v- PAGE STX CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT TAKE NOTICE that a vote of the ratepayers will be taken on the 20th day of December, 1928, in the Council Chamber, City Hall, between the hours of 8 o'clock a.m. and 8 o'clock p.m. on th- q'i'aHnn at the advisability of selling the City's Hydro-Elec- E. F. JONES, City Clerk. Vancouver, B. C. November 34. 1923. His Worship th Mayor and the City Council. C r: tfdtlon it the City of Fr:ii" Rupert. ' Pr.nr? Rupert. B. C. Dear Sin: In re Prlnoe Rupert Hydro-El ret lie Sy.;: m and Developments (hereto or ad 11 ions :r..ret3: Confttmlng the arrangements made foiicta.ng city's present hydro-electric system, auch additional power to be available to the etty or other consumers in or about or In the vicinity of the city within the aald period of two years. PROVIDED HOWEVER that If In the opinion of the company's officers or engineers it may at any time appear more economical to develop power by means other than hydro then the com pany U to have the right to develop power by such means as to It mty appear proper. This provision is inserted for the mutual protection ot the company and consumers owing to the fact that In view of continuous improvements In engineering and mechanical devices It may at some subsequent date be possible to effect economies In power development not at present known and this prorlj Is In no aeane to be taken as an exaune or pretext for falling to carry out the company's undertaking to dafctop the maximum q? power required sad W pffvlde for anticipated: Increase In consumption and In particular the company repeats Its undertaking to drMsp ftem ether than the city's existing hydro plant 5.000 HJ within twe years from the date of the delivery to the company of the city's hydro-electric system. (2) For the fuU pericd of the (ran- chtee the company to develop sutflcleat at i rt-eeilns held the 16th of Novem- I electric energy to supply ail the need b r 192. at which you kindly gave the city or other consumers ln Mr -iri Rath and Sboard and the writer (n(j about the city to the full extent an audience, I now beg to submit of their, requirements irrespective of herewith on behalf of American States itDe quantity required. Srvice Crmpany of Los ngeies your hydro-electric system coupled with a development program along the lutes ational Railway and the steam plant now rented by the said city from the , 'fr convenience X shnll hereinafter -W Z!?aLS j f Ine , rhr Corporatton of the City "?toL?d """SrEEUT of P'-mc" Rupert as "the City" and to the Anv-:can States Fsbiif t .n.-anv as "the Company.' zrim i POURS to the apprerwl of the Canad I tan National Railway until such tun I am auffloaani offinr ahll b avallartU l The rmpaajr ofes to pufeaate the f &&tx or ether sources cf pwvt hydro-electric syatem in- 7 lD the event of the aompaay offer cTucHng generating plant, generators, tlng aecesU)d a will of course be 1U tr ku-huou hues and distribution rtention tfe tncorporate a company ln ! . -in ni'd all properties both reel and jk, pm of British VHvmtll to r,T. and including all water j aafce over and operate ttie sakf hydro- water licenses, water records' ud Sitrk system and atMltlons tberetc rnent uied ln connect wife, the coordance with the laws In force c:tv5 hydro-electric system OT SB sag j p,!, appurtenant thereto fQffQSn A, you , avlre from my letter of a f WATS that the foregoing dfirlin lbe ,4tn October test there to on de-shall not be deemed te Vytorls any poMt in the Canadian Ban of Gpm-equlnment appurtenant astjly tS the c., at Prince Rupert the sum ol r "' J2..'Ili. w2i!!L-'S5y,m' M 000.00. placed there as eetdfoce of A-O TOVTDitD FUITHBR that the th camnany's good faith. The said Ity shall s m ttmZ haws the hi $2. VU" aearntvt m Wo dwortfc Lake and use intention to carry out the offer and store at miKfe we? as It may h,TttK m (fta ft- dmestie puiposes. As we explaiMd to fwr souhcIi at The purchase price for the said the meeting held the 19th day of Nov-hvcT-ertrM syatSM ami) be sum am taw. 1M, the company operates a of asooooo oo payahle as foUoas: large number of utllltiea a4 has met (at The saaa tt 3Mni)0 new on wish mnn in ail Its undertaking) deposit In the Canadian Bank of Com- , ans) without except loo has been able m' t to be applied on the purcbma, to effect Improvements (a sertlM and prior forthwith on feeaBtaare ft this otherwise to the material benefit of the off r and ratlflcsiion of die sesne by ecmoany and the consumefs. tr- lectins of tteOW Xltr wish rQ paniruiar. Ur. Hath, whom you an additional ai0OO0 to be paid at bgT, Du n perwanally reapoo-"" sfWe for buUdlng up In Southern ( The Tihmr. mtoAf. vmDQOXXl liorala within a pericd of S rnoaib t" br paid within M dai of the de- a rrcup of prenerUe which In Marcs lw-rr of d isiiihH af tttfc to all prop- 1928 numbered none and at this dat-ertlex involved to the nt)stSnfi of te rurnv-r M. all operated and managed rornpany's counsel. sucsessfully under Mr. RU personal I" 'He rtay nsafer fjCUjReots of UU aunetralon. ThU fact Is mentioned ar ...mag, ba piac4 Jn esetvw la any char-. an indication that the company I pso-tr-d bank of the Dominion of Canada gresslyt In Its policy and dpes not Infer d l'verv to the company on payment tend to allcw Its properties to lie dar cf tb purahascprjet to manner abort mant but vt develop o the. utmost f.- forth t ,nT aunty it may own aatd manage. I At a terat'e t she proposed pure"ae a to the company's financial rasps, the City sha01 pm athe fempany an artsUty I refer you to the Canadian exclusive & ymr feaaetdse for the Bank cf Commerce at Prtnce Rupert generation asKl SsstHnutssn of eleetrtea ,nd fflHj funush Ay further tn-erenry frr all purposes within the limit (ofjaatlw ntf nuy desire of the present city sad all additions u, i-ttar at X M-h Octher last therejo. such m the forth, the managing personnel visfors v"" "wm j"r- Bxiesaptny and in tnu conaeetMri "i'.1" WWW rSfZVtZ (ucwlM any fuxiher lnfcwsastsM) per and protection of the city and the -,11 k, i,div furnaari on company . . a vn the event of the oampanra offer 3 In particular, such franehlw to r!fc. ijetpted )t H their policy to remake due 8oviaioi; taln'alT present employees so tar as rwi raf rar w toe tne tne sb se, ei ei tne tne oora- una- .v... f)ttJd thelr nartlculM paofw potsf wtam. -lfeatsty Fire rn Dcpartr Departs duties. The company U highly ajratl- "I?1 i . flfl at Air. UtUe's ahUtty and r- toe use sa we eorap.ny-5 ssx from that his staff is for p .le by th ay efryjMne sysUm at gn,, Mti7t.ctory Tpf rentsJ or contract rates to be agreed ttn the case, (he change from otty upen between the etty and the com- ( ownership to ownership and mans gaps ny 'Blent sT Wat fiPKBPany should not to-) 1 the renewal pe terms aat- ,n7 1teratloos in the list lsfactory to the etty and the company, employees. 4 In the event of this Cffrr being VurUwinn In tha event nf a nor. accepted the purchaser to agree that cnftne the company will open an of flee fcr the ful period of the fraichie the .bowroom bt Prinoe Ropart and rates for light and power bow (n effect wU appolnl a nun whose chief duty shall not pi any wine be revised up- wUJ c Interevt praspsctlvt con-wossl. sumers. with particular tttcntlon to tn- S. In the evea this offer being 3Uetrtal users. sreepted bt acawrUc ' the tore- uMr I would point out far yoti- rsing parasrrwphs aereof. -the company contldeVatloo that should the comnana wfll undertake as fottaw: -ff k. aorioted Prince Rupert win ill Prom the tawtaS Blvrr .or. oUier be Its large! undertaking in Brlttsh 'power' site, with npteatlallty of 20.- Columbia and the point from which oao H P or better, to derejop (suMect it must loclaalVv devetep Fm tl to the aparoval of the Water Board of It will fellow that ln such eeeat ttv the . Paavlaos of Brttlso CoUunbisl. aomosny must develop Its operations ady for delivery aat less than 6000 In Prtnce Pupert to the utmost so a- K. within two years from the date of to protect Its investment there. It betnr dwUg7 of ttO the company of the of cqune uaderstood tbat the city's HKAnQUAmivRS for USEFUL GIFTS IN Ladies' and Children's Wear GIFTS THAT WILL CREATE AN IMPRESSION Qualities the very best and the prices will surprise you. A frf- Vf development goes band ln hand with that of the company. The foregoing offer and attendant explanation are respectfully submitted :n the, trtMl tti ttey will pnx a, cepUble a4 fa tky Ufi)e thai (he offer r.adc will be acospted. In wtoloh event w rrmpaay ahasl look forward to a continuance of It pleasant iwlattens . '- v. unserve aud the city at lane. This offer is of oourae rcsjltwtva p-n dee delivery of titer to taw oaoi psny and upon receiving vie- Brar-ch o: British Columbia ln respect of the --musiy pr-Teed undertaking. Should the Council accept this offer, the company .will require permission .unvdlat :ly tc make an audit of the !ty"s books relative to the hydr-r-eleo-trlc tystem. so that In the event of -pprovsl by the elect-rs no time will be lost la procesdjng with the oom-"iny's plana. I trust there will tw qp h)aatlc to this csjurae being fntlowed htch is quite usual In circumstances 'Kt as thiee. It Is our undemanding that the -r"t.r -f -this and ether offerr 1 to be finally considered rn the ggth nxl or within a few days thereafter ln which la)ter event I am to be notified toy telegram, and It 1 our further uu-isisundang that all offers made will be Pvneadered at ou and the saafe t(sne. ir Ire any naam. h-wer-r later ossH hmld be arefptrd. I d-ilre an op-rtunlty of being heard further or cha!f of the company and prsiime -u wi "W P cbjeititjn to this 'luest Qetng granted .-operation. I am Tour obedient "ervnt. "O 8 Cl'-k" 8;llr1t-.r 'nr Arv :.. Slate Public Serv!f Ccmpany. Prince Rupert BC Hot- iher 38 1B3S To Hla Worship the stay r ard Crsr Council Corporation of the City of Prince Rupert Prlnoe Rupert. B.C. ueatlecnen : n. re American Statea Public Service Company 1 offer to purchase Hydro- Hctrlc Plsjit In furtrer reference to our offer. I beg to point out the (oJIqwIq- With -rgard to the street lighting program. his is geaeaauy oaoteanpiated oy .an rooming Uf'ltjr Pmcanv 1 f ary 'md- ng. hut It has been our practice to teal with the actual matter ln the 'rancbhe. which we think la the proper nlaee for such an Item. In view of the present s:tuat!on I mmunlcatcd with Mr Ra'.h t"!!ip 'ilm that tt was my underitandlng when dlacusslnf the matter with htm bat a modern street Ugh ins prazram wouM be carried out here and that had Intended to caver '.hli point ir the franchise. If granted my ld being . that the price and determent of fur- toer power were the important Items her matters being cpen for dicuvsl-.n , on the preparation of a franchise. ' i IWf J my query I have juat sceslved from Mr Rath a lre reading n aan. w fallows: i Tou are crrrct ln understanding. . "We eontssnplate lr-nalla' :n modern I "street lighting aoulpmont for entlr- "City in fact, after Council meeting "I talked to one Councilman statute "this would be prograa). Think "you wfll resell incident. "Stop " Further, sou am autaorirad te m&k 'oomnjltment to thli effec. In prep-"aratloi of franchise details " The Aldaenaan that Mr Bath refen I Is Alderman Collart. who aocomnan- -d Msssrs Bath and Shoard and the Titer to the street ocrner after the W - 'I, 1 , IVlli . J We wish you to understard that this I etter Is net to be taken ai an Intention increase our existing oiler to tne 1 reiudice of contending bidders, bat neraly written in fairness to yourself no ourselves witn s view to placing urssives on reward as having already ? finitely aoatamplated s modern street gbttng rogrsm such as you have In '.lnd anej I hop that thb letter wtt e taken ut the spirit in which It la nt and Use motive therefor I know -IB he midamuwi by the n-iiaUeri br tir saaaall I has the Honor to be. Tour obedient ssi Isnl. "O. 8. Clarir SoUattpr for American States rsMltJ ssvbcw wmpsiny. aamoriton. Alt . November goth. 1W laior UcUonlle. "rince twpert. B. C Am suth-rtaed vary details at oMar ly unitartaUng pay full uiiwIsmi rice against delivery documents ellav natlng ninety day clause a s. Regatta. CLARK. Prince Huaert. BC- ItOvomaar 3d. 19SS he llayor and Couactl, ty of Prince Baaart. B. laar SW: On bshaK at W euana 9 Rvwar Carpsratloa of .CMawa. JariM. of Wootrwal Iberwmanar rasraM to aa gey, Company i. aa ofay to rwidtoiii B taw t of too iteaa. and Pawn neinwV -ejtt at tns city of rnnar iiuasrt. aa stte as a going canes ra, law tram all neutabfpao (aava a aaaf hw Unifier e set iceta in tae on ar aa tm sent to be suhasuuentlv sain autuauy aoceatabf to bath fartlca). insisting oy. out pi aa aaa uatitsa he generality of the Inipila dug rtp-son. the water rlgbta Dams. Penstocks. "rwer Plaat. Lands, Transmission luva Dlatrtwutlon lines. Sub stations. Trans formers. Meters. Mores and tools used xcluslvely for the benefit of and la nnectlon with the Light and Power roarttaent. accounts receivable, eon- v'j and ao f-rth. for the sum of "hree Hundred and aevwnty-Plve Thous-d 'M71.000 00) Dollars, psyabto in ash upon the execution by the City i toe agieasnsaii soove meouoaed. The conditions upon which thai eg-ement la to he entered Into are, as ' Uows. to wu: ' all existing oon tracts made by the City covering Ugtrt. Heat and Power sre to be oanisd cut by the company. 2. The D-ateatic and Commercial rata 'or L'vht Heat and Power shall at no 'tme directly or indirectly be inowamd during the lifetime of toe franchise Iven by said agreement unleas with 'He conssnt of the City, except that the Company may increase its rates to cover in lncreaae In the cost of sunplylng tag aaryloe due to gay tax. Ticeose, royalty or other charge tmanaed by any Oovernmontal authority. Federal or rroTlnclal; the Qprnpan to be free to reduce rate If tt so desires. 3. Street lift ting rate sre to remain aa aft forth In Cltv of Prince Ruperi Bylaw Mo. 4M. or If preferred by the City the Com psny will offer in accordance with terms of Contract Form "A" attached herewith to furnish lighting for this purpose at the rate of tit 00 per annum par 100 Watte or 100 rendlepcwer supplied', the City to pay for all lamp rerewalu which will b furnished by the Company at cost, cost to be defined aa actual Invoice price plus freight delivered In Company's stow. Pttaoe rvunert; and Installed with ut further cost by the Company no fixtures to be installed for lamps THE DAILY NTWS Cf le thsfl 100 watt or 100 candle- 'for the purpose of distribution or aale pany at an Investment of t60.000.000.00 .. i H.ht ,n,i nawrt. Tours truly. power capac y xne inpany anau - , . PATMORE & FULTON luryner unaeriaxe upon aemana or vne !- -, to take w: w. Patmore' dty to install at IU own expense In "gregattonTf tV4 affairs the bustness streets of the City fully tJeht and Power Department the Province or llWrr PWer and and underUike undertake as. as. If If and and when when Cnnada, Limited.. Prtnce Rupert B.C. utuarrn orwnriws4 syaiera 01 nign from the se cf the Telephone ueparuneoi ueceniDer 7. IB 24 mnrn.ur ember 26th and In reply m the telegram . NoU,lnlr ... ,hta ,000 agreement ct Y0Ur Mayor to me I row beg to say: ...Jrr. ccn"nM wkP- Jn bf XterpreSrd MTwd l. We Me, prepared to deletTthe Mem uxui uiivii mw ruira ui iiwi , th41 nnorattons of the Accounts neoeivaDie, shau be avanahlefor private and com- SI o tKe 3 We are prepared to 'waive our clau o case care 01 utuorseen conunam- , T ' Ti within one week from the date " of cles, Asts of Ood. or the King's enera- stisfB"t-ry examination sr.d report of execution 01 . th. tne tln.. final , :ta, net rnciuoea, pesea by the Company dot to be Inclu- Querec has been carried ut ad ln this exemBtLsn to the extent lo--- v, .1 iuir w BHS)wrMuu li van hri vara at fle disc wl -:f f cf twe'nty-flv- (2S yean from the dat P"1- Council Bos'd of tbs a!d sgmmest sad agtres that The C mpany is alms-ly haMUy lnar .further pnatotiton from the City ouriQ tnw penm it win not purenase -mea in wmi c -nmois navine pur- Youn very truly or use any other atactrtc light, heat and ' hf.-- Hvdr Hertrlc enterprises t newer, nor permit, any other person. Hast Knotensy and tu Stewart, and hv- POWER OORPOBATIO.V OF CANAOA or corncratlon to use th 'nj Itrrt rv- ulv mirchj I n 1 II1VIU4- public phyes of the City municipality nrg inurest in the B. C. EJenrtc Com- 9U' - -jJwsr or.'.. UUTTED per "II. E Pawson. Local Ite George Hi T J mT o ui inv iv v u . u uin .. ... f Ing to be obarged for at the mm noni frr the cop'idcratian of the City of Prince Rupert. alagAttt ,. whi-r . piDportlonaie rates above mentioned. cl,y ccunrl! the exUs'lns standard Joint Dear Sirs: ' . The Company agrees to complete BRreeT..ent used by the Company Re our offer fcr the purchase of the winin two years Development nsving wltn thr Bell Telephone Company Ol city nyoro-electric syttem dated Sov CliriatnutH hn child klreiidv Jntohk a u wajssg- City', tltti to ld propertv k counsel agreement 5I be- a' Z' tween us and r-TmlnTTf I pthe Ono,v. U - - .Object -' to -- S crteaue. Ulurl Dili lnumium ii t.K k rm ! ho has b, , . . . . Im!, tries lecated within the City of Prinoe "..ul'"- .. ""':,;.w,. .i. 3. Re Period of Time for Victoria whtM , I i.rru 5 aiterstwithT r8.1 f,w-,,i,vs aal avreesaent exempt the Companv ocunm f. K"? T" eo"wr intrN train f-, from all municipal (axes, llcenaes or 'T'n.nirularlv oolntert out that '5" tb.t ' wouW 'mprudent , in M. Mh ,h,Mi m - - tk. k -T m oma ourseivrs 10 complete the woifc " equipment of the Company be deemed rrntrMled by Hr-nv Nltt Thomson I?"J!L, fT. k- -, 1. J to 1 '0r a tr ' ' ana consiaerea mowoasi ana non-as- . Comnenv. Ilml'-d Investment Ban- 7 r.f.rV r.iZl.V.V 7 tostable by nature and determination er, Montreal a wh-!l, Canadian or- ln!ul , ZLJ 3n,. Md f any tax or other ofcarge cannot itlcn. sim Mr Or wh'ch admtnts- Jf Vi?' b, sfaHy remitted, then such tax. etc. .tlon th- mten-e ."dustrlal develop- ''l r?l? 5 ' J1 .t JaJ) be added oa to ts charge (or mt which ha- taken plase durtng . "(nt n , " ,1 , .d J !'lbJ!f"5: " P-t e.ght or nine year, , th. , "JnTL r f ! n. or nmnuip uan i-r ovoar pur- Eastern towrihlps of th- Provtnoe of Zl-ZZ'ZZ ncme1' ' 1, l Z L-T.-J T . Z Agsln thanking you for your kind I be' 'pwaoaas- -uid the compelled to ek , v viro asaiitisr siivo'vuit; VI yitv&mQfl mm : the Cltv throueh Iti noer ; OT IT-loe. WIWI OUl - twvln.t-l tuiiki r. rhsrve the '-rvi' of th nsme lndu- Tfce Cltv serves to nurehaae and K- Z take from the Company .11 the electric "27 toof thto tuw te'l'Tt light. he,t and p'wer used oy the City TVSien.riuVTt J ,rT7J hTO fonwl e quite aetlvltlea have been dlnct-d the for any and all purpo-e, durln, a per'.o l ui tent to place such matters entirely In their hands and not ask for any ItaTYT Vr f will li- nil! "1! ll kill I - ii. Rupert: .1. months grace or ma ZSSntl formed; of Work. " holl.dy V it a nd wh aeaann S"! h ? K !? .. i ellw We agree to commence development . 'rti mi( :i: 1 riijf 1 1 ; a 1 i 11 11 ii Kill t 11111 n a v v in ii 1T11LLV Mill LVdwh j ..... s s a uii ui irn Mi lb . - ---m a Cream Daily, EARLY HE1.1VEUY Throughout the ( it,, tm mimm vx . ... YALfcMiHUAIKl Telephnne 57, 1 lO'f gift that or wiili erectnc drive $425 1 a a Reebs ,on XJLiving J Lifcrarddel is the most strikingly colorful and ' beautiful new Opthofelionic Victrola Model ever created! There is no finer Christmas gift. No newafMiier illuatration could evtr do juttice to this inspired piece of the designer's artistry. You must indeed see it to imbibe to the full its rich scheme of color; you must indeed hear it to be wholly conquered by its charm. , The wood of tiie cabinet, softly grained and warmly glowing, can not be ptaural. Nor . : . ... . . ' i I 9hcGift , that Keeps on Orthoph "Tnta tn Sound" , can we picture the dancing colors n the leather-backed, record ; albums made like rare volume ?!n a book.lovcr's paradife. And the music, brilliant, soothing, stimulating, as you wish, can not be shown here at all! Tone is a thing you must hear. That is why you simply must aik at te store of His Master's Voice Dealer, to Warid hear the New Library Model of the New" 0rU phonic Victrola. There are other' models too, some combined with radio, from beautiful supcr-de-luxe models at $2335 )o as low as $ 1 1 S. Ask about the convenient jwymw t plan, onic Trade MrkJf'u Victrola Victor Talking Machine Company of Canada Limited, Montr.ai -m it bears the dog Trudcmifie m 1 1! v IWsTOVitl Ji w iirsunriin 1 W I