save Money Boston Grill ,, ,K,.! way to buy the ' .. u. V t. subscribe by th 'Ti' ....-i " 500 nd 79X11 . ,..,.ri to your address just figure out the, ';'(iM"".,! vim for this daily ! months! 1,1 lose Rival at Ottawa "tii and Now Have si I'ointH liC4K) M Tlie Canadleni ior threat to wreat in them Hi point leama The fame, at Ottawa, waa a IS peualllea. Alex ' iiettliuz majora and nalty. 'he opportunity to tak" iialn( to Boston k Ranaera kept their : i he American aectlon "'iiitn lollowa: tawa 0. -ton 2 Rrtimera t. -' Chicago 1. FAVORS WOMEN BUT FEARFUL ' " ijiion of i nlled Church '"'Kard I ii Admitting Them Ministry i, as Favoring the "ii.iniiion of women to 'lie Victoria Presbytery '" Church lu-t nlsht never- 'he Dally, News aidfation of the value of the proper-: ,'ienird Small com pan Ha which hurl no- been abaorbed In tlte genera' flre.ii funds lor one or two years op- erath n that have particularly Am, ,in! the properties benefited through the stock boom ipulatlon tralght alea ana couipaoj of doors hi M 111 fl' :'"':: are Oeorje River. Marasow anil R.ver Orade Marmot saeia.v verado Kutu. ArgenU. Argyle. Terminus, independence Bay View Woodbine Silver Tip. Silver Crest and Munro All :ther companies and property feel the btncflr.letit ol vne P.-. nlciity of money una creai.-up by the big oprralora not out. tv,.;r ;..(k bka. and thrmiih tlie ex-e rhaiie- and ntherwlae hee.ed them- t irlvr.- tor at leaat another soaaon'a de- tv! iinicot tlmiiKh the Mock boom will leave miim hear'arhes and aore heada It will have ac mpliahed a grei t good to the dla- of the iuoiie to tn. l f r while some battle between the be pe:i : ,,'ana and Chicago re "' for ile Mew York In In thla thla latter latwr reipect. rtwfirn. .,- al- t T by the "little rellowa win it be nbailiitely loat. It win o in mr w, T of lemtiniate endeavor, and the "bigj fellowa ' with their money, organlss-j tion i'd experience, win m.w t datnet hum Many of the little lei- Ijwa will undoubtedly brimt their pro- pert,,., to urh an attractive ataae that the "hii! fellowa" will (ladly take hold and ii ii them out at a profit Mis MIW M M H IIAT Pno '.ically every organn-ed pr 'i-erty In ......... .t thla wllller eclllld aul-1 i lie o -1 ' ' in their "'d that ii u not li. vicinity. tn ltothW' thr "ltU ' of the Church for " char.g. in thla con- ' i'""M'm time. CRAIN VESSEL COMING HERE , in th ataUl tlon may be cpuou. --ment that the "camp look good EVRTHOUAKE SHOOK BAKERSFIELD LIKE ROAR OF EXPLOSION l..ra IH.Itle.1 d Like Kf. , y,,,. mi of tloieiti ,,. , """"w Ferumoor will Hubert'. .. ... ...uinrin Cnl ,,l ,, TOiiiwnin grain, nsw.""1 " , . oil .i the shook ."" vthe la rlu. next -r... of erih.iKes '"''"" full ,.. fim lhr , m . ouiaklrts of .He ' '' ' ' m'"""rd pol' ftino. ItuuafL nbrht One alMUU- ."" "lr l'"'ted resembling an P'c'" Klnsdom or bv a roar Th ahoik bfitaii llHlenWO ua ALBERTA POOL MANAGER HERE ItlHT VIVSTCK KKTIHIMi Arfcnu B.C. Silver . . Big Missouri Cork Province Daly Alaska Dun well Oeorge Ooppsr Oeorala River 1 Ooleonaa . . . C M. IUH of Calgary on lnnpec- Omndview (Inn Trin. A crow nan I el by Independence Jawuh Rennet L. Coaet Kooieaay Florence Superintendent L a00 L Lakevktw C. M. Ball, general manager of the Marmots Metals Alberts Wheat Pool with headquarters PeusVxrtelle in Calgary. Is a visitor In the any. hav- Premier ln arrived from the south on the! Porter Idaho .. Prince Rupert this morning. Mr. Hall, ! Rufue whose visit la stated to be merely inTtith Hope the nature of a periodical Inspection, ' Sunloeh la accompanied on the trip north by Terminus . .. Md. MO n Joseph Bennett of Vancouver, auperla-, Woodbine M endent of the Pool'i Pacific Coast I elevators and formerly superintendent ! nfttt V AP 1IPTIIl" 11 1C here They will return to Vancouver DUU I VJl T 1 11(1 If fio A Friday morning 1.10 M se 00 . 1.01 M St M .IS at tov, 1TB0 tn Asked 7 1 10 M M IS SI too .SO 1 OS PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, D.C.. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 1928 No. I Lcarlog lb hip aXtef tborouth Uiapectkin. N. J-Premier Baldwin and hu wife about to prcaa (he releaae butnm. Nu. I I'he Dackm abartlr af tf laking tbr water. the presence of a monster crowd In which thronged the great Gla- thipyanlx of Joln Krown nd fow "o. th "Ourheiiii of Bedford" 21.600 groa ton wis luned recently by Mm. Stanley Baldwin, wife of the Prime Minister. The vwaawl it one of the four "Duchess" data of steamers under con at ruction for the Canadian Pacific Railway Transatlantic rout. At the launching of the new ship speeches were made by the Prime Minister, Lord Aherronway, Chairman of John Brown and Company, Sir George McLaren Brown. Euro AKCHITKtT IIKKK IN rONNMTIIIV THfATH: T THIR1I ttllMl: W. WUllam M Dodd. Vancouver arcnitsrt. arrived In the city from the Muth on the Prince Rupert thla nmrnlnn. being here in connecion with tlte new t lirai e in be built on Third Ave. near Pulton Street (or Mlaak and Paul AivasoU and lor which he will prepare the plana Ne-potiatlona are atlll reported to be In prugreaa wluiehy the Anaeoffa aha.', aecure from P Burna Co.. Ltd uhtcen feet ot frontage immediately adjoining tlie theatre Mte to the east. pean General Manager of ihe C P. R Captain J. Gillie Manager of the C. P. S.S. and Sir Thomas Bell, Managing Director of the Clydebank Yard. Premier Baldwin recalled hia recent visit to Canada and spoke of this country's wonderful possibilities for a marvellous future. "I am quite confident." he said, "that whatever vision and imaginatioa can do for the Empire at large will be done by the Canadian Pacific Railway." After cutting the cord from which a bottle of champagne was U.S. MARINES ARE KILLED Rebel In Nicaragua Ambuh Pack Train With Fatal ItesaiU M.A Mil . Nlearasjae, IK). St. Knur I ntteal Mtalra iserliiii were killed and nine utMMM Mewway ah. ii wiuiiiH, reiiete ambuvhjeal a pwrk train bet a em Veils and l on-hfa nrair m.irlnr hea)quaHer al lanital In rlherii MraragHU. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE suspended, Mrs. Baldwin, before touching the button, which waa to be the means of the vessel being released, said: "I name von Duchesa of Bedford'. May God" protect and prosper you. May he preserve and blew all those that go forth with you into the known and unknown." And then, to the accompaniment of tremendous cheering from the large gathering of spectators, the massive structure began to move from the stocks, and gathering impetus as she went, too the water gracefully. , ! PKCXilKK M.tfXCtN li IMIMHi:il T Hit VICTOItIA llftVIK VICTORIA. Peb .- Premier Mac Lean waa prevented from attending the sessions of the Leglaliture and will be probably confined to his home for several dsya. He la sufferlntt from su affection of one of hi eyes. F. G. DAWSON MET McMORDIE E Found Mayor Very Uusy Inter viewing Premier King, Sir Henry Thornton and Others 07 Colonel McMordie who was there to M interview Sir Henry Thornton in regard to railway matters. The Colons! tJO had already met Premier ManeTaaili King at Ottawa and other ministers M and had an appointment to me the M minister of railwsya Be was remain SM ing to complete hla work for a few daya and then planning to return SAN FRANCiecn Feb My ni T ftlllNTRY FflflTRAI I NANAfMO. Feb . Postmaater A H Identified aa that of one of Ihe vie I VLU wOllIUl lUUIUrttil. with the roltiing inonie. y-. -....-- ..... Irs of the f.-rn hint Prr.tltu rtlaa-.ter violent 1m is retiring on April 1 after 4B years ' on Pel.rtiarv 17 recovered from the H'OTTIMI l.nil. ' (h.. r .TV!. ? :-.) !: . ..... . Ou !'., lilt I. 1 .mi itp R rival INit-nla Mr ami Mrst H Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and beat for the leant Phone 457 They claimed that the P Olnsaey. Mr uid Mra A. McKena-. Mr. and Mrs Oeo W. Nlckerson. Mr and Mrs M P McCaflery. 1 C Gibbons. Mtsa W.lla Dyer. Mr and Mn Fred Oll-huly. Mr and Mr. W Balagno. Mr and Mrs S King. Prea'jylenan C.O.I.T.. Mr anri Sirs W B wllllrkft V f- SW.V. Prie Five i Vn e tt, y cm i laiw-:uml rudi i iuiv uu i umu RCtiilhCr HERE TO COMPLETE PLANS FOR NEW THEATRE t n i i n i and fcf of Sfoc Boom is Set Forth Clearly by Writer lllll .llliriuM 'f mnmwM ui ,,.u.vtI aim OICttHn Mill IH: V erv Hasy During Coming Summer : uf thi district are looking forward to u Hummer j n ccdeuted mining dewloixnenl, and never in the land ( anal haa their confidence appeared mon amply the Portland ( anal Newn. The transition period that 'ii-iiery must ia.- through while it emerges from a ;i mine seem". ti have reached a number of prospects i "company organization" fieriod of three years ago. i;- (1 men, principally in Vancouver and Victoria. - - -r :titra d the fern fur r .: i nninri a r T-v nn in i ii ji nniiii.v KK I n II II WMP IS CANDIDATE SEATTLE MAYOR i: I'nmarie Yewterday to , -i miin-t Frank Kd-ard IU Mayo- ll.r,!,h K niii.atag and Frank an her opponet.i foi on Uiirch It li Mr Laiidea led 1, 'uaantf While Edwardr Mayor Bi-own by a ea Tbe aik other : behn d. IENS OUT OF BIG SLUMP propet of the district on mock j.ii, -nd a numbtr cf tr.e.n cinugli itork li build pa .'.!. .ml and c r iru.-t amall camp 1 the money u gone and -iiv ease- ' v:thow' In Mme out;,, an-, on:'o,-menl i . ng donr Pe-.pie who !i ,113111 all thii had 10 do vi to buy a nun dred n : ar' worth of stock aid commence mined.ately afterwards to dm : r.buU dividend, found that they ere ;.:i.ll:.g i'..ui.d on the utei : i. I ,n the cpllui or which nl n e h j-alieiic inr mrl phi.', jf co.: DUld lui 11 RIOII Ol T (. tTION Ota-', ,' on followed 'or ihe am.,::, ropt, :, i--, ant: this winter on Be.,, HJer the L L . Ore M.iunta.i. ad f). I ,' sr wr.flng in i amai; a-ey. H ' fir a ready m :iey u couwni--at1- m been the trafheat winter : e experienced since IBIS But :.r the clo-e of 1M7 a chair.'e -as I " in the mining a-tuatlon. C-m-.lldf - commenceji tj miterlahw j The:i a Haul, deala. deal- fell u. '. ( i upon h , quialtlon of the Oecrge Cop-I ier inn H i. MlaMur: by the Trail Con- i j lldii'i n.gtc name. Some tf tli nore .,. : nt operatlrm companle 11: ! 'he l m te i S'ateo ma uan-aa inrr J'.'Hir u : ." and oolldlty of nnlllon? I brhiMi 'win into 'he camp. The Pre mier ' .mmeniea v reacn mi iw mur proper : v Th n raiix Hu- t Tk b ion. which hia not ' n;'a-e!Hly reached IU peak Elite n, rai.adian American and ;- nip to hand Ottawa, i ,n m nry appeared on the atock e-ih:rta n fame and i rhaiiue- Prirra jare1. without ocn- The Launch of "The Duchess of Bedford". Local Merchant Laid to Rest This Afternoon with a Large . Congregation for Last Rites i uneral for L Murray Fuller Large one With Ketall Merchants, Elks, Native bon and Many of Public Kepreentcd Prince Rupert buainesa circles generally and the- many friends i deeai-eti ano the mo'Ji ning family paid final tribute of respect :is .u icnio'in to itie memory of the late L. Murray FuHler, proaoin-lt in. a, rncrcti-'i , who. e tleaui occurred latu week with tragic jdUi iir.L'.ss. Practk'iiliy all stores in the city were clotted for an our and a hail su ihai. proprietors and staffs might be given the .vor: u:iiiy ni participating in the obsequies for a citiaen who wan e ,eemed a. ne was widely known. The Retail Merchants' Aso-. uioi,, Ueiictoit ni & Protective Order of Elks and Native Bona el ...i.nia. oi wii'ch organizations deceased was a member, attended .i large grojjis. , The caake: js hanked with man.. I 1 lural tribute ict. lying to Uie crtlr. the cortege to the grave! memaeis of tiie ..a ea tem n: Ali:jh cUcj.jcS wat held gu. Ljus" being In luoetal pr OOStmlon rhoae btsnd.iu lowers mrludt:; tlir r. Wu a irge asaemalaiO of mottrD-lowing: e: : generally, rllbiarem, rspfeatintetleas ,vi,u,,r MK1 of Orean Blver :..n.;:y. ReUU McvcMaU. j Dntaric; relative in Tjr.nta. air. and j., preovtCT.aa ( cl)UreB kajsmett w. W. Benevolent and Pro- ,r, tht. 1MJcUte., ct tn. deeeMiB D. c. : Oraer ot Elks. Preibyierlau MoaM w E wmUereit , j Q nurch LvJ-.e Aid. air. and Mrs How- Brrt yaaaemmtm aMl H. A. :a aivsn, Ai: mid atra. Jn?k Bulger, aa . a::d Mr- M M at -La-hlan. Mr. and fjim,ly mjurneni tnoludaxt bs WtdOW ..i - I. 8tl. and family. A. B. Willlip , fl cn,ldren , rtnn all Met. W. .d - n. l nnce Rupert Parent- teacher I w y,ritbt ltoter tnd oulmlJ ..sjck-tion. Mr. and afn. H. B. Roche- Kwm(, w-hlngton- broUksr-tn-law. .. Mr. ana Mr.- J. W. atciOniey. Mr. md Mra. W. SolUws. PreabytaVlan jay School. J. C. Brady. MJP B:ady. Chaw Brothera (Vancouver ensV Mra. D M:Ued and family. Dr. ana 4 Mr-, tali. Mr. aud Mra. I. Ciapp. gTH- Jfewton. Way and atudenu. Kenny McQualE. Mr and Mrv Botuton. Mr. and Mrs C Btggart. Mr. and Mrs. Thoma.- McMetkn.. Mr. and Mr. W. O. ChriL,:u. Htm Mabel Almcn. Hiss May Thompeon. C In-ulander. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Thompson and family. B. J. Smith. Mr and Mr. K. Rood. Mr. and Mrs. M. L Stepp. Mr and Mr. A. Astoria. Mr. and Mrs. John Bremuer. Mr. and Mrs T. Wilson. Mr and Mra. N Ourvlch and family. P O Dawaon Ltd . Mr and Mrs w. W Wrathall. rrlsseUa Limited. Klllaa at Christopher. Mr. and Mrs R E Walker. Mrs. Nation. Mr. and Mra. R Oordon. Dr. and Mr. J. P. Cade. Retail Merchants' Aas-clatl-n. W J Raymond. Mr and Mra A Akerberg. Mr. and Mrs D C. Stuart. Mr and Mra. H Yamanaka. Mr and Mra. R Moore. P. Burna Co.. Mr. and Mrs. Jchn Man-son. Lindsay Cartage Co.. Mr and Mn. H M. Poote. Mia Sharp. Rupert Bakery 55 Sua, CONTROVERSY OVER INDIAN RESERVE SALE Iegal Poiaitiun of Province Regard to KiUlIano Property Not Very Secure Says VICTORIA, Peb. of sll British Columbian Irdlan reserve st Vi change for payment of Dominion Government aul under te the m e by the Ms way out of controversy in va(W of all the circumstances aasurad pastsrday by Hon T. D. Pattullo and Bon. A. M. Manaon. Rev Joshua HlnchcUfle and other opposition members brought the aaat- ter UP' nP"in the Mr and Mr, Oex H. Muuro. Richmond province naa maae a' ssasiw eeei. louver Har bor Board had offered as much aa $750,000 lor the reserve. He ooostderad it a a matter that oould JueUtlataly be carried to the highest court for decision Mr Pattullo said the Vancouver offer had rover"t lt" and lusa. a.ilis. rvlclal Mr and Mr. Hugh Mr and .. ,t ... federal right and B.C. would not have ami iru nuirir., jb.i atiu seai a vrtruiyx i a.. .... . -a. been alvn the nUrr 9710,000. junuiiiNir. Mr. una emrxt. a i . rraii. Mr ltonOT1 ""i ' Mrs c Smith and family. Mr and Mrs , . , J . ., .. position had been jrette ' strong and " J Klnalor and family. Mr and Mrs. C . th' ,or hta be was not P prepared A Klrkend.ll Mr and Mrs Audy Nel- to dvl- tne Oovernment to fight the aon. Mr and Mr. N. MuasaUem. Mr end Adam Mcintosh, Mr and Mra R. pie Leaf Cafe. Mr and d. Jabour Bros . Alex ins of Canada D'amond Jubilee Celebration Committee. Mr and Mrs. O H Arnott. Mr and Mrs O. V Wilkinson, Mra Robert Dowther and Mia Mary Dowther. 8. C. Thompson. Mr and Mrs. A McNeill. Mr and Mrs. A. Berner. Mr. and Mrs. P. M Rayner. Bulkley Market Mr and Mrs R. V. miner in ine oourta. Progress was made tn paasing the estimates. JAP FLYER IS BURNED DEATH P O DawMii who returned home Lrpine. Swift Cansdlsn Co.. Baptist i4 f, TB.n,tfl. " yesterday afternoon, attended a meet-1 Mission tavnd. Mr and Mr,. Frank Mo,- 'feuj r,lnl ,lwlm '.hL I, ffi lug of the Board ot Dlrectore of the ' rta. Mr. and Mrs B F Self, and Mr. I .83 S Canadian National Railway while tn and Mm. Harold Rosa. Tl the Bast and also paid a visit to Ot- TOKIO. Feb The service tosk place at S p.m In Nagaaskl today aald Tukttehl Ooto. . .. , Pirst Presbyterian Church which con- years of age. leading pttat far Japans li While in Montreal Mr. Dawson met . .,. r .Mw m w..s. a u. ... h. ....v ....... irauaiasciiic uum was aranana aw oeaiui taaed Ita capacity Rev J R. Prlsell when he crashed In a Mat flight near olflclated and. m the course of his ad- Nagasaki. Lieut. Okamura and Pilot dress, referred adequately to the part suwa who were with him were serious the late Mr. Puller had played in com- iy injured, muulty life, not only as a business man ' but aa an active worker In tlie Free- pAnrprV WF1.C' bytertaii Churcha former auperlnten- uUUril Yllilu dept of tlie Sunday School and. until I hi' Bekth. a .'lass teacher. There was UCSUDM IN BATT lioiue by way ot victoria ana vencou- , ,0i-n musical program, appropriate ver. 1 1. the occasion, under the direction of j LOB AMOaXM. Feb. IS. The negro Mrs Dswmii went east with Mr. Jontl Davey Mr. Davey and Alex heavyweight Godfrey gained the de-DawMii but on the way home dropped cinpparton rendered duet. "One as s clsion over Paulino Ucsudan In a bout RFPflVFRFli AT FRKfll tt 'OI ''k ' V'"U "h hr pw,p1' 1 tly Solemn Thought." sccompsnied here last night nCb. TLilLLf til rAl-.U on the pr..i:ie 1 by Mrs. H. C Frseer and the hymns, for Godfrey went in at 6 pounds and which Mr Davey acted rta organ arcom- the Spaniard at !' Paulino forced the p.iist. were 'Forever With the Lord." righting from g:ing to gong but the and "There la uo Night in Heaven " terrific blows of Godfrey OUtwsghsd the After the servlep, Interment was made rushing body attacks of tfcenisten. :n Fmrview Cemetery with an Elks' Forty thousand people Witnessed the 'u:. : -rv . ,v A !. ..:u .' 'in t (ulkatd ' -u'