, ,irivprrcl to your address COP1 '' ...... flaunt out the .... Ui ""!, rrf '" "'on for thU dally t7or twelve, month.! XVIII- ' "I V!.( I'.t. BOARD REPORT (rente in ijuimiuii iwinrt" inuiiiv and Majority in Coal ages Ca .'H Majority and mm- ii members cf tlx .1'. in eatabUetHd to in- mi between the Can-I trt of Wellington i und tbe underground : i-n received by the Tlie reports indicate i :. issue remains un- - '.ne demands of the j i Hiid that restoration I .i u. tv.uu requested : ! tjrcii seceded tJ. TS ARE REPRODUCING Hit i I in ..ii'i I .aMlAlni nf In- "'in I Uucilinv of Itennrt on iinfiiinum Survey CaverhlllJ 1 t. 3H P Z. -c the forestry om-1 aid the DMnlni-.n aur-1 i: lull was being in- i Reference to the de-."'hkki vure miles by fire - t mi additional SO - Ih'Iiik picked out for ' r paragraphs of the -.i ".ist these tract' : villi young growth un increase of six VIDENTLY WAS A MURDER CASE "'uniin I'iiiiiiii in nnw M"l Kil. h Star Ketl Ulvor St. vitals " " I'1' 'h A twelve-day .i..me Adams, a thirty Jfl Pemle won 1 linmplonahlp of i'feutlng the x t. V,. a 12 The Woodbine group of claims U situated on Salmon Rleer between rrunter and trie International boundary, with. G.acler on the north. Northern Light and HUI K Of WllliAT Premier on the went, and Bluejay on the south Acroat the boundary Is the Alssksn section of' Buah Consolidated. Tliere is reported to be a large, body c( cr on thU property, a vein 85 feel wide being more or leas pyrtUaed and of this Itfteen feet I definitely estsbllshed rsrrying ore valued at 115 to tbe i .11 in gold and silver In addition to 3ther values The position of ttala property rashes It eaay to oaerele as tbe mad to Premier ill also serve this mine. LOST HIS LIFE WHEN ENTERING VANCOUVER HARBOR YESTERDAY (irarge C. IHborite Jel T ' tm Mvatnatrn lWad Itwi KHgated ST JOHN. Feb. 3S. Oeorge C Os-bornr of Vancouver. sacreUry-treaaurer of the Union Trading Company, loet hie life when he fell or Jumped off the ntesn.er etontnatm from Southampton harbor here Mon a she wa entering day afternoon. He left Vancouver ra December on s business trip to lurope He was 44 jeer, old and waa engaged in the -:ort nd Impwt business. The body b n t been recovered. Osbor.ve plsnned a Pactne flight last summer. WaVXtMUt lltriHIT Priuce upart Clesr. calm, temper ture Si . . wind. temp. W Hsyspi.rt Clesr. light calm. temp. . port SimuBon -Clear, Terra: Clesr. windy, temp. . Rosaauod Cler. calm. temp. 1 Alyansh Clear, calm, temp I0 Alice Arm Clear, calm temp. Anytx Clesr. calm temp. calm. temp. W u.,,i. Bsv Clear, Stewnrt -Clear, calm. temp. 1 Helton Clear, calm. temp. Smlther -Clear, calm. temp. 9 . ,w r-wr. calm. temp. ' Burn .- Telegrsph Creek- Clear, calm. temp. Atlln Calm, temp i. WhIU-horae Clear, calm. Vemp. oalm. 10 below. Selkirk -Clear, Dawv.n Clear, calm. 7 below. VANCOUVER BXCIIANC1U " Ht vital, a suburb I ' -iki..,i yeurday with the - 'in iKKiy in snow-fUled ArgsniK iti uiver. Evidently ahej Big Mia'"" "' ' ' i'i-m her head had bath Coast Ci'l'" ' '"' " ',h'' instrument w " !'' ' chafhjui'. has baen 1 ei'.i witness. TORE THEATRE lill BRAZIL COLLAPSES KILLING A NUMBER Cork Pruvlnce Cotton Wt Oecrgln B'ver Oolconda Orandview I Indewndenc i Indian Kaotrnxy Florence. U and I. lUkevicw fcusky J'"' H l is - Matlnn. nlc Uaainot MrUls ' ''iniyba state of r- laTsjpsawrelUe ,!llne'i yesterday killing , Premier I ""iv bein, women and porter Idaho ' " i (ii were reoovered. ; Richmond FERN1E IS WiMMcn " OF JUNIOR HOCKEY Hufua Ruth Hoie Bunloch Whitewater Woodbine Bid. As Iced- .60 ss 44.00 .00 6S M 1.15 1 48 M 9V, jgt St .Wt, M .10', .34 .34'4 .17 .07 .40 .23 17.60 I'M a 70 a so M .90 99 ,25 3 80 3.15 a" AS WOMAN BEAT became tangled. PRINCE ItUPEUT. B.C.. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1928 PREMIER MACLEAN DEFENDS SCHOOL like of Devonshire and Other Old Country Men Buy Into Stewart Mine ill a Million Share of Woodbine Jut Taken: Property Adjoins Premier and U on International Boundary Line M ol'VKK, February 28. That the Duke of Devonshire j, -.i Im iik tli Crowley and Viscount Devesci is a member of ihe n.li, ,,!" u I i ll hati just bought 500,04)0 shares of Woodbine Gold ( in jury stock from .1. B. Watson, president, is the an-jmrnMit iiini Barrett & Company, fiscal agents for the Wood-it Ci ;ii'..i; . Mr i in-Icy is head of Crosaleys Limited, automobile manu- , . . r . 1 -HJ k n I HH In I - i.il iM OUni ievesci is a iuniiiiciii imu uviun ... ian(i. IN DOG RACE Mrs. Kicker Bent Uonnrd hcppaia of Nume Wlitwe uos uerc Tnnnled POCONO MANOR. Pennsylvania. Feb i . Mrs. Elisabeth R. Rlcker of Poland Springs mute won the two day dog led race, defeating Leonard Beppala of km. novarins 18 mile in 1 hour, a minutes. Seppala was delayed when the dogs NELSON HOCKEY TEAM DEFEATS VANCOUVER MONARCHS LAST NIGHT NELSON. Feb U8 Nelson hockey team defeated the Vancouver Monarcha here last night, in an eahlbltlon (tame the score at Hie tle being five to four In favor of the home team. CLOUDBURST KILLED TWELVE IN BRAZIL rio JANEIRO. Feb. 28.-Twelve per . mm killed as a result of heavy rains Sunday approximating s cloud burst. LABOR PARTY WILL CONTEST MANY SEATS VANCOUVER, Feb 2S. -Thenar tjlsh nolumbla branch of the Canadian Labor oarty will contest all the Vanoouver anH tiiao BOUH1 gtgiM rvt 0urnby in the nxt Kttoi.. E. R. Workman of the International I Electric Co of Stewnrt was an arrival m the city f'i" ICamoaun ll' afternoon 1 . . M.imlier 1 Nor-1 Pouter VANCOUVER, rvn. this1,,,, the Cumosui l in ten minutes them wnem Imorn'iv ' " i in""' , ,,, In 'lie "'1 ' the north on the Wtllun returned to the city this afternoon from a V . u ml '!t'Ji' Pl-elan. tbe other wide of Pert 1 Edward, ut the Skeena Slough. 1 engaged In Hkestlag from this 1 H end a rout for the Skeena ; 4 tUver Mlgbway . Qa the reeuHa ' 4 of . the psrtyt. XTMRngs wtU be 4 4 determined. It Is understood. 4 what route the road shall take from OaUoway Ruptds to which X JW1UI lit UU" uuun vt. 1 u w - T tlon. FARMERS BACK FROM EUROPE Return After Having Investigated Conditions in Several Countries SPLKNDID ADVERTISEMENT Impetus Oiven to Immigration by Visit of Canadians to Britain and Denmark KAIJPAX. Peb 8S. - Members of tbe Canadian Fanners' marketing tour of Oraat Britain and Denmark. Initialed by Save Money Boston Grill . In bUV the W "1. ix 15.00 nnd your PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PARKS BOARD RESOLUTION Several Suggestion for Beautl-fication of City Made in Document Framed Yesterday the paras boatri had anvlber meet-lag ite yeafeeeaty allrni"ii to liany n u(mmi a rrolutloii for rltle beautUiHtloii ileh Mill be sabmltted le the rtty eaMnell. re-tlarial gaterMaseat, railway reenM and t4ber earth", eoarerMed. Tlw prrevt at the meeting Here Acting Msjor CaMart. i. V. McLennan. Tlmuaw lrtiHat and I rnl IIH-fou. The rewluthMi reeoHimetHli the lrolakH af prixes It) live rlty for adalts ami rhtMrea' ganleti an well a fr window Imxe. In the ws nf general Improvements to the rHy" aHeran a nomter of Mig-eothMls are lietng msile. JAPAN OPENS HER FIRST SUBWAY, the first in the Orion,, li run- ir. rn L.vmiu to Awakusa in Tokio and has ull it cliief . feature copied from uu- ui... i Ne.v York and the underground railway.; of London. l '. 4 MKATINtl fAUTV 4. MMHMI lltOIIWAY ' itiiuc h:om in ra; - ! H. C. Whtlaker.! locetlng en- ' ' ; glueer for the proftiHlal depar.- ! 4 mem of public wor'iM, and his 1 i party are now in camp at ! KING JAMES HERE AGAIN His British Motorshlp Due Friday to 1-oa d Her Third Grain Cargo Here The Mg Itrttlsh molerhhlp lUng 4sme, uhtth laaded here dtnag the 1MS-1 nu-Mi and Haa Iwre fc , . . . V.. . I..- .. . - - - . - - i EXTEND SCOPE MARKETING ACT tbe Oanttllan National Railways, re- VICTORIA. Feb 28 A bill now be-turnlng to Halifax thia morning aboard tatt tttt Leglalature to amend the the White Star liner Albertlc. declare produce Marketing Act extends the that their visit to Oraat Britain and to j operations of the Interior tree fruit Denmark has been the greatest single jind vegetable committee of direction advertisement for immigration to Can- L, ciude the marketing of all vege- sd. and for Canadian products thst has ublt4 including tomatoes and melons ' cter been put through In the history or produced In that portion of the maln-Canada'a relations with Oreat Britain. laud lTUlg aouth of the 53rd parallel "We have returned to preach the geese) u alao on all nds In the delta of nf better products, intensive cultivation , t)a sysser River. and better marketing." said they all. "It - has been an unqualifies aucceas In our ltipiiT' PITTIMfC (V opinion Canada has reoelvrtj the moat nlUIlt UllliltUJ vl valuable advertising that has ever been given the Dominion." While this opinion arss exnraastd bv one man. namely P. B Holtby. of St. Thomas. Ontario. It was No swinging of lwwrtart legtttatrmi re-echoed by everyone. "What is your opinion of the defin ite results of this tour," was asked E. D LEGISLATURE BEGIN Tow aril llud f eMHi VICTORIA. Feb. 38 -Provision at , , . . .nil liMTuiMii oi ine mm is namn Hallburton. of Nov. Scotia, and heu.g mad. tor no.aing nigni .u- . - w.. ln tK. -- ....1.. .... . .dnittamaai . . . . ui. . ; ,k. the ti.i.tur. Leeialature and ns in in this uus connection i nnnaininn ' tiers I believe uothlng hitherto done j Premier . ... MacLean. i - i in .n.ut. answer to tn a R. m H. . vai valley Pooley. said it was not the intention of can eomrjare with It." and and be he sited sited the the Inatsnce that when the party was In the governmeui to oring nown . trlbuUon bill at thU aesalon nor was It Denmark there were two hundred young i men applied for permtaoton to migrate I the intention to apring any imponem to Canada In one day. a number never legislation toward the close of the aes- (continued on rjaea aim I sion. British Government Cleanses .wRublic Offices That Country '0 by Dismissal from Positions LONDON. February 28 The government has directed that J DUNWELL MAY BECOME A CUSTOMS MILL TO TREAT ORES OF VALLEY VICTORIA. Feb. SS. The mill cently Inatalled at the Dunwell mine sud later closed down becauee of lack of available ore. may be operated as a customs mill, handling the ore from a number of mines in tbe Bear River valley. Work la to start at tbe mine soon and the extension of the activity UIKM.l.HX ItKVtMlT. I S n.lii. ! DIOBY ISLAND Clear calm: baro- meter. 3036; temperature. 31: sea I smooth DEAD TREE POINT. Clear, calm: barometer. 80.43: temperature, SO: aea smooth. BUIX HARBOR. Clear, calm: baro meter. 30.08; temperature. 38: light well; 8 pm. apoiie steamer Mogul Anvnx for Tacoma. 417 miles from Tacotnn NIMIN DIOBT IBLAND Clear, light south eaat wind; barometer. 30.36: tempera D. Gregory, assistant und.r-secrutary of foreign affairs, he dismls- turr 58; .e. mooth II.. ..hunenjul wt. imnllrnttwl ill lllll ilfll lUrrellCV I DEAD TRBB POI Clear, calm rc... ... - ...... ..... ............. ... - ...'i J barometer. 3044; temperature. speculations along with Mrx. Ammtu Marjorie Dyne i'i'ntl i-mootr, 41; e by a banking firm for recovery ot large sums sue niiti iosi in . BVllj HARBOr cut imht snnth- Ulation in currency. cast wind: bar.-meter. 11103; K-mpeia St. Clair O'Malley. another foreign office employee, will be!lulT 40. 1!Khl ,wn nermitted to icsiirn nnd Lieut. -Commander II. K. Massey ordered: M'v.'ivh rrprM-uii-dod with the t" (''' 1 of three ye:ir- -etiiority mm Adv.-rtmc In tbe Dallv News L.trge Upstair Dlnintf Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least Phone 457. Price Five Cents BOOKS OF PROVINCE Canadian Boys Steeped in Canadian and British Ideals in Literature Only Two American Books Now Used in Schools and Those are on Science and World Progress and Cannot be Replaced VICTORIA, February 28. British Columbia boys, far from beirijr tautrht from United States text books, are being steeped in Canadian and British ideals, history and literature from the time thv enter the elementary school until they leave high school. Premier MacLean told the Legislature Monday. There is not a book of American authorship in regular use in the elementary schools while in the high school the only books of United States origin were two of general character which it was difficult to replace to the limited demand for books of this nature. TV.e Premier's statement waa made In1 siisv.tr 10 opposition critic jm of several text books fjund in the schools. wh.i the estimate n-r educat.on were under consideration. The only two books of auy lmptirttr.ee of American author-.-.hlp. the Heaiier nald. were a book on g:ueral sc enes nd a Canadian edition SLIGHTLY IMPROVED HEROIC EFFORT SAVE CHILDREN 3f West's World Progress. The oepan- ment r still looking for a Britiah or jrijU Hnoul (iarneau and Four canad'-n text to replace this, the Pre-1 Little Ones Burned to Death mler explained. 1 Today HALIBUT PRICES ARE QUVBBC. Feb. 28. A mother and four children, ages ranging from one to four yeam. were burned to death today after heroic effcrta of tbe mother to rescue her oftsering when, tlm .daitjrofafl the rrrliee iiiAiert for W IWrd ttaln fraial M. Paand. SW by Miht home of Mrs. Daoul TJIRami. 99 yeat cargo from the Alberta ttheat PwtTs lrlnce IIHitert elevstr. M Is dee wi CrMay of this week ami will lead a full cargo for the t'nlled kingdom or Continent, she Is eomlng fmii the Old (Shi n try In iMllatt U tlir I "a us mw Canal and K already lined. o tltere sHaeld be ih delay In lauding her. she will lie the ketenteenth tretet of the fcetf-n. Tlte King itmt Has the arrond Ixwt In IikiiI at ITInce Kliiert this oeama and was here lat front n ember 0 le IS. Ulille amither llrlthh rmri h re-Mrteil to be mining here from the Orient, tbe name of Ihe ftlilp I net yel atultahle although It Is eiperfnl she Hill he here khortl;. lleat at lltetawge .thr Signing .'jst age, at Orssptn village near here. Of the other children Marguerite. 13 Halibut prlcea at the Pith Exchange yeara of age. Is in a critical condition at this rooming were still low although the hoapiul Blanche aged 18. saved five otan orctners ana aisters. yesterday a alight improvement over ... .hm A tctsl of 104.000 pounds, The father as away at Rouyn at the from nve time of the fire was sold. 71.000 pounds American vessels and 33.000 pounae frcm three Canadians. Arrivals sad sales were as follows: AMERICAN Irene. 31.000 pounds. AUln FUharlea, Be ard 5c. tAtulng. 13.000 pounds. Booth Fisheries. 8.4c and tc. J P. Todd II.. 11.000 pounds, and Oarland. 9.000 pounds. Booth Fisheries, 9.5c and 5c Baltic. 18.000 pounds, AUln Fisheries. 8.1c and 4c. CANADIAN Smblera I.. 30.000 pounds. Canadian Piah St Cold Otorage Co , 7c. and 4c. R w . 6 500 pounds. Booth Fisheries. CV and 4c. Impereuse. 6.500 pounds. AUln Fisheries. 8 8c and 4c. The Canadian boat Signal. Cspt Paddy Ivaraon. wth 80.000 pounds, cleared last night for Vancouver, not King satisfied with the local market situation RUMORS REGARD TO LEGISLATION Corridors at Victoria Buzzing With Talk About Proposed Government Measure VICTORIA. Feb. 38. There are all aorta of rumoia around the corrldora of the Legislature tn regard to legisla tion the government to likely to bring down. Yesterday R. H. Pooley made an inquiry tn regard to It but without getting any satlafactlou. It Is understood that the FOE disposal wUl be laid be fore the members soon and that there will be other measures of a development character which will affect Nor thern British Columbia. EMPIRE CRUISE IS SUCCESSFUL First Ten Thousand Mlltw Without Mishap as Far fts Singapore SINGAPORE. Feb 38. Pour British ulrforce flying boats on an Empire cruise or 35.000 relies arrived here today completing the first ten thousand miles without a single mishap NUMBER POSTMASTERS WERE DISMISSED IN EIGHTEEN MONTHS OTTAWA. Peb. 38 Prom October I. 1936. to February t, 1999. a total of 431 postmaster were dismissed throughout "anada. seven of whlah were tn British Columbia, Postmaster Venkrt said ln the House ot Commons yesterday In answer tn a question by J C. Brady. Conservative member tor Skeena. WINNING STREAK OF TORONTO VARSITY GRADS HOCKEY TEAM TOItUNTO. Feb 28 - A cable to the bur aaya the Vanity Orada defeated Ssritrerland two to one Saturday and at Bt'rlln Sunday defeated Ocrnirtii) twelve &.A - it i 1 h ri M .4