BRITISH i CLASSIFIED HABIT Crryine read the Claaairied Ad. I; j iu lone. advcrtlM (or it. II f u find, locat the 6wnr. W at' vcr ynu need, advcrtUe lor It HUT Till: CLASSIHEII IIAIIIT. ' ,;" V III. No. 255 nortly le ready for trial trips and in the early will be ready for transatlantic trips to Montreal. Wilson viewed both of the enormous dirigibles H EGED FRAUD FIFTY CITY TRUST FUND LOTS SOLD mM Man Out on Rail for , "UiOO Following Police Court Proceeding .M. Wright Take Number at Upset Tax Sale Price Tax sale certificateH to the fol- 1 i n. Oct. 2. Charged lowing lota were transferrer! to in. tig half a million dol-IW. M. Wright by the city council iv the Trust Fund Guar-j last night on recommendation of 1 mpany Ltd. by fraud the finance committee at the up-"i. last three years. W.jset prices in each ease: aid, formerly manager Section 8, Block IS, Lot 1. 2. Manufacturers' Finance "ii. which is now in ' v. was arrested yetr- court Mr. Mac Donald n;.,ii(l"d for a weak and I at $100,000. iii.'K''d charge of fraud is omieetion with the finan-Hm' Amherst Piano Corn-Am he rut, Nova Scotia, iii nidation. It is claimed mIs of the firm of which 'M i secretary that he ir.iiti notes, the property Manufacturers' Finance iinted them to his own I i 'i st and Guarantee Com-i ivseitU the bom! 'holders .Manufacturers' Finance 27. 28, flt, 82, 83, 04, 66 and 66. Section 8, Block 38, Lots 80, 31. 32, 63 and 84. Section 8, Block 39, Lota28, 24, 25, 26. 27. 44 and 46. Section 8, Block 40, Lots 1 and 8. Section 8, Block 41, Lots 6 ,6, 23 and 24. Section 8, Block 42, Lots 83, 24, 26. 26, 27and 22. Section 8, Block 60, Lota 1, 2. 3, 4, 6, 6 7. 8, 9, 10, 14. 16. 24, 26. 26. 27 and 30. It was also decided to refund to Mr. Wright the sum or o on each of twenty-four lots, this covering excess registration fees. VANCOUVER. Oct. 30. The price of wheat yesterday was $1.21. Off Rir irtny) n mmoQ Austen Chamberlain oh His Present Visit To Dominion "is- Id STATESMAN i ii r i i n l ? vat ? ? t a m ma ma m m m m i m m m m mm b sy m b my mz mammmmmjmMti km hi m m m at n an rip s Planned for Near Future and Enormous Dirigibles Soon Ready to He Made from England to Montreal in Early iit rn nfinrvn Spring by 1M00 and IM01 Says Canadian jjJIJJ J) IYJl)ft Aviation controller TAWA, Oct. 80. An all red air route around the POWER PLANT -.- seen as a strong possibility in the near future1 A. Wilson, controller of civil aviation, who returned offer n.t saiisfactory but Fur- ! u ncling two months n the Biritish Isles and Europe, j iir hm Mav Ik- Forthcoming nious developments in inter-Empire communication! - , , xpected ' w thin the next few years. While effortaL L f CJ nW,t , , . lteorKe e. Clark, v Vancouver bar- 4111 u have leen to some oxtent concentrated on flights rister. and w. u. Shoard, enfin-iia and Africa the eyes of British flyers are turning Im-, representing the La? Angeles Canada" Mr. Wilson said. The It-lOOand R-101owr Co.. the head of which in W. K Vogelback of Chicago, and received from them an offer for the city's hydro-electric plant which, while being a substantial England and discussed the contemplated flights! bid. was mt satisfactory to the ii off icialn there. leoundl. Mr. Shoard and Mr. Clark eaked the couaeil to aaVsjasjntiatinai with ataer lie .rents until November 20 in order that they might have the opportunity to proceed to Los An-gelea and confer further with their principals with a view to amending their offer. This the councl Agreed to do. The councl decided to receive the power offer in private aea-sion la view 'of the fact that a previous proposal had been dealt with in that manner. The matter was considered after the regular business of the council had been disposed of. BORROWED FROM TWO CHINESE VANCOUVER ..Oct. 30. Cross-examination of Mayor Taylor yesterday during the perjury trial of Frank Casisa elicted the statement that Shu Moy and his brother had given Mayor Taylor 8600 in 1918 with which to start the Critic, a weak) periodical. Witness added that he had repaid the money. The mayor denied Casias's statements that the mayor had been paralyzed drunk in Joe Celona'a house. ELECTIONS IN NEWFOUNDLAND ST. JOHNS. Nfld.. Oct. 30. With W. J . Walsh, minister of agriculture and II. N. Hurt, minister of of posts defeated, early reports indicated the defeat of the (iovernmerH of F. C. Alderdice by the opposition party led by Sir "IT AW A, Oct. HO.-Canada officially welcomed SirRJJJu m Chamberlain, British Foreign Secretary, and lenUy.H ires as a result of yes- eUc election. 1 WELCOMED PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, 1- C, TUESDAY, OCTOIiER 30, 1928 ON AR KM INK NT CillN.-w.K NATJO NALIS'I S , PASSING THROUGH CANADA: ieft to right: Dr. Chow Kwo-hain, Con iu!-General of China to Canadi; fr Wan, :iM".ial envoy from ike National Government of Qhin.-t to the United Stat vs. ami lv C. Marks, photograhed on their arrival i,i Toronto to att ad thv annual convention of the KouminUng in Toronto. This is Dr. Wu's first visit to Canada. sr Graf Zeppelin Dodging Storm Areas After Driving Before a 1 Howling Gale Throughout Night IIKKUIN, Oct. .KLDimIkuik storm areas but aided by strong tail winds the homeward bound Graf Zeppelin was swinging over the Atlantic along the north' crn routes today. It was estimated she had covered about half the distance from Lakchurst, N.. I. Weather reports were none too favorable. The Zeppelin had driven most of the night with the gale howling behind her but there were no reports indicating that storm conditions were bothering the ship unduly. Charges Are Levied Against City Engineer by Alderman at Council Meeting Last Night Scheme to llcorgani.e the Department is Laid Before Council and Investigation is Likely to Follow namijorjain, to her shores yestoruay. ii' , proposed that a aytm-of ct atfe Premier Mackenzie King states: Allow mt on t 4 4jemHiWnir be inaugurated in. Me :ait ot the Government and citizens ot banana iu t-.v . . . trsil to you and to Lady Chamberlain a very wuim ' w. 4.1. i l . l,iifl. 1 i ... T" . i ,1 ..iwih tnv Tin i nnin" Charging that the public works of the city were not being carried on economically or competently, Aid. A. J. Prudhomme submitted to the city council at its meeting last night a lengthy list of criticisms against that department upon which he based a proposal, offered as a resolution, that the enjrineoring department be re-organiaed immediately, that the city engineer be ordered to tondor his resignation to take effect not later than December 31, 1928, and that the city advertise for an engineer to take hf place. Aid. Predhomme also " engineering uepariment which, in NOTICU his opinion would save the city a very considerable sum. In or- u our JJOminion ami oyory guuu w ;" -- Xl City Clerk's office will der that Aid. Prudhomme's char- arm protlt 01 your Stay in our muiSl. w'B", be oft from 7:0 to 10:00 x might be disrusmd. the resol i are looking forward with the greatest j)WMamw on personally upon your in Ottawa n Novembei I 'HUA. Oct. 30. Sir 'I I.;idv Aus- Diane and party arrived here yesterday afternoon from Seattle and are guests at OoverurmMH iiuun. Chamberlain, (their "I am glad to visit Caii n "K"in. thuir (lnught"V ; Hi' 'Hten mme in the meantime. It is pos iblethat a commission may -be named to investigate the charges which were considered by the council to be of a serious nature. Submitting much detail in mm., aionday. Tuesday and utlon was seconded by Aid. Dibb. the way of figures. Aid. Prud- V!ftedav nlirhlM fnr tK 4- The result whi h Aid. Prud- homme charged, among other purpose of receiving regis- homme said wn- satisfactory to things, that, in the construction tlitfon for the municipal vot- him wns that Hi' report war. laid of concrete sidewulks. there had ers list. 266. over for two weeks, inch of the not been economy in the mixture aldermen and the city engineer of cement and concrete. mere l t,, , f...,!,.. I -ith :i -iv of. rnntiii"-) V u'- '-'n'lr RIVAL j Boston Vzi Us. LARUE CABARET Special Dinner Thursday and Saturday Dancing every Saturday nlgai from 9 to 11. Dance Hall (or Hire. Accomodation (or Prlvae Tartles Phone 457 PRICE FIVE CENTS VICTORIA Olof Hanson Agrees to Let Name Before Liberal Convention At Least Three Names Will Be Voted on at Important Gathering Here to Choose Standard Bearer for Party It is now certain that the name of Olof Hanson will be before the Liberal Convention which is to meet here next month. Seen this morning Mr. Hanson said that if his friends felt that way he would allow his name to be presented to the delegates. Word received from the interior is that Mr. Hanson will be supported very strongly there and also he will get some support in Prince Rupert. In fact it may be said he is one of the strongest candidates to be before the convention. This now insures at least three names to be nominated. Fred Stork, G. W. Nickerson and Olof Hanson. Possibly there may be others but these have definitely intimated that they are ready to accept nomination if offered them. i ! COWIMFFTFF TO CHAIN .MOVKJ1KNT TO lAJlllilill I Lb I U 7,161. POUT IS UNDER WAY The grain movement to this port is finally getting under way. Railway offices this morning reported 100 cars on the division west of Jasper Park bound here. Yes- terday only 60 cars were re- ported to be on the way. LABOR MAKES GAIN ENGLAND Albert Ilellamy Elected at Ashton in Place of Con.crvntlvc ASHTON. Eng., Oct. 30. Al W. Gilbert Greenwood. Liberal, G.874. J.P. DOHERTY LOSES HIS JOB Is Victim of -Reorganisation of Insurance Department by R. 11 Pooley VICTORIA, Oct. SO. The posi- F0LL0WR0AD Aid Collart's Motion Unanimously Passed at Last Night's Council Meeting Aid. ( ollart's resolution that a road committee be appointed to follow up the agitation for speedy construction of the highway between Prince Rupert ami Terrace was passed at last night's council meeting. Aid. Tinker seconding. Aid. Collart believed that Prince Rupert should ever keep its road requirements to the fore and that, in this connection, the co-operation of Terrace, Smithers and other interior points should be secured. Such a road he believed would be conducive to bert Bellamy. Labor, was elected , bringing much prosperity . . . . .1-- ' DS..- Prince 1..U1 TL.I That - Jl yesieraay to represent we cuu-ttituency of Ashton-underiLyne in . he Mouse of Commons. The re-ult is a gain for the Labor party as Bellamy succeeds C. W. llo-.nan, Conservative, who was disqualified for failure to comply with the regulations of the Commons regarding bankruptcy. The vote stood : Ilellamy. 9467. Wdon Touche, Goswemsice,; Nickerson and to Rupert. a delegat ion should be sent to Victoria to interview the provincial government and that full advantage ahould be taken of any publicity ' facilities which were offered were other suggestions made by Aid. Collart. Aid. Collart suggested that the commit tee should consist of J. H. Thompson, George Hill, G. W. two aldermen. While he felt that the appointment of 'the committee should be left i" hands of the mayor. ' irdie stated that he would be pleased to give the suggestion as to the personnel his consideration. NOTICE Pursuant to the Municipal Elections Act all persons de- siring to be entered on the Voters' List for the forth- i,on oi suiMmiue.K.e.u . uu.- Elections f( Municipal ance for llritish Columbia has . a m,,,j nr ir-ir. .... . . ? cao A lvSC7vi vavi e vi m a w kml b ' been abolished under the reorgan isation of the insurance administration plans announed yesterday by Hon. R. H.Pooley. The abolition involves the retirement of J. P. Dougherty, who held the position. The work will be taken over by B. G. Garrett, registrar of joint stock companies.. Garrett will be given an extra allowance of $1,000 yearly The superintendent was paid $5,000 yearly and expense.. of Trades Licenses must reg- ister their names with the City Clerk during the month of October on a statutory form to be supplied by the Clerk. Office hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Saturday 9 a.m. to 12.80 p.m. K. F. JONBS. City Clerk.