tr, j intotier au, izs THE DAILY NET73 PAG3 SEVEH COURT AGREED CURRIE APPEAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FODNI l ) i 1 Not Hfor Counsel for Defence THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE HEAD BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. in I use Involving Command- 1 ini; Officer fl;:nji3iB.iha..Wwl of P.I i i u, i' t i n i i. r:. ho verdict of the jury rdinir Sir Arthur Currie $500 . for libel, the court did M mji c oAjmel for Sir Arthur, f! hutice Latchford laid ) of the court were all d that nuthin(y had taken; ' If icl them to grunt a naV The only error, he salt, ' ;ii of the trial judge who i.w. (I too much latitude to I for the defendant. Man in the Moon .i.iwtioBio Detnx an early, hid h rnostlj has to rat n t.reakfMt. . " irreat man would nev-:k.' a model foV a fashion iIk t in. dress or figure. n u man refutes to tell ,Vht ff what is hit bust- is probably a book agent, dog. I respect yourself, others -pert you. ( the yjislltlei of great that you are expected to i ii I'ches. I PRINCE RUPKirr TIBS Tuewlay, October 30 115 a.m. ai.5 ft 14.11 pjn. 23.8 ft 8.10 a.m. 5.1 ft 10.44 0.8 ft VVrdnutidajv, Oct ober 3' 8,00 a.m. II.O 14.50 p.ra. 28.4 ' 8.61 6.9 2126 p.m. 1.2 IIT1I.K IH 'OI .I.ETTION" AM. P.U j i & AUta AM, ...... IM 7M, A Sth 84. tm TJS i riit at. M 7 i .t Thompwa at. .. 7 -V Rhxraraelw .... ISO TM " : OonrM IM A- Hajp OS A... sao oo Hays Oo Otrak SI IM - fi coiu-o at M0 voei . ata at. (Haptti. t 1 v M Rrtda at l ( ; r, v BullUk t-feO 8 SO I wttf U t.t r Wmrf ltiM -t " S ution MM A f St 2nd St! ...... 10.10 4 ' A- Fu!n St. 10U S4 r - a sth st ioje asa. 'v. one ostleetton only, same as CAithc service indusoy Fairbanks-Morse Marine Diesel Engines F. !1 Dincl pnnciple no auxiliary ' n:ti,,n devices. Two-strokc-cydc : t ' " t v with airless inject tan of - i. No vulvcs to grind; no com-h'-cJ valve rorkH te keep in '"'mrntt Uses tew grades of fuel ! High roonorrry in the use of I I ind lubricating toil. Buollent n;ar,ct:uvtring and operating qusli-on SrfiUoesli and slow rpeedt. 'My.'AJafcsit, wilh .all. parti 1 1 y arrrtsible. Smlll IpJec re. jun i mt-nts. fa, bank, -Mont M,tln Ohitl tnglntl ore niaje In many llHI Item li to n r. F'i booklet from our ntarttt brunch The Canadian FAIRBANKS -MORSE Company Limited Si. Jn, Qusftc., Oiliwa. 1 oromo. Wln J.or . Wln.ip, ,. R i Clry, EJsinnton, Vancruvtr, Vk'lork (4 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--Ut on Third Avenue opposite First Street, $2.100 1 Easy terra. Box 137 Daily! News Office. t FOR SALE TWO GOOD DARGAIN8 FOR RETURNED SOLDIERS EIGHT ROOM HOUSE With large banement and hot air furnace, fully modern. Easy terms. $2,500.00 SIX ROOM HOUSE Centrally located, fully modern. Term. $2,000.00 ONE Al'ARTMBNT HOUSE Close in. Hot water heating, fully modern. Terms. I8.500.00i u.m, nuus-i rooms.! "rat class condition, good pay- ihk iponiuop. terras, ae.uuu. t THEO COLLART LIMITED Phone Blue 438 CAPITOL THEATRE RUlLDt NG STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS I'or Vanrouiff Sundays as. Prince 0orf . It m. TMsadsye as. estate 3 p. ThursrUjrt as Prince Rupert, 11 P-SB. Friday m Princess Ifcoyal .. .iO run. Plttayees. Oatdeaa .... It lit Oat. V-as. Princess Louise Oct 14-4. Princess Alloc . . 0t Hm. Prlnecw Alice pn. ' rn Vinroiivrr unday-M. OatoU 4 pm Wfdnwdij Pr. Rupert IOlSO kjs mnay . Omm pjn. nil . Prux" Horaj .. 4 p m. atutosf m. ft Oeacsja la aja Oot. 10 s. lfK Alto an. Out 30-v. PrUMM alia .... SJM. Oot. --. Prlnca Altec aja. FWp Pnrt KlntfHan and Rltrr Sttnoay-M. Otitis 9 put Irwn Ir 4mpMn and Naa KlTfP Ttjaadaf" a. OataU IU0 am rr Anx ana .ih A t iu sajndar m. Oautla..; spa , munlar Ilnoa Oayrta, 4 pja 'iTom .H af AWfr Ann TUcadftf M. CavaM UsM ajn Suadar . Pnne OMra 7 I'or Mrri and l'rrmir aundajr a. Catala t sm. Wadaanday-aa. ftlut aitpart 10 BJB. Irom Mewart and ivmlrr Tuwday at. Catala U JO am. Tbundaya aa Prtnce Rupert 8 pm. ttr Hrrn Charbtitr !anl Oet. 0 aa. Priaaa Otaartm .. 8 pra. Oct as aa. Prtne OBvutaa .. 8 pin. Itwm (Jhwi CbarMtp taml Oet. 4 aa. mnea Cbartaa ..i... a m. Oct. IS aa. Prtaea Obarlca .... am. I'ar AlaMta Saturday as. Prince Oaorse .. 4 pjsvl Oct. tl as. rrlaaaaa AUcc am lm Aliaka auaday at. Prtacc 0tao .. 7 pm. Oet. t4-as. Prtasiaa Alice .... pm. BRINGING UP r BY GOuU"Y-rO 86TTER I'M LUCf TO pino fou in: n i i.i. i i i ., i i i I THE INSECT-I WSM fJ - fi?R al of tursber. v further paitteutars or rm Chief For - 1 it. Victoria, bjc.. tne matrict roes. , Prince Rupert. B.C- or Raocer L. , Webstar. Ooaan PaUa. bo. IN PROBATD 1 ! j IN THE M TKE.ME COl'HT or llltlTIMI COLl'Mlllt. In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of Ralph TsaoA. TAKI attmOE that by of Hat1 Honor. P. MeB. Young, the 10th day of Swptasnbsr. ah. less, t was aapotnted Administrator of the estate of Ralph Tyson, dscaainrt. and all parties baring claim against the said estate are heretjy required to furnish same, properly n-fi. to ate on or before the 18th day ot NaTwmbt AJ. 193S. and all parties In-deated to the eatate are required to pay 7. the aaaeaat their lacWbtenUissi to nse forthwith THEO OOLLART, Administrator, Prince Rupert, BO. rtatad the 17th day of Oct paw. AD lass. FATHER I WATST I SHOULD T VOU POEM f ' - y FOR SALE FOR SALE We handle "Master "Mechanic," the beat known brand of Men's Pants and Top Shirts. Mqntreal Infporters. tf FOR SALK t'layer prano in good condition. A bargain. Phone Wue 348. . tf FOR SALE Men's Underwear of the best I,... t ok i ; afc ' .". . . cheaper man anywiiere eiM. 51 on t real Importers. tf FOR SALE Four piece parlor toe nn T... i 7bone : m tf FOR SALE Before buying Men's rotk BriUnnia or any oth- wi-h ... tnr nrir. M. treat Importers. tf. FOR SALE Ames Holden Me-Cready Rubbers for Men, wona-en and children. Also Men's Rubber Itootsy First quality at 26 per cent loss than anywhere else. Montreal Importers, tf. TOR SALE Double end row boat, 190.00. About a hundred traps $6,00. Alaska Snow' Shoes 930.00, Ask for P. Ray-1 mond. Seal Cove Iach. It ' ' 1 TIMBER SALE X-10319 wSSc? KreatSrT.1?. 1 Candidates prepared for all Un-8?f Ubii UtioBfM "tkiiiinrahssir of ivm'ty aDt Professioaal eatran LMenca X10M8 UboucheawChannS. examinations, in English, Mathe- bSS auCurt oUarHoc'k mtic' uu' , 5rk. Hiatwy. Spruos. Bmswub and rtr iawioga. Geography, Individual tuition. T ,! yeape wall be allowed tor ntru,,,!.. .iu.U,u i. tkow Ur. ' FOR RENT- FOR RENT Furnished house-keepiag rooms bjr the day, week, or month. Phone Red C07. tf WANTED WANTED Millinery and dress making neatly done. Phone j Black 443. 256.1 : WANTED Room and board with use . of r piano . u by ...,.v,. teacher of r mus - ic. Apply Box 152 Daily News, Office. 258 . !ALL ST A N D I NO TI M HE R on rr acreage at Shames, B. C. can be had free by applying to Wong. Lee Co.. Prince Rupert. 265 WANTED parfctohed or partly furaisertd fear or five roomed house with bata. Apply Box 164. Daily NWf Office. tf. DRIVURSELP TAXI For Hire to Reliable Drivers Phone Blue .180 WALKER MOTOR CO. LTD. LOST t LO?T Pair eye glasses in case. Finder please return to Daily News Office. 265. FOUND FOUND Key ease with keys,, Apply Daily News Office. i TUITION ning English. Terma on inter- ,.., p. McKenna, a A T. C D. Care of Vox. 163, Daily News Office GOVERNMENT LHJUOR ACT NOTICE or .tl'li.ICATION roit mtn, LICENCE NOTICE IS HBKBBi uIVBM taat ae the Sth day of November, lSfe the un dersigned intends to anniy to the Ltauor Control Board for a licence In respect ot premises being psrt of the bulMtng known as Quean's Motel, Masiitt. Oeaiaaaa Island, situate st Msesett. Orahain Island, upon the lands described aa Lot No. ft. Block Mo. U. SubdlvlsJon ot Let Quean Charlotte !alea7Ptft Ns. 9M. Hassett Townalte. Prince Rupert Lai Registration District. In the Province af British Columbia, for the sale of over by the glaas or by the open bottle far consumption on the premises. DATED this 1st day l Ootoixa 194. 183 Kjffj R fillOKR. O0 TO IF XOU RE L tURE. IT'5 I , TOOl UAT-I'UU VELAO IT SALVAGE AND TOWING Prince Rupert Salvage & Towing Co. Ltd. BARGAINS IN GAS HOATS ijAgents for Easthope Engines, Cooildge Propellers and Tenlube Oil Iloats of all -description for Charter Suit T.nkAA Frrv Ssrvloa UVoL " ' - Days on the hours 1 p.m. till 8 !P Inm. - m' Siinrlavs Sundays and ami Holidays, 11 ; - " P-m. ! 561 Phone 561 CHIMNEY SWEEP j II. J. Zumkehr I General Handy Man. Furnaces and Stoves Cleaned and Repaired Phone 3 Prince Rupert. B. C. HOWE'S SHEET METAL I WORKS , j (Established 1909) Cernicea. Rave Troughs. Gutter Pipes. Furnaces Tanks and Boat Pitting ALL WORK GUARANTEED 3i Second Avenue and Cow Bay I'hone .140. Box 4G7. THE SHAMROCK ROOMS 8th Street and Second Avenue I Under new management. Clean j single and double housekeeping! rooms j Mrs. John Dalherg ; FOR SALE I I Strom Tug "S.tASICII" 1 Lsnath 81 feat S Beast IS tatt 8 Inches DMA 11 feet Omss toSM .:. .109J4' Wet tons I7J1 Free water cajsaelty S tons Hull .: - -z LUehaaU Engines Triple eapanslon Speed i knots h.P Nominal S3 VPWVIW . , 890 MV 1 Worthlngton Pump 8x4x4. Miectne Light smstBS) aaal 8aarch Light. . Main Engine and asuUUanr machinery is rood condition. Apply C. C. LA BRIE, : Pudchaslag Agent,, Osasstlsn National Railways, 348 CJfJl. TJapot. C.N.R. TRAINS lor the Eat Dally except Sunday at 11 JO am. from I he Ksm Dally exoept Wednesday at 130 pm fEfe eOT HOT ONDER OU C.OIN' TO M ISAWE TO Ute THE. a OF tMTH I 7 aT"V " J " CHIROPRACTIC DR. W, C. ASPINALU Chiropractor and Electro Therapeutist. Exchange Mock All Diseases Successfully Treated I Phone Green 241 or Black 283, CHIROPRACTOR I DR. R. E, EYOLFSON 623 Third Avenue The right adjustment at the right time produces the best re-I suits. Our new ANALYTE indicates the right adjustment, Phone Blue 85 Residence Phone, Black 252 i I Form No. 10 (Section 86) LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TOAri'LY FOR LEASE OF rOUESIIOKE , In tne Skeena Laad Becordlag D-j trtct. and situate. ftoaUag oa Lot 137. 1 Raage I, Caaat Distrlat, iBferceas P-1 ?AKE NOTICE that the Crttialt CM-1 umbla Fishing & Packing C Ltd.. of' Vancouver, B.C., occupation Fishing and Packing, intends to apply for a lease of the following described (areaore: Commenclna at a ooat blanted at th northeast corner ot said. Lot 137; thence west, twenty chains, more or less, to an Intersection with the weet oouu- dary of Lot 137 produced nprth; thenoe following said production oi we wast boundary of Lot 137 south to mean high water mark: thence easterly, following the mean high water mark to point of oouuneneeinent. sad containing ten aors. more or leas. BRITISH COLLMB1A FISillNO St PACK1NO CO.. LTD. By James Henry numnn. Agent Dated August 38. 1928. 286 Itorm No. 18 (Sectljn 88) LAND ACT. NOTICE 01' INTENTION TO APrl.Y FOK LEtSE or Klltl SllOKE In the Skeena Land iteoordlng Dls-Itrlct. and sltuste. fronting on part of Lot 36. Range 8. Ccast District, Telt-, graph Passage. TAKE NOTICE that the British Columbia Pishing Se Packing C. Ltd., ot 'Vancouver, B.C., occupation Fashing and Packing, intends to apply tor a lease jof the following described foreshore: 1 Cosai tying at a post planted about twenty enama ncrwwestsTn inxn uts southwest aoraer at aald last 86; thence went, ten chama; taence northweeterit. general nin ot, "the speje water mark, ten chains, more or tkutu 'MUtKMAtul. fAllAr4n lees: mMn titah wtr naArlr tA nnlnt Af rem. mencement. containing fifteen acres, ntore or loss. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHINQ St ' PACKING CO.. LTD. By James Henry Buahnell. Agent. Dated August 34. 193a 3M Re-cert 11 lea t of Tttle No. 14S86-I to Lot 8. Block 8. Suhdlvailon at Lot: "7 ww. nange o. uw JSfffU?A8 wuMBSAa r,-, pS5?f !J2S Si $Z -M ZZZl .hsvuM of CHARLEa CORDON, has been f Ued . onioe. no(ia BoygiwmuiMlll0rth-,-: tiliDe, UthertTT lollowlnr I shall, at the expiration ot one month , from f'il" '. li?r.Jffifi1I3 westerly ooundary produced , undrl feet, more or lews, to mean high 'tff '-?to,0?;-5IM!ii.!wteT mark; thence easterly following unless in the meantime valid ohjectloa . . i iSIISIl n una ciaivwj visiw. Prinoa Rupert. B.C.. this tod day ot October, AD. 1SW. II. MACLEOD, 38 Reglstiaf. By WHACTOOVOU BH5AKINQ SAUCER? KNOW J ,Q , K COINS 6"T COLUV NAME THERE'LL BE I ..Ulll'l LOT Or PEOPLE BLAMED FOR THI-b'. Form No. !8 (Section 86) LAND ACT. MITIfl; OF INTKNTION TO AiTLV FOB I.E.tXE Of rOKKHMCH'.K In the Sfctaa Land n sorting District, altu&te and fronting on Lot It, Kvugo p. i mil uu'.rict, oxtkii River. TAKE NCilOB tbat tba Brltlab Col-UlHbUl Plahlng ft Packing C. Ltd.. o VaneoUvcr. B.C.. occupation Fishing and racking, intends ts apply for a lease ui taa following described formhore: Ossunenclng at a post planted at the nartnsfeat comer of aald Lot 11; thence vest, ten chains; tbenor- south forty chatae. more or tans, to an intersection With the sculh boundary of Lot 11 produced west: thence east following said production of ttae south boundary of hot 11. six c. kins, mare or ten. to mass high water mark; thence northerly, following the mean high water mark to Mint of coaiaoen cement, and contaln- Ing thirty acres, more or less. BRITISH COLUMBIA F1SHTNO & PACKING CO. LTD. By James Heiry ushneil. Agent. Dated August 18 :taS 368 Form No. ) (Section 86) IAND act. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FX LESE OF KOREKIIOKE In the Skeena Lead Recording District, situate and fronting on Lot 2, Range 4 Coast District, Lowe Inlet. TAKE NOTICE that the -British Col- umhla Fishing to Packing C. Ltd.. of Vaacourer. BO., occupation Pishing and Packing, Intends to apply for a leaoe of the following described foreshore: -uommencing at a post planted at the southeast coiner ot said Lot 3; thence ao:ib. two chains; tbenee west forty chains, more n leas, to an Intersection with the west boundary jf Lot 2 produced south: thence north seven chains, aacfe or less, to the southwest corner of Lot 3; thenoe easterly, following the mead high water mark to the point of comssen saro esit. and containing eighteen acres, more or less. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISIUNO St PAOKINO CO.. LTD. By Jsmas Hsnry buahnell Agent. Dated August 38. ISM. 308 Form No. 16 (fieetlor, SO) LAND ACT. NOTICE Or INTENTION TO APPLY FOR LEASE OI' t'OllEHOKE la the atjtena Land Recording District. situate snd fronting on Lot of the British O'umbla Fish ins St Pack- :ng Co s Canner Site. Tuwnslte of Port I r,., f ri.. TIVT Krvrtnv . . k. txri.i.t. riAl. ! umbla Plahlng St Packing C. Ltd, ot i Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Fishing and Faoklng. Intends to apply for a lease it the lollnwinF decriocu forssbure: Commencing st s pjst planted at the northeast corner of the said Cannery site: thence northerly, following the production of the easterly bounds-y of the tne B.C. Fashing St PacklBsT Ca.'s pro perty, six hundred feet; thence westerly, r,,t right angles to the said easterly aounoary. Nur asutarea ana nrty I eel, are or leas, to an intersection with pcn. co. t orooert oroduoed said six :omcmtll ,nd conulnlng suTaeres; more or teas BRITISH COLUMBIA nSHINO at PACKINO CO., LTD By James Henry B ushneil. Agent. Dated August 37. IMS 366 George McManus MEAN 8V A COP AMO DON'T tfOVJ THKV COST - i P ' V- liH VFT Y WTL rtkrvr