKCILS SKRIP V-- . SHEAFFER PEN CO. Or CANADA, Limited; 6062 FKONT ST. WEST. TORONTO 0- p J a i a ' - - - - ttim 1 3 7 msim These three :e Blue Dlue Ribbon Ribbon W products are thoroughly reliable Their quality Is always uniform. Sold by all Ctocctj AcconspSishment The Old Man says: "I begem work at fifteen Now I am retiring at sixty My pay averaged $1,500 I earned iltogether $67,500 And I havjj $30,000 saVed IT COST ME $6 A WEEK." Aik for our fooUf, T Maiur cl Ytur Intomt." The Royal Bank of Canada Prince Rupert Branch 1UJ F. E. Robertson,