Friday, Juty 11, 1919 THE DAILY NEWS. Page 2 © — -- . ——-—--———~ - — — NEW COMPANIES @agsezes CY i pocceeveoocovcn HSI QLETr, OF INTEREST TO © PRINCERUPERT | Days only | SEMI-ANNUAL | bats buat | & UR Semi-Annual Clearing Sale, starting Saturday Morning, July 12, and clos- i: g Saturday Evening, July 19, will be a money saving event for you who are in need of a New Suit, Hat or Furnishings. Has Head Offices in This City. ated recently, the notices of which appear in the British Columbia } Lw D T COMPAN pers idsazette his eek, are of interest sonra TORONTO, CANADA oe Ito Prince Rupert people. Or of | | the e is the Langara Fishing and lPacking ( ind the other the Great West Logging and I her | Ke * 1! vara lishing and Pacl hie { Lte s Capitalized at } } Iwo new companies incorpol | | CREE EERE ERE EEE EEE EEE Screened Sacked Delivered + PERTH eee ee EET Ree Oe eee eee « PEPE EE EEE EEE REE REE EERE ER RBs fro Hume | 13 00 Bal st 1 1 his associate $ ° It will be a money saving event hat you cannot per ton 2 ‘ p afford to miss. For the last few years the wuiciiitiacilies gara | Y manufacturers, on account of the high and ad- . . eee te b vancing prices, have be n advising all retail Terminal Coa Co. ray el Byer e x merchants against having sales or cutting prices, ca. sie Amen Ooms ‘ ne hundred 2. but those :ame high prices force us to dis- (nN Cras ee pra continue for the present many lines we used to bs Sel & Ore a waite Subetnd. sind we, carry in the past. This leaves us with many odd Mi Synopsis of s |! oat ee ee a & ‘x lines that we have decided to clear out regard- ey pitatived at 810,000 . The ob-| PAZ SOK. Neca of cost. BES ASBSOGHSS. mS Land Act Amendments ee us AA Vs quire and tak« ver cer ‘ - > ezine equipment and ma-| NOY So f S Days OUR MOTTO S# uintmam df Gees wat eeapenaes ane ae) Pee o for the next Seven Days : reduced to §6 an acre; second-class to hinery situate on Graham and cm ° sé UT ows os Lyell Islands, in the Province of| Fo will be “DOWN WITH THE PRICES, 0 uwttean ——s o a British Columbia, and with a view | iL ODD LINES” d Records will be granted covering only thereto t enter nio the agree hg WITH A i land suitable for ae pur poses ae eteviel t lil . wy Ae y and which is non-timber lan ; , wut parties of hot more than Your may | pa aaey Ot Se): Se you wish to dress well, wear only t ve arrange for adjacent pre-emptions ind ft irry the sane nbs ¥ b h b d b oin ence, . a te me an co seapantive Teet with without modifica 6 2 é very est t at money can uy an uy it wy laims . i ‘ ‘ vu “A a se ‘ e Y ’ ave Yours and make improvements tc ro purchase, build agg operate! 7 ys a at the very lowest possible price. You aN value of $10 per acre, including clear ; ae . . aa Ae L en ing and cultivation of at least 5 acres , ‘ , S "= yg er before receiving Crown Grant before recely | , Jand factories for the manufacture| pb ay « ; can do it here. If you wish to dodge the A pray eretemant hemes SE | \acuifurtuses of wed and, to oy — —— high prices and reduce the cost of high {4 2 years, and has made pro wer t gle t the c Srovement and tranater ne Gam, = [ArT on the business of lOggiNg,| WAG fag do it by getting in line here Saturday morning with your j rovement and transfer his claim . ? y g y Records without permanent resi- : ne Limbe ‘ hants ! 4 iving, you can 0 I y ge ing in i ' lence may be issued, provided appli- a tin ‘ La . . ant makes impfovements to extent of ’ | Tt h ll b Id f h d g th l int fr stnast and srs name sad® |erowers, timber-eruisers, and to| Gag money, as everything wi e sold for cash durin e sale. Cas year Failure to make improvements ~ bos . 4 + eseerd came «will operete as fur- y, sell, grov ind prepare fo feiture rite cannot be obtained in ‘ Ye norte . less thar year and improvements ? os exp , 10.00 per acre, including 6 ac ; ' ber, lumbe ’ , cleared and cultivated, and resiaanes |! teal in timl weeEnED. | One ine Men's All-Wool One line young men’s waist line One line men’s f at loast 2 years are required and wood of al! kinds ar ; seam . ‘re-emptor holding Crown grant | for and al iz rticles | : may record another pre-emption, if he . cclure and deal im artici } t e age Tichoa tea aoe fof all kinds in the manufacture of| wee ul Worsted Suit aincoa - pation, pro- . 00 to i r- vide atutory rents made ' timber and wood are used Regular price 0.00, to clear at Olid Stock, Regular $20. clea = - lence maintained on Crown . . ; und t near . 1 dl § Pp $5 . Regular price $45.00 to clear at ed land ' ea ‘ . ‘ © ais UL neurveyed areas. 1 exceedin 20 ov logging opers ions ane 14 50 acres, may be leased as homeaines ; , .% - aa $39.50 37 50 $ ' title to be obtained after fulfilling resi- tral and deal I gs and e — anc improvement conditions. ; : f all kind OF grasing and industrial purposes pe! : Bus i areas @xcecding 640 acres may be , _ Gne line men’s all-wool heavy One line men’s dress One line men’s biack cotton and eased by one person or company i one fancy M factory or industrial sites on Sh me ome rere compere rmmeommcrmmernnst ribbed : ae = not wo 40 acres j / . © purchased; conditions imelude * mann ot samapage Sport | Und Colored So Natural hay iin entieeenii { t naerwear Fancy patterns, regular price $2, eOe Ee 0% y ex ne a may be purchi ee ee ee et o ular cents r clear conditional upon construction of — Regular price $2.00, to clear to clear Reg pair, te of one-half of cost of Several angling parties are be so sae a s 2 road, not exceeding half of purchase Ri . a tan wie ond ; ©, @ made h Raniigzgeua ovei iti WeeR , PRE-EMPTORS’ FREE GRANTS for up the river and also in the ° tT. ws nearer lakes such as Shawatlans | . pe of this Act is enlarged to The a » te nelude all persons joining amd’ sere ind Woodworth The fishing i * With His Majesty's Forces. The it its best now according to many | mae which the heirs or devisees alae s et | 79 eased pre-emptor may apply reports and if the catches brought | er this Act is extended . a ark as ti he year from the death of n of late a any mark a th rmerly, until one truth of this, a person will surely | mclusion of Sst be Wane mlde'es |b rewarded for a little trip up to Dodge the high prices by taking the short cut to lower prices at Kiitada pre-emptions are soldiers on pre er June 26, i918 Many r five years on for return of m mere a iting a return to water sports | ‘a eS Sale Starts Saturday Morning, e 9 ® 9 Sale Starts Saturday Morning, % = 1@ and bee 1 since ugust t La | tot on Oo nee quet sring the summe rm ths and News July 12th, ends Saturday evening, artin @ S ee eee ee terest o1 gree oe ; ) se peeclaily Lo establishing prizes r ‘ = — vs Giay ingreements to pun ‘hase for races to be held on the various rD duly 19th. y ble by recorded af BPPBBBBPP BPP P people have been advo- commeeeuusniighenniaiienagunabigenenpianaintiabnimageibemenaginemaaiiainiie ed Fores vr dependent oanst , or | ‘ eee F indirect, remiteaa ae vie holidays There is nothing Kp ” ' March 24, 1920 ore healthful than the outdoor] 4% . — nuneuconns OF CROWN exercises such as rowing and wy rovietur made for ssuance of ul ing and opportunity has} Veter A " Z P grants t ib-purchaser of ; t sented itself more fav-| c f . ove presented 1 ‘ 4 “~ AC = rights fro ’ failed jaan iblw to water lovers. . ~~ y, St wee > - : ® torfeiture, on ful S ‘ f purchase, in e ° ° — — - : = = ent and taxes. Where sub-purchas ‘ will be another big base-| reba: pte Guo aad Gan +y i 7 n July 19 if this day| CALLED NAMES LAND ACT chase price due and taxes ball @ame on ¢ 7 vi =» ue . tributed proportionately’ oo ’ aad se hee nah side for the Notice of intention to Apply to Lease Land. P.O. Box 1704 area Applicat . : s Geciae 0 S ‘ ‘ 3 ae a —_ : cremate tei ao Te as ts esate eehehaation pase et fame Attending Wr uuhN CHARLOTTE LAND. DisTiucr, eace { t . |Paren ° ren tlending KECORDING DISTRICT OF SKEENA, an . GRAZING. . . . | ; tuate in the vicinity of Distric vv sing Ach 3900, for eumtemes Eg RE ry eg ee School Makes Complaint to Masset tnt, eteen Chantotes tabemae | For Comfort, Courtesy and Service : : ‘ N ’ : aock as eel esp . ' : . . F a nent of Mve k industry pro- | we ae Trustees, Who Wil! ‘hE NOTICE that the Wallace Fisher- | go to raging districts and range sible for bringing many great ‘ Limited, of Vancouver, British Colum- | | . tion under Commissions, a in th ite bul wieat areal Investigate. bia, occupation canning company, intends | T H E S A VOY HOT E L grasa permits tasued nings to this eity b WHal eres apply for permission to lease t ol- nbers ranged. y Sor estab- er than the nucleus of a first class wing aoe . he a — a) whet Stic ner ' t » school board f Cone ncin ata 3 ALi be a My el & for range manage baseball team, Clementson, Dravis At the a - 4. D : ; , ieaeet corner of the peoeaets, quer. | F. T. BOWNESS, Manager ree, or partially free, per mn . ist evening Mr@. irect ter Of Lot 702, Queen Charlotte Islands | ° settlers, campers or travellers, up ind Tinetti spend their time be . t pheteah Oh . District, thenee west 20 chains; thence | | Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. en head tween matches down at the ship OMAR, AGam oe north 27 chains; thence east 2.50 chains i : , , ‘ i th natr the Borden Street Sel | m re a jens > te high nee? mame ot | i iiidding an n ie constr ; lasse niet, nence southeasterly an : ; : : } at Hays Cove | especially the tea lowing the said high water mark 33 Running Het and Cold Water 2 Page of Stewart at tronal days down a ay ad : slowing her children t ' , | chains mere or less to the point of com- in Prince Rupert by launch |drydock football team always gave |‘ neat oh ; + me noeme mt and Containing twenty (20 ; i s» aro if ie ss Acres , ‘ . ‘day in the company of ajthe other teams a good run ‘oe! a a » ines Monel on hone rHE WALLACE FISHER.ES, LIMITED . vine or ane GMilty ¢ ver Per Fred, Nash, B.C. L. 8., Agent nt oO 6 d to » thei one he near future : ; : _ a. anges ' | om ' za a ' me ~ il het within the year and = sh 6d | Datee Sr Sy OF Suma, 1018 a“ 1Ospital pere " ‘ageiwhen a ey iveters ‘ » ee . } i at she had not been ac : .Rs d through the city a few/things will begin to look lively in that © aa ots cae LAND AOT ago and ever since his ar-|the soecer league |$0 thas sore OF tree PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT—DIS tt ; . * Ie tah IShe asked that her child °) Phict OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE SLARDS 1 Sal loin 1@ mining town s been } : ; notice tha auder, © ueen ina SY with the dams val n . f the dieow, Hill, the eatehe for the illowed to attend the King fa nartotie Uity, occupation teacher, intends Beautiful, central, Section One Lots at origi e 18} . novatlio ) , ' ‘ ss al e he ts to apply for permission to purchase the Pilal there so that it will b Junior baseball, plays a very fine|Wwa . " - a t tl Ue i Cae ne he Prices. Look at these. ; ; a wre re not |opens he board s¢ Me \ Commencing at & post planted on t receive cases requiring an |#ame all the time Phe a i > south shore of. Maude Island, about 700 ‘ $3000.00 ration any balls which get by when he side until the return of | v"" feet east of the 8. B. corner post P. A, No Lot 5, Block 14, Section 1, Mt cere eneenees ‘ shew _ . : onal when tl » i284, thenee north 20 chains; thence east lis behind the bat, He also stands|A. M ue na q sien osmthly in. |20, chains, thence south $0 chelust thence Lot 6, Block 14, Section 1, at............+> $3000.00 ID ; ‘ s a rd theldents cited Wi re roukl } weet 20 chains to int of commencement assengers on the train report |bhigh on the ae at 3 alaaniteaia | oa une Te LAUDER. = Lot 8, Block 19, Section By GB. . ncccccene ccs $5000.00 ‘ the heat in the interior is|flelders of the riva eam oF | , } cee ee eee FE ete d St — ree wa tol ENS " : . » 2n . ‘HY stifling and that it is prac play deep when George ste] ' 7 Use MURESCO, the great sani See the classified ads. on page DAVID H, HAYS, 2nd Ave and Cally impossible to get any sleep|the plate. He has a'so a well te ‘all finish A W. Edge Co. five, the coaches, jtrained throw to second base tary wa » ‘