it rr- iA.rrunF( E op MV" i''t ttAPK) M,IW tniNc adio Broadcasting and Reception Designed, br Tlecftfiaiuhier titan 'itlOHS lurn the Single Dial of this Tlew Marconi Battcryless Receiver at our Store, TODAY - - , TT has the tonethe realism of the original rendition. It has , ' the "presence" of the artist full deep mellow colorful. It hat the finest selectivity. Has is truly the peak of achievement in Marconi Radio Engineer . sng exanplmed in performance and ia appearance. Come in for a demonstration today. t- Rose, Cowan & Latta, Ltd. Prince Rupert, B. C. If You Would Have Tone Quality that is Perfect; Power with Minimum Interference; Selectivity with Choice of Program; Clarily that is Itealism Itself AN INSTRUMENT that will win your appreciation and the Admiration of your friends. Then you will have VICTOR RADIO . Hear VICTOR f the famous trademark. McRAE BROS. LTD. Call See enRSPMm NewRadloDIscoYcryt A Ilandtome Combination The specially designed tone chamber of the Grand Speaker give Mossing emphasit to Philoo'i life-tike quality of tone. Shown here with Philco Table Model cabinet in COLOR. A popular combination - and t a prktl 8 iiSHtSSwI T Console In Color! Vivid colort Radio cabinet! to match the decoration! in your home I Your choice of five colors. Free Home Trial Yes, we'll deliver the Philco for you to try in your own homtfretl No charge -no obligation. Ute it. Let your family and friends hear iu Then decide. If not delighted, we will take the Philco back. Easy Payments If fcatisfted-only a small down payment. Balance in easy monthly pi y-nents you'll never even misit Trade-In Offer A liberal trade-in allowance for your old tet. Come in and itc what it 11 worth in trade. Come in tomorrow. See and hear the J Philco, Get our offer. No obligation. HAIUIIE'S HOME FURNISHINGS 3rd Ave. & 1st St. Phone 123 Purchase Of Trouble Finding Radio Set Is Recommended By Superintendent Of Utilities Last nlcrht at the city council meeting J. J. Little, superintendent of utilities laid before the city council aj conv nf corresDondence and his reDort on interference i vvitn local radio disturbances. I Therc ,Jg itte change so for in Mr. Little stateu tnat the majority of complaints are j the meal situation n regard to made when reception is poor due to the fact that the music 'interference with radio recep .tvfci is lower tnan the noise level. He also says that natural disturbances in the atmosphere cause serious dis turbances to receptiort, Theae set up electro-magnetic waves which cause sudden clicks," constant hissing and continuous IkPV AWH PTHYI nniQ. miMn., Ilka tho JilllV ftlU L 1 II ! L tumbling down of a brick wall. The report says the most annoying Interference originates with radio set owners themselves, whose "bloopers" send out an Interference within a considerable radius of their location. When i reception is poor these particular offenders send out cat calls, .squeals and other noises. Defective tubes, connections, loud 12.00. ;- i. Wedncwlay j 8.00 p.m. YttUow Cab, Friday KPO. KFI. 8-10 p.m.Cheer with Isuan, iKIlQ. KOMO. i0W,- KGO,, .KPO, Ikfl '. :'"' -v- -.' . . . j 0,00 mm.-Longjneat Cerrrtt . , Timd,-,KlIQ,".K01IO,wKOWV KOfl. KPO. 9.00 p.m. "Jack and Ethyl, The Motor Matw" KHQ, KOMO, ;KGW. KGO, KfO. KFI. I : 9 JO p.m Midweek Concert, KGO, KPO. ' 10.00 p.m.Th6' Troeaderans, ' KGW. KPO. .' .. ' Thursdny 7.30 p.m. Standard Symphony : -Wrigley Transeontln- iranseonun- KGW. KGO. KFI. 8.00 p.m. Geperal Independents. KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KGO. KPO. KFI. 8.30 p.m. Half Hour with Max THE MOTOR MATES BRIGHT TRAVELOGUE Motoring toward a scene of special charm. "Jack and Ethyl, the Motor Mates," will sound their horn before the microphone at 9.00 o'clock tomorrow night and for the following thirty minutes their travels will be dramatlted in a 'speakers and batteries also cause , Broadcast. interference. "jack ad Ethyl" are touring i Mr. Little says trjat consider- Jtne 8tatB8 0f Washington, Oregon able time had been spent in try-!and California. Each week they imere wou.a aiso ue a"er. c"at: I Romance" are broadcast jges. lie suggests tnat ouen 11 i would be found that radio sets very sure report being published. The; council laid Mr. Little's report1 on the table for two weeks. j RADIO PROGRAM ' FOR THE WEEK i Tonight, October1 30 i 8.00 p.m. EvereHdy Program, KHQ, KOMO, KOW, KGO, KPO, KF1. , . . ' j 0 p.m. AmaltP's Gitanos, KHQ, KOMO, lQV,' KG0, KPO, Jkfi. j 9.00 p.m. Ubklp Correct Time. KHQ. KPMPKGW. KGO, !kpo. ; ' I 10.00 p.m.-r-fhq h"rocaderans. :KFI. 7.00 to'ir;0L.KPO 10.30 to .IaAT.TO HEAR OF DARING . ,,T CLEARING UP THE SITUATION FOR RECEPTION Need of Instrument to detect Source of Trouble as First Step Toward Change tion, sometimes a concert or speech will becoming in well' and a party will settle down to an eve ning's pleasant entertainment, when the bussing local interfer-j ence will begin and all the pleas-' u re-in gone until the air clears once more. The general opIir.on'U that the trouble lies with the city, utilities but that is not at all sure. What Is needed is an instrument to locate the source of the trouble. It is hoped that the new Radio Association will take the matter up and secure early action in regard to it. ' '' !?iif. 1 ' RADIO IN CANADA The total number of licensed radio stations in operation in the ing to eliminate interference irom!foow tne ..Koad6 to Homai.ce" in i Dominion and shir roistered ,the utilities with considerable sue- ollp-t of scenic i?raidur. as well Uii- . o,.n ' x, t. n : ww VI- n twci nil nun faiu, i vi uti .udiiii cess. He suggests that - a trouble Ls hJgtoric or 1 facto! 107. unaing set migm De purcnaseu wnjcn at a cost cost 01 of $800. $3UU. rate A man to Pe-1 ve01f uea. It would be required and: 1 Tnejr I hpir ", U I il . 1 1 are woven into their tra- travels on Lh "Knads til l TELEVISION every; Great strides are being made Wednesday at this time throtigh with development of television. . . ... av -1 s-v a-x would be at fault, possibly within L-r.v twti.nH- k-r.n .v..i.. the homes of the complainants. ' KPO San Francisco and Oakland; speeches and at the same time The whole correspondence is ..p. ljm r.k. .1., i.. interesting and only pres-; ' ' of space prevents the full 1 . BRITISH AIRMAN r ''OHSfKfiBSra (aptain E. J. Jackson night; commandant of the Naval Air Sta-.1011 iakenuisi, who picked up tne rudio menage from the Dutch steamer Hardenberg, win h n ported huMiig sighted the Mom plane pllo.ed by Lieut. Commander li. C. Mac-Donald about 700 mnes t ot Harbor Grace. Commander MacDonald hopjwd off in his tiny Math aeroplane In an endeavor to fly over the Atlantic Ocean In Ireland, but never reached his destination. It Is feared he is lost In the Atlantic wastes. Hour, KHQ, KOMO, KGW, KGO, Time. KHQ. KOMO, KUW, KGO. KFI. KPO. 8-10 p.m. Grand Opera Album, 9.50 p.m. Moon Magic, KHQ, KHQ. KGW. KGO. iKOMO. KGAOoO. . 'to " m. Engines Correct 10.00 p.m. NDC .System, The Time, KHQ. KOMO, KGW, KGO, Troeaderan. KOMO, KFI, 10.00 to 11.00, KPO-ECO 11.00 to 12.00. 1 9.30 p.m. Maxwell House Pro- -r n. Km), KOMO, KGW, KGO. .Saturday KPO, KFI. . 1 700 y.m.-.Lucky Strike. Houc, 10.00 p.m. The Trocaderans. KHQ, KOMO, KGW. KGO, KPp, K-- i KFI. d 11.00 p.m. The Trocaderans, a, 00 n.m-PhiOr JiILQT KHOT KGW KPO. - 1 iKOMO. rtOO. KPO,' KF KFIP 9.00 ti.m. Longlnes M 1 W " 1 - 10.00 i).m,--The Big Show, KHQ. KGW, K00. KOMO 10.00 to 11.00. KPO 10.80 to 12.00. COUNTRY RADIO FANS .'Willi mill xiit,n ... wa, KHQ. KFI. I Already a great many people 9.00 p.m. Longlnes Correct living in remote districts have wonder there arc not more. Every ugninousekeepw, miner, farmer or suburban dweller should be able to enjoy the music, oratory and ther features that are constantly on the air and can be picked off with n receiving set. 4- Wl One. of f ' "flliSels to Correct'sliips .... '.1,1.. ..,1 Time, KHQ, KOMO, KGW. KGO. KPO. p.rr-wngiey . r.n,n iMn,u. ental Program, KHQ, KOMO, ... " ,.i',.n ,,nu, vnn nn RADIO DIAGNOSIS the latest things In for doctors on nearby dlairnose illness nn where they have no doctor. The symptoms are broadcast and the remedy Is also prescribed by the air route. PICTURE CENSOR VICTORIA, Oct.30.-Mm. 1L K. llawkshawe hus been appointed moving picture censor for British "lumoia. it Is reported in Gov-, i'1'unient circles, "The Itest Hiiy in Canada" Mohawk - American Rafl LOOK AT THESE PRICES Then Compare Appearance and Performance Model Six Tube Table, electric with tubes Six Tube Console, electric with tubes Eight Tube Table, electlc with tubw Eight Tube Console, electric with tubes Eight Tube Console De Luxe with tubes Announcing The Price of the New Mode! SEEKING MATE THROUGH RADIO illltnrila 1 With another complete new bill I of stellar acts announced, the j Philco Theatre will open Its doors to its fifth radio audience at 8.00 o'clock Saturday night, broadcasting for an hour through NBC System stations. Devoted'. to the presentation of vaudeville-acts by stage stars of the highest rank, tills unique aerial ihcstrp ia affnrdine a novel radio receiving sets but it is n'type of entertainment to listeners desiring entertainment out of the ordlharyt The program is changed weekly. Opening Saturday's program Is 1 is. a. Mr, Rogers Batteryless Radi Still Three Years Ahead of Competition Table .Models Model 120, Table Model. Complete with tubc-Molel 480, Table Model. Complete wilth tubes Consols Model 400, High Onol. Complete in every dctu:, Cone aker built in Model 400, Lowboy Console. Iluflt in exponct horn speaker 10 Rote, Cowan & Latta, Ltl Prince Rupert "Bailey's Fanmus D j . Circus." Li.itcJ i a fv also "Senoi itu armcu cat comedy rcv.; 1 -j Days," and a mi; : r,e 1 .in 1 11 win dc tne u;.Tjrs 1:1 Phil Cole, of ; ar.r v Most radio "fans' know thafjbe the Master ? 1 ert-j broadcasting stations are not in-j .eresieu in arraiiKi"K injuriinuiiini p Miller h alliances, but occasionally some love sick swain or romantic school girl writes to the National Broadcasting Company asking for as- istance in locating a mate. a u' the eity t ouni ii -cv,-' free light, free telc ?i water be given ; -rem Mi Avenue which hve ttsi j ""'"" the ly JScouts frc 1' w 1 It. L Mcintosh tot tve ( this one was received at tn! wj,ch ar? ' San Francis studio: The matter w;.s tt'.evi I "if you know a man of 45, who finance committee '': neither drinks, chews or smoke; aldermen cxprt?-:m who dislikes apartment house life a bing favt'ta! "' and cheap music; who proferslfence asked being it Lome cooking to cafeterias ? who is not movie struck and doesn't! George S. lark. belong to too mrny clubs; who i! lawyer, who ha (f i careful In his choice of language; on behalf of the V who has gtvxl heaijVh and pre- terosts of Chu ag f r ' fers the out-of-doors to the ball- i t f on of the c it -room pleas let me haw all inrn outh on the available information, name, address, age and why he is 45 and hasn't been elected to the head of some household." The letter was signed "Big Bertha." VAUDEVILLE ON SATURDAY EVE afternoon. aii - Em NO BATTERIES 0 ELIMINATORS In answer to ''.e mand.Ciinadiar, Ocne' Company now c;ui? RAID0LA 5 a beautiful Con.c r it- s kcu uia.v ,n and attractively p Loudspeaker : l.lnot W.thinif tn,l'e at your dealers F.W. CIIANIIJ HI 8 Ctn Sin'f' Phoiie Red 92 la Greet. C28 H! PARKIN Electrical Shop Realism In Radio STUART TliirJ' Ci W Batter OlCWdll - YVaniei Radio SOONER OR LATER you'll want It, this latest Stewart-Warner super-: set. . Model 801 B. wilh nuton Uhliir new featurci tleit'rt and fliiements thut mean news heights of radio enM"1"1' !ii'JII.7.- Complete EASY TERMS J. Lome MacLaren, Linn ilei