a eo. * er Page 4 DO YOUR a4 ee ik Then use Zam-Buk, There is nothing 80 soothing for tender, aching or blistered feet, It will end the burning, draw out the soreness, prevent blistering and give you perfect foot comfort. Also there is nothing so good as Zam-Buk for sunburn, heat rashes, blistered hands, aching muscles, mosquito and insect bites, cuts, bruises, burns and all skin injuries and ailments. 60c. all druggists and stores. ROYAL: Pool Room moved to 721 Third Ave. Opposite The Empress Hotel MABEL NORMAND IN HER LATEST PICTURE Famous Star Who Played ‘Mickey’ is At Westhoime in Latest Similar Feature. The very latest picture made by the famous star, Mabel Normand, since she played “Mickey” is “The Pest’ which is being shown to night at the Westholme Theatre. In this film she has a very similar part to the other. In the story The Pest has few friends in the little village by the river. The Blodgetts, a slovenly couple, with whom she makes her home, mistreat her day and night. But she has fine ideas, has the Pest. One day when she is obliged to deliver eggs to the home of Judge Fisher up on the hill she wears two turkey feathers in Wer old knocked in straw hal She knows this is the style for she has seen a lady from the cily wear two such feathers—only they didn’t come from a turkey. Judge Fisher takes a kindly inter- est in the girl and invites her to BI nis daughter’s party that night. Blanche despises the Pest but lets her wear one of her gowns. When CIGARS SODA Two per cent. Beer JOHN PELLICANO she walks awkwardly onto the floor everyone ignores her, At this the Pest’s heart is broken but she bravely and, instead, fichts! There is more to the plot than resists erying SEEDS! For the Garden Specially Suited for Prince Rupert soil. FEED Chickens HAY, GRAIN & FERTILIZER P.R.FEED Co. PHONE 58 P. O. Box 333 908 3rd Ave. SOFeFare SPLENDID GARDENS AT DIGBY HOSPITAL Fruit, Flowers and Vegetables at Quarantine Station Look Very Promising. It is now eight years since Mi and Mrs. James Smith took charge of the quarantine hospital at Digby. At that time the plac: rough and unbroken gards a garden. How marked a contrast there is today, and es- pecially at this time as the flowers was re- as are growing so beautifully ali around the grounds. The lilaes are in the height of their bloom whilst fox gloves and columbines are blooming profusely in various corners of the garden. All along Mrs. Smeeton’s Select Lunch & Tea Rooms 309 Second Avenue, West. Lunches, Teas, Ice cream, Soft Drinks. Home - Made Bread, Cakes, Pies, Salad Dressing, Jams, Marmalades, Chutney, Etc. Famous Melton Mowbray Pies. Pienic Parties Catered for one side of the house the pansies flowering and the and dahlias are already well up from the ground and will soon be bearing blossom, In the back garden the tables are more advanced than in the local gardens. Lettuce, cab- bage, carrots and onions are very stocks are asters vege. iarge and would soon be fit for market. The potatoe tops are about a foot above the earth. As ifor the fruit trees an excellent jerop is promised especially rasp- iberries. The strawberries are ifast ripening and with a little anes sun will be ready to be served on the table. The whols j}scene is a very great encourage- {ment to people who think that ‘nothing can be grown in Prince TOM LEE CO. 840 Second Avenue, West. VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retail General Contractors and Labor, Exchange. Prince hKupert, B.C. Phone 547 — P.O. Box 725 ee 4 oh Shh WHALER ORION HITS | UNCHARTED ROCK AT | QUEEN CHARLOTTES The whaler now at Esquimalt undergoing repairs to damage caused by hitting an un jcharted rock off the Queen Chai Orion 1s —=— - _ neni’) ORROS . Hlottes when working out of Rose Three plates will have ito be renewed, while two others The Gurvich Transfer Phone Green 548 P.O. Box 102 Office, Fraser St. We: Sell : Coal pecs will have to be taken off, straight ened, and put back again. | The whaling tender Gray is at | Victoria. She took on whale meat at the Grand Trunk dock, and wil! take, the cargo to Tacoma. The lboat-has just returned to Victoria ifrom Ladysmith, where she coal- led. i ; PRISONER SOLDIERS The Norfolk Rooms 6th Ave. and Fulton Street Nice large Furnished Rooms for Gentlemen or Married Couples. Every Convenience | ELIGIBLE FOR AWARDS ' (Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) | Ottawa, July 10.—-Officers and jmen of the Canadian expedition- lary forces who displayed gallant ‘ty while escaping or attempting to eseape from the enemy, or why rendered exceptional service while prisoners of war or interned eligible for awards, it is nounced, are ane Passenger traflic was very light soo Tie “Gartland”’ Boarding House ~~" Sixth Avenue East Near Drydock Buard by Month or Week. Phone Ked 246 ee on last night's train in spite of the fact that there was boat con- nection for the south, A great number of passengers were jopought from the other side of iEdmonton to that city, which is lholding its anhus! fair at this j time, | THK DAILY PRINCE RUPERT WATERFRONT LEASE LALED TENDERS will be reecived by th Minister of Lands, at Victoria, B.C. up to 12 o'clock hoon on Thursday, 31st july, 1049, for the purchase of a lease of the parcel or’ tract of tand forming part f the waterfront Lot K,” in the City fr Prince Rupert, Province of British Go lumbia, and land covered by water lying in front of said waterfront Lot “K" and Witich may be as follows more particularly described COMMENCING at a point vhere the northerly boundary of water front Lot K” produced Easterly will intersect the Easterly boundary of the right of way of Grand Trunk Paci Railway; thence north 43 jeg. 47 min, east a distance of 175 ft; thence south 33 deg. 28 m. 15 8 East a distance of 345 feet; thence South 43° dew 47 min, West a dis tance of 175 feet to the Easterly boundary of the said Right of Way f the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway; hence North 33 deg. 28 min, 15 sec West and following along the East erly boundary of said Right of Way to the point of commencement on taining 1.35 acres, more or less rerm of Lease to be 10 years tified cheque covering one year's ental must accompany each tender, the cheques of Unsuccessful tenderers to be eturned immediately. The highest or any tender not neces ly accepted : renderers myst state what business they are engaged in and must designate clearly Just what use they intend to make f the premises; how much they intend to xpend in improvements, in What manner in what time rhe following, amongst other condition will be imposed under the Lease rhat prior to the erection of any wharf n the property, plans of same must be bmitted for the approval of the Minis ter of Lands, rhat provision must be made for the rhead crossing shown on the official lan of Waterfront Lot “K,” also access und from the water in connection with same, at rent shall be paid in annual tn talments in advance G. RR, NADEN. Deputy Minister of Lands Department of Lands, Victoria, B, C., June 30th, 1919 SEALED TENDERS addressed to the indersigned, and endorsed “Tender for Landing Float and Approach at Port Es- ington, B.C.,” will be received at this Mice unt 12 o'clock noon, Thursday, July 31, 1918, for the construction of a Landing Float and Approach at Port ks neton, Skeefa District, BoC, Plans and forms of contract can be seen ind) sspectiication and forms ef tender Diained at this Department, at the office District Engineer at Prince Rupert, f tbe B. « ind at the ton, B. ¢ renders Post Office, Port Essing will not be considered uniess made on printed forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with con littons contained therein hach tender must be accompanied t in accepted cheque On a chartered bank payable. to the order of the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 p.c. of the mount of the tender War Loan Bonds f the Dominion will also be accepted as st rity or war bonds and cheques ti equir ed to make up an odd amount VOTE Blue priffts can be obtained at his Department by depositing an ac epted bank cheque for the sum of 810 payable to the ‘order of the Minister of ‘ublic Works, which will be retarned ff the intending bidder submit a regular bid By order, Rk. C. DESROCHERS Secretary Works 1919 Department of Public Ottawa, June 26, ASSIAR LAND DIS DISTRICT OF CASSIAR STIKINE DIVISION ¢ TRICT TAKE NOTICE that I, Robert Hyland, of relegraph Creek, B.C., occupation trader, ntend to apply for permission to leas the following described land Commencing at 4@ post planted on the 8. W. corner, about 250 yards below Dee, Creek and 2 miles westerly from Telegrapt Creek, fronting the Stikine River; thence north 7% chains; thence east 20 chains thence south 7% chains; thence west 20 chains to the point of commencement, and containing fifteen (15) acres, more or less ROBERT HYLAND Date, May 29, 1919 iN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA TION ACT and NY THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE Oj LARS OLSEN THUNE, DECEASED, IN TESTATE TAKE NOTICE that in order of the Hon Mr. Justice Glement, made the 24th day f June A. D, 1919, | was appointed Ad ministrator to the estate of Lars Olsen frhune, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified to mé, On or before the 26th day of July A. D. 1919, and all parties indebted to the tate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith JOHN H, MeMULLIN, OMecial Administrator DATED this 26th day of June, 1919 (IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA TION ACT and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ALBERT COLE, DECEASED, INTES TATE TAKE NOTICE that in order of the Hon Mr. Justice Clement, made the 24th day of June A. D. 1919, I was appointed Ad ministrator to the estate of Albert Cole, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me, m or before the 26th day of July, A. D 1919, and all parties indebted to the es tate their are required to pay indebtedness to me the amount of forthwith JOHN HH, MeMULLIN, OMeial Administrator DATED this 26th day of June, 1919, WATER NOTICE DIVERSION AND USE. TAKE NOTICE that M. P, Olsen, whese address is Alice Arm, B. C,, will apply r @ ticenee to take and use 10 second feet of water out of Tumble Creek, also known 48 Goat Creek, which flows weat erly and draine inte the kitsault River, about 17 miles from its mouth at head of the Inlet of Alice Arm The water will be diverted from the stream #t a point about 20 chains easterly from §8.B. corner Lot $196, Cassiar Dis trict, and will be used for mining purpose upon the mine described as the North Star Mineral Claim, Lot 3634, Cassiar District This netice was posted on the ground m the 20th day of June, 1919 A copy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the “Water Aet, 1914 will be Died in the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B.C Objections to the application may be filed with the said Water Kecorder or with the Comptrotier of Water Rights, Parlia ment Buildings, Vietoria, B. C within thirty days after the. first appearance of this notice in 4 loeal newspaper M. P. OLSEN, Applicant The date of the first publication of this notice is June 26, 1619, NEWS. | O Prospective Builders GRMUTOTEM TUNE TOTOIIN TTOTOTOT OPN OU NOON NUTT VOTTTUTO VOUT OTT We have just received at our Wharf the following lines in building materials: One Scowload of FIR LUMBER Made up of Flooring, V Joint, Cedar Bevelled Siding and Double Dressed Finish 100 tons CEMENT 1 car load PLASTER 200,000 LATHS 100,0 200,000 Friday, July 41 300 barrels LIME 00 BRICKS SHINGLES We are agents for the PRINCE RUPERT SPRUCE MILLS, LTD., and ean give 2 g Phone 116 and 564 ist MINERAL AU'l CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE, Beaver, Sundog Fraction, Clark, Jimm Fraction, Rob Roy, and Nephin Fraction situate in the Naas Mining Mineral Claims, Division of Cassiar District. Where located:—-On the Granby Bay, near Anyox. TAKE NOTICE that Il, H. N. Clague ! the city of Dunean, B.C., acting a5 age) for the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelt west ing and Power Company, Limited, ft Miner’s Certificate No, 32188-C, intend sixty days from the date hereof, to app) to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, for the purp talning a Crown Grant of the above clain And further take notice that action, un der section 85, must be commenced b the issuance of such certificate of Im provements. Dated this 3rd day of July, A.D. 191% I CLAGUE, B.C,L.8 NOTICE IN THE MATTER of an app/ication for the issue of a fresh certificate of ttle to Lots 45 and 46, Block 1, Section 5&, City of Prince Rupert, Map 923 NOTICE I8 HEREBY GIVEN that it ts my intention to issue, after the expiration vf one month from the first publication hereof, a fresh certificate of title to the above mentioned lands in the hame of Donald Ross and Robert MacKay, which certificate is dated 2ist day of January, 1915, and is numbered 7115-1 H. F ACLEOD, District strar of Titles DATED at the Land Registry Ome, Prince Rupert, B. C., this 25th day of June, 1919. LAND ACT tecording District n Langara Island. rake notice that Hume B. rince Rupert, B. C of Skeena, and situate Babington of , occupation master mariner, intends to apply for permission to lease the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about & chains im @ southeasterly direction from the S. W. corner of Lot 908; thence south aiong high water 500 feet; thence west about 200 feet to low water; thence north westerly about 4 chains along low water to a potpt due south of the 5. W. corner of Lot @08; thence north about 8 chains to the 8.W. corner of lot 998; thence southeasterly along high water to post and containing five acres, more or less. 1 BABINGTON Dated May 7, 1919. WATER NOTICE DIVERSION AND USE, TAKE NOTICE that M,. ® Ottawa, Ont, whose address B. Hood, Atlin, B. C., will apply for a licence to take and use four cubie feet per second of water out of Spruce Creek, which flows east to west and drains into Pine Creek, about two and one half miles from Lake Atlin The water will be diverted from the stream at @ point about 150 ft. below assidy Group on Jas, Nedved’s ground, and will be used for placer mining pur- poses upan the Calder Bench Lease de scribed as Hydraulic Placer Mining Lease No. 387. This notice was posted on on the 27th day of May, 1919. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the “Water Act, Lillico, oO: is care Wm the ground 1914,” will be filed tm the office of the Water Recorder at Atlin, B,C Objections to the application may be fled with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parita ment Buildings, Victoria, B, C within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice In a local newspaper M. R. LILLICO, Applicant, Ottawa, Ont By Wm. B. Hood, Atlin, B.C., Agent The date of the first publication of this notice is June 23, 1019 SKEENA LAND DISTRICT OF RECORDING ‘DIVISION QUEEN CHARLOTTI ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE that Edgar Davis, of An yox, B. C., electrician, intends to apply for permission to prospect for coal and petro leum on the west coast of Graham Island in the vicinity of West River: Commencing at @ post planted at the southeast corner of C.L. 10,912, thence north 80 chains, thence east 89 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to point of commencement EDGAR DAVIS Per Austin Brown, Agent Dated May 18, 1019 IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN THE MAPPER OF THE ADMINISTIA TION ACT and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ANNTI SAIKKONEN OTHENMWISE KNOWN AS ANDREW LEIVO; DE CEASED, INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that in order of His Honour F. McB. Young, made the 0th day of June, A.D. 1019, | was appointed Administrator to the estate of Annti Salk kongn, otherwise known a8 Andrew Lelvo, dec@ased, and all parties having claime against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me, on or before the @3rd day of July, A.D 1919, and all parties indebted to the es tate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith, JOUN HH. MeMULLIN, OMfeial Administrator, DATED this 2ird day of June, A. bd, 1019 side of} jottee of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. In Queen Charlotte Isiands Land District, | Office, Second Avenue, n you a figure covering the complete material for any building Ta Tell Your Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. ext Westholme Theatre EVQUUUALOUAU TOUTED AANA ANAT But your PLUMBING Troubles, tell them to anges" Troubles HARRY HANSON, the Plumber with twenty-five years ex- perience. “He guar to the antees to remedy an) Plumbing trouble. I! you intend building, POLICE = ! will lay out your = plumbing plans to best * suit climatic condi- CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE. Blue Jay, John John Bull No. 3, Fraction Mineral Naas Mining Iron Bug, Bull No. 1, Luintinen in the District Where Bull Johu and Drum Claims, situate Division of Cassiar located miles up Falls Greek, TAKE NOTICE that I, H. N. Ciague of the city of Duncan, B. C., acting as agent for the Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelt ing and Power Company, Limited, Free Miner's Certificate No. 32188-G, intend, sixty days from the date hereof, tw apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of improvements, for the purpose of ob taining a Crown Grant of the above claim And further take notice that action, un der section 85, must be commenced before the issuance of such c@rtificate of Im provements Dated this 4rd day of July, A.D li. N. CLAGUE, B TIMBER SALE X 1719. Approximately two Granby Bay 1919 c.L. 8 Sealed tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands not later than hoon on the 10th day of July, 1919, for the pur- ehase of Licence X 1719, to cut 805,000 feet of Spruce and Hemlock, on Lots 6001 and 6002, Kitimat River, Range V., Coast District. Two years will be allowed for re-moval of timber Further particulars of the Chief Forest er, Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, Prince Rupert, B.C. TIMBER SALE X 1649. Sealed tenders will be received by the | Minister of Lands hot later the 22nd day of July, 1919, hase of Licence X 1649, feet of Spruce, than noon on for the pur to cut 1,412,000 Cedar and Hemlock, on an irea situated on Kildalla Bay, Rivers Iniet, Kange 2, Coast District, Two years will be allowed for re-moval of timber Further particulars of the Chief Forest er, Victoria, B.C., or Distriet Forester, Prince Rupert, B. C, TIMBER SALE X 1762. Sealed tenders will be Minister of Lands not later than noon on the Sth day of July, 1019, for the pur hase of Licence X% 1762, to cut 700,000 feet of Fir timber floating in Northerly portion of Harrison Lake, New Westminster District, One year of timber Further particulars of the Chief Forest received by the will be allowed for removal HARRY HANSO 139 2nd Ave., Prince Rupert, B.C. DUNNULELAENAUOONDOONOONUUANALAGUUOQODGNDOGUOUGAGDUGGL YOOOSUOEPYS¢HNO GUO SUOOEAAD SUA EOED EGON!) MINERAL ACT | tions, ete., and this free of charge. g P.O. Box 395 Phone 489 DOUNNUANEANAA ETNA HULL lil The Salvation Army Red Shield Campaign STARTS MAY 19, MONDAY, IN HAZELTON And continues all this month along all points of the G.T.P. '3 The Salvation Army Did Its Bit, Let Us Do Ours. Support the Army behind the Army as well as the Army at Home. First to Serve, Last to Appeal. NOTE—-Prinee Rupert cam- paign will start in July and all other places on the coast. ' 1 RS FR FR FES OR FREE FREE LE FRR LR RSE LS LS ELE TRIES RLS TS TRL LS LL LS Oe NOTICE Harry : Hanson The Reliable Piumber Jiaving a year's lease on Westenhaver’s store, next Westenhaver’s oflice, will sublet part of this to others, either for offee purposes or for show or sample rooms. Kent reasonable. HARRY HANSON v, Vietorla, B. C., r District Forester, Vancouver, 8c.” — The Reliable Plumber : Phone 489 P.O. bow 395 TIMBER SALE X 1209. : pi ! 8 139 Seeond Avenue. sealed tenders will be received by the oreo Minister of Lands not later than noon on} the 10th day of July, 1910, for the pur o chase of Licence X 1200, to cut 960,000 | feet of Spruce and Cedar on an area ad joining T, 8 X 1208, Ellersiie Channel, FOR ELECTRICAL WORK Khange 8, Coast District, lwo years will be allowed for re-moval Go to of timber | Further particulars of the Chief F st é er, Vietoria, B.C., or District Forester, | Prince Rupert, B. G. e0 a e Ea * TIMBER SALE X 1650. 936 and A ve. Sealed tenders will be reeeived by the Minister of Lands not later than noon on | Phones the 10th day of July, 1919, for the pur chase of Licence K% 1650, to eut 886,000 | BLACK 367 —- GREEN 394 feet of Spruce and Hemlock on an area Mon . adjoining Lot 5605, Chuck-Walla River, | Save ey In Lampe Range 2, Coast District ore Two years will be allowed for of timber, Pifvriher particulars of the Chief Porest er, Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, Prince Rupert, B. C. i | re-moval | Never forget to look throug! the classified list on Page 5.