RMSS LIMITED ys hones, 82 and 200 X, 1614. deace Treaty is Laid Before | United States Senate Along with the League of Nations fesident Wilson Confers with Newspaper Correspondents and Expressed Gratification at Action of Germany in Ratifying Treaty; Must Force Compliance _with Military Terms. (Special to The News via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) Washington, July 11.—The peace treaty including the ague ) AC 5 itions Covenant was laid before the Senate by President . ils y in an address accounting to the country for his part in ry ty 7 tiations at Versailles fhe Leagur declared the president, “is born of the convicts wtically stated that an internatioual coneern had become a world ; ity to end the old order and guarantee -civilization. He as. , Text of Memorandum Prociaiming ted that in sueh a oncern the world looked confidently to the Sinn Fein Societies Out With ted States for leadership, and added that while the treaty migh The Law-—Cables to xactly as the United States délegation would have written | New York. vital sacrifice had been made by necessary compromises : president wilson conferred with the newspaper correspondents — via. 0. 7.0. Tepes i indicated gratification that the treaty of peace had been ratified | New York, July 11. A copy of ptly by the German National Assembly. The President in- the memorandum setting forth that trade relations between Germany and the associated the alleged conditions in Tipper- jary County, Ireland, issued ves- tions should be resumed at the earliest possible moment It was made clear that a follow through should be maintai terday from Dublin Castle by the Germany until the Germans complied with all the military terms Chief Secretary for Ireland in out- the treaty It was pointed out that there were several million lawing all Sinn Fein organizations an soldiers in Germany and munitions sufficient for them to and Irish volunteers from Tip- rate. perary County, has been received ~ . -|here from British sources. -Issu- ORE MONEY REPORT ON SCHOOLS soto abe ae Medical Officer Expresses Pleasure The memorandum recites a FOR HOUSES At Improvements of King series of lawless acts reported to | the baad . Edward Playground. different peace officers in Tre- land and quotes from two docu- IN RU edical report handed ments said to have been seized by| lan ’. McNeill at the school board |the British authorities in Ireland. An ine last nicht showed Val or MoClymont ge gets Wire from the health of the pupils and th nister that Another $25,000 teachers had been very £0 Will be Granted by th gh the term in spite « Government. the set back during the “flu” epi - =~ alt { At this time the board] pive Liymont this iorn gave the Borden Street school | ceived word from Victoria which was used as a hospital for effect that another 825.00 the time Following this the walls) been alloted to this eity for bad to be repainted and every- i fumigated for the saf ize Trades and Labor Council Monday Next. purpose erecting houses, eeekee SMa : : ‘ "7 ily fo eturned. soldiers n of the children i ace Idiet Pleasure was expressed by D1 | The Machinists Union announce Ps 000 in all for the F ;that with the exception of one or McNeil! at the successful drain ; nd levelling of the King Ed.|**° °f their m smbers they will of which it is ; stay by their international. W. purse ! ad build about ctec i ~~ ‘ . ward school grounds his has t dng returned sol : i a cite coke tes, diel H. Montgomery of the Longshore- he wire received § fro woe Vag~s9 : : nt . aawe . a teas by the mayor Pupils attending there. The hope mel Union says that with the ; ayo! lexception of two or three the ” we was also expressed that the solic) tautin tate Maan building | Members of their union will drop ver the terms of an Orde the international and join the One Big Union. \ meeting of those interested would be unnecessary during next term as the light was very bad for| the children’s eyes That is an! argument for a new school which can easily hAndle all the pupils passed, £95. 000 ; nder the housin ipplication. . tion is called for Monday next, ta pens free See o ‘ when it is expected that they will| with the proper facilifies Fuller's. Phone 4 _— take steps to continue the char- ee G. A. MeNicholl, assistant gen ter of the local Trades and Labor ee eer ee el " freight and passenger agent Council with the Engineers, Ma- 8 tor the Grand Trunk. left by the chinists Retail “$05 = WANTED * princess Mary on a Short trip to graphical Union and carpenters = @« cagway. aMliated. 50 Muckers. * pie ee ee ee rt apa nw 5 ts — cu 60 CENTS PER HOUR ‘ ; . . z | le semi-annual meeting o ie me : RETURNI 2 = N. All ys yo St. Andrew's Society will be held — rae are cordatily invites ) ie : a ig - . 1 Machine Drill Black- * eee ee 1 i eae atibh ol tonight in the club r« oms for the smith. * Ri Soe ee oe ; purpose of electing officers for : * the Central Hotel on Saturday, ine coming half year and othe! cael ; July 12 at 8:30, Refreshments husinesa’ Ail members are re- ppty provided. Everything free. 62 idinad alten A J. R. MORGAN, LTD. * quested to attend. \t Drydock * Carhartt’s overalls and gloves. Ladysmith Coal. The best. Prince * Sseeaseeasenese Agent, J. F. Maguire, Smith Block. Rupert Coal Company, Phone 15. a LSS YS PR a MICKEY is in town at the Empress Theatre TONIGHT AND SATURDAY Saturday Matinee Admission---Evenings, 50c.; Matinee 50c and 25c. 2 Shows, 7.15, 9 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FIIDAY, JULY 11, 19149. Meeting Will be Hel Heid to a in retaining international affilia- | — NEW SCHOOL DISCUSSED BY SCHOOL BOARD Question of Water Supply for Building Simple—Playground is Important Feature. \t last evening's meeting of the school board there was consider- able diseussion in regard to the erection of the new school which has been decided upon. The only {deterrent feature was the failure of the ecounei!l to take action in the matteg and to immediately have something done. There will be a joint meeting of the school vord and the finance committee on Monday afternoon. A frame building is out of the question cause, according to the esti- mates, it would cost nearly e much. The difference would soci be saved in insurance alone and ,then they would not have to be continually repairing it as_>~as the @¢ase with the Borden “et School. ; The matter of water supply was dealt with and it was pointed out that installing a pump would bx a mere trifle as it would only have to be used in case of emergency. The children would have an ade- ;}quate water supply without it. The main reason for the school going up on the hill is that the children will get some real good from the ‘city’s $30,000 asset, the recreation grounds. It has been recommended by the city health officer who condemned the pro- posal of the site on ninth Avenue. | The final arrangements will be made upon the return of Dr. Ker- gin from the south. I. MDONALD RETURNS HOME Greeted by Many Friends as He Arrives on Train—Leaves Leg Behind. tae A large number of friends were at the train last evening to greet Lieutenant Wilfred McDonald who has returned home after seeing four years’ service with the Cana- \dian forees in France. For the i past month or so Liegt. McDonald has been visiting with friends in the east, having spent some time mm Ottawa where he saw several jother of the Prince Rupert boys. Wilfred McDonald left this city with the Sixteenth Baitalion un- der Lieut.-Col. Peek. While in the lfleid he gained his commission ifor conspicueus gallantry while under fire. He returned to Eng- land for this and again went back jto France after being severely | wounded about a week before the signing of the armistice. It was lat this time that he lost his leg, and it was rather a pathetic inci dent to see such an able bodied man having to hobble off the train with his crutches. | Lieut. MeDonald has lived here |since the early days when the city was in its infancy. He is a real old timer, having worked with Foley, Welch & Stewart in the days of construction. Another brother Ray also joined up, but he has now been back for a few months. Among those going north from here on the Princess Mary yes- terday were Jos. A. Rogers, ac- companied by Kenneth Seher} who are going on a fur buying expedition into Alaska. Mr, Rogers will go as far as Skagway, but Mr. Scherk will proceed right to Skagway and does not expect to return for some time. | Ask for Atkins’ Sausages. tf eee eee eeeseeeee * FOR SALE *s *. s a LAUNCH ETHELDA * \* 45 feet over all; 28 hp. * \* Monareh; first class equip. #* |* ment throughout. Terms * \® to responsible purchaser, * | WORKMEN RESENT CLOSING OF COAL MINES AT SYDNEY For Bicycles mgr ADT WA7 Revs ot ' Workmen's com. wn Parts pensation Board “Pe PRINCE RUPERT AUTO 707 Second Avenue 7 PHONE 75 . ———— SS PRICE F IVs URNT AND LOOK TO GOVERNMENT DELEGATION WAITS ON CITY COUNCIL ASKING FOR WORK OF RELIEF AND TELEGRAMS SENT TO BORDEN AND ROBERTSON DEMANDING ACTION (Special to The News via 6.T.P. Telegraphs.) Sydney, July 11.—Due to the closing down of the collieries at sydney mines a serious situation is reported to exist in that town. Last night hundreds of steel workers and miners marched to the city touncil chamber and a committee of the men laid the case be- fore the councillors demanding that either positions or relief be given them immediately. e Yesterday afternoon the men held a great demonstration at which J. B. MolLeshiia. secretary -treastiey of the United Mine Workers, — —_— =iwas one of the principal speakers. CHR ES Eee eee A The men were in an extreme ly de- * LOCAL NEWS ITEMS * termined mood and threafened CREREEER ERE EE HEH EE HA = [drastic action if the situation was inot relieved immediately. Already telegrams have been sent to the Prime Minister and to Hon. Gideon Robertson, minister of labor, in- \forming them of existing condi- jtions and demanding that the government take action to reopen the mines and steel works, as the jlatter are entirely closed down land only one mine is in operation land that at half time and 300 jmachinists are working only |about two om sore a month. Mr. Taylor, the government agent at Atlin, was among those passing through the city on the ©. PR. steamer yesterday. Aileen Patmore and Rhona Saunders have gone to Vancouver or a holiday, leaving by the Prince George last evening. . . . Among those leaving for the south on the Grand Trunk steam- | er last evening after a brief visit! in the city was Rev. J. D. Mullins, the secretary for the British ANOTHER TEACHER Colonial and Continental Church Society of London. ij FOR HIGH SCHOOL > * >. There was a large party of] At the school board meeting Shriners aboard the Princegs |jast night J. C. Brady asked that Mary yesterday who are making|another teacher be procured for the round trip to Skagway. Many/the high school for next term. are prominent business men from | He expeets that there will be about the south and took time to inquire | sixty attending, which will re- and obtain as much information quire another room. This forces as possible about the city. out a whole class from Borden Street whieh cannot be cared for , : elsewhere and already King Ed- board meeting last night to re-| 004 has every room occupied deck the approaches to the King and rooms are being used by the Edward school. The planks are public school elasses in the Bor- nearly worn through in places and den Street school which were are not safe for the children. The ia pi intended for class roots roaf leading to the coal chutes] phe matter of the aanniahinaia wel also be repaired as teams of another teacher will be held have been breaking through over for a short time. many places. . . * ‘ ° The C. P. R. steamer Princess|__5Pec-al for Fishermen. Swivels, Mary arrived in port from the 50c. dozen; hooks 3c each. Ful- south shortly after 2 p.m. yes- ler's, Ltd. Phone 45. tf terday with a. large number of passengers who are making the WEST*OLME ‘tourist trip to Skagway. The boat stayed till four and gave those on TONIGHT board time to go ashore and look over the city which looked its Mé 4 BEL best in the bright sunshine. & . . * Captain Ormison, late of the NOR MAND Princess Victoria, is piloting the Princess Mary on her northerly “ —- w— trip this week. A delightful pas- 99 sage was experienced al) the way The Pest and both sounds were very|/| THE SUPREME 1919 COMEDY smooth. Basking in the warm sun- The same old Keystone-Mabel, shine the passengers were quite but even better, for she will make your sides ache with laugh- ter at her antics It was decided at the school content to sit on deck ali day. . . > A large quantity of !umber was brought up from Vameouver by the Mary yesterday. A number ol fish barrels were also unloaded for the Prince Rupert Fisheries. No Adiotinies in Prices Many of the local merchants were 2 Shows 7 and 9.15. disappointed as they had expect- Matinee, Saturday at 3 p.m ed a cargo of fresh fruit and Penge ian vegetables. The next shipment of Admission - 15c and 30c fresh perishables will arrive by the Prince Rupert tomorrow. . . * Secretary Vance reported at the school board meeting last night To Whem It May that 61 applications had been re- Another great wrinkle-smoother Christie Comedy ceived from teachers to fill the Concern local vacancies. There were 26 first class and academic certifi- As | am econvineed that | cates, 19 second, 15 third and 1 have been discriminated domestic science. The names will against in the matter of be wired to Inspector Lord who prosecutions I have decided will look up the eredentials of the to discontinue business in applicants as filed with the De- Prince Rupert. I have dis- partment of Education. posed of the Royal Pool Hall e &..2 and Skeena Club Limited ana Following the report made by ] am retiring from all active the city of the survey of the Ror- business in Prince Rupert, den Street school grounds it was Those having accounts decided by the sehool board last against myself or Anthony night that no more excavating |@, Zarelli, please present same will be done there ges the present on or before Saturday, July grade is below street level. More iith, 1919, as I am leaving cinders will be procured and town on Sunday. strewn over the surface and cov. Dated at Prince Kupert, B. ered with sand, A ditch will be C,, 9th July, A.D. 1049. dug across the higher side of the ; ; rounds which will prevent the D ZARELI | * nm. 3. WALLACE, *, washing away of the sand. The e lp ©8000 06 68 68 68 68 & @|work will be done by the city,