PAGE TWO CIt Fo The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIi Published Kvery Afternoon, except Sunaay, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. II. F. l'ULLEN - - Managing Editor. DAILY EDITION rr.- U--r- SmlSailPTII or orWVjJer, eawier. yearly Teafir parked, Der6d. p verjrpw mail naid In advanc period, pnid hi advance per month . . By mail tniui ptm.a i N'uiherii and CeiitiJ British CoJum paid in. advaccejfor yearly period Or four mo .it ha for By mail tall other parts of British Columbia, the British KE5.0u HIT'" ;',?. 3.0C $1.00 Empire and Unkcd States, paid in advance per year .... $6.00 By (tail tott other couc tries, per year $7.M Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion $1.40 Transient. Advertising on Front Page, per ineh Local ftsiders, per insertion, per line Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word . . Legai Matlees, each insertion per igatc line Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - Member of Audit Bureau af Circulations 93 86 $2.80 .25 .13 Wednesday, Sept 5, 1928 HONOR TO CANADA It is a great honor to Canada to have the prime minister of the country vice-president of the League of Nations Assembly. The League is the most important gathering in theworld at present and to have Canada so well represented there speaks volumes for the standing of this country in the eyes of other nations and for the quality of the man who is representing her. WESTHOLME THEATRE While we know nothing of the laws governing the inspection of buildings, we know that the people of Prince Rupert are anxfoss that the WesthoJrae Theatre, no matter under whose management, shall be kept in operation until the other theatre is able to cater to lae amusement needs of the community. After that we are not so much concerned. It then becomes largely a matter of business rivalry. In Prince Rupert we need the attraction of a moving picture theatre and need it badly. Especially is this true during fair week. For that reason alone we hope some understanding will be arrived ahy which the theatre may operate. If it could be used before the new seats and new machines were installed, it is difficult to understand the logic of closing it now, as long as the management j PORT SIMPSON FIRE The absolute need of baring a fire department always in good working order Seftmi p hive hfeen exemplified in Port Simpson where we nose stream wad not strong enough to reach the tops of buildings. Of course it is a good thing to have watextlaid on even with a low pressure behind it. but it is probable that the pressure might be increased with very little extra cost We must congratulate Port Simpson on its getting off so easily aa when everything looked so bad. AND NOW FOR THE FAIR Next week at this time the big fair will be in full swinir. Much "ur" " "'r""y. oone Tmr "ut an underground development uiiviiix "i ii.i ieti program. 1 of eroes-cut tunnel which cut one or trie veins at 160 feet depth F. C. Winkler, manager of the showing a width of sixty feet. This Cassiar Gold Mines Ltd., owning ore wwy snowed values of from property in the upper Salmon 93 to $11 in gold, silver, lead and basin, has arrived in Stewart to sine. Another tunnel, further up start a campaign of active devel- uw nni, winy leet in lengtn, cut opment on the property. He a vtry promising galena vein, ca-- brought in a large amount of ryiisf values in silver, lead and equipment and supplies which copper. There are a number of have been moved up to the mine. veins uu wic properiy, visime on 1 ne tassiar consists or seven the surface for considerable dis- claims lyinf four miles north of North American Life Assurance Co. . Will five you a policy that will take care of the problem of TOJIOHKOW P. I'VLK, Aient, Prince Hupert, ILC. the Premier. Some fine surface showings of ore will now be opened up. Harry Thomey and Frank Haugh have reported the discovery of rich ore on their claims situated above the Ben Bolt property on the south fork of Glacier Creek, the report attracting considerable attention in Stewart. Assays gave excepionally high values and a well known Stewart engineer left immediately for the purpose of looking over the show ing. The trail from the Portland rS'.r ? Canal beach to the Georgia River i - ... " . utivt uuucibwhu i wujr ii u conditions should have been allowed to continue as long as they did If the lives of people were being endangered. "It is a surprise to me that the developments just getting under way in the Portland Canal were not undertaken years agd," de-. clares C. W. Tully, mining man of oxet twenty years' experience In Ontario, Quebec and Northern Manitoba, who has been making an inspection of the Stewart district. "Anyone experienced in min ing and mines must be impressed by the ore showings that are now being opened up in different sec tions of the camp and the great promise of large tonnage of commercial ore which some of these new developments hold. The lack of cheap power seems to me to be the chief obstacle to rapid development. I am not familiar with the possibilities for large power installation in this locality but, if ttfh an enterprise could be established, it would, I feel sure, be a profitable one and would' very quickly result in making a booming camp of big production md Stewart a large and prosperous town. One does not need to be a fortune teller to see that this is your ultimate destiny which should not be much longer in developing. As regards transportation, this camp is ideally situated and some day in the near future I expect to return and find these hills a hive of industry and Stewart the busiest harbor on the northern coast." mine, a distance of some nine miles, has now been completed and the first pack train went through recently. An additional dozen pack horses have been sent down from Stewart to rush in material for camp construction and supplies for winter. The intention is to work a crew of from 15 to 20 men all winter. A new adit tunnel will be started at once on the main vein for the pur pose of developing at depth of 100 feet a rich shoot of ore which oc curs' on the surface, 160 feet from the portal, and carries very high now depends upon the efforts of local citizens aa to whether it shall lvalues in gold. The Bulliou vein o a success or not. inose wno nave I lowers to their gardens are 'tunnel will be extended to the in-aaked to enter them. Those who have needlework or other articles i terseetioa of the main vein from which they have done are asked to put them on exhibit. Let us all! which point both it and the main feel that this fair is ours and that it is up to us to make it a success, vein will be developed, giving a Then results will be achieved. News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT ratter Creek Mines Lid. Financed Cassia r Gold Starts Devel-Ofatntte in Upper SaJatoa Georgia River Gold Getting Down to Bifsiness If certain negotiations which are now reported to be under way materialise, considerable capital will shortly be available for the development of the property of the Bitter Creek. Mlaesvlftd.'.tlJj" I r0 Stewart consisting of nine claims composing the well known L.L. ' J i ta .a . aeptn oi practically tnree nunarea feet on the main vein and 150 feet on the Bullion vein. When the adit tunnel on the main vein reaches the southwest vein, the latter will also be drifted on, exploring it, as well as the main vein, at depth. GOLDBLOOM'S SALE OF LADIES' FUR COATS Would you like a fur coat? And would lke ta art It at oo third leas than Wr-eost? iOt im yott would. H. group situated on the south fork of Bitter Creek. The Bittar - ..... -x. . ,L ..- ,.?!,: . ssssw wwauaawwwsM bin V1U VslUlC Lreeit Miues TsJ Ltd. was organized last spring for the purpose of taking . iur dealer. oaMUoom i having sale over and financing the development of the group. Two-thirds of ot furs before he leave tat New York, tho capital stock of $1,500,000 is still in the treasury and the com-'" neat wee to arrange for his par.V ni'.S TO debts 0 is in a i?nod f nsnr il nnaitinn U'Mh nnmnto. purenase oi raw lurs and until he tion of the negotiations for dovel-- opaent capital, it will be in shape tances. The firat work will be to Institute an aggressive devel- confined to open cutUng and atrip-opment campaign. Considerable ping thege preliminary to laying leasee, every article In his store la be-lag offered at real sale prlosa one-third , bclew the ordinary price. After benag twenty years in business i ta Prince Rupert. Ooldhtoom prVdes himself on the number of his satisfied I leustsxiiers. ne guarantees every article he sella to be aa represented and to grVe aattsfaettoa with a mosey back gmarantee. Aad no one can do much better than that! So see Ooldbloom this week about that fur coat, before he leaves for the east WM. OOMinLOOM The I'lonwr Fur Dealer Adrt SITE NOT SELECTED that It was a very worthy cause. 938 Messrs. Black and Armstrong, prtn- Utpats of the National Airplane Spruce rCo. Ltd, reported yeaterday that the site In or near the city for the sawmill they props erecting has not yet been elected. Meantime, logging operations hare been started up the Scatatl river with about a doreu men now employed. HOYS' HANI) (HUNT On recommendation of the finance committee, a great of taOO was made by the city council last night to the Beys' Band fund. Both Mayor Mc-Mordle and Aid. Prudhomme remarked THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, Sepr,, Teh Years Ago In Prince Rupert SEPTEM11EH 3, 191 Local merchant snd citizen gener-aUr oontrtbuKd generously to fund tap the TrtdW. & I bor Aouncn'f. Labor DIV etfcmtfth The, 3aadleuFU adll Cold Storage Co. and Llpsett-Cuo-n Ins ham Oo. Ltd . beaded the Ut with donation j: S0 each. Weed baa reached the city of the death at Net, MeCskstla. Alaska, of B. Win. Duncan, rounder of old Met-iakatla Indian minion near Prince Rupert. He was 64 years of age. George M. Belrnee, noted Hazelton suta. 1 a visitor in the city. Recently ha drove 98 tone along a four hundred sail tfali from Telegraph Creek 3 HaseMon. BOVAL CANADIAN NAVAL YOLl'.NTEEK RESERVE Prince Rupert. It. C. Lietkt. W. Hume, Commanding Monthly Orders for September. 1938. DBILtS--Mondays, from 8 pm. to 9 pa. Instructions w'il be arranged according to number present. WRALBR Ins: ructions will be given i boat pulling sad sailing on Friday night. ANNUAL TRAINING Period No 10 which to allotted for the Prince Rupert Half Company commences on 17th 8eptMBkr to 3th Sept ember Any rating who desires te attend this period 'bculd give their names In as soon as poaslble. There to only one mor' period this yaar and that la ratings for all watts, wMob commences 1st Oct. to ISth Oct. VACANCIES There are several vacancies for Seamen, Signalmen: one Motor Mechsntlc snd Oae Shipwright. Any volunteer should apply any Friday Night, g pm. to 9 pjn at the "aval Headquarters. LIEUT. W. HUME. RCNVR Company Ommandh'g Officer MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board dally. We can give instant service in buying and selling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also have facilities for accepting Wheat orders on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co- Lid-Vancouver. S. D.Johnston Co.Ltd. 617 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C Roofing and Specialities Mineral Surfaced Roofing Mineral Surfaced Shingles Hoi Roofing Building Papers and Felts Ever jet Elastic Paint Plastic Elastigum Shingle Stains Creosote Oils Marine Seam Pitch. Distributors-Albert &McCaffery Limited Phones 11$ and 117 "Uuiid ac A Letter About Coffee JMAIf A few days ago we gave the . opinion of a coffee expert on i iPatlffc Milk. Yesterday we received a letter from Mrs. Ethel Underwood of this city, who has observed the same result. She, too, say that Pacific Milk neutralizes the acids and adds tone to the coffee flavor. PACIFIC MILK t'artnrlrs at Abbotuford and Ijtlner, ILC. Iliilld D.C." nnlLINO OIL TOO MCttCIFt'L "Well, madam, why cHat you wish to serre on the Jury?" asked the Judge. "I'm opposed to capital punishment ' "But Uila la merely a cane in wind: a wife la aulng her huaband for an u counting. It seems she gave hun' sAOO to pay down on a handsome fur coat, and be la alleged to have lost the money at poker." The weman Juror spoke up promptly: "I'll serve Maybe I'm wrung about capital punishment." A treat in th Peppermint. flavored sugar-coated jacket and another in the Peppermint-flavored gum inilJe utmost value In IonglaitIng delight W LADIES' DEPARTMENT Ladies' Rayon Silk Bloomers. Watson Ladies' Waists and Dreasss la Tweeds, Ftatttsls, etc te clear at each A NEW SCREW-CAP FOR 'REAL OLD SCOTCH' With the new tenr-off capsule ami air-tight acre tf. cap, you can now open a bottle of White Horse in an .'nntant. Very quick and very simple. No corkscrew required. This new seal 1mm rap hi red everyone. Seotsntext-are enlliusiafetic. HORSE Scotch Wiisb WHITE MORS DISTILLERS, LTD., GLASGOW A. LONDON. This ' rtirtfrrn nt is not published or displayed Control H'ard or by the riovornment of Brit Mi f H. S. WALLACE CO, LTD. DOLLAR DAY ednesday Monarch quality, in Rose, Saad,, Pink, Mauve, Nile and Peach, per pair $1jB Pure Silk Hose in Brown. Black, Gny, t4 value to 31.7. 8 pairs for fUM Penman's Silk and Lisle Hoot in rVaelt, Sand, Sunset, Grey. etc. Silk to welt. Pirs for $IM Women's Crepe Hsum Umses, nicety broidered in a variety of aJiidwi. BNpk $Lt n dozen ladies' Fancy Pifwrti PHwaaty Sizes 16 to 44, value to fSJfe to bs ohissr ed at each ftl.OO Corselettes in fancy figured pink material 4 garters and elastic insets, each . . tf .M Ladies' Psll Weigh Union Baits, ktww length, sleeveless style, suit Silk Knit Scarves and Crvp de Chins Printed Scarves, each B14W 1 dozen only, lists, nicely trimmed. Vsttw' to $1.50. To clear at each B5f Umbrellas and Parasols in variooa cloths. Value to $1.76, for each Sf Dress Flannels- in Copen, Ktsw HenM, , Jade, Sand, Orey, ete ysrd ........ Wf CHILDRrhVS DEPARTMENT Children'a Lisle 8es in White, etc, ft pairs far Saint, $1.00 Boys' Wear Wall Rib Hose, sizes 7 t pairs for St.oo Children's Biaaa Jamwrs in V-ii.. . i Black Stripe, t (Or -SI . Misses' Rfhosd 811k aad Lisle U ChaaapatM aad Mist Sixes 6 to i oaira far S1.m Children's Wlatar Weight Union Si. White or Nataral, loag sleeves aii ieit 8l.w Children's Khaki Overalls, good h Jraan sises. 8 to 8 ysars, per suit $i h IMLM'HUV DEPARTMENT Cretonnes la savaral designs, bright ings, S yarda for Siaa n by-sU. Xah 81.00 Fringed Lace Curtain Panela in fviir liferent designs. 2 14 yards long, eai -h U."f Cattaln Nets la atirsctive pattern. edge, vajoas to Sfte. S yards for $!' Waahabie llaa Mtwa in varied colm-.t;- Feather Pillowa In Panay Art Ticking v- era. Each 8L SVAPLE DEPARTMaTNT Tea Towelling, BNm Chaek, nice absorbent quality. 6 yards for S1.AO ftriped Tarkiah Towels, splendid iu l' v large sise, M by 4ft, pair $,'0 Striped Turkish, Totals, splcrfldfd hfllaltlfrrrf'-rSTr large si, 24 by 4ft. Pair ........ $J HI ) or Blue, ft yatOs for SEE OUH WINDOWS FOR OTHKK SIECIAI. One Day 0 Phono 9. ii!y, Wednesday 5th Sept. 3rd Ave. and Fulton Street