TIIB DAIIlY NBW8 PAGE FOUR , . The Daily News rRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBU Pub'Jihcd Every Afteinoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. . H. .F, PULLEN DAILY EDITION emotions, is acting in a manner peculiar to himself. The truth is. he is going for the mail. His step is eager and vigorous as he battles with the elements until he turns the corner and comes, face to face with the Post Office. Then his manly spirit fails him and sundry visions of a letter long, glass-faced envelopes, of sinister thinness. What anguish would be avoided if he had a Iost-man who could be trained to lose those "bills" comfortably. A great deal of time which Alanaging Editor. SUBSCRIPTION KATES City Deliver), by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, rcr month 50 By mail to all parU of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid In advance for yearly period $3.00 Or four months for $1.00 By mail to all other part ot British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per year .... $6.0l? By mail to all ottier countries, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion $1.4!J Transient Advertising on Front Page, per Inch .............. $2.80 Local Readtrs, per insertion, per line .25 Classified Advertising, per Insertion, per word 2 Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line . 15 Contract Untea on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 93 Edfior and Reporters Telephone - - 86 ember of Audit Bureau of Circulations Tuesday. October 30, 1928 THE RISING GENERATION Scries of Lcttcre on Live Local Subject by Lads nnd Lasses of High School PLEA POK HOUSE TO HOUSE MAIL DELIVERY By H. Stam)-Vincent "The ploughman homeward hours! The mail would lie deti-plods his weary way." He islyered promptly at home and of-weary, but not nearly so weary Jfjce. Also, there would be a new as the wr Prince Rupert peds-4fund of employment for Prince trian, who, torn by conflicting Rupert is widespread and several men would be neceaeary to cover happy, outward appearance is could be utilised more profitably 0U8 phrase '"S therenyferme?" is taken up in going for the mail. nd sorted interesting looking I am sure that business men will otters aend parcels for someone agree that they can often ill af- eM? n would be an act of un-ford the half-hour, or more, paralleled benevolence to relieve which is wasted in this way. It them of such a task. Think of is difficult for people living a tne trade the stores would do in long way out too. There is only postmen's shoes and outfits! one post-office in Prince Rupert j am wholly disinterested and as it is at the other side of when I make this "Plea for Post-the city from where I live I feel mtn i too have a very valid the full force of this argument. reaon for wishing to heaf the Time taken up in sorting mall in- postman's knock. For, one: I to the various boxes is wasted. m not a rate-payer; and two: I It is wasted doubly when a stack am one of the hard worked body of letters and bundles is contin- t,f beings called the rising gener-ually being sorted and resorted atj0n. which body is invariably for applicants at the wicket. called upon to lend their exclua-Whereas, if there were post- i ive services in obtaining the mm such a waste Would lie com-; mail. So, three cheers for all pletely overcome for mail would j postmen, good, bad and imliffer- then be only sorted into the post- ent, as long as they deliver the men's bags, a far leas complicated process than into little, indi mail and lose the bills! vidual, numbered boxes. City accounts for the two weeks The advantages to the public ending OctoW 26 totalling 941. from such an addition would be 36? were passed for payment by numerous. No more long tramps the council last night . in the pouring rain or suffocating ' - -windstorms! No more waiting in The city -council last night gave long, bedraggled lines for endless permission to the Canadian Leg-spaces of time! No more valu- ion to hold its annual Poppy Day able time snatched from business tagging on November 10. "CATERPILLAR" Tractors DIGGER THAN TUB WKATHKUI A Size for livery Use A Hundred Use for Every Size 2 TON. TWENTY, Til HIT V, SIXTY 11IJTTUII OUICKHK (JIUMPUH Literature and Price on Request Sole Distributors for n. Nortlirrn lUtlflr Frtlcht llulldlnf 910 Station Hlrrrt V.INCOUVKK. II. C. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LIMITED llruiith lirilr) IlipiwrMjn llloek NKI.HON, ll.C CHARGES ARE LEVIED read his report, AM. Dibb wmar-AOAINST CITY ENGINEER, ked that serious eharges had been BY ALDERMEN AT COUNCIL (Cotinued from Page One) had been excessive use of cement and an unnecessary expenditure of $1868 on 2800 feet ofMWe-walks. "You will see," ''wtsated one part of the alderman's report "that no two pieces of work used the same standard mixture nor did the prices in any two pieces of work correspond." In connection with the amount of steel used on three pieces on concrete sidewalk work, Aid. Prudhomme asserted that the steel was not put in in such a manner as to be of any material benefit to the work. The time spent in putting in the forms was excessive and much greater strength was given than was required. Buildings Benefit Aid. Prudhomme also charged that, in connection with the con crete sidewalk work, piers had been placed under certain building facing on the sidewalks, 'foundations having thus been put under buildings at a considerable expense to the city. Earth had also been carted away from under buildings at the city's . expense. !Also on several of these jobs considerable quantities of material Were hauled there and, in some instances, as much as was used on the job was carted away I after the job was completed as 'excess material. In one case, material was placed on Third Avenue, the main thoroughfare, twelve days before any o' it wa used, Moving an obstruction to i traffic as well as to the city's own work. Aid. Prudhomme also alleged errors in grades of the sidewalk at different points. It would seem that the sidewalk grade had been changed or adjusted to suit it even every other day. As not the premises in several places particular skill or training ia and no two corners seemed to be needful unskilled men thrown out of employment can find work in this way. on the same grade. In one case already, the grade had to be cor rected by the adding of nearly And have you ever noticed the j five inches more cement on the belated appearance of the mail sidewalk that had just been corn-clerks in mid-afternoon? Their Dieted. Either the engineer's from Alice and the next instal- inky noses, wilted collars, and (grade or the original grade must ment of the Detective Story f ade I lusterless, sunken eyes, with darklbe at fault. ueiore the overwhelming pile oi rings beneath them? This un- Another charge was that re- ports from the engineer's office brought on by an inward, mental .giving statements of expenditure struggle against insanity. Who ; were very unreliable. One item-would not go insane if they iised statement from the engineer- constantly heard and did but one ling department showed the expeiM thing; listened to that monoton-.diture on Sixth Street, east akie. as $1,244.01. Progress sheet of April 80 showed $1,403.88; m-dry item sheet attached to said progress sheet, $1,443.86 progf sheet. Jtne 80. $1,427.37; pnkf- ress sheet, August 31, $1,M8JT.1 Five different prices for the same piece of work thus showed considerable variation. "I also do not think," continue Aid. Prudhomrae's report "tne the engineer's son should be f ployed in his office keeping Met accounts for the city. I do think it is good business and -la not safeguarding the city's in-te rests as I think it is our dtrty to do. I would ask the city coun cil to instruct the auditor to audit the engineer's accounts at once as I have been told the en gineer's accounts have not beef audited as other city accoMBte are being audited. Work Not Efficient "There are many other matter that have come to my notice that made me think the city's work is not being efficiently cafHj ried out and I would be glad, If any further details are necessary. to furnish you with particulars of these matters that have cot to my attention." In bringing up the matter. AW. Prudhomme explained that aw report was the upstart of prl vate council meeting two weeki ago when lie was practically shut off and told to bring hi hto information at the next meeting of the council. He felt that the matter was one of particular interest which the city should con sider. Aid. Dibb seconded Aid. Prod homme's motion not necessarily because he agreed with it but because he felt that it was jMtt fair Alii! PruilUomme. should be heard. '' In presenting his report, Aid ; Prudhomme stated that he had obtained all his figures and data with some difficulty from the engineering department. For the .condition of affairs, he was In-jelined to blame the city as much as the engineer through the fact. I that no systematic audit had been provided for. After Aid. Prudhomme had made. He felt that the engineer should be furnished with a copy of the report in order that he might have the opportunity of replying. 1 Serious Matter 'Mayor McMoUe agreed that ; it was a serious matter one that i the city council eould not deal witn intelligently just now. He suggested that copies of the re port be furnished to each of the aldermen as well as to the engineer. Possibly, a commission should be appointed to investigate the charges to which the city engineer should be given the opportunity to answer. It was moved by Aid. Tinker, seconded by AM. 'Limey, that the matter be laid, over for two weekB in order that the aldermen and engineer might be" given the opportunity to study the report Aid. Prudhomme stated that this would be acceptable to him. If '. a commission were to be appoin- J ted, he suggested the name of Judge Young. v j The naming of the commission, j the mayor felt, might be allowed to rest until the meeting when the repdrt was dealt with. Use them to put FLAVOUR and nourishment into Soups, Sauctli Graviei Meat Pie, Sttwsftnd Hash Salad -and Salad Presings. Tuesday, OctuW :;n S. E. PARKER, LIMITED 3rd Ave. East. Phone 83 Dominion Royal Cord Tiro Agency Ford Cars and Trucks Flat Rate Repairs USED CARS We have several excellent bargains in used Cm-Easy Terms if desired. Try MOTOKING nt once Plain or Milk, you'll like It. ROW N TREE'S CHOCOLAT Plain or Milk Chocolates ilh Almonds and Raisins WfHAT OF TO-MORROW? To-day alive well you are - - - - happy. But suppose a summons sounds in the darkness and to-morrow your chair stands vacant. What, then, of your wife? Your children - - what of them ? When your presence is no longer there to provide for them - - to help them over the rough places of life - - even then your cure need not cease. Even then your forethought may guard them against want and adversity. Life Insurance truly stands as the Guardian Angel of stricken homes - - as a living testimony of man's faithfulness to his loved ones, even in death. Think ! Think of those dependent upon you. Tliink - - and act. Get in touch with a Life Insurance representative to-day. To-rnorrow may be too late . . . . - "' - v ( tr; ' ' - J .'k'; I !55K '' :-' yr iff! m wV!H r, n,jf. i ,i -7jm mm insurance & 41